Breaking News: Multiple People Shot Near Empire State Building

Its true tho. Chicago is a war zone and nobody seems to care

I'm sure people care about what's going on in Chicago. I thinik from a NEWS standpoint this story about New York is grabbing folks attention for the time being because this doesn't happen everyday, as far someone shooting outside the Empire State Building, where the shootings in Chicago seem to take place everyday with no lay off.
the recently unemployed

Yup. Or people whom are stressed out with no hope. People who are overly emotionally and can't think straight. Hate is a powerful emotion and hell just today after being lied to by my landlord whose looking to evict us, I was ready to do some hurting. I had to drink a Porter and smoke a phatty just to calm myself down.
Those officers need to be suspended.

That **** is unacceptable. 

They're just cowards who freaked out and started shooting and you can't tell me otherwise.

Why have a gun if EIGHT innocent people will get hit? 

They better be lucky no one else died.

I mean damn, what are you shooting at, at that point? Someone can't hit the suspect???
Bro you cant be serious. Cowards? For real? For shooting at an armed gunman who moments earlier executed someone? Shoot at someone in front of the Empire State Building at 9am and see how many people get hit.

And no they wont get suspended or disciplined at all. Too many people on this site lack any knowledge of the law.
Son, Cops can't be freaked out like that.

They train for situations like that. 

I stand by exactly what I said too. 

Are they cowards for being cops? No.

They're cowards for not taking more accurate shots.

This isn't Fallujah. That spray and pray **** doesn't fly well on a busy street. 

The cops shot 8 bystanders. Thats what the most recent reports are saying. NOT the gunman. 

Thats just unreal.


Not one.

Not two.

Not three.





They're lucky that none of them died.

What type of shots are they taking anyways?! I mean goddamn. Thats just unacceptable. 

Whoever coordinated the police response deserves the fire they're about to come under.

The gunman is the obvious danger. Why start hitting innocent bystanders? Thats just ridiculous. 

I expect better from trained policeman. If you say I'm just complaining, you're damn right I am.

The NYPD is about to be hit with massive lawsuits for that and they deserve it. I'd gladly represent the innocent.

I hope more info comes up exonerating some of the victims as being attacked by the gunman because honestly, thats the only way it would at least REASONABLE to be hit.

If you're a cop, you're held to a higher standard. Period. I refuse to be understanding just to make it seem like thats alright considering the circumstances. Its not. It never will be.

The public needs to know that cops will be punished for FAILING to do their job. That includes hitting innocent citizens. 
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It's not necessarily a "gun issue". It's just the way humans are, some go crazy, some get caught up in the moment and decide to hurt everyone around them. Sure, guns certainly inhibit this behavior and make it possible for any of these random 'crazies' to kill large numbers of people (Aurora, Virginia Tech, etc.)
As sad as it is to say, this is just a way of life. Random acts of violence like this have always happend, and will continue as long as humans are alive and free.
Making it more difficult to obtain guns, or eliminating them all together would almost certainly help a lot. But it's part of American culture to 'bear arms', and therefore part of American culture is random acts of violence involving guns.
But it does seem to be particularly violent this year in nyc
Son, Cops can't be freaked out like that.

They train for situations like that. 

I stand by exactly what I said too. 

Are they cowards for being cops? No.

They're cowards for not taking more accurate shots.

This isn't Fallujah. That spray and pray **** doesn't fly well on a busy street. 

The cops shot 8 bystanders. Thats what the most recent reports are saying. NOT the gunman. 

Thats just unreal.


Not one.

Not two.

Not three.





They're lucky that none of them died.

What type of shots are they taking anyways?! I mean goddamn. Thats just unacceptable. 

Whoever coordinated the police response deserves the fire they're about to come under.

The gunman is the obvious danger. Why start hitting innocent bystanders? Thats just ridiculous. 

I expect better from trained policeman. If you say I'm just complaining, you're damn right I am.

The NYPD is about to be hit with massive lawsuits for that and they deserve it. I'd gladly represent the innocent.

I hope more info comes up exonerating some of the victims as being attacked by the gunman because honestly, thats the only way it would at least REASONABLE to be hit.

If you're a cop, you're held to a higher standard. Period. I refuse to be understanding just to make it seem like thats alright considering the circumstances. Its not. It never will be.

The public needs to know that cops will be punished for FAILING to do their job. That includes hitting innocent citizens. 

It was said that there was a witness to the intial murder & he followed the suspect then tipped the cops off to him. When the cops approached the guy he pulled out his weapon. If buddy was hit w/ a one & dne we would be praising the cops, I feel sorry for both the cops & victims
Yup. Or people whom are stressed out with no hope. People who are overly emotionally and can't think straight. Hate is a powerful emotion and hell just today after being lied to by my landlord whose looking to evict us, I was ready to do some hurting. I had to drink a Porter and smoke a phatty just to calm myself down.

What we really need is to change the capital gains tax to 1% and cut welfare and health care. That will do the trick.

Me personally, if im gonna go out, I'd go run up on one of these crooked politicisns before shooting random people
Son, Cops can't be freaked out like that.

They train for situations like that. 

I stand by exactly what I said too. 

Are they cowards for being cops? No.

They're cowards for not taking more accurate shots.

This isn't Fallujah. That spray and pray **** doesn't fly well on a busy street. 

The cops shot 8 bystanders. Thats what the most recent reports are saying. NOT the gunman. 

Thats just unreal.


Not one.

Not two.

Not three.





They're lucky that none of them died.

What type of shots are they taking anyways?! I mean goddamn. Thats just unacceptable. 

Whoever coordinated the police response deserves the fire they're about to come under.

The gunman is the obvious danger. Why start hitting innocent bystanders? Thats just ridiculous. 

I expect better from trained policeman. If you say I'm just complaining, you're damn right I am.

The NYPD is about to be hit with massive lawsuits for that and they deserve it. I'd gladly represent the innocent.

I hope more info comes up exonerating some of the victims as being attacked by the gunman because honestly, thats the only way it would at least REASONABLE to be hit.

If you're a cop, you're held to a higher standard. Period. I refuse to be understanding just to make it seem like thats alright considering the circumstances. Its not. It never will be.

The public needs to know that cops will be punished for FAILING to do their job. That includes hitting innocent citizens. 

It was said that there was a witness to the intial murder & he followed the suspect then tipped the cops off to him. When the cops approached the guy he pulled out his weapon. If buddy was hit w/ a one & dne we would be praising the cops, I feel sorry for both the cops & victims
I'm praising the cops that no one else was killed, but I won't let up on them for shooting 8 people. All it takes is one of those eight to have been mortally wounded. 
It's an incredibly dense area. It's crazy but realistic at the same time. I dunno. They will lose the lawsuits and should. But I'm not gonna pretend like I would do better in the situation. It's hard to fathom.

But my original point was that if trained cops shot many of the wrong people, imagine random citizens trying to play hero. There are many posters that have advocated the idea that if everybody was armed then these mass shootings would have less victims because random people would get the shooter. I think it's a moronic view point.
Son, Cops can't be freaked out like that.

They train for situations like that. 

I stand by exactly what I said too. 

Are they cowards for being cops? No.

They're cowards for not taking more accurate shots.

This isn't Fallujah. That spray and pray **** doesn't fly well on a busy street. 

The cops shot 8 bystanders. Thats what the most recent reports are saying. NOT the gunman. 

Thats just unreal.


Not one.

Not two.

Not three.





They're lucky that none of them died.

What type of shots are they taking anyways?! I mean goddamn. Thats just unacceptable. 

Whoever coordinated the police response deserves the fire they're about to come under.

The gunman is the obvious danger. Why start hitting innocent bystanders? Thats just ridiculous. 

I expect better from trained policeman. If you say I'm just complaining, you're damn right I am.

The NYPD is about to be hit with massive lawsuits for that and they deserve it. I'd gladly represent the innocent.

I hope more info comes up exonerating some of the victims as being attacked by the gunman because honestly, thats the only way it would at least REASONABLE to be hit.

If you're a cop, you're held to a higher standard. Period. I refuse to be understanding just to make it seem like thats alright considering the circumstances. Its not. It never will be.

The public needs to know that cops will be punished for FAILING to do their job. That includes hitting innocent citizens. 
Bro I really dont understand what you're saying. Do you think they intentionally fired at bystanders?:rolleyes
What makes you think they were "freaked out". Because they fired at a gunman and innocent people got hit? Have you ever been infront of the ESB at 9am?There were thousands of people out there. Im shocked ONLY 8 people were hit.
Son, Cops can't be freaked out like that.

They train for situations like that. 

I stand by exactly what I said too. 

Are they cowards for being cops? No.

They're cowards for not taking more accurate shots.

This isn't Fallujah. That spray and pray **** doesn't fly well on a busy street. 

The cops shot 8 bystanders. Thats what the most recent reports are saying. NOT the gunman. 

Thats just unreal.


Not one.

Not two.

Not three.





They're lucky that none of them died.

What type of shots are they taking anyways?! I mean goddamn. Thats just unacceptable. 

Whoever coordinated the police response deserves the fire they're about to come under.

The gunman is the obvious danger. Why start hitting innocent bystanders? Thats just ridiculous. 

I expect better from trained policeman. If you say I'm just complaining, you're damn right I am.

The NYPD is about to be hit with massive lawsuits for that and they deserve it. I'd gladly represent the innocent.

I hope more info comes up exonerating some of the victims as being attacked by the gunman because honestly, thats the only way it would at least REASONABLE to be hit.

If you're a cop, you're held to a higher standard. Period. I refuse to be understanding just to make it seem like thats alright considering the circumstances. Its not. It never will be.

The public needs to know that cops will be punished for FAILING to do their job. That includes hitting innocent citizens. 
Bro I really dont understand what you're saying. Do you think they intentionally fired at bystanders?

What makes you think they were "freaked out". Because they fired at a gunman and innocent people got hit? Have you ever been infront of the ESB at 9am?There were thousands of people out there. Im shocked ONLY 8 people were hit.
Not at all, but accountability matters. 

The cops shot these people. Not the gunman. 
I guess we forgot about Prodigy and Lil Wayne while we're at it. 
That one went right over your head there partner...
Did it?
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Like, who has the time to commit these nonsensical acts?!
Someone who's 53 years old (untouchable as far as employment goes) that's been unemployed for over a year and has no skills as well as being broke. People are angry and desperate in the streets and what this man did today is what some have thought about doing, but still have some hope left.

I'll keep my thoughts on the innocent bystanders being collateral damage to myself.
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If I intubate someone in te stomach and this person ends up dying or brain dead, I will be held liable and probably lose my liscence, I didnt do it on purpose and I'm sure everyone knows I was trying to save a life, but I failed and like putty said, im liable for hurting/killing someone while doing my job....I feel for the cops, they didn't intend to shoot bystanders, but they shouldn't be letting of multiple shots in a crowded area unless they have a clear shot...they failed at doin their job and innocent people paid the price, so YES why the hell not should the be held liable, suspended or even lose their job?...they are not above anyone else you know?
Someone who's 53 years old (untouchable as far as employment goes) that's been unemployed for over a year and has no skills as well as being broke. People are angry and desperate in the streets and what this man did today is what some have thought about doing, but still have some hope left.

Obviously, we don't have all of the facts yet-- but I don't think it's a coincidence that there have been two major shootings (that received major MSM coverage) in the last month in which the shooter was frustrated professionally.

We've been raised to believe that the average citizen can attain the material life he or she desires, but when you follow the rules, and still cannot pay your bills or afford food or afford health care, it's only a matter of time before a person snaps.

I also don't think this the end of extremist behavior stemming from or related to economic hardship.
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If I intubate someone in te stomach and this person ends up dying or brain dead, I will be held liable and probably lose my liscence, I didnt do it on purpose and I'm sure everyone knows I was trying to save a life, but I failed and like putty said, im liable for hurting/killing someone while doing my job....I feel for the cops, they didn't intend to shoot bystanders, but they shouldn't be letting of multiple shots in a crowded area unless they have a clear shot...they failed at doin their job and innocent people paid the price, so YES why the hell not should the be held liable, suspended or even lose their job?...they are not above anyone else you know?
This wasn't a hostage situation where you have the liberty of waiting for a clear shot. Every second mattered in this case and unfortunately in this situation those hit got caught in the crossfire. If the gunman shot at civilians and the NYPD was too late, they'd still be hit with lawsuits. They were damned if they did, damned if they didn't in this situation. Its a thankless job and one I would never take. None of the cops involved should lose their job or be suspended. It was an accident. As crowded as that corner is, it would have been a miracle if no one got hit.
A brief surveillance video released Friday night by police show the man walking behind a large planter on a busy street. He appears to point something as two officers approach, coming to within a few feet of him. Then, as bystanders run off in all directions, the man falls abruptly to the ground after apparently being shot.
The people shot were just as liable for their injuries as the police were. Maybe its where I'm from, but when I hear gunshots, the first thing I'm doing is dropping to the floor. I'm not running as shots are going off. Bullets have no name and don't discriminate.
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This wasn't a hostage situation where you have the liberty of waiting for a clear shot. Every second mattered in this case and unfortunately in this situation those hit got caught in the crossfire. If the gunman shot at civilians and the NYPD was too late, they'd still be hit with lawsuits. They were damned if they did, damned if they didn't in this situation. Its a thankless job and one I would never take. None of the cops involved should lose their job or be suspended. It was an accident. As crowded as that corner is, it would have been a miracle if no one got hit.

The people shot were just as liable for their injuries as the police were. Maybe its where I'm from, but when I hear gunshots, the first thing I'm doing is dropping to the floor. I'm not running as shots are going off. Bullets have no name and don't discriminate.

Bro a job is a job ad beig a police officer does not put you above being held accountable for mistakes/accidents while performing your job....IT DOESN' get shot and brought to the ER, the doctor saves your life but cripples you because he made a mistake while saving your believe the doctor/hospital/nurse....SOMEONE will be held accountable, although your life was saved....stop being so naive....they shot 8 people's no excuse that their are thousands of bystanders, with more ****** reason...DON'T FIRE unless you have a yes, they should at the very least serve a suspension and the NYPD I'm sure will be paying these people a good lump of money....I've know of nurses/doctors stripped of there liscence to practice for far less severe accidents, what exactly puts these cops above that?
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It isn't a videogame. You can have the shot lined up. It doesn't matter if someone runs in front of you. It was chaos.
^ making split second life altering decisions according to courts

So I wonder if I'll be protected under that same theory if I kill someone while making a split second life altering decision while trying to save someone's life....uhmmm
Bro a job is a job ad beig a police officer does not put you above being held accountable for mistakes/accidents while performing your job....IT DOESN' get shot and brought to the ER, the doctor saves your life but cripples you because he made a mistake while saving your believe the doctor/hospital/nurse....SOMEONE will be held accountable, although your life was saved....stop being so naive....they shot 8 people's no excuse that their are thousands of bystanders, with more ****** reason...DON'T FIRE unless you have a yes, they should at the very least serve a suspension and the NYPD I'm sure will be paying these people a good lump of money....I've know of nurses/doctors stripped of their liscence to practice for far less severe accidents, what exactly puts these cops above that?
Don't put words in my mouth because I never said that they shouldn't be held accountable. Losing their jobs is excessive in this situation. The reason someone on your end would be held accountable is because this is a litigious society where people will sue for any and everything. If you wait to take a shot and someone get shot by the gunmen the situation will be even worse for the NYPD. You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. None of them will be suspended and nor should they. The had to do what they had to do in this situation against a moving target. This isn't a movie and you need to get that through your head.
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