
Been like 7 months and I still don't have a job

I really wana give my dad a piece of my mind about my brother
He killed a 58 year old woman and her blind son
He's either getting life or the death sentence and my pops said he didn't want to go see him
Like what kinda **** is that yo!

If I was your father I wouldn't want to see him either. If you were my son and you killed an elderly woman and her blind son I'd be ashamed of you and feel as if I failed as a parent. The meeting would not go well, I wouldn't bother doing it,

I'm sorry about your brother, but there is a certain extent to where I can't stand people.

If you don't mind me asking, why did your brother do that? If he had a mental disorder I would retract my statement, but if not :smh:
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Got in an argument with my mom about my grades in school 3 years ago. She grabbed a knife and tried to stab me. I dodged the knife by like an inch. It went through my shirt and the tip BARELY grazed my chest but it didn't go in. I still have the shirt from that day.
Going to be a first time dad with wife due in October :pimp:
Not really into shoes like I used to
Sold a third of my shoes and I don't miss any of them :lol:
Got really close with my cousin in Cali and we became best friends considering I don't have much family I'm California. me and her got really cool this past summer and we talk every day :smile: my Bessie
After months and months of applying for jobs, I finally got the one I wanted. Goodbye to my shady work place and hello to a new start :smile:
- Best friends visited me at school

- Kept messing around while I was in class

- Texted them to stop because we could hear them honking their horn

- They texted back "Don't act like you're not laughing."

- Went off on them about how childish they are and called them losers

- They got mad, said I took it too far, and left

I apologized and everything seems cool, but in my head I know I'm outgrowing them.  Sucks because without them I'd have no friends just acquaintances
Got in an argument with my mom about my grades in school 3 years ago. She grabbed a knife and tried to stab me. I dodged the knife by like an inch. It went through my shirt and the tip BARELY grazed my chest but it didn't go in. I still have the shirt from that day.

:x what happened after?

I probably would put them paws on anyone that seriously tried to stab me. Not sure how anything could stay the same after that especially when its about grades of all things.
Vent time bros...

So back last year I started dating this girl. She was cool and everything was going well, but then I found out that she left a guy to be with me through her best friend. The guy happened to be middle aged while shes only 20. I really didn't think about it much at the time because things were going well and who am I to judge? time passes I started to really fall for her. Well she finally tells me everything about it. I come to find out that she spent 4 days in the hospital with the guy because he was getting surgery. I'm heated, but she assures me that everything is ok that she realized she has no future with him, but has one with me. I cool down(I shouldn't have i know) and try to make things work. She starts acting cold towards me after that whole revelation. I'm lost as to whats going on she just started acting really distant all of a sudden. So I'm on a double date with her and this other couple. She wouldn't let me hold her she kept a fair distance from me.I'm kind of embarrassed by all of this. I pull her aside and ask her whats going on. She starts spewing off that she's in love with the the other guy sill and that its not fair to me so on so on. So I proceed the rest of the date doing my own ****. three days later I break up with her, but in a calm fashion basically telling her when she snaps out of it and I'm still available go for it. well fast forward 3 months I go on a trip to orlando with a few friends and she comes. I didn't mind, but then all my feelings rush back(I was kind of down those 3 months). i confront her and try to talk things out with her but we choose to stay friends and we enjoy the rest of the trip together. About a week later she starts texting me out of the blue saying how much she misses me, wants me in her life such and such. Her best friend which also happened to be one of my closest friends tells her about something she didn't really appreciate at she gets pissed and decides to cut me out of her life. I confront the friend and she goes off saying she refuses to get involved even though things fell through because of her. I've been feeling like **** for the past few weeks now.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix things at all or do I just take the L at this point?

P.S. any grammatical errors can be blamed on the tequila i'm drinking
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If I was your father I wouldn't want to see him either. If you were my son and you killed an elderly woman and her blind son I'd be ashamed of you and feel as if I failed as a parent. The meeting would not go well, I wouldn't bother doing it,

I'm sorry about your brother, but there is a certain extent to where I can't stand people.

If you don't mind me asking, why did your brother do that? If he had a mental disorder I would retract my statement, but if not :smh:
nah man don't trip
Apprarently he had beef with dude before he went blind
And as far as my pops not seeing him he washed his hands with him before this happend (deadbeat anyway) he was always not around I think if he was there it would have been different nah mean?
Unfortunalty this happend and to me that's still his son and he not wanting to see him for might be the last time irks me

Its prolly me though the man has his reasons
Vent time bros...

So back last year I started dating this girl. She was cool and everything was going well, but then I found out that she left a guy to be with me through her best friend. The guy happened to be middle aged while shes only 20. I really didn't think about it much at the time because things were going well and who am I to judge? time passes I started to really fall for her. Well she finally tells me everything about it. I come to find out that she spent 4 days in the hospital with the guy because he was getting surgery. I'm heated, but she assures me that everything is ok that she realized she has no future with him, but has one with me. I cool down(I shouldn't have i know) and try to make things work. She starts acting cold towards me after that whole revelation. I'm lost as to whats going on she just started acting really distant all of a sudden. So I'm on a double date with her and this other couple. She wouldn't let me hold her she kept a fair distance from me.I'm kind of embarrassed by all of this. I pull her aside and ask her whats going on. She starts spewing off that she's in love with the the other guy sill and that its not fair to me so on so on. So I proceed the rest of the date doing my own ****. three days later I break up with her, but in a calm fashion basically telling her when she snaps out of it and I'm still available go for it. well fast forward 3 months I go on a trip to orlando with a few friends and she comes. I didn't mind, but then all my feelings rush back(I was kind of down those 3 months). i confront her and try to talk things out with her but we choose to stay friends and we enjoy the rest of the trip together. About a week later she starts texting me out of the blue saying how much she misses me, wants me in her life such and such. Her best friend which also happened to be one of my closest friends tells her about something she didn't really appreciate at she gets pissed and decides to cut me out of her life. I confront the friend and she goes off saying she refuses to get involved even though things fell through because of her. I've been feeling like **** for the past few weeks now.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix things at all or do I just take the L at this point?

P.S. any grammatical errors can be blamed on the tequila i'm drinking

My man, you have to keep in mind that she's young so she doesn't really know what she wants at this point. I've been in the same boat, catching feelings for females that were in their early 20's, and it can be difficult remembering you're at two different points in your life (I'm assuming you're older). She's gonna flip-flop between emotions with the quickness: one day she's going to think you're the best thing since sliced bread, the next she's not going to want anything to do with you.

The thing you have to ask yourself is are you okay with this kind of emotional roller-coaster? Because just when you think you're coming out of it and are cool with her out of your life, she'll send something your way and all the feelings will come rushing back, and then she'll switch gears and you'll go back to feeling like ****. That stuff can get really old really fast.

If you're feeling her enough and think you can deal with all this inconsistency, then I would just wait it out... based on her track record, it doesn't sound like you've heard the last of her. But if you don't want to put up with this hot-and-cold ish, I'd just kill it right now. And I wouldn't count that as an L, either... more like you dodging a bullet, really.

Just my two cents.
Going to be a first time dad with wife due in October :pimp:
Not really into shoes like I used to
Sold a third of my shoes and I don't miss any of them :lol:
Got really close with my cousin in Cali and we became best friends considering I don't have much family I'm California. me and her got really cool this past summer and we talk every day :smile: my Bessie
After months and months of applying for jobs, I finally got the one I wanted. Goodbye to my shady work place and hello to a new start :smile:

Uh oh...
Vent time bros...

So back last year I started dating this girl. She was cool and everything was going well, but then I found out that she left a guy to be with me through her best friend. The guy happened to be middle aged while shes only 20. I really didn't think about it much at the time because things were going well and who am I to judge? time passes I started to really fall for her. Well she finally tells me everything about it. I come to find out that she spent 4 days in the hospital with the guy because he was getting surgery. I'm heated, but she assures me that everything is ok that she realized she has no future with him, but has one with me. I cool down(I shouldn't have i know) and try to make things work. She starts acting cold towards me after that whole revelation. I'm lost as to whats going on she just started acting really distant all of a sudden. So I'm on a double date with her and this other couple. She wouldn't let me hold her she kept a fair distance from me.I'm kind of embarrassed by all of this. I pull her aside and ask her whats going on. She starts spewing off that she's in love with the the other guy sill and that its not fair to me so on so on. So I proceed the rest of the date doing my own ****. three days later I break up with her, but in a calm fashion basically telling her when she snaps out of it and I'm still available go for it. well fast forward 3 months I go on a trip to orlando with a few friends and she comes. I didn't mind, but then all my feelings rush back(I was kind of down those 3 months). i confront her and try to talk things out with her but we choose to stay friends and we enjoy the rest of the trip together. About a week later she starts texting me out of the blue saying how much she misses me, wants me in her life such and such. Her best friend which also happened to be one of my closest friends tells her about something she didn't really appreciate at she gets pissed and decides to cut me out of her life. I confront the friend and she goes off saying she refuses to get involved even though things fell through because of her. I've been feeling like **** for the past few weeks now.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix things at all or do I just take the L at this point?

P.S. any grammatical errors can be blamed on the tequila i'm drinking
Sounds like you just need to get into the mind state that you can and will live without her.

....Usually that's when they reappear. You've gotta ask yourself though, why do you want to fix this?
Vent time bros...

So back last year I started dating this girl. She was cool and everything was going well, but then I found out that she left a guy to be with me through her best friend. The guy happened to be middle aged while shes only 20. I really didn't think about it much at the time because things were going well and who am I to judge? time passes I started to really fall for her. Well she finally tells me everything about it. I come to find out that she spent 4 days in the hospital with the guy because he was getting surgery. I'm heated, but she assures me that everything is ok that she realized she has no future with him, but has one with me. I cool down(I shouldn't have i know) and try to make things work. She starts acting cold towards me after that whole revelation. I'm lost as to whats going on she just started acting really distant all of a sudden. So I'm on a double date with her and this other couple. She wouldn't let me hold her she kept a fair distance from me.I'm kind of embarrassed by all of this. I pull her aside and ask her whats going on. She starts spewing off that she's in love with the the other guy sill and that its not fair to me so on so on. So I proceed the rest of the date doing my own ****. three days later I break up with her, but in a calm fashion basically telling her when she snaps out of it and I'm still available go for it. well fast forward 3 months I go on a trip to orlando with a few friends and she comes. I didn't mind, but then all my feelings rush back(I was kind of down those 3 months). i confront her and try to talk things out with her but we choose to stay friends and we enjoy the rest of the trip together. About a week later she starts texting me out of the blue saying how much she misses me, wants me in her life such and such. Her best friend which also happened to be one of my closest friends tells her about something she didn't really appreciate at she gets pissed and decides to cut me out of her life. I confront the friend and she goes off saying she refuses to get involved even though things fell through because of her. I've been feeling like **** for the past few weeks now.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix things at all or do I just take the L at this point?

P.S. any grammatical errors can be blamed on the tequila i'm drinking

Dude why are you dating among your circle of friends? That ish never works out, and is always mad awkward when it ends. Life can't be like the "Friends" sitcom and you should know that.
i can't get over my ex.
  we had still been talking even after it ended but i cut her off when she started seeing someone else. the feelings remained though. there was a glimmer of (false) hope when she hit me up again telling me she had broken up with her new man and how much she missed me, but they worked things out and seem happier than ever.

i know i need to move on but i just can't let go. it doesn't help that i can't seem to meet anyone new. i think that's partly because in the back of my mind i'm still thinking about/holding out hope for her. feels batman.

i can't get over my ex. |I   we had still been talking even after it ended but i cut her off when she started seeing someone else. the feelings remained though. there was a glimmer of (false) hope when she hit me up again telling me she had broken up with her new man and how much she missed me, but they worked things out and seem happier than ever.

i know i need to move on but i just can't let go. it doesn't help that i can't seem to meet anyone new. i think that's partly because in the back of my mind i'm still thinking about/holding out hope for her. feels batman. :frown:


Strongest username to post ratio ever.
Life for me is just a veiw of other people's lives for me.  I've found no happiness anywhere, I'm just used to being on my Cudi solo dolo type ish. I've never really made REAL friends during high school , and theres no real reason for living life anyways( not on no suicidal ish). I'm no use anywhere I go, just somebody that gets in the way of other people's lives. I'm just living off the stregnth of smoking trees. When im high, im in my own zone and everything feels diffrent, like I got no worries in the world. I hate living this life that was given to me , I'm just so diffrent from everybody physically, mentally, socially , and emotionally. There's nothing I'm really attached to , I could care less about anything, girls , money , cars, all that stuff is just things to make life worth something, but even when you die you leave everything behind. I guess I'm going to walk around this earth until I die, theres no point in really living if i'm not worth anything to anyone. What is life? How do we really live it? What's the point to it? It's just a game , and were all players. Some of us win at life, and some of us lose. HOw do we really make an impact with this life that was given to us? I think we really are just born to die. Our jobs, education, cars, and even our families are just things we create before we die. What are we really being used for? Just questions that i ponder while walking alone. This is all a game to me, and I don't have enough credits to restart when it's game over. I wish i had of been someone else, not this person with this screwed up peice of crap of a life. ******* up thing is it doesn't really matter what  i do or say, I'm gonnna go to sleep, wake up tomrrow, and live and live until it's time for me to go, and i'm not gonna be scared one bit when it happens, no one is gonna remember who i was, or what i did, i was just some dude without a purpose, who just lived...
I only associate success with money and think next to nothing else matters in life. One of the few things to truly make me happy is spending it.

I noticed someone checking me out. Thats a first. I think I am deceiving myself and seeing what I want to see.

I acknowledge I am ugly but my wardrobe game amongst the illest

Born alone, die alone.
Vent time bros...

So back last year I started dating this girl. She was cool and everything was going well, but then I found out that she left a guy to be with me through her best friend. The guy happened to be middle aged while shes only 20. I really didn't think about it much at the time because things were going well and who am I to judge? time passes I started to really fall for her. Well she finally tells me everything about it. I come to find out that she spent 4 days in the hospital with the guy because he was getting surgery. I'm heated, but she assures me that everything is ok that she realized she has no future with him, but has one with me. I cool down(I shouldn't have i know) and try to make things work. She starts acting cold towards me after that whole revelation. I'm lost as to whats going on she just started acting really distant all of a sudden. So I'm on a double date with her and this other couple. She wouldn't let me hold her she kept a fair distance from me.I'm kind of embarrassed by all of this. I pull her aside and ask her whats going on. She starts spewing off that she's in love with the the other guy sill and that its not fair to me so on so on. So I proceed the rest of the date doing my own ****. three days later I break up with her, but in a calm fashion basically telling her when she snaps out of it and I'm still available go for it. well fast forward 3 months I go on a trip to orlando with a few friends and she comes. I didn't mind, but then all my feelings rush back(I was kind of down those 3 months). i confront her and try to talk things out with her but we choose to stay friends and we enjoy the rest of the trip together. About a week later she starts texting me out of the blue saying how much she misses me, wants me in her life such and such. Her best friend which also happened to be one of my closest friends tells her about something she didn't really appreciate at she gets pissed and decides to cut me out of her life. I confront the friend and she goes off saying she refuses to get involved even though things fell through because of her. I've been feeling like **** for the past few weeks now.

Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix things at all or do I just take the L at this point?

P.S. any grammatical errors can be blamed on the tequila i'm drinking

Its time to move on. As long as shes emotionally invested in dude this is going to happen. Its like a cycle with these type of things. Something will happen that will have her running back to you saying she misses you(which is what shes doing now) and if/when things get better between her and the older guy she'll go back to him. You'd basically be playing yourself and allowing her to use you as her emotional support when she needs it and nothing more. Just my opinion..
i turn 25 tomorrow and i honestly couldnt care less. i just want to go train tomorrow after class and work
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Happy almost birthday club :smile:

Im in a relationship with a married coworker
She gives me head almost everyday in the
Parking lot while on our lunch break
Her husband in the philippines have no idea
One time husband called her while swallowing me in my car
She likes anal she just found out while shes with me...

That's triflin man.
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