Breaking News , GADHAFI DEAD .....

Originally Posted by StonedFace

On another serious note

How did those 40 virgins not prevent this

good question, i wonder where they were in all of this. 
im sure some wont miss him though, he abused a lot of them
Originally Posted by CosmicCanon

Originally Posted by TheAfricanDream

At the risk of sounding ignorant, can anyone elaborate on how he oppressed his people? I understand the want for democracy after being in power for 42 years. Was it violent oppression, or a neglect by not re-investing in his country and letting his people live in poverty?
the exact opposite actually. 
Originally Posted by WickedxCL

a video before he was killed by the rebels...

another video after his death....

Not so sure if they were still hitting him on the 1st vid.

and at least the LIBYANS know on WHEN to use their CAMERA PHONE.

NTers on the other hand =
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by supa vegetto

Originally Posted by rashi

It would be smart in ANY country.

where's that video a NT posted about the process in which oil is traded/purchased?
might be within this one:

if i'm not mistaken oil is currently purchased and traded using the US dollar.. and if they were to change (to gold as predicted/planned) that it would be ALL bad for the US economy. 
FYI, Saddam was about to pull that jack-move too. He wanted oil to be traded in Euros... 


I think every one should look into the incident in the early 90s when they said saddam was killing babies in incubators. The girl that made the report testified in front of the UN that she had witnessed it...TURNS OUT that she was the daughter of a US Diplomat to a neighboring area of Kuwait and they fabricated the whole story. But by then the damage was done, and we had already used it as bait to convince people to invade Iraq.

The incident is called Nayirah Testimony the

Yall keep thinking that ya'll can't be lied to. It happens OVER and OVER again. 
Without a doubt we did create allot of lies to invade Iraq, but he had done plenty of other things that the u.s helped cover up for decades.
Gadhafi dies....they drag his body threw the streets, mad pictures and videos taken

Osama dies, no one sees the body throw it into the ocean immediately

just sayin

edit: just watched those youtube vids.  Was he really that great of a leader? That first video made it seem like he was one of the greatest leaders ever to live.  Why were the rebels so against him?  ....heads off to do more research
jokes are extremely corny. typical dry unfunny snl humor I guess...
Originally Posted by Wr

jokes are extremely corny. typical dry unfunny snl humor I guess...

Agreed....The only funny one was the "how my hair look" one the others......not so much
Originally Posted by Jking0821

Gadhafi dies....they drag his body threw the streets, mad pictures and videos taken

Osama dies, no one sees the body throw it into the ocean immediately

just sayin
Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

..."his body" will be destroyed before theres any proof
yes, because the real qaddafi is a paid american agent and will now disappear to the secret island where americans keep all the other people they pretended to kill. he'll get to hang out with osama, all the people who boarded the flights on 9-11, saddam, hitler, jack, kate, sawyer, hurley, and desmond.
dont forget bigfoot and nessy aswell as 2pac and elvis
i might sound stupid for saying this but here it goes who the hell is this fool i always end up seeing him on the news
Originally Posted by Demps

Originally Posted by Jking0821

Gadhafi dies....they drag his body threw the streets, mad pictures and videos taken

Osama dies, no one sees the body throw it into the ocean immediately

just sayin

jking you are right i still wanted to see how he looked like when he was dead
i still hate osama for the 9/11 attacks
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

disgusting savagery 

Like my parents were saying, acting like a bunch of savages. Muslim culture supposed to follow justice, treating prisoners of war with respect, and respecting dead bodies. None of that shown here. Uncivilized. I can't speak for the people because they went through such oppression by the hands of this man for 42 years. I can understand the emotion of being so euphoric, but this is not the way to handle a capture. 
Justice should have taken care of him. Seeing those videos, it was as if it was not Gaddafi, since I am just so used to seeing him as defiant and this grandiose character. Seeing those videos, I just saw a vulnerable human being begging for his life. I do not want to see it that way,but I guess I do because I can't see that as being him. Even the biggest, baddest of evils, can't be invincible and what a way to go out. 
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