
^^^^ yeah, what's really goin on there B?
Family can hurt you like no other... Brother has been lying for five years about cheating.... I could respect it if he was maning up to it but he literally is dragging my sister in law through the mud making himself look like the victim plus he cheated down....ninjas if u cheat make sure she is better looking then your wife and please stop putting the cape on to save these h*es.. Plus he is not seeing his kids which makes me even more furious because of how we were brought up....
Like I said u shouldn't love your family just mom keeps me from becoming a statistic but f*ck the rest of my fam
- YOU ARE A MONSTER. and it's sad that it took me almost half a decade to realize that. i have never been this DISGUSTED EVER at someone in my 21 years of existence. some people are so horrible that you jump to being over them after learning the truth about so many things. i can’t believe that i let someone treat me like a dog; literally, like a *****.

Woah. What is the backstory? It sounds like you have a lot of resentment towards someone, carrying that baggage around isn't healthy at all.
I keep focusing on how my life could be better instead of how it could be worse, and it's messing up my perspective and gratitude for all the things that I have going for me at the moment.

Also, that void / empty feeling that I can't get rid of no matter how much I throw at it is back.
4th year in school...only a bit over halfway done with school. I dont know what to do with myself anymore. Anxiety is through the roof.
For the last 4 and a half years I've been doing things that no one would believe if I told them, and I've been making about 17000 a month in doing so.
I have deep resentment and anger towards my mother and grandma, I
showed loyaly and it was not recognized or reciprocated.
Everyone asking about a pm can y'all honestly do 5-10 year stretch if y'all get caught up.
Family can hurt you like no other... Brother has been lying for five years about cheating.... I could respect it if he was maning up to it but he literally is dragging my sister in law through the mud making himself look like the victim plus he cheated down....ninjas if u cheat make sure she is better looking then your wife and please stop putting the cape on to save these h*es.. Plus he is not seeing his kids which makes me even more furious because of how we were brought up....
Like I said u shouldn't love your family just mom keeps me from becoming a statistic but f*ck the rest of my fam
The only reason you have to hate your brother is not seeing your nieces/nephews.
Everything else is :x
Why would he admit to cheating? Sounds like you are in love with your sister in law

For the last 4 and a half years I've been doing things that no one would believe if I told them, and I've been making about 17000 a month in doing so.
What is it :nerd:

Everyone asking about a pm can y'all honestly do 5-10 year stretch if y'all get caught up.
I just wanna know. But I respect the game since I have quit and gone on the straight and narrow for 3 years now. I know I shouldnt ask and you shouldnt tell
im a blacc male in my early-mid 20s, i praise to jah; so you know the visual that comes with it; and every female i meet cant accept my dreads and beard. Financially im superior and all that good ****, but idk, my employer doesn't mind. Maybe im thinking too deep into this. I refuse to cut anything off, ima be alone for life :/
The only reason you have to hate your brother is not seeing your nieces/nephews.
Everything else is :x
Why would he admit to cheating? Sounds like you are in love with your sister in law
What is it :nerd:
I just wanna know. But I respect the game since I have quit and gone on the straight and narrow for 3 years now. I know I shouldnt ask and you shouldnt tell

Doesn't sound he's in love with his sister in law, he just cares about his nieces and nephews. Can't blame him for that.
Blotter no disrespect but that was the dumbest sh*t u could have said to me... By no means am I in love with my sister In law... I have cut for u in the past but im going to keep it one hunna... I have read many of ur posts and u my friend are more f*cked and lame then me.... If you want to judge me that's cool but learn what it's like to see a Man U idolize from childhood doing dumb sh*t and ultimately never knew... I love my brother to death but Growing up like we did.... We were not taught to treat women like that... If you don't want to be with somebody... Man up, see your kids and move on... So save that f*ckboi sh*t for the lame ninjas of niketalk and before you judge actually get your s*it together before u pass judgement because the stuff u post makes me wonder how ur soft a*s is still alive
Flame me bro but the way soft ninjas in nt work.. I probably get banned first...f*ckboi
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Blotter no disrespect but that was the dumbest sh*t u could have said to me... By no means am I in love with my sister In law... I cut for u because I have read many of ur posts and ur my friend are more f*cked then me.... If you want to judge me that's cook but learn what it's like to see a Man U idolize from childhood doing dumb sh*t and ultimately never knew... I love my brother to death but Growing up like we did.... We were not taught to treat women like that... If you don't want to be with somebody... Man up, see your kids and move on... So save that f*ckboi sh*t for the lame ninjas of niketalk and before you judge actually get your s*it together before u pass judgement because the stuff u post makes me wonder how ur soft a*s is still alive
Flame me bro but the way soft ninjas in nt work.. I probably get banned first...f*ckboi
I dont judge anyone. Making an observation. Also it was a figure of speech.
I am more ****** (in the head) than 99% of the population. I have made this clear

keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. I know what I am. Soft is not in a list of **** that describes me. But I am sure you know what I have rised above from my NT account. Good for you.

But its cool killa. You can keep talking **** and flaunting your ethuggery. You are so hard crying bout you werent raised to cheat (yes crying is another figure of speech that'll go over your head). Put me in my place
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I feel like the girl I've been on and off with for the past 3 years are both too scared to just leave one another. I guess we are both pushovers and don't want to hurt the others feelings, there is a lot between us. :rolleyes Things have been going great since this semester though. Also I feel like I have beat my anxiety for the most part
On topic. I was once chilling at an apartment with a guy I met in college and some of his friends. They invited someone over. I knew **** was going to go down. I didn't want to be a part of it so I went to hang out at a nearby bar with security cameras. That way if the police asked I would tell them to check the timestamp. They never asked. And dude was lucky all that happened was his expulsion from school. He got away with it because he told a common friend (who I am still cool with) to lie to the police so he had an alibi.
Blotter no disrespect but that was the dumbest sh*t u could have said to me... By no means am I in love with my sister In law... I have cut for u in the past but im going to keep it one hunna... I have read many of ur posts and u my friend are more f*cked and lame then me.... If you want to judge me that's cool but learn what it's like to see a Man U idolize from childhood doing dumb sh*t and ultimately never knew... I love my brother to death but Growing up like we did.... We were not taught to treat women like that... If you don't want to be with somebody... Man up, see your kids and move on... So save that f*ckboi sh*t for the lame ninjas of niketalk and before you judge actually get your s*it together before u pass judgement because the stuff u post makes me wonder how ur soft a*s is still alive
Flame me bro but the way soft ninjas in nt work.. I probably get banned first...f*ckboi
well, there it is.
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Apologies for the length.

So I've been sitting next to this girl at work for about 9 months. We know each other real well by now, she is my closest female friend. She introduced me to a couple girls I dated and has been a good friend since I've known her. I've talked with her a lot about my mom going thru cancer treatments etc and she told me if I ever needed a ride to go visit my mom to just say he word. So like I said, been a great friend for the most part.

Lately though we've been clashing, I feel like mostly through no fault of my own. She has seemingly been trying to piss me off on purpose and even admitted to doing it, and said she's surprised we haven't gotten in a fight because we're so alike. Anyways, my roommate/coworker, her and I usually hang out on the weekends or for happy hours, she sleeps at our place probably 2 nights a week cus we live close to work. Anyways, recently all of a sudden they've been doing lots of stuff without me, so I figured they might be hooking up or something. Long story short, I have good reason to believe that's not the case but they are making much less of an effort to include me than before.

Yesterday I asked her about doing a movie night since we had been meaning to do one and we might be snowed in today, she basically gave no response and wasn't interested. I told her id probably leave work early then and come back later after dinner.

My roommate texts me after dinner asking if I'm in for the movie night with her, she had basically brushed me off only to plan the same thing with him about an hr later after she knew Id be working that night.

Given that I'd been feeling like a 3rd wheel for about a month now, I was curious and checked their G-chat logs at work (everybody's pw is their last name). I felt really terrible about invading their privacy like that but did it anyways.

In the chat they were talking about what sounded like a short trip/drive they had already planned for Friday. She said something like
"What are we gonna tell Sam(me)? That you're running errands and I'm with my sister? I don't wanna lie but I don't want to have to deal with him." And they basically decided to lie to me about what their plans were to avoid me this weekend.

While I definitely am in the wrong for spying on their chat, these are two of my closest friends and I feel like it's beyond messed up for them to do me like that. I thought we were cool and she enjoyed spending time with me, but lately have been feeling the cold shoulder from her and to see it spelled out like that hurts pretty bad to be honest. Especially because I don't feel that Ive done anything wrong or changed since we've known each other. I'm trying to move on like I didn't read anything but its hard to act straight knowing somebody would lie to you just to avoid hanging out with you.
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Apologies for the length.

So I've been sitting next to this girl at work for about 9 months. We know each other real well by now, she is my closest female friend. She introduced me to a couple girls I dated and has been a good friend since I've known her. I've talked with her a lot about my mom going thru cancer treatments etc and she told me if I ever needed a ride to go visit my mom to just say he word. So like I said, been a great friend for the most part.

Lately though we've been clashing, I feel like mostly through no fault of my own. She has seemingly been trying to piss me off on purpose and even admitted to doing it, and said she's surprised we haven't gotten in a fight because we're so alike. Anyways, my roommate/coworker, her and I usually hang out on the weekends or for happy hours, she sleeps at our place probably 2 nights a week cus we live close to work. Anyways, recently all of a sudden they've been doing lots of stuff without me, so I figured they might be hooking up or something. Long story short, I have good reason to believe that's not the case but they are making much less of an effort to include me than before.

Yesterday I asked her about doing a movie night since we had been meaning to do one and we might be snowed in today, she basically gave no response and wasn't interested. I told her id probably leave work early then and come back later after dinner.

My roommate texts me after dinner asking if I'm in for the movie night with her, she had basically brushed me off only to plan the same thing with him about an hr later after she knew Id be working that night.

Given that I'd been feeling like a 3rd wheel for about a month now, I was curious and checked their G-chat logs at work (everybody's pw is their last name). I felt really terrible about invading their privacy like that but did it anyways.

In the chat they were talking about what sounded like a short trip/drive they had already planned for Friday. She said something like
"What are we gonna tell Sam(me)? That you're running errands and I'm with my sister? I don't wanna lie but I don't want to have to deal with him." And they basically decided to lie to me about what their plans were to avoid me this weekend.

While I definitely am in the wrong for spying on their chat, these are two of my closest friends and I feel like it's beyond messed up for them to do me like that. I thought we were cool and she enjoyed spending time with me, but lately have been feeling the cold shoulder from her and to see it spelled out like that hurts pretty bad to be honest. Especially because I don't feel that Ive done anything wrong or changed since we've known each other. I'm trying to move on like I didn't read anything but its hard to act straight knowing somebody would lie to you just to avoid hanging out with you.

Do you bruh, do you
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