Charles Darwin film 'too controversial for religious America.'

One of the foundations of Darwin's evolutionary theory is random variation. Therefore, it would be impossible for evolution to be part of"God's Design." If it has a design, it has a purpose; making it no longer random.

And if humans did not evolve for earlier forms of primates, are you saying that humans have been here since the beginning of the earth?
Arguing with religion is absurd. If it were up to the church we would still think the earth was flat.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

The film has sparked fierce debate on US Christian websites, with a typical comment dismissing evolution as "a silly theory with a serious lack of evidence to support it despite over a century of trying"
That line just baffles me.
Yeah, but Jesus walked on water in their take that into consideration.

If you use the Bible as a source to disbelieve in God then you're just as crazy as the radical christians God doesnt = Bible
Originally Posted by ArsnalJ23

Originally Posted by General Johnson

I'm not trying to start an argument, but I have a legitimate question.

Man supposedly evolved from an "ape like" ancestor according to Darwin, right? We still have all kinds of apes and primates on this planet, right?

Supposedly there were stages in the evolutionary process of man. (see evolution chart)

Why then do we still have apes, monkeys, etc but none of these supposed "ape like" creatures we evolved from still? Did they just stop reproducing once the newer and better humans arrived?

What would cause a species as intelligent (more intelligent than other apes) as this "ape like" creature to just give up on its own survival?
Different species of mammals. Just like any other species/animal you can think of, there are different variations. Ex. Cats, fish, snakes, birds. For every category there is an extinct species due to numerous circumstances, namely evolution and survival of the fittest. We're on the same ancestral line with apes, but they're not the same "apes" that we evolved from.

[h3]Genesis: Science and History[/h3]
"Why should the Bible be believed concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven, when it is consideredto be erroneously written as to points which admit of direct demonstration or unquestionable reasoning?" -- St. Augustine De Genesi ad literam i, 19
  1. "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good."
    God purposefully designed a system that ensures the suffering and death of all his creatures, parasite and host, predator and prey.
  2. "In the beginning" 1:1
    When was the universe created?
  3. "In the beginning" 1:1-2
    The Gap Theory
  4. The Genesis 1 creation account conflicts with the order of events that are known to science. In Genesis, the earth is created before light and stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants before any animals. The order of events known from science is just the opposite. 1:1-2:3
  5. God creates light and separates light from darkness, and day from night, on the first day. Yet he didn't make the light producing objects (the sun and the stars) until the fourth day (1:14-19). And how could there be "the evening and the morning" on the first day if there was no sun to mark them? 1:3-5
  6. God spends one-sixth of his entire creative effort (the second day) working on a solid firmament. This strange structure, which God calls heaven, is intended to separate the higher waters from the lower waters. 1:6-8
  7. Plants are made on the third day before there was a sun to drive their photosynthetic processes (1:14-19). 1:11
  8. God lets "the earth bring forth" the plants, rather than creating them directly. Maybe Genesis is not so anti-evolution after all. 1:11
  9. In an apparent endorsement of astrology, God places the sun, moon, and stars in the firmament so that they can be used "for signs". This, of course, is exactly what astrologers do: read "the signs" in the Zodiac in an effort to predict what will happen on Earth. 1:14
  10. God makes two lights: "the greater light [the sun] to rule the day, and the lesser light [the moon] to rule the night." But the moon is not a light, but only reflects light from the sun. And why, if God made the moon to "rule the night", does it spend half of its time moving through the daytime sky? 1:16
  11. "He made the stars also." God spends a day making light (before making the stars) and separating light from darkness; then, at the end of a hard day's work, and almost as an afterthought, he makes the trillions of stars. 1:16
  12. "And God set them [the stars] in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth." 1:17
  13. In verse 11, God "let the earth bring forth" the plants. Now he has the earth "bring forth" the animals as well. So maybe the creationists have it all wrong. Maybe God created livings things through the process of evolution. 1:24
  14. God gave humans dominion over every other living thing on earth. 1:26
  15. God commands us to "be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over ... every living thing that moveth upon the earth." 1:28
  16. "I have given you every herb ... and every tree ... for meat."
    Since many plants have evolved poisons to protect against animals that would like to eat them, God's advice is more than a little reckless. Would you tell your children to go out in the garden and eat whatever plants they encounter? Of course not. But then, you are much nicer and smarter than God. 1:29
  17. All animals were originally herbivores. Tapeworms, vampire bats, mosquitoes, and barracudas -- all were strict vegetarians, as they were created by God. 1:30
  18. "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." He purposefully designed a system that ensures the suffering and death of all his creatures, parasite and host, predator and prey. 1:31
  19. In Genesis 1 the entire creation takes 6 days, but the universe is at least 12 billion years old, with new stars constantly being formed. 1:31
  20. Humans were not created instantaneously from dust and breath, but evolved over millions of years from simpler life forms. 2:7
  21. After making the animals, God has Adam name them all. The naming of several million species must have kept Adam busy for a while. 2:18-22
  22. God fashions a woman out of one of Adam's ribs.
    Because of this story, it was commonly believed (and sometimes it is still said today) that males have one less rib than females. When Vesalius showed in 1543 that the number of ribs was the same in males and females, it created a storm of controversy. 2:19
  23. God curses the serpent. From now on the serpent will crawl on his belly and eat dust. One wonders how he got around before -- by hopping on his tail, perhaps? But snakes don't eat dust, do they? 3:14
  24. Because Adam listened to Eve, God cursed the ground and causes thorns and thistles to grow. Before this, according to the (false) Genesis story, plants had no natural defenses. The rose had no thorn, cacti were spineless, holly leaves were smooth, and the nettle had no sting. Foxgloves, oleander, and milkweeds were all perfectly safe to eat. 3:17-18
  25. When Lamech was born, nine generations were alive at once. Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, and Lamech were all alive at the time of Lamech's birth. Adam lived to see his great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson. 5:25
  26. "There were giants in the earth in those days." 6:4
  27. Noah is told to make an ark that is 450 feet long. 6:14-15
  28. Whether by twos or by sevens, Noah takes male and female representatives from each species of "every thing that creepeth upon the earth." 7:8
  29. God opens the "windows of heaven." He does this every time it rains. 7:11
  30. All of the animals boarded the ark "in the selfsame day." 7:13-14
  31. The flood covered the highest mountain tops (Mount Everest?) with fifteen cubits to spare. 7:20
  32. "The windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained." This happens whenever it stops raining. 8:2
  33. Noah sends a dove out to see if there was any dry land. But the dove returns without finding any. Then, just seven days later, the dove goes out again and returns with an olive leaf. But how could an olive tree survive the flood? And if any seeds happened to survive, they certainly wouldn't germinate and grow leaves within a seven day period. 8:8-11
  34. When the animals left the ark, what would they have eaten? There would have been no plants after the ground had been submerged for nearly a year. What would the carnivores have eaten? Whatever prey they ate would have gone extinct. And how did the New World primates or the Australian marsupials find their way back after the flood subsided? 8:19
  35. "And the Lord smelled a sweet savor."
    Noah kills the "clean beasts" and burns their dead bodies for God. According to 7:8 this would have caused the extinction of all "clean" animals since only two of each were taken onto the ark. 8:20-21
  36. "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth." Although this would have been good advice for the mythical Noah, it is deadly advice for humankind as a whole. Overpopulation is one of our greatest problems, yet there is nothing in the bible to address it. 9:1
  37. According to this verse, all animals fear humans. Although it is true that many do, it is also true that some do not. Sharks and grizzly bears, for example, are generally much less afraid of us than we are of them. 9:2
  38. "Into your hand are they (the animals) delivered."
    God gave the animals to humans, and they can do whatever they please with them. This verse has been used by bible believers to justify all kinds of cruelty to animals and environmental destruction. 9:2
  39. God is rightly filled with remorse for having killed his creatures. He even puts the rainbow in the sky to remind himself of his promise to the animals not to do it again. But rainbows are caused by the nature of light, the refractive index of water, and the shape of raindrops. There were rainbows billions of years before humans existed. 9:13
  40. Some creationists believe that this verse refers to continental drift, which, they say, began to occur during the days of Pelag (which means "division"), about 100 or so years after the flood. But many other creationists disagree. 10:25
  41. "The whole earth was of one language." But this could not be true, since by this time (around 2400 BCE) there were already many languages, each unintelligible to the others. 11:1, 6
  42. "Now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do."
    God worries that people could build a tower high enough to reach him (them?) in heaven, and that by so doing they will become omnipotent. 11:4-6
  43. According to the Tower of Babel story, the many human languages were created instantaneously by God. But actually the various languages evolved gradually over long periods of time. 11:9
  44. The ridiculously long lives of the patriarchs. 11:10-32
  45. "Abram ... pursued them unto Dan."
    This is an obvious anachronism, since the city of Dan was not named "Dan" until the time of the Judges (see Judges 18:29). In fact, Dan (for whom the city was named) was not even born yet (see Genesis 30:6). 14:14
  46. "And they returned to the land of the Philistines." But the Philistines didn't arrive in the region of Canaan until around 1200 BCE -- 800 years after Abraham's supposed migration from Ur. 21:32, 26:1, 8, 15, 18
  47. Laban learns "by experience" that God has blessed him for Jacob's sake. "By experience" means "by divination", at least that is how most other versions translate this verse. 30:27
  48. Jacob displays his (and God's) knowledge of biology by having goats copulate while looking at streaked rods. The result is streaked baby goats. 30:37-39
  49. God (or an angel) praises Jacob for his fancy genetic work in Gen.30:37-39. 31:11-12
  50. Joseph and his magic divining cup. 44:5, 44:15
Christianity is on the decline in America, so I fail to see how we are "religious" America.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by LamarOwnsem

The film has sparked fierce debate on US Christian websites, with a typical comment dismissing evolution as "a silly theory with a serious lack of evidence to support it despite over a century of trying"
That line just baffles me.
Yeah, but Jesus walked on water in their take that into consideration.
If you use the Bible as a source to disbelieve in God then you're just as crazy as the radical christians God doesnt = Bible

Yeah, the bible isn't my source of disbelief...but it sure doesn't do belief any service.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey


best parody yet, that's great.

and i've stopped engaging those who disbelieve in darwin's theory of evolution. it's like arguing with someone who insists 2 + 2 = 5, despite allevidence pointing to 2 + 2 = 4. and then they get upset and childishly defensive because...

"that's just what I BELIEVE! you have YOUR BELIEFS and I HAVE MINE!"

i mean, there's a guy in this thread claming to have seen someone "leave this dimension" (whatever the !%#! that means) and precedes it with somepseudo-string theory %%%+!#+%.

Originally Posted by YoungAnakin

and i've stopped engaging those who disbelieve in darwin's theory of evolution. it's like arguing with someone who insists 2 + 2 = 5, despite all evidence pointing to 2 + 2 = 4. and then they get upset and childishly defensive because...

"that's just what I BELIEVE! you have YOUR BELIEFS and I HAVE MINE!"

i mean, there's a guy in this thread claming to have seen someone "leave this dimension" (whatever the !%#! that means) and precedes it with some pseudo-string theory %%%+!#+%.

I'm that guy.

I didn't say it was "someone", I said it was an entity. It actually resembled a ball of fire.

You can doubt me all day. I know what I saw. I was there.

I'll defend that til I die. What reason would I have to make that up? I'm not on some religious tirade trying to convince other people that I haveall the answers. I don't.

You believe in a theory that is not yet a law, that was put forth by a man you don'tpersonally know, that is supported by evidence you haven't personally touched or discovered yourself, but you have faith in it because a large group ofpeople believe it and support it with you?

Sounds like religion to me.
I love this thread.

Please keep it goin.

(I believe in evolution, for the record, but i love reading these arguments. [and not even in a condescending kind of way])
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by YoungAnakin

and i've stopped engaging those who disbelieve in darwin's theory of evolution. it's like arguing with someone who insists 2 + 2 = 5, despite all evidence pointing to 2 + 2 = 4. and then they get upset and childishly defensive because...

"that's just what I BELIEVE! you have YOUR BELIEFS and I HAVE MINE!"

i mean, there's a guy in this thread claming to have seen someone "leave this dimension" (whatever the !%#! that means) and precedes it with some pseudo-string theory %%%+!#+%.

I'm that guy.

I didn't say it was "someone", I said it was an entity. It actually resembled a ball of fire.

You can doubt me all day. I know what I saw. I was there.

I'll defend that til I die. What reason would I have to make that up? I'm not on some religious tirade trying to convince other people that I have all the answers. I don't.

You believe in a theory that is not yet a law, that was put forth by a man you don't personally know, that is supported by evidence you haven't personally touched or discovered yourself, but you have faith in it because a large group of people believe it and support it with you?

Sounds like religion to me.
if you're gonna semantically manipulate this debate, what's the point dude?

and i totally believe that you believe you saw a "ball of fire" (or that which resembles it) leaves this dimension, i really do.

but i also totally believe my younger cousin believes in santa claus. after all, he stayed up christmas eve and left milk and cookies for the gift bearer onlyto awaken christmas morning to a plate full of half eaten cookies and an empty glass!
I believe the 39% number is way off. I seriously don't understand how an educated person can believe in the 6 day theory and all that stuff in the Bible.Scientists have show that evolution exists. All you have to do is look into space, earth isn't the only planet out there. Our solar system is on the tip of1 galaxy, look at the facts, there are millions of galaxies in the universe, I think it is completely ignorant to think that we are the only life form outthere. These people that believe everything word for word are crazy. These are all analogies not actual events, to me the bible is nothing but a story, heckMary could have been abducted and impregnated by aliens, and that is why Jesus had healing powers, because he was from a life form more advanced than ours.Anyways just thought I would come in here and spark some thought, carry on.
If LINK is that crap that was hailed as the "GREATEST DISCOVERY" and ran on cable this summer, I saw it.

I'm not convinced.

EDIT: No need to break down evolution to me. I understand the theory. I'm just pointing out holes in the theory.

contact the press, the scientists all over the world...this guy has just completely unraveled the theory of evolution!! How are you not getting a Nobel prize for this?

You're a loon, man.
You believe in a theory that is not yet a law, that was put forth by a man you don't personally know, that is supported by evidence you haven't personally touched or discovered yourself, but you have faith in it because a large group of people believe it and support it with you?

Sounds like religion to me.

Is this really your logic?

Evidence we haven't personally "touched"? The hell is that supposed to mean? If you want simple proof of evolution, consider why there's nocure for the common cold yet, or the flu. These virus and bacteria adapt to everything we throw at them over time in order to survive.

How have we not ALL experienced that first hand?

And is your faith in Christianity really based on the fact that a large number of people believe it? That's kind of pathetic.
To borrow a quote from one of my favorite philosophers...

What distinguishes us [scientists] from the pious and the believers is not the quality but the quantity of belief and piety; we are contented with less. But if the former should challenge us: then be contented and appear to be contented! - then we might easily reply: 'We are, indeed, not among the least contented. You, however, if your belief makes you blessed then appear to be blessed! Your faces have always been more injurious to your belief than our objections have! If these glad tidings of your Bible were written on your faces, you would not need to insist so obstinately on the authority of that book... As things are, however, all your apologies for Christianity have their roots in your lack of Christianity; with your defence plea you inscribe your own bill of indictment.
Say what you will but there is no reason that evolution contradicts religion. I still find it hilarious that you guys bash those who don't believe inevolution. Let people believe what they want, or should we all believe the same thing? Should we all be athiests? Should we all be goats? I grew up inelementary school being preached that pluto was a planet. Fact remains that even though I believe in evolution it is a theory meaning not a FACT.
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Their was a rumor that when darwin was on his death bed he prayed to god.
the rumor is he became Christian before he died.
who knows

The funny thing is Darwin wasnt atheist he was dabbling with being agnostic but the people who follow his hard work and theories think he was against God ordidnt believe in a God thats not true.
Alot of christians believe in evolution
The ones that don't areEvangelical but go ahead and keep saying all christians reject it.
Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

Alot of christians believe in evolution
The ones that don't are Evangelical but go ahead and keep saying all christians reject it.

Im not sure anyone in this thread said that.
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Their was a rumor that when darwin was on his death bed he prayed to god.
This was total fabrications made by Lady Hope. Many of her writings involving Darwin were outright wrong.
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Originally Posted by YoungAnakin

and i've stopped engaging those who disbelieve in darwin's theory of evolution. it's like arguing with someone who insists 2 + 2 = 5, despite all evidence pointing to 2 + 2 = 4. and then they get upset and childishly defensive because...

"that's just what I BELIEVE! you have YOUR BELIEFS and I HAVE MINE!"

i mean, there's a guy in this thread claming to have seen someone "leave this dimension" (whatever the !%#! that means) and precedes it with some pseudo-string theory %%%+!#+%.

I'm that guy.

I didn't say it was "someone", I said it was an entity. It actually resembled a ball of fire.

You can doubt me all day. I know what I saw. I was there.

I'll defend that til I die. What reason would I have to make that up? I'm not on some religious tirade trying to convince other people that I have all the answers. I don't.

You believe in a theory that is not yet a law, that was put forth by a man you don't personally know, that is supported by evidence you haven't personally touched or discovered yourself, but you have faith in it because a large group of people believe it and support it with you?

Sounds like religion to me.

Sounds to me like you saw a ghost, I've seen one too, doesn't seem to have anything to do with believe in god, but just believing in ghost.
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