Breaking News: Multiple People Shot Near Empire State Building

It isn't a videogame. You can have the shot lined up. It doesn't matter if someone runs in front of you. It was chaos.

I don't know fam...if it was me or one of my loved ones out there I woUldnt be feeling any contemplation knowing I was shot by a cop instead of a lunatic...Bottomline I was SHOT!...if the cops didn't have a shot and it was chaos they shouldn't be trying to play John McLain out there...
Are there thousands of people running around in the emergency room? Anyone shooting at you? It's just a different situation. Doctors def get the short end of the stick, I agree.

The people who got shot will get paid. And thankfully everyone will be okay from what we've heard. I need more info before I say cops should be fired.
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Don't put words in my mouth because I never said that they shouldn't be held accountable. Losing their jobs is excessive in this situation. The reason someone on your end would be held accountable is because this is a litigious society where people will sue for any and everything. If you wait to take a shot and someone get shot by the gunmen the situation will be even worse for the NYPD. You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. None of them will be suspended and nor should they. The had to do what they had to do in this situation against a moving target. This isn't a movie and you need to get that through your head.


You are the one NOT understanding....they are TRAiNED!'s their job to protect and serve and they are not excused of failing miserably at doing their job....8 innocent people were shot and not by the actual shooter but by the are you guys trying to justify this is beyond me.
I wish the cop that shot the pit bull on 14th and 2nd was there. He only needed one bullet.
I'm not justifying it. I understand it and I'm not shocked because it's an incredibly crowded area and from what I've read it was chaos
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Are there thousands of people running around in the emergency room? Anyone shooting at you? It's just a different situation. Doctors def get the short end of the stick, I agree.

It's really no different, take it from someone who's worked in ER's....any minute complete chaos can unfold and these doctors are caught in midst of it making life altering decisions just like these cops did...only difference is that nobody but the people who works with them will try to understand/justify them...someone will be held accountable....there is NO difference, these cops made critical mistakes while performing their job and should be penalize.
Are there thousands of people running around in the emergency room? Anyone shooting at you? It's just a different situation. Doctors def get the short end of the stick, I agree.
It's really no different, take it from someone who's worked in ER's....any minute complete chaos can unfold and these doctors are caught in midst of it making life altering decisions just like these cops did...only difference is that nobody but the people who works with them will try to understand/justify them...someone will be held accountable....there is NO difference, these cops made critical mistakes while performing their job and should be penalize.
Completely agree.

Let ONE of those bystanders succumb to their injuries.

Then all of your tunes will change.
Americans sue everything and everyone. Doctors will be sued. And NYPD will be sued. So I dunno what you want. Doctors don't immediately get fired when a case gets thrown at them right? There would be no doctors left if that was the case
You can use all of the emoticons all you want, but you're presenting a side that isn't based in logic but rather emotion and keep comparing it to your job which it is not. Yeah, I'll wait for everyone to run out of the way (they're running in every direction) before I attempt to take him down. Also, he's pointing a loaded gun at an officer, but I'll wait so that any civilians aren't in the way before I take him down. By doing that, not only put other civilians at risk, you've also endangered the lives of the two officers that confronted him. You haven't made any sense since we began this exchange
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said the bystanders were not hit directly by police, but rather the officers' struck "flowerpots and other objects around, so ... their bullets fragmented and, in essence, that's what caused the wounds."
Americans sue everything and everyone. Doctors will be sued. And NYPD will be sued. So I dunno what you want. Doctors don't immediately get fired when a case gets thrown at them right? There would be no doctors left if that was the case

They don't....there are trials and such obviously...but times they are at least suspended.
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You can use all of the emoticons all you want, but you're presenting a side that isn't based in logic but rather emotion and keep comparing it to your job which it is not. Yeah, I'll wait for everyone to run out of the way (they're running in every direction) before I attempt to take him down. Also, he's pointing a loaded gun at an officer, but I'll wait so that any civilians aren't in the way before I take him down. By doing that, not only put other civilians at risk, you've also endangered the lives of the two officers that confronted him. You haven't made any sense since we began this exchange
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said the bystanders were not hit directly by police, but rather the officers' struck "flowerpots and other objects around, so ... their bullets fragmented and, in essence, that's what caused the wounds."

Stop it.

Are you ******* KIDDING me? 

So 8 people got hit with debris?! 

Nah, they ain't bullets. 

I'm ashamed you even quoted that BS. 

That makes the cops look EVEN WORSE.

These cops were shooting for extra HP? XP? 

Flowerpots, G? 



Dead that. 
It's really no different, take it from someone who's worked in ER's....any minute complete chaos can unfold and these doctors are caught in midst of it making life altering decisions just like these cops did...only difference is that nobody but the people who works with them will try to understand/justify them...someone will be held accountable....there is NO difference, these cops made critical mistakes while performing their job and should be penalize.

It is BS and the frivolous lawsuits/suing Doctors for every little thing even when they have to make split second decisions is (part) of why this country has been on a downward spiral the last half decade.
So lets do it to our cops next?

Ohh and my job was CRAZY today. I work @ Bellevue where the vics were taken.
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apparently these are "anti-terror concrete flower pots" "meant to thwart an attempted car bomb"

*****? info?
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That one went right over your head there partner...
I'm pretty sure it did.
Prodigy was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to criminal possession of a loaded gun in NY
Lil Wayne was sentenced to a one-year jail sentence today after pleading guilty to possession of a gun in NY
Rapper Ja Rule is in prison for two years after pleading guilty for driving with a loaded gun after a 2007 concert in NY

Exactly...I'm pretty sure THEY didn't get MY reference 
Please tell me you both understand why the dude brought up Ja Rule in the first place "to make sense of all this".
Please tell me you both understand why no one would ask Prodigy or Lil Wayne "to make sense of all this" despite they're shared gun possession charges.
Please respond.
Please tell me you both understand why the dude brought up Ja Rule in the first place "to make sense of all this".
Please tell me you both understand why no one would ask Prodigy or Lil Wayne "to make sense of all this" despite they're shared gun possession charges.
Please respond.
Dave Chapelle.

But I was quoting someone else who referred to a gun charge that Ja Rule ironically had. 
They just showed video on new York one. Street isn't nearly as crowded as I thought it would have been at that time. I have no idea how that many people got shot by cops.

He bought the gun legally in Florida. Brought it illegally to new York. Just like what usually happens.
After watching the vid I can't imagine what the officers was thinking when buddy pulled that gun out. They were literally standing right in front of him
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