Breaking News , GADHAFI DEAD .....

Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

the one thing that's hilarious to me is this... all these folks on their knees, mourning & crying for Ghadafi... yet have a strikingly different reaction than those directly oppressed by him for decades.

hilllllllarious. stand up, dry your eyes, & change out of your Gap dress already. get that sucker dry-cleaned and realize his death came with no more civility than those murdered under his regime.

he did this to himself.

   Dude no one is crying for Ghadaffi. Im just saying WHy become like the guy you are fighting against. He wouldve gotten his in the International Court.

People hated a monster like Ghaddafi because he did all this wrong and killed all these people but why go down to his level and do to him what he did to others. Wouldnt that make us like him in a way? help me

since im mourning his loss Space doodoo
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by IsTaYrOcKInJs

This video is probably the only one the really captures the animals in full effect

-Did not pose a threat
-Cleary Crying
-Asked for life to be spared

Look I understand he was a "monster" but what just cause do the "freedom fighters" have.

He was was injured paraded on the street. Already wounded he got the crap beat out of him, people were yanking his hair out and stomping him out. Haymakers were thrown. He is crying for mercy. he falls to the ground and gets

shot in the head?


Where is his fair shake in trial?
I understand he wasnt the image of a man who valued human life but "freedom fighters"?? really

And yeah Im mad. I hope his son Seif al-islam comes through in the cut and murks all these fools.

Im mad!

Seriously bro?  What about all the people he either directly or indirectly murdered or all of the lives he ruined?  You think he had one ounce of sympathy for them? cared if they were ever defenseless or wanted their lives to be spared? Live by the gun, die by the gun. 

By your logic, the same should have happened to everyone in this photo:







I think after 42 years, they might have had some idea if this guy was really as evil as they are now claiming. Look at those smiles, they had no problem cutting deals and selling him arms until they decided they no longer needed him. I believe for us peasants, assisting/arming someone who commits murder would get us hit with conspiracy/accessory charges.... thankfully for these guys, the law doesn't apply. It was all good with the oil we were getting then we saw the "rebel" situation, figured we could come through with NATO (fancy acronym for highly armed thugs) and "liberate" the Libyans 

Do the math: 

If Gaddafi was really carrying out a "genocide", he was doing it with the very guns we sold him 

By the way, what's good with Syria ? Thousands of civilians killed there so far.....

Oh, we only go after easy targets. 
Good point, tkthafm.

The worst violators of nature and human rights never go to jail. They hold the keys.

The #1 seller of international illegal drugs and arms ....Look no further than the U.S. But oh yes, they are a democracy. :S But yet, their deplorable and morbid foreign policy is ignored. Post WWII, on record, their foreign policy's implications and those it directly or indirectly affected or killed happen to be the deadliest and most detrimental.
That video is wild.  Just seeing a human being treated like that.  Bleeding from the head and getting punched in the face.  Makes me feel slightly bad for humanity as a whole.

For some reason I feel like this whole story is being twisted.  I agree with tkthafm.  I don't see how all of a sudden he is the worst dictator in the world.  I feel like overnight we all of a sudden decided Gadhafi has to go.  I am still not as informed on the situation as i would like and will continue to read up on it.  I just think it all sounds really really sketchy to me.

Btw.  I thought the body should have been buried at least 24 hours after his death....o wait.....i guess not.  Another osama bin laden lie that we were fed to make it look like we didn't do something terribly wrong.  Well osama did, but Gadhafi gets ummm a week before he has to be buried.   I bet osama went out the same way gadhafi did.  Pleading for his life as we shot him in the head.
The pictures of the US involvement with other tyrants should really not surprise anyone.

I mean its technically standard operating procedure at this point it seems.
Jking0821 wrote:
Btw.  I thought the body should have been buried at least 24 hours after his death....o wait.....i guess not.  Another osama bin laden lie that we were fed to make it look like we didn't do something terribly wrong.  Well osama did, but Gadhafi gets ummm a week before he has to be buried.   I bet osama went out the same way gadhafi did.  Pleading for his life as we shot him in the head.

Those barbarians we call "Freedom Fighters" got an official order from their new government stating they don't consider Gaddafi to be Muslim so that they can parade his body as a trophy for several days.....sickens me

Also this is a nice documentary

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