Charles Darwin film 'too controversial for religious America.'

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by DRJordanFreak88

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by General Johnson

You can call me crazy all day. That's cool. I still don't think, based on what I've seen, that humans understand our origins yet. And I know we didn't evolve from "ape like" creatures.
this i agree with.

So I guess the fact that we share 99% of our DNA with Chimps is irrelevent in your world. It doesn't take a high level of intelligence to look at the physical appearance of a man, and the physical appearance of an ape or monkey, and conclude that we are related in some way, based soley on the similar physical characteristics.
Right, we are similar in physical form, but all animals share similar physical traits. In the womb at one point, we look similar to a lot ofanimals.

I'm not saying that we don't share DNA, but a physical body is a vehicle used to maneuver in this world. Your eyes are windows, your heart is a fluidpump, your skeleton is a frame, your muscles are the levers, pulleys, and on and on...

What separates humans from chimps is what? We have the ability to create from thought, to manifest our imagination into reality.

That trait isn't an animal trait. Sure some animals can use tools, but can they create? Sure some animals can paint, but can they form resources intowhat they've imagined?

That 1% (or 5% depending on who you're listening to) that separates us from the chimps, was it developed in evolution or is it something else?
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by YoungProdigy10

so what dimension is in the Garden of Eden you speak of??

so is it science and dimensions you believe in, or the church ways?

or both?
You are living on the Garden of Eden. It's a planet called Earth.

I don't go to church or subscribe to any religion, but why can't heaven be time (space), the 4th dimension?

Why is heaven thought of as a place where you are still human in form, that is just like Earth, but everything is better? The 4th dimension or heaven may have a new set of challenges and perhaps, you'll have to make your way through it or be deemed worthy to pass to the 5th and so on.

WOW, totally sounds very interesting and very unique. Im not going to hate on this mans ideas andthoughts because we are all different as individualls. I know personally my faith isnt in a specific label of religion because to me RELIGION just divides usall and who we are when it comes to faith or your own beliefs.. GENERAL JOHNSON id love to talk to you more about these "Experiances" you talked alil about..
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by DRJordanFreak88

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by General Johnson

You can call me crazy all day. That's cool. I still don't think, based on what I've seen, that humans understand our origins yet. And I know we didn't evolve from "ape like" creatures.
this i agree with.

So I guess the fact that we share 99% of our DNA with Chimps is irrelevent in your world. It doesn't take a high level of intelligence to look at the physical appearance of a man, and the physical appearance of an ape or monkey, and conclude that we are related in some way, based soley on the similar physical characteristics.
Right, we are similar in physical form, but all animals share similar physical traits. In the womb at one point, we look similar to a lot of animals.

I'm not saying that we don't share DNA, but a physical body is a vehicle used to maneuver in this world. Your eyes are windows, your heart is a fluid pump, your skeleton is a frame, your muscles are the levers, pulleys, and on and on...

What separates humans from chimps is what? We have the ability to create from thought, to manifest our imagination into reality.

That trait isn't an animal trait. Sure some animals can use tools, but can they create? Sure some animals can paint, but can they form resources into what they've imagined?

That 1% (or 5% depending on who you're listening to) that separates us from the chimps, was it developed in evolution or is it something else?

The fact that all animals look the same during certain developement stages in the womb is yet even more evidence that evolution exists, and that everythingevolved from the same simple life form into many different and complex species.

All those things that you mentioned that humans can do, but animals can not, also prove evolution is at work. Mankind did not always have such a high levelfunctioning brain. Our brain is a product of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. The first humans could not comprehend what we comprehend today, norcould the "create" anything. It took many years of evolution before humans were using tools and making cave drawings or using language.
That trait isn't an animal trait. Sure some animals can use tools, but can they create? Sure some animals can paint, but can they form resources into what they've imagined?
there is proof that some apes do indeed dream.

you can brush that off if you want...but some beleive that to be the very beginning of spirituality and imagination
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by DRJordanFreak88

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by General Johnson

You can call me crazy all day. That's cool. I still don't think, based on what I've seen, that humans understand our origins yet. And I know we didn't evolve from "ape like" creatures.
this i agree with.

So I guess the fact that we share 99% of our DNA with Chimps is irrelevent in your world. It doesn't take a high level of intelligence to look at the physical appearance of a man, and the physical appearance of an ape or monkey, and conclude that we are related in some way, based soley on the similar physical characteristics.
Right, we are similar in physical form, but all animals share similar physical traits. In the womb at one point, we look similar to a lot of animals.
that seems like a point that would back up evolution to me....
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by Hiram408

General Johnson, you wouldn't happen to be a philosophy major would you?

No, not a philosophy major.

I'm just a cat that has seen some wild !$+$.

you sound like a burnt out Vietnam vet who spent too long in the rice paddy. 'I've seen some wild !%%+ man. I saw a man blow a cougar to get somemayonnaise for his boots'
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by Hiram408

General Johnson, you wouldn't happen to be a philosophy major would you?

No, not a philosophy major.

I'm just a cat that has seen some wild !$+$.
I was just wondering because i get where you're coming from with some of the stuff you've mentioned. In the phil 1 course i took a whileback, we went over some of these things and i find it fascinating to ponder about mind and body in the physical world and what you're referring to asheaven(afterlife?)
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by General Johnson

To you I sound crazy. I've seen enough to know that I am not.

I have seen interdimensional travel with my own two eyes three times and no, no drugs were involved.

Of course, I could never convince you of my what I've seen and know. I have no problem with that. I guess you'll have to see some of those things with your own eyes before you can grasp what I'm speaking of.

Even better though, you could school us in the verses of your intellectual supremacy... just so we understand where you're coming from at least.
I didn't say that I'm intellectually superior to anyone.

Here's where I'm coming from. Metaphysical experiences have led me to an understanding that life is much bigger than what we can experience through the five senses.

I have seen an entity (for lack of better words) leave this dimension, right in front of my face.

Years later, a guide took me through time and showed me math that I don't understand, the equation or sequence was long, and it was all to illustrate that everything is part of the equation. Nothing is random or left to chance.

You can call me crazy all day. That's cool. I still don't think, based on what I've seen, that humans understand our origins yet. And I know we didn't evolve from "ape like" creatures.

Son you wildin
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by Hiram408

General Johnson, you wouldn't happen to be a philosophy major would you?

No, not a philosophy major.

I'm just a cat that has seen some wild !$+$.

you sound like a burnt out Vietnam vet who spent too long in the rice paddy. 'I've seen some wild !%%+ man. I saw a man blow a cougar to get some mayonnaise for his boots'

Insults and bad jokes?

That's the best you can do?

I'm not trying to convert you so I'm not sure why you feel the need to attack me. I believe what I believe and you are free to believe what youbelieve. I never get why people take discussions there. It show a lack of maturity on your end. Like an opinion other than yours is to be ridiculed.

Go for it. Knock yourself out, but I won't be joining you in your game.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by Hiram408

General Johnson, you wouldn't happen to be a philosophy major would you?

No, not a philosophy major.

I'm just a cat that has seen some wild !$+$.

you sound like a burnt out Vietnam vet who spent too long in the rice paddy. 'I've seen some wild !%%+ man. I saw a man blow a cougar to get some mayonnaise for his boots'

Insults and bad jokes?

That's the best you can do?

I'm not trying to convert you so I'm not sure why you feel the need to attack me. I believe what I believe and you are free to believe what you believe. I never get why people take discussions there. It show a lack of maturity on your end. Like an opinion other than yours is to be ridiculed.

Go for it. Knock yourself out, but I won't be joining you in your game.
I wasn't even knocking your beliefs or whatever. Mainly just the 'I'm just a cat that has seen some wild ##*#'
Funny that this thread should pop up now. I'm in the middle of reading a book that argues Evolution vs. Creation. The more I read and examine scientificevidence, I see the work of a designer and a creator. IMO, life is too complex to have evolved or arisen by "chance" (whatever that means)
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by Hiram408

General Johnson, you wouldn't happen to be a philosophy major would you?

No, not a philosophy major.

I'm just a cat that has seen some wild !$+$.

you sound like a burnt out Vietnam vet who spent too long in the rice paddy. 'I've seen some wild !%%+ man. I saw a man blow a cougar to get some mayonnaise for his boots'

Insults and bad jokes?

That's the best you can do?

I'm not trying to convert you so I'm not sure why you feel the need to attack me. I believe what I believe and you are free to believe what you believe. I never get why people take discussions there. It show a lack of maturity on your end. Like an opinion other than yours is to be ridiculed.

Go for it. Knock yourself out, but I won't be joining you in your game.
I wasn't even knocking your beliefs or whatever. Mainly just the 'I'm just a cat that has seen some wild ##*#'

How would you have me say it then?

What would make you more comfortable overlord of thought?
The film has sparked fierce debate on US Christian websites, with a typical comment dismissing evolution as "a silly theory with a serious lack of evidence to support it despite over a century of trying"
That line just baffles me.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by Hiram408

General Johnson, you wouldn't happen to be a philosophy major would you?

No, not a philosophy major.

I'm just a cat that has seen some wild !$+$.

you sound like a burnt out Vietnam vet who spent too long in the rice paddy. 'I've seen some wild !%%+ man. I saw a man blow a cougar to get some mayonnaise for his boots'

Insults and bad jokes?

That's the best you can do?

I'm not trying to convert you so I'm not sure why you feel the need to attack me. I believe what I believe and you are free to believe what you believe. I never get why people take discussions there. It show a lack of maturity on your end. Like an opinion other than yours is to be ridiculed.

Go for it. Knock yourself out, but I won't be joining you in your game.
I wasn't even knocking your beliefs or whatever. Mainly just the 'I'm just a cat that has seen some wild ##*#'

How would you have me say it then?

What would make you more comfortable overlord of thought?

dude. I was just laughing at your statement. that is all. wild ++!% or no, it made me laugh. That's all.
Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

The film has sparked fierce debate on US Christian websites, with a typical comment dismissing evolution as "a silly theory with a serious lack of evidence to support it despite over a century of trying"
That line just baffles me.

Yeah, but Jesus walked on water in their take that into consideration.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Its a theory, we didnt evolve from apes.
It is NOT a theory. We have OVERWHELMING evidence that suggests at the least that humans and apes share a common ancestry. Human and chimpanzeeDNA is 96 percent similar.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Chimps share at least 95% of the same DNA as humans do. Chimpanzees are actually closer to humans than they are gorillas. Crazy stuff.

Or um, God made us in six days and then needed a breather.
People would be surprised at exactly how much we have in common with chimpanzee, not just physiologically but socially.
Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

The film has sparked fierce debate on US Christian websites, with a typical comment dismissing evolution as "a silly theory with a serious lack of evidence to support it despite over a century of trying"
That line just baffles me.

Same here. It makes me sick.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Chimps share at least 95% of the same DNA as humans do. Chimpanzees are actually closer to humans than they are gorillas. Crazy stuff.

Or um, God made us in six days and then needed a breather.
People would be surprised at exactly how much we have in common with chimpanzee, not just physiologically but socially.

I know, it is really amazing and in some ways humbling.
This country is F'ing Brainwashed. As the old man said on Religulous "let these people die with their crazy Ideas..." I'm all for the Evotheory. If you really believe earth is only 5,000 years old according to Biblical texts and beliefs
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