based on everything I've read so far..I think that she was def on something (maybe someone drugged her or she did it on her own)
and then they took advantage of her and killed her. She had been there before right? maybe some guy noticed her condition and decided to make a move.
I don't know something just doesn't seem right in that video. her body language doesn't indicate that she is scared either.
i don't buy the whole making sign languages idea since i don't think that she was even aware that she was under surveillance.
her being nearsighted does make sense though since you can kind of tell that she's struggling trying to identify the buttons..
idk maybe her not having her glasses/being under some drug was a bad combination and she ended up in a bad situation because of it
Man, some of y'all just love the imagination too much or have watched way too many scary movies.

What do I think happened? She was on drugs man. I've seen people act more trippy and bugged out than that on shrooms, acid, or even dust. Go find videos of people on dust. She was on vacation, people tend to do drugs on vacation.

For all I know she took way to much Molly, and that's probably why she ended up in the water tank.
Where's Conan edogawa when you need him? For all my case closed fans

But one thing

There should be cameras in the halls right? They can look there. If there aren't any cameras in the hallway then what kinda hotel is this?
My theory and I'm willing to put money on it. I work as a building engineer so a lot of things came to mind.

1. Watching the video she seems coherent to me. People are pointing at her strange activity saying She is under the influence. I doubt that.

2. The elevator door didn't close, because she probably hit the hold open button on accident. Some elevator doors stay open for an extended period of time if nothing crosses the doors.

3. Her behavior in the elevator was probably due to her thinking she needs to step away from the door for the door to close. I've seen people do this all the time in my building. Thinking there is a motion sensor in an elevator.

4. A lot of factors could've caused the door to stay open. From her hitting the hold door button. From her breaking the plane constantly. Or elevator hydraulic pumps still trying to make pressure. Etc. even from the elevator failing. Or someone holding the door open

5. Her getting to the roof is no accident. The only way someone could get to the roof is if someone that has access took her there. If she got there on her own. The following things need to happen.
-She has to know which door takes you to the roof
-she needs the key to open that door
-she needs to shut off the alarm to the exterior roof door
-she needs to climb 15ft high to get up to the water tower
- she needs to know how to access the water tower
- she needs the correct tools and strength to open the damn thing
- and has to be able to close it over her head

5. My other theory how she got there.
With the elevator that got stuck. I honestly think a maintenance worker approached her in the hallway. Told her that there is another elevator she could take, the "maintenance elevator". If somone told you that the elevator was broken of course you wouldnt take it, if someone told you thete is another elevator you could take and that person is a hotel employee of course you would trust him. Oh And the only elevator that could get you to the roof is the maintenance elevator.
I heard they dont know why she came to the US but that she wa s planning on going to santa monica for some reason

Seems like an awfully long time for the doors to be open for hitting the hold button plus if it was just a case of the door hold button why did she get on and hit every button. Second time she was pushing extra hard on the bottom button that didnt light up. Door hold or door close?
Morning all, I agree with everything ELJEFE says.. this case is definitely doubt about it. If the LAPD somehow find a way to say it is an accident.. it would be an insult to our intelligence...
1.) Anyone know why she was in the hotel / staying there in the first place? Was she there visiting someone?..

2.) Where was she going in the elevator? Did she have someone / something to fear like someone said because she panicked to get the elevator to go, kept checking outside to see if anyone was there.

3.) Definitely foul play with the elevator.. it doesn't close while she's in it, but once she steps out it works perfectly fine.

4.) No water in her lungs.. she was dumped in the water tank dead. Someone had to have killed her, hidden her, and dipped out.. either they dipped or he's pullin some TV show **** and he's staying in the hotel right under their noses.

5.) Someone NEEDS to talk to the janitor or person who is in charge of the roof doors / water tank.. there's no way someone knows how to get up there and can dump a body in a water tank that's 10-15 feet high by themselves.

Extremely interested to see how this all unfolds..
1) I've read online that she was supposed to meet someone in LA... but her final destination is expected to be santa cruz in central california.. she was suppose to check out of the hotel THE DAY of the elevator scene.. but didn't.  she stayed in touch everyday with her family - until the day she went missing.

2) I've read many different opinions about this. notice she was wearing only slippers.. / basketball shorts.. plus she is short sighted (but she didn't wear glasses at all)  that she was just saying good-bye to a friend on the 14th floor ( she lived on the 4th floor).  At 0:54 of the video, her reaction was seen in a way that she was shocked to see someone there. this somebody is familiar with the hotel.. and knows the Surveillance video angles very well...0:59 she goes back to the elevator.. 1:01 the person calls her back out to talk with her.. NOTICE 2:04-2:05 the video has been edited.. maybe she was pointing to the killer.. but the LAPD edited out?

3) This video has been edited multiple times.. notice 2:56 the time has been stopped.. then the elevator closed 1/3 of the way....VERY STRANGE

4) Yes, neither way IMO, maintenance workers or someone working in the hotel was be in this...

5) they were saying even if you HAVE a key to unlock the door OR BYPASS the alarm door... U WILL need a ladder to get up to the 10-15 foot water tank. 
morning all, i agree with everything ELJEFE says.. this is definitely murder... not doubt about it... if the LAPD suggests other would be an insult to our intelligence..
Don't know why it won't let me QUOTE but here are my 2 cents for spizike231

1) she was in LA to meet a friend.. but her final destination was santa cruz in central california.. she was suppose to check out of the hotel the day of the elevator scene.. she also kept in touch with her family everyday - until her disappearance.

2) I've read many different ideas online about this... she maybe going to the 14th floor to say good-bye to a friend before she check out ( she lived on the 4th floor) and that someone maybe she has a close relationship with hence she was wearing slippers / basketball shorts.. she didn't even have glasses with her (she is short-sighted)...

At 0:54 of the video, her body language shows that she was shocked to say someone there.. that somebody is very familiar with the hotel; knows all the angles of the surveillance camera.. 0:58 she goes back in the elevator...1:01 that somebody calls her back out to talk with her without showing HIS/HER appearance..also

NOTICE 2:04-2:05 the video has been edited again.. maybe she was trying to give a signal about the killer... but the LAPD don't want us to see.
3) this video has been edited multiple times... notice 2:56 of the video the time STOPPED... then the door closes 1/3 of the way.... VERY STRANGE...

4) Yes, either way... IMO the maintenance worker or somebody working in the hotel must be in this...

5) they were saying even if you have the key to unlock the door OR bypass the alarm door ... u will still need a ladder to climb up to the 10-15 feet water tank.

Guys, please watch this.... something REALLY erry about this hotel....

"Water tanks that are UNlocked, but the rooftop IS locked to guests."

All I needed.

No way she went up there by herself.. if her autopsy comes back and there's no water in her lungs from drowning, its all the more obvious that she was murdered.

New question- Why would he dump the body in the water tank?.. he had to have known that eventually someone would come up to check what the issue was, but if the killer had just left the body to rot on the rooftop itself (maybe hidden in a corner or something), the decomposing process would've been so much faster and nobody would have had to go up there for any reason. It probably would've been so bad after 2 weeks that the police wouldn't be able to run a decent autopsy on the body.

Also- nobody heard any struggle? Fight? Screaming from this woman while she might have been getting hurt / murdered? Hotel rooms aren't exactly sound proof.
Just saw the vid shes high a kite dude. She probably on something thought it was a good idea to swim inside the tank and drowned. IF she shows to have water inside her lungs. Still doesn't explain how she got up there though.
Why would a killer carry her body 10-15 feet up a ladder to the water tank. Seems kinda ridiculous and difficult to do.
its easy as hell to bypass all the locked doors and whatnot..

you can access the roof by the fire escapes outside the windows, and the tanks too.

i cant believe some of you guys are reading youtube comments of all things for explanations.

she probably asked someone on skidrow for some weed and they gave her some laced stuff, these kinds of hotels let drug dealers and pimps operate as long as they pay extra.

all around downtown LA you have drug dealers and pimps operating to make money off the tourists and wealthy folks that visit.
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She isn't on any Drugs IMO. Stop that.

However, why did the killer take her all the way up to the roof? What is the reasoning behind that?

What did she see when she stepped out of the elevator and looked so startled?

So many questionssss....

Elisa Lam Case: Autopsy fails to find a cause of death for woman found in Los Angeles water tank February 22, 2013 -CBS NEWS
There was no water in her lungs and the water tank was found to be locked after her body was dumped in it. You telling her she climbed 15 ft into the water tank and locked herself in afterwards? :lol: Idiot...

Reported, personal attacks aren't allowed on this board. Learn how to articulate yourself better
There was no water in her lungs and the water tank was found to be locked after her body was dumped in it. You telling her she climbed 15 ft into the water tank and locked herself in afterwards? :lol: Idiot...

That's not what I'm saying tho you fool, have you looked around this thread? People talking about ghosts, and spirits, and hotels being haunted.

It's still not out of ordinary that someone on vacation takes drugs, ends up doing crazy things, and kills themselves because they were high or drunk.

If she didn't drown and was locked in, okay, then she got killed. But I'm not here connecting video images to imaginary hands and haunted spirits.
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