
I've done so
I sold my Iphone 3gs for $200 to a guy in Brazil and we made the deal outside of eBay. I hear about all these scamming nters and I thought about scamming this dude myself. He sent the $200 as a gift. This was about a year ago. I didn't go thru with it. I recently sold my Marvel War of Heroes (Smartphone card game) account for $160 in Jan. Same scenario, dude paid me as gift. I didn't do it though and just went through with the transaction. Dude was happy and changed the password but since I never closed the app, I was still logged in. I see my account and now it has rare cards I didn't have before. He must've put all his cards into this account :evil:. I thought about trading the rare cards into a newly created account and sell that one too but decided not to. Even though I did not go through with this, my iphone wind up gettingt stolen that same month. Makes me not want to believe in Karma. You know? Why do bad things happen to good people :smh:

I don't believe in karma because of the fact that so many bad things happened to me at an earlier age.

Bad thing after bad thing after bad thing.

I think that's why I didn't feel bad doing it. I wouldn't do something like that now because I know the mory struggles people go through some times.
I hate my life.
I hate how I look
I hate the only ******g girl I want to be with
I hate my major
I have zero friends
I miss my dogs back home.

I cant live like this..
Miserable every day, my parents dont talk to me. I feel so empty. So worthless.
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I hate my life.
I hate how I look
I hate the only ******g girl I want to be with
I hate my major
I have zero friends
I miss my dogs back home.

I cant live like this..
Miserable every day, my parents dont talk to me. I feel so empty. So worthless.
It gets better dude.  In the words of C.L. Smooth, "I had to walk through hell just to get to Heaven."
RIGHTTTTT, #Humblebrag

No sir, truth. Why would I brag about havin to stop cause im too big? Felt like a loss to me.

Anyways, my last confession of the night is that I just got done watching Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 cause my girlfriend forced me.
I can't find the motivation to go after girls cause I still haven't gotten over my ex :smh: I should be feeling anger and disgust towards this person for not only how she broke it off and how she embarrassed me, but also the crazy @#$% she made me put up with while we were together... but I just can't do it for some reason. I force myself to talk girls and pretend to be interested, but my feelings for my ex just pop out of the blue and I end up getting nowhere :smh:

It's completely different from how I've treated and reacted to people doing me dirty in the past. I've cut off good friendsand close family members instantly with absolutely zero remorse or emotion if I felt they treated me wrong. I basically go on with life like they never existed, even if we were close for our entire lives. Just don't understand why I can't do it this time for a girl who I was with for less than a year :smh: :x I've been dumped before for no reason, and I usually got over the breakups really's been almost 7 months for this one and I still haven't recovered |I

Maybe it's karma for all the times I've been excessively cold hearted and unforgiving towards people who cared for me but made a few mistakes here and there, @#$% that didn't even matter in the long run...but of course I had to make a huge deal out of everything and treat them like complete @#$%, as if they were offending a god or something |I
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my ex boyfriend made me lose my faith in love.... i'm gonna be a catlady eventually. i know it. :smh:

Nah.. Don't be that chick.

Don't be that chick that has some great guy fall for her unknowingly because she's hella cool, then when he tells her his feelings, she says some ish like "My ex did this, so I'm ____."

I've had it happen to me multiple times.. my ex girlfriend always stalked me and asked me where I was and who I was with because she got cheated on with all her ex boyfriends, and the girl I'm with now was cheated on too so she's afraid of me doing it.. afraid of trusting me.

It's unfair to someone who will want to make you happy. Believe it from someone who has been on the other end of the stick.

Forgive and know that not every guy is like your ex- whatever he did. You have to give people chances if you want to be happy with someone other than 4 million cats :lol:
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A couple months ago I was out downtown at the bars with a bunch of friends.  Long story short half of us split up, I ended up going home because I worked early the next day. I woke up the next morning to find out my best friend had been shot and killed after we left.  Im just still shook about it because it wouldnt have happened if didnt leave him there. I've had a few friends pass in the last couple years but I cant help to feel like its my fault. It's life i guess but still...damn.
A couple months ago I was out downtown at the bars with a bunch of friends.  Long story short half of us split up, I ended up going home because I worked early the next day. I woke up the next morning to find out my best friend had been shot and killed after we left.  Im just still shook about it because it wouldnt have happened if didnt leave him there. I've had a few friends pass in the last couple years but I cant help to feel like its my fault. It's life i guess but still...damn.
Damn son, my condolences.....You have to know that there was absolutely no way you could've known something like this would happen just because you didn't want to be out so late... This is the sort of thing someone can beat themselves up over repeatedly thinking things like "If only I did this or did that, etc" Don't blame yourself or bottle up your feelings or emotions, find someone who your close with and open up to them about how you feel and hopefully that will aid you in coming to terms with death of your friend..good luck dude and again, my condolences
my ex boyfriend made me lose my faith in love.... i'm gonna be a catlady eventually. i know it. :smh:

Nah.. Don't be that chick.

Don't be that chick that has some great guy fall for her unknowingly because she's hella cool, then when he tells her his feelings, she says some ish like "My ex did this, so I'm ____."

I've had it happen to me multiple times.. my ex girlfriend always stalked me and asked me where I was and who I was with because she got cheated on with all her ex boyfriends, and the girl I'm with now was cheated on too so she's afraid of me doing it.. afraid of trusting me.

It's unfair to someone who will want to make you happy. Believe it from someone who has been on the other end of the stick.

Forgive and know that not every guy is like your ex- whatever he did. You have to give people chances if you want to be happy with someone other than 4 million cats :lol:

Yup, I fell in love with a cat lady.
I can't find the motivation to go after girls cause I still haven't gotten over my ex :smh: I should be feeling anger and disgust towards this person for not only how she broke it off and how she embarrassed me, but also the crazy @#$% she made me put up with while we were together... but I just can't do it for some reason. I force myself to talk girls and pretend to be interested, but my feelings for my ex just pop out of the blue and I end up getting nowhere :smh:

It's completely different from how I've treated and reacted to people doing me dirty in the past. I've cut off good friendsand close family members instantly with absolutely zero remorse or emotion if I felt they treated me wrong. I basically go on with life like they never existed, even if we were close for our entire lives. Just don't understand why I can't do it this time for a girl who I was with for less than a year :smh: :x I've been dumped before for no reason, and I usually got over the breakups really's been almost 7 months for this one and I still haven't recovered |I

Maybe it's karma for all the times I've been excessively cold hearted and unforgiving towards people who cared for me but made a few mistakes here and there, @#$% that didn't even matter in the long run...but of course I had to make a huge deal out of everything and treat them like complete @#$%, as if they were offending a god or something |I
I know exactly how you feel cause im going through the same exact ****. Just hang in there.
This girl tell me she love me one day next day I give her the hammer and she wants to hold hands then next day she dont want to talk
then the next day she ignore me then the next day she wanna talk....geezlaweez
This girl tell me she love me one day next day I give her the hammer and she wants to hold hands then next day she dont want to talk
then the next day she ignore me then the next day she wanna talk....geezlaweez
Is it that time of the month?
Here is a confession.. Something i have never discussed with anyone... My grandafather was the kindest man you would ever meet... Grandmother passed when i was 11 and soon after his health started failing.. He became dillusional and developed alzheimers. He became a completly diff person... Mean and paranoid, always thought we were out to get him. Me being 15, would take his actions personally. Still loved the man to death, but if you have ever dealt with this, you understand taking care of an alzheimers can take a tole. We got into an argument one night, his health was failing, he insisted that i had kicked him. He told me " you gone pay for the way you treated me". Those were the last words i ever heard from him. Imagine the person you love the most, a man you look just like, saying these words and then dying on you. When things go wrong you cant help but think... Damn is this you granddaddy? Loved the man to death huants me, ill never be able to get over that ish.
Looking at it now 2013 has been amazing for me so far

-mom moved to tennessee and left me the house
-got a new job that pays really well and already got my first raise
-got a new girl
-started hitting up the gym again

Now all I need is a whip and everything will be perfect

This is basically the definition of winning right here.
Since my ex it ha been real hard to pick up when a girl is flirting with me/ become really angry with women but I think they are the most wonderful creatures walking the earth
About to back broke after cuts at my job but I am blessed to have one
Really like dating asian chicks but so hard to do in the south being a black guy that is not your typical "Tyrone"lol
I hate my brother for cheating on my sister in law... She is a ride or die and now he is being a f*ckboi and not seeing my nieces and nephew.. My mom says I shouldn't hate him but I want to beat the breaks off his a*s.. Hate ninjas who have everything and get lost in the sauce and he didn't even cheat up
I only love my sister in law(her kids) and my mother everybody in my family can eat a bowl of d*cks
Since my ex it ha been real hard to pick up when a girl is flirting with me/ become really angry with women but I think they are the most wonderful creatures walking the earth
About to back broke after cuts at my job but I am blessed to have one
Really like dating asian chicks but so hard to do in the south being a black guy that is not your typical "Tyrone"lol
I hate my brother for cheating on my sister in law... She is a ride or die and now he is being a f*ckboi and not seeing my nieces and nephew.. My mom says I shouldn't hate him but I want to beat the breaks off his a*s.. Hate ninjas who have everything and get lost in the sauce and he didn't even cheat up
I only love my sister in law(her kids) and my mother everybody in my family can eat a bowl of d*cks
Da ****?
Routine has plagued me for the better part of  year now.




Wash, rinse, repeat.

Currently have a "get away" jar hidden in my room, saving cash to take a spontaneous trip to who knows where.

****, who knows if i'll ever have the time to use it.......
I can't find the motivation to go after girls cause I still haven't gotten over my ex :smh: I should be feeling anger and disgust towards this person for not only how she broke it off and how she embarrassed me, but also the crazy @#$% she made me put up with while we were together... but I just can't do it for some reason. I force myself to talk girls and pretend to be interested, but my feelings for my ex just pop out of the blue and I end up getting nowhere :smh:

It's completely different from how I've treated and reacted to people doing me dirty in the past. I've cut off good friendsand close family members instantly with absolutely zero remorse or emotion if I felt they treated me wrong. I basically go on with life like they never existed, even if we were close for our entire lives. Just don't understand why I can't do it this time for a girl who I was with for less than a year :smh: :x I've been dumped before for no reason, and I usually got over the breakups really's been almost 7 months for this one and I still haven't recovered |I

Maybe it's karma for all the times I've been excessively cold hearted and unforgiving towards people who cared for me but made a few mistakes here and there, @#$% that didn't even matter in the long run...but of course I had to make a huge deal out of everything and treat them like complete @#$%, as if they were offending a god or something |I
I know exactly how you feel cause im going through the same exact ****. Just hang in there.

That feel....i know it.

was with my ex for 5 years....been 7 months for me as well....still think about her every day....constantly telling myself i hate her....but miss talking to her more then anything.

We shall overcome fambs
Damn son, my condolences.....You have to know that there was absolutely no way you could've known something like this would happen just because you didn't want to be out so late... This is the sort of thing someone can beat themselves up over repeatedly thinking things like "If only I did this or did that, etc" Don't blame yourself or bottle up your feelings or emotions, find someone who your close with and open up to them about how you feel and hopefully that will aid you in coming to terms with death of your friend..good luck dude and again, my condolences
Respect fam, people have been telling me that too.
- YOU ARE A MONSTER. and it's sad that it took me almost half a decade to realize that. i have never been this DISGUSTED EVER at someone in my 21 years of existence. some people are so horrible that you jump to being over them after learning the truth about so many things. i can’t believe that i let someone treat me like a dog; literally, like a *****.
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