
When it rains, it pours. I spent my last semester with this girl literally. We studied together and even workout at the gym together. We texted almost everyday and she would call me at night and have 2-3 hr conversations til like 2am. One time when she was installing uverse Internet, she had me come over because she was afraid to be alone with the cable guy. Nothing happened long story short, I left when her brother got back home. Anyways I just want to establish the point that we were really close. This semester started just a month ago and we haven't really talked since new years since we don't have class with each other. She texted me out of the blue and told me guess What and then said she had a bf. I don't know how to feel NT.excuse the lazy writing. Typing this on my phone while doing the elliptical
I went through this in almost the same exact way, it'll take time but you'll get over it what I told myself was "why waste emotions on someone whose out enjoying their relationship and what not?" it'll get better trust me.
Despite wanting to be loved, i dont think I could ever love anyone. :/ I just think the concept is dated. In fact I never heard someone say "I love you" doesnt bother me but people think it is weird.

Stop coming at girls with the friend approach because it never works. BE BOLD , BE A MAN.

If you like a girl come at her with the "lets kick it or if your in school maybe "lets study together", and as you talk to the girl make moves every time you meet.

For example go for the hug, then kiss then usually the box. You want to basically get physical or at least move the relationship forward quickly.

Because the longer you go with out making a move you move closer and closer to the friend zone and that's what has basically happened here.

If i was you i would text her back with "good for you" and move on because their is no point in keeping her around at that point.
1:at community college right now with no clue as to what i want to do in life.

10: i hate my parents for not buying me a car like the rest of my friends parents.
You aint alone pleighboi. 18 as well.

Do you think you earned a car???

Why should they???
You aint alone pleighboi. 18 as well.

Do you think you earned a car???

Why should they???
i think i earned a car. i never got in trouble as a kid, graduated on time, always went to school. why shouldn't i get a car
You aint alone pleighboi. 18 as well.

Do you think you earned a car???
Why should they???
i think i earned a car. i never got in trouble as a kid, graduated on time, always went to school. why shouldn't i get a car
I know how you feel homie. Same thing I went thru, but you know what I did? Got a job saved money. Took a loan from school (1k I can pay back easily) and copped myself a whip with the help of my bro.
Trust me itll feel alot better when you get it on your own.
I know how you feel homie. Same thing I went thru, but you know what I did? Got a job saved money. Took a loan from school (1k I can pay back easily) and copped myself a whip with the help of my bro.
Trust me itll feel alot better when you get it on your own.

So much truth, I just got my first car a few weeks ago and the feeling is amazing. All the grinding pays off if you work hard enough.
i think i earned a car. i never got in trouble as a kid, graduated on time, always went to school. why shouldn't i get a car
I did the same thing , Moms didnt get me ishh,but I aint eem mad.

I copped my own car..
I don't know what happened to me.  I changed so much in the past year.  Gotta get back is all.
2013 has been suuuuper ****** to me.

Got arrested on the first day of the year and have been dealing with court appearances and meetings. I got a speeding ticket on my way to court too.
I owe sooooo much money right now too plus I'm broke. I barely had enough to cover rent. March 2013 is going to be the month that makes or breaks me.
My relationship with my girl of 4 years ended. I barely have any good close friends that enjoy doing what I do.

I guess it's my money situation that sucks so I'm still grateful to have a roof over my head, for the month, and plenty of things to keep me entertained without money.
Me and the girl I'm with are both going to be working two jobs each in order to afford the apartment we hope to move into around mid-April. Even as of right now, she's being kept late at her second job and she works at her first job in about 40 minutes. I'm a bit scared that the distance between us will grow and tear us apart.. I'm scared I'll never find the answer of what I want to do w/ my life, or find a financial safe haven in a decent job anytime soon.. economy sucks and it is absolutely ridiculous that two young adults have to work two jobs each just to be able to rent an apartment. I get more and more pissed at this world every single day of my life. :smh:
2013 so far

iPhone 5 stolen
42in Tv LCD inside crack I think. Stupid lines
No job
Found someone that I could see myself with, smash ones at least but feelings wasn't same.
Every week something new going wrong
Becoming anti social and don't even try to be nice anymore with chicks or keeping in touch
Also, my best female friend has amazing tatas (D cups, not saggy) and a decent ***.. blonde girl with A grade personality.. I've always wanted to hit. It sort of saddens me that there might be a possibility if I was single. We used to party and drink together all the time and one night while we were drinking she said that there was more of a chance of HER sleeping with me than our friend Sara.. she didn't know this, but Sara had already blown me twice and I got inside her til she made me stop because I was too big apparently.

She said that all of her exes couldn't handle her in the bedroom.. :smh: bunch of scrawny white kids who probably don't know the first thing about hittin yambs.
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How the heck did you pull that off? In guessing you relied on eBay or PayPal?


It was a joke at first, but then I realized the guy was so serious ... he paid me and everything and I told him I sent it and it would take a while to get there.

He couldn't file a claim either. He waited the full 45 days and PayPal wouldn't let him open one.

I don't even remember what I bought with the money.

I was such a bad kid.
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Also, my best female friend has amazing tatas (D cups, not saggy) and a decent ***.. blonde girl with A grade personality.. I've always wanted to hit. It sort of saddens me that there might be a possibility if I was single. We used to party and drink together all the time and one night while we were drinking she said that there was more of a chance of HER sleeping with me than our friend Sara.. she didn't know this, but Sara had already blown me twice and I got inside her til she made me stop because I was too big apparently.

She said that all of her exes couldn't handle her in the bedroom.. :smh: bunch of scrawny white kids who probably don't know the first thing about hittin yambs.

RIGHTTTTT, #Humblebrag
This ***** keeps accidentally throwing it in my face w/o realizing it. She keeps posting her experiences in fb that I feel i should've been a part of.

Someone should burn her face just so i no longer find her attractive

I hope she marries a deadbeat who runs away from her and their future kid, just as her dad did, and sees me successful
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How the heck did you pull that off? In guessing you relied on eBay or PayPal?


It was a joke at first, but then I realized the guy was so serious ... he paid me and everything and I told him I sent it and it would take a while to get there.

He couldn't file a claim either. He waited the full 45 days and PayPal wouldn't let him open one.

I don't even remember what I bought with the money.

I was such a bad kid.

:rofl: That's crazy. I could never pull anything off like that because I believe in karma too much :lol:

It was a joke at first, but then I realized the guy was so serious ... he paid me and everything and I told him I sent it and it would take a while to get there.

He couldn't file a claim either. He waited the full 45 days and PayPal wouldn't let him open one.

I don't even remember what I bought with the money.

I was such a bad kid.


It was a joke at first, but then I realized the guy was so serious ... he paid me and everything and I told him I sent it and it would take a while to get there.

He couldn't file a claim either. He waited the full 45 days and PayPal wouldn't let him open one.

I don't even remember what I bought with the money.

I was such a bad kid.


I sold my Iphone 3gs for $200 to a guy in Brazil and we made the deal outside of eBay. I hear about all these scamming nters and I thought about scamming this dude myself. He sent the $200 as a gift. This was about a year ago. I didn't go thru with it. I recently sold my Marvel War of Heroes (Smartphone card game) account for $160 in Jan. Same scenario, dude paid me as gift. I didn't do it though and just went through with the transaction. Dude was happy and changed the password but since I never closed the app, I was still logged in. I see my account and now it has rare cards I didn't have before. He must've put all his cards into this account :evil:. I thought about trading the rare cards into a newly created account and sell that one too but decided not to. Even though I did not go through with this, my iphone wind up gettingt stolen that same month. Makes me not want to believe in Karma. You know? Why do bad things happen to good people :smh:
Looking at it now 2013 has been amazing for me so far

-mom moved to tennessee and left me the house
-got a new job that pays really well and already got my first raise
-got a new girl
-started hitting up the gym again

Now all I need is a whip and everything will be perfect

Keep cooking pleighboi
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