Breaking News , GADHAFI DEAD .....

This video is probably the only one the really captures the animals in full effect

-Did not pose a threat
-Cleary Crying
-Asked for life to be spared

Look I understand he was a "monster" but what just cause do the "freedom fighters" have.

He was was injured paraded on the street. Already wounded he got the crap beat out of him, people were yanking his hair out and stomping him out. Haymakers were thrown. He is crying for mercy. he falls to the ground and gets

shot in the head?


Where is his fair shake in trial?
I understand he wasnt the image of a man who valued human life but "freedom fighters"?? really

And yeah Im mad. I hope his son Seif al-islam comes through in the cut and murks all these fools.

Im mad!
Originally Posted by IsTaYrOcKInJs

This video is probably the only one the really captures the animals in full effect

-Did not pose a threat
-Cleary Crying
-Asked for life to be spared

Look I understand he was a "monster" but what just cause do the "freedom fighters" have.

He was was injured paraded on the street. Already wounded he got the crap beat out of him, people were yanking his hair out and stomping him out. Haymakers were thrown. He is crying for mercy. he falls to the ground and gets

shot in the head?


Where is his fair shake in trial?
I understand he wasnt the image of a man who valued human life but "freedom fighters"?? really

And yeah Im mad. I hope his son Seif al-islam comes through in the cut and murks all these fools.

Im mad!

Yes, everything you said in that first part. He was already defenseless and injured, and not a threat anymore. Yes, I know millions suffered under his rule, being raped, beaten, and tortured. But, what was the use of doing to him what he used to do to his people? On morality grounds, they should have acted better than that. They should be an example of not what he was. Looks like to me they will be exactly like what he was. Looked like they were doing it just for fun and because they wanted to do it for show.

I see no justice in this at all. So barbaric.

Originally Posted by IsTaYrOcKInJs

This video is probably the only one the really captures the animals in full effect

-Did not pose a threat
-Cleary Crying
-Asked for life to be spared

Look I understand he was a "monster" but what just cause do the "freedom fighters" have.

He was was injured paraded on the street. Already wounded he got the crap beat out of him, people were yanking his hair out and stomping him out. Haymakers were thrown. He is crying for mercy. he falls to the ground and gets

shot in the head?


Where is his fair shake in trial?
I understand he wasnt the image of a man who valued human life but "freedom fighters"?? really

And yeah Im mad. I hope his son Seif al-islam comes through in the cut and murks all these fools.

Im mad!

Seriously bro?  What about all the people he either directly or indirectly murdered or all of the lives he ruined?  You think he had one ounce of sympathy for them? cared if they were ever defenseless or wanted their lives to be spared? Live by the gun, die by the gun. 
Originally Posted by 1C3M4M




smh @ all of this 
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Originally Posted by IsTaYrOcKInJs

This video is probably the only one the really captures the animals in full effect

-Did not pose a threat
-Cleary Crying
-Asked for life to be spared

Look I understand he was a "monster" but what just cause do the "freedom fighters" have.

He was was injured paraded on the street. Already wounded he got the crap beat out of him, people were yanking his hair out and stomping him out. Haymakers were thrown. He is crying for mercy. he falls to the ground and gets

shot in the head?


Where is his fair shake in trial?
I understand he wasnt the image of a man who valued human life but "freedom fighters"?? really

And yeah Im mad. I hope his son Seif al-islam comes through in the cut and murks all these fools.

Im mad!

Seriously bro?  What about all the people he either directly or indirectly murdered or all of the lives he ruined?  You think he had one ounce of sympathy for them? cared if they were ever defenseless or wanted their lives to be spared? Live by the gun, die by the gun. 

Funny because you speak like your government doesn't kill people, directly or indirectly.

Gadhafi was a well-respected man. I'm not supporting or opposed to anything but no way did he deserve to go out like this. Libya as a Nation should ashamed. Freedom fighters my !#+. I'm losing respect for mankind the more days go by.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Seriously bro?  What about all the people he either directly or indirectly murdered or all of the lives he ruined?  You think he had one ounce of sympathy for them? cared if they were ever defenseless or wanted their lives to be spared? Live by the gun, die by the gun. 
Those he relentlessly killed indirectly or directly under his iron fist rule are not to be forgotten. Saying you do not agree with the way Gaddafi was killed is not saying you are an apologist for him. It is just to point out that despite being dictators or war criminals, they have to be appointed and tried by the International Court of Law. Who is anyone to kill and put the law and matter into their own hands without a fair and just trial? Yes, he didn't do that to his people, BUT the people who want "democracy" and a new Libya should be BETTER than that, and on higher morality ground. These people were acting nothing short of uncivilized and barbaric. Who are they to have the right to play judge, jury & executioner? By the way, like not these rebels in this war are any better. Very few news outlets were highlighting the brutal crimes committed by the rebels against their fellow Libyans (ie. lootings and the killings against black Africans in Libya such as the Tuareg).

It is unsettling when someone's unsavoury past is cited as justification for their barbaric death. A trial, conviction & punishment would have been a better start for a new Libya. What kind of people might be in charge of Libya tomorrow with these kind of barbarians? Whatever happened to having a court of law, providing due evidence and then punishing a culprit? To start off on the right foot, isn’t a fair judiciary an integral part of a democracy? They are no better than him and basically just did what he would have done as a dictator, yet they are fighting against that. Under international law, what these men did is a war crime.

People only seem to recognise human rights and justice when it suits them.It is about leading example to instead follow true justice. Those men in the video were acting barbaric, no different than what he used to do to his people. How are they any better? At that point, he was not a threat anymore and defenseless. It is a dangerous thing once you kill just for vengeance, and you play as executioner into your own hands. What precedent is that setting?

This killing of Gaddafi is a defeat to international law. Absolute perversion of the system.

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Seriously bro?  What about all the people he either directly or indirectly murdered or all of the lives he ruined?  You think he had one ounce of sympathy for them? cared if they were ever defenseless or wanted their lives to be spared? Live by the gun, die by the gun. 
Those he relentlessly killed indirectly or directly under his iron fist rule are not to be forgotten. Saying you do not agree with the way Gaddafi was killed is not saying you are an apologist for him. It is just to point out that despite being dictators or war criminals, they have to be appointed and tried by the International Court of Law. Who is anyone to kill and put the law and matter into their own hands without a fair and just trial? Yes, he didn't do that to his people, BUT the people who want "democracy" and a new Libya should be BETTER than that, and on higher morality ground. These people were acting nothing short of uncivilized and barbaric. Who are they to have the right to play judge, jury & executioner? By the way, like not these rebels in this war are any better. Very few news outlets were highlighting the brutal crimes committed by the rebels against their fellow Libyans (ie. lootings and the killings against black Africans in Libya such as the Tuareg).

It is unsettling when someone's unsavoury past is cited as justification for their barbaric death. A trial, conviction & punishment would have been a better start for a new Libya. What kind of people might be in charge of Libya tomorrow with these kind of barbarians? Whatever happened to having a court of law, providing due evidence and then punishing a culprit? To start off on the right foot, isn’t a fair judiciary an integral part of a democracy? They are no better than him and basically just did what he would have done as a dictator, yet they are fighting against that. Under international law, what these men did is a war crime.

People only seem to recognise human rights and justice when it suits them.It is about leading example to instead follow true justice. Those men in the video were acting barbaric, no different than what he used to do to his people. How are they any better? At that point, he was not a threat anymore and defenseless. It is a dangerous thing once you kill just for vengeance, and you play as executioner into your own hands. What precedent is that setting?

This killing of Gaddafi is a defeat to international law. Absolute perversion of the system.


This is why I mess with you. 
They was talking about Obama should get tattoo tears on Bill Maher 
Somali pirates, Osama, Gaddafi #Swag 
Originally Posted by IsTaYrOcKInJs

This video is probably the only one the really captures the animals in full effect

-Did not pose a threat
-Cleary Crying
-Asked for life to be spared

Look I understand he was a "monster" but what just cause do the "freedom fighters" have.

He was was injured paraded on the street. Already wounded he got the crap beat out of him, people were yanking his hair out and stomping him out. Haymakers were thrown. He is crying for mercy. he falls to the ground and gets

shot in the head?


Where is his fair shake in trial?
I understand he wasnt the image of a man who valued human life but "freedom fighters"?? really

And yeah Im mad. I hope his son Seif al-islam comes through in the cut and murks all these fools.

Im mad! must have known the guy. If you the big bad man, killing people just for don't think that's going to catch up to you eventually?

And you think just because he said he was sorry or shed a few tears when he was captured that it was going to be all good? The people were just going to forget?

It is unsettling when someone's unsavoury past is cited as justification for their barbaric death

Disagree...first, murdering innocent people is simply summed up as "unsavory"? Stop it. Sure a trial by International Law SOUNDS good, but on that day, those people unleashed barbaric savagery. It's more like you got what you had coming.
Originally Posted by Alchemiss

Live by the gun, die by the gun. 

IsTaYrOcKInJs, you can't really defend Gadahfi can you with the whole "where is his fair trial?", can you? You know damn well if you were one of the many who were there for his capture that you too would participate in the beatings/actions in general.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by IsTaYrOcKInJs

This video is probably the only one the really captures the animals in full effect

-Did not pose a threat
-Cleary Crying
-Asked for life to be spared

Look I understand he was a "monster" but what just cause do the "freedom fighters" have.

He was was injured paraded on the street. Already wounded he got the crap beat out of him, people were yanking his hair out and stomping him out. Haymakers were thrown. He is crying for mercy. he falls to the ground and gets

shot in the head?


Where is his fair shake in trial?
I understand he wasnt the image of a man who valued human life but "freedom fighters"?? really

And yeah Im mad. I hope his son Seif al-islam comes through in the cut and murks all these fools.

Im mad! must have known the guy. If you the big bad man, killing people just for don't think that's going to catch up to you eventually?

And you think just because he said he was sorry or shed a few tears when he was captured that it was going to be all good? The people were just going to forget?

It is unsettling when someone's unsavoury past is cited as justification for their barbaric death

Disagree...first, murdering innocent people is simply summed up as "unsavory"? Stop it. Sure a trial by International Law SOUNDS good, but on that day, those people unleashed barbaric savagery. It's more like you got what you had coming.

Are you seriously picking on the word "unsavory? 
 Unsavory - MORALLY OFFENSIVE,disagreeable,distasteful. You stop it. 

Anyone can try to go around trying to justify him being killed in this manner in any way, but at the end of the day, you would lose in court. No one is above the law and not under any circumstances. The International Criminal Court (ICC) had issued an arrest warrant for Gaddafi. He should have been have captured and handed him to magistrates in The Hague. The ICC would have been in a better position to sentence him for crimes against humanity. That is true justice.

I would never EVER mourn the death of a dictator,especially a man who terrorized his people for 42 years. But, neither would I cheer summary executions of anyone or a lynch mob of ANYONE, no matter how brutal. That's just barbaric. As people who consider ourselves morally superior, we should be morally higher and better and more civilized than that.

So the answer to barbarism, is even more barbarism?Doing a lynch mob and parading around the body displaying such barbarity is justfied? Civilians in Iraq or Somalia who saw members of the U.S. military as foreign invaders and murderers of thousands coming in bombing their people to pieces. In your logic, due to their beliefs to the barbarity of the action of foreign invaders, then those instances where you saw the burning and lynching of U.S. mlitary personnel in Iraq on the bridges, and the U.S. military killed and their mutilated and dead bodies dragged in the streets of Mogadishu in Somalia as justified, correct?

Tell me, how are these men any better? If the result is going to be brutality like this in Libya getting back at any of Gaddafi's men and supporters, then attaining the democracy mantra is a big farce. Like I said, they are doing exactly what he would have done, and they are supposed to be fighting against that.

What you are failing to consider is that justification of his lynching is unjustifiable due to International Law and for the purpose of why it was implemented in the first place. With your logic and thinking, then we will continue to see human rights violations all over the globe on ANYONE as people will come up with some justification to do whatever they want since they think they can play executioner and put matter into their own hands as if they are above the law. Dangerous thinking. 

He should have been treated with more dignity and had a fair and just trial to you. You can sit here and type all day about what he should have happened or what should not have happened, but the fact is that his past caught up with him. You bring up International Law as if it mattered to the people who found him. Pure democracy is a form of democracy in which the laws are made directly by the people. What we just witnessed wasn't International Law or ICC justice, it was street justice. An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth in it's most savagest form. Is it right? No, but I understand.

And you ask the question,
So the answer to barbarism, is even more barbarism?

For those people? Apparently so.
Originally Posted by AG 47

He should have been treated with more dignity and had a fair and just trial to you. You can sit here and type all day about what he should have happened or what should not have happened, but the fact is that his past caught up with him. You bring up International Law as if it mattered to the people who found him. Pure democracy is a form of democracy in which the laws are made directly by the people. What we just witnessed wasn't International Law or ICC justice, it was street justice. An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth in it's most savagest form. Is it right? No, but I understand.

And you ask the question,
So the answer to barbarism, is even more barbarism?

For those people? Apparently so.

Ok, then we agree on pretty much everything. I was just arguing why the barbarity and killing was unjustified. But, this is a conventional all-out war and barbarity will take place. Despite how the actions of these men were unjustified showing such barbarity, it is understandable. 

Why I am mentioning the ICC, it is because I think that if this happened here in the West, I doubt the culture or media would be into displaying lynching like that and would hand a dictator or war criminal to be taken care of by International Law. I could be wrong. Then again, I think the rebels were instructed that if he was found, he should be killed. The U.S. and other Western allies would not want him tried. Who knows if he would have divulged any secrets or information.

its not like international law (the UN) is going to intervene to guarantee due process...what do you think they are there to do? There is no civility under these types of circumstances....
Originally Posted by I FR3SH I

@ the NY Post cover

i heard this on the news i wasn't really payig attention since i was on the computer i thought they where bsing but it was true smh...

damn that gun looks aswome
All i was trying to say was i know he deserved a horrific death but "freedom fighter" um ya not so much...

They paraded him to execute him.

US shouldnt have ever gotten involved.

This new libya gov needs to get investigated and dealt with properly for executing Colonel Ghaddahfi
the one thing that's hilarious to me is this... all these folks on their knees, mourning & crying for Ghadafi... yet have a strikingly different reaction than those directly oppressed by him for decades.

hilllllllarious. stand up, dry your eyes, & change out of your Gap dress already. get that sucker dry-cleaned and realize his death came with no more civility than those murdered under his regime.

he did this to himself.
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