
I want to step my life up to big dog status but I don't want people to find out about my past
I refuse to lose at life
Im going to live the rest of my life to the highest degree of self respect n integrity the stuff I've done isn't cool at all..and everyday I ask the Lord for forgiveness..I can't forgive myself is the main thing..probably never..
Growing up I never knew the importance of reputation till now
I just posted yesterday that I lost respect for my dad..he could easily say the same

But I'm done ranting I'm about to enjoy my Sunday and work on accounting
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some of the dudes I been hangin with lately are ****** clowns...

I go over my homies house yesterday and a couple of dudes thats his friends, but not really mine come thru.

The one dude is just not cool, and this other ***** keep talkin bout how he **** ppl up and ****.

I'm like "I've never heard of you being in a fight, and even still, who cares?"

all they wanna do is talk about gettin ******* and fighting... aint none of em fightin or gettin ***** like that...

I grabbed my beer and bounced. I cant deal with that **** **** anymore.
I'm come to accept the fact that her memory is going nowhere, but I've learned to live with it. Its like my tinnitus.
My mom told me to stop treating girls like ****. She doesn't seem to realize that's how ******* are these days. I tried that before.

IDK where that random outburst came from. I openly call girls ******* in front of her.
My mom told me to stop treating girls like ****. She doesn't seem to realize that's how ******* are these days. I tried that before.

IDK where that random outburst came from. I openly call girls ******* in front of her.
I agree with your mom, either you're after the wrong girls, or you just have bad luck.

The only women you will get by treating her like crap is a *******. If that is what you're after then more power to you. Become the hood wolf. Or you could man the hell up and take your Ls when it comes to the many attempts you have taken on women. You are doing yourself a disservice by automatically treating women like they are rachets and ho's. What makes you think that treat a women like crap will do any better than treating her with respect until she proves that she isn't worth the respect you give her? 

Money doesn't always equal women fam, and whatever women gravitate towards the guap aren't the women for you.
At some point you're gonna have to take responsibility for your faults and shortcomings and stop blaming women.

Your anger and hatred is sad and pathetic, and I don't mean that facetiously. You need some therapy and true self discovery. Become a better human being, from your posts I canundunderstand people not wanting to be around you. Stop fooling yourself thinking you've accepted that you're an ahole. Go find you bruh, build meaningful relationships, or it only spirals down from here, no amount of money will help you.
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I understand that the **** that come after the loot aren't worth my time but I dont seek a long term relationship or anything like that so im fine. That time has passed.

As for people not wanting to be around me. I won't even begin to entertain the idea that my attitude came before my bad luck. I'm gonna skip that entirely. As for soul searching, I've been doing that. I've been fixing what I don't like about myself. You'll see me at the gym trying to buff up so I can fit into better suits when I can afford them. Also getting my arms big so I can have a canvas for a nerd tattoo that I want. Got the first nerd tat of mine when I decided to stop hating myself. But you cant see it since it is on my thighs. I'm saving an arm for a better one. All I need to achieve is a running start on my career game and I'm straight. And I am already working on that. Im going to be making 150 racks by the time I am 35 (11 years from now) if it literally kills me.
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man your thinking about imaginary money...smh thats 11 !!!! years...let me say that again 11 years from now dude
I plan to make that years from now but trust me I don't wanna be miserable my whole life..being lonlely messes with your grow accustom to being around yourself only then you take out your anger on those that do come around dont see it but trust me people can tell your miserable..I was like that Im working on it now..just smile dude it seriously can't be that bro has been through hell and back and he still smiles, he calls my parents and I to tell us he loves us everyday

and pertaining to females despite some being skanks some are actually really good people...not every woman out there is tryna suck some d behind your back..and these broads dont owe you anything dude...

serious question blotters are you gay?
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^you think you are so funny with that "serious question" dont you.

Whats wrong with working on my career? You plan to make that in a few years yourself so why knock my hustle? The average starting salary for people in my field is significantly higher than most. Its not so imaginary knowing i will start soon if all goes my way.

I acknowledge they dont owe me anything. Im starting my career soon. I hope they acknowledge that I dont owe them anything either.

I was a good guy and that got me nowhere. If money won't make me happy, i'll just have to learn the hard way. If I'm miserable but can make a better life for my nieces and nephews then I have done enough. And I will adopt kids from 3rd world countries, communist dictatorships, and American projects, salary permitting. I will bring happiness to others.

My role models get by with no wives, so can I.
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i know i need to move on but i just can't let go. it doesn't help that i can't seem to meet anyone new. i think that's partly because in the back of my mind i'm still thinking about/holding out hope for her. feels batman. :frown:


For real there is a girl that has been having this same effect on me :smh:
Fam you know turtles are

Cop a red eared slider, and treat it like I do mine. Keep it on the shoulders

You just have to find what you excel at though, my sister is doing good but I'm kinda suckish at life apparently. I'm bad at math, so that handicaps me in a lot of areas. But I found psychology and that is where I do well, and you can't tell me nothin when it comes to it. Word to kanye.

Maybe you should look into psych, you might like it.
I've thought about it I'm still holding out on my dream of being an Audio Engineer but iono any more 
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^you think you are so funny with that "serious question" dont you.

Whats wrong with working on my career? You plan to make that in a few years yourself so why knock my hustle? The average starting salary for people in my field is significantly higher than most. Its not so imaginary knowing i will start soon if all goes my way.

I acknowledge they dont owe me anything. Im starting my career soon. I hope they acknowledge that I dont owe them anything either.

I was a good guy and that got me nowhere. If money won't make me happy, i'll just have to learn the hard way. If I'm miserable but can make a better life for my nieces and nephews then I have done enough. And I will adopt kids from 3rd world countries, communist dictatorships, and American projects, salary permitting. I will bring happiness to others.

My role models get by with no wives, so can I.

Most people I hear say this are NOT good guys. The stuff you say is not something a good guy says and people don't just change on the drop of a dime. You probably have/had flaws that you overlooked because you decided to blame women instead of yourself. Once you mature, you'll see that.

It's good to focus on your career but you seem so negative and down that it's going to bring you to dark places.
CONFESSION #10: being stuck on my ex has caused me to push away girls who show interest in me. which sucks 
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^I'm not sure what you mean by "blame". I certainly do not blame anyone for my flaws using the dictionary definition. I didnt just change in the drop of a dime. It happened slowly over the last 3 or 4 years. I'm sure you have heard of "good girls gone bad", happens to women to. I just happen to be the male equivalent. I am not saying I am a good guy, I am saying I was one once upon a time and it did nothing for me. See those same women get treated like **** by the guys they chose over me. I'd be a fool to continue being a good guy. I see my friends got girls who keep coming back despite the fact that they cheated on their girls at least a dozen times. I have stories of how I have been purposely lead on and used that I have never shared. Looking back I think how I could've been so stupid. I won't share the stories because you honestly wouldn't even believe some of them.

Now I am a proud dbag. I have openly said what I am going to do with the female attention I will acquire in the next few months/years while getting my weight up in the career game. After all I have "suffered" through (lack of a better term) and all I have worked hard for, I don't see why not.

I know with words you will never understand. If I could project experiences that made me this way through the internet I would
^I'm not sure what you mean by "blame". I certainly do not blame anyone for my flaws using the dictionary definition. I didnt just change in the drop of a dime. It happened slowly over the last 3 or 4 years. I'm sure you have heard of "good girls gone bad", happens to women to. I just happen to be the male equivalent.

You seem to put a lot of blame on every woman now that you have been unsuccessful with them is what we were trying to put across.

I am not saying I am a good guy, I am saying I was one once upon a time and it did nothing for me. See those same women get treated like **** by the guys they chose over me. I'd be a fool to continue being a good guy. I see my friends got girls who keep coming back despite the fact that they cheated on their girls at least a dozen times. I have stories of how I have been purposely lead on and used that I have never shared. Looking back I think how I could've been so stupid. I won't share the stories because you honestly wouldn't even believe some of them.

Again, hoot rats. Women that are after something, not someone. And end up with this problem. It's common, and those aren't the women you should be pursuing

Now I am a proud dbag. I have openly said what I am going to do with the female attention I will acquire in the next few months/years while getting my weight up in the career game. After all I have "suffered" through (lack of a better term) and all I have worked hard for, I don't see why not.

You are putting the burden of your "suffering" onto the next group of women that take a liking to you. What right do you have to put your own short comings onto them?

I know with words you will never understand. If I could project experiences that made me this way through the internet I would

You don't have to project your experiences, you should learn from them and better yourself instead of setting yourself back. With the men you are talking about, that you apparently want to be like you are going to end up in pursuit of foolish women with no self respect. The type of women that poke holes in condoms, and lie about birth control. That's not the life you want to lead, and you are allowing your experiences to get the better of your mind.

Grow out of this mindset, and start looking for respectable women.
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why do that? I understand getting stuck on your ex but why not talk to other girls while getting over her? (srs questions)
idk man, like it's a long story as why she's my ex but long story short; she dumped me bc of her mom and i know the love is still there between us and everything but we can't be together bc her mom doesn't approve of me bc i'm not part of her religion. so i see the relationship as not being over but as the ball being in her court, i know i shouldn't wait either.

so to answer your questions; i still kinda have a little little little bit of hope that we may talk again like we just did recently and when i talk to a new chick i just feel guilty.
CONFESSION #10: being stuck on my ex has caused me to push away girls who show interest in me. which sucks 
why do that? I understand getting stuck on your ex but why not talk to other girls while getting over her? (srs questions)
Yeah listen to this guy dude.  You're closing a lot of doors and could be missing out on something amazing.........for nothing really.  If she's your ex then it is what it is if you guys happen to get back together cool but open yourself up or you could be letting love pass you by
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Yeah listen to this guy dude.  You're closing a lot of doors and could be missing out on something amazing.........for nothing really.  If she's your ex then it is what it is if you guys happen to get back together cool but open yourself up or you could be letting love pass you by
never saw it like this man, thanks for that.
You seem to put a lot of blame on every woman now that you have been unsuccessful with them is what we were trying to put across.
I see what you mean. Like punishing everyone for the acts of the few.
Again, hoot rats. Women that are after something, not someone. And end up with this problem. It's common, and those aren't the women you should be pursuing
You are putting the burden of your "suffering" onto the next group of women that take a liking to you. What right do you have to put your own short comings onto them?
It wasn't just *******s. I am a man of broad taste but noted.
I won't lie though. I acknowledge that is for my own selfish reasons. I have friends who have beded over 70+. In my mind I have a lot of catching up to do. Because it will make me feel better. Even if I found a perfect girl tomorrow I will not be the guy to marry my first chick. Not even my first 10. It is a promise I made myself. Especially if I find a girl who aint as wild as she used to be and she is pushing 30+ bodies. I know very beautiful, respectable girls my age, with their careers in tact, who aint got less than 15 bodies.

You don't have to project your experiences, you should learn from them and better yourself instead of setting yourself back. With the men you are talking about, that you apparently want to be like you are going to end up in pursuit of foolish women with no self respect. The type of women that poke holes in condoms, and lie about birth control. That's not the life you want to lead, and you are allowing your experiences to get the better of your mind.
I will not be smashing raw and the condoms would be coming out my pocket for that reason alone. Besides I am terrified of catching the germ. I still believe you can catch it with ease with the condom on.

But I am always trying to grow. Again noted. If what you say is true, I will notice the problem and this too shall pass.

Grow out of this mindset, and start looking for respectable women.
I feel as though I have tried my luck with respectable women as well as hood rats. I'd say 50/50 and nothing was different. But noted.
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