Breaking News , GADHAFI DEAD .....

YO can you please put that pic in a spoiler?
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

Originally Posted by ninjahood

Thats what really killed him...smh RIP
On paper, for his nation, that seems like a really smart idea. 

It would be smart in ANY country.

where's that video a NT posted about the process in which oil is traded/purchased?
might be within this one:

if i'm not mistaken oil is currently purchased and traded using the US dollar.. and if they were to change (to gold as predicted/planned) that it would be ALL bad for the US economy. 
Originally Posted by supa vegetto

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by eiddyfouw

On paper, for his nation, that seems like a really smart idea. 

It would be smart in ANY country.

where's that video a NT posted about the process in which oil is traded/purchased?
might be within this one:

if i'm not mistaken oil is currently purchased and traded using the US dollar.. and if they were to change (to gold as predicted/planned) that it would be ALL bad for the US economy. 
FYI, Saddam was about to pull that jack-move too. He wanted oil to be traded in Euros... 


I think every one should look into the incident in the early 90s when they said saddam was killing babies in incubators. The girl that made the report testified in front of the UN that she had witnessed it...TURNS OUT that she was the daughter of a US Diplomat to a neighboring area of Kuwait and they fabricated the whole story. But by then the damage was done, and we had already used it as bait to convince people to invade Iraq.

The incident is called Nayirah Testimony the

Yall keep thinking that ya'll can't be lied to. It happens OVER and OVER again. 
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by supa vegetto

Originally Posted by rashi

It would be smart in ANY country.

where's that video a NT posted about the process in which oil is traded/purchased?
might be within this one:

if i'm not mistaken oil is currently purchased and traded using the US dollar.. and if they were to change (to gold as predicted/planned) that it would be ALL bad for the US economy. 
FYI, Saddam was about to pull that jack-move too. He wanted oil to be traded in Euros... 

You know, as much as media in this country portrayed Saddam as a monster, it is never reported how many people, mostly children died due to sanctions the U.S. put on Iraq.

Sad. Same thing is going on right now in Iran, only a mater of time before the U.S. back those moronic Zionists in Palestine.
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by supa vegetto

where's that video a NT posted about the process in which oil is traded/purchased?
might be within this one:

if i'm not mistaken oil is currently purchased and traded using the US dollar.. and if they were to change (to gold as predicted/planned) that it would be ALL bad for the US economy. 
FYI, Saddam was about to pull that jack-move too. He wanted oil to be traded in Euros... 

You know, as much as media in this country portrayed Saddam as a monster, it is never reported how many people, mostly children died due to sanctions the U.S. put on Iraq.

Sad. Same thing is going on right now in Iran, only a mater of time before the U.S. back those moronic Zionists in Palestine.
this is true, people need to do their research and come to their own conclusions. 
Originally Posted by WickedxCL

a video before he was killed by the rebels...

another video after his death....

disgusting.....even when someone is dying and begging for their lives there was no sympathy and that's what definitely led to his death of loss of blood instead of getting to proper medical institutions
One more thing which baffles me about this whole situation is that these al-qaeda insurgents rebels are suppose to represent a "growing Democracy" and Rule of Law, and yet they shoot a defenseless man begging for his life, not even giving in a day in court.

This is who the U.S. is supporting?
Originally Posted by AG 47

Or CIA "consultants?"

The CIA knows how to grease the wheels of "progress" to say the least. We definitely had a hand in this. Anybody ever read the book Economic Hitmen?

cosign. confessions of an economic hitman is def on my next to read list. I can def believe the US aided from the sidelines, but i don't think they led the charge so to speak.
Can someone school me on Gadhafi?
I want to know all the important FACTS about him.
Aside from gold, why was he so disliked?
Nothing like arm chair foreign policy analysts 

Osama is not dead yet you can't prove he's alive, like just shut up. Keep living your live thinking everything in life is a conspiracy, you are no more a sheep than the people who believe everything placed in front of them.

Anyways, this was great in showing the US doesn't always have to be the leader in these missions, we'd be having more success in the Middle East if more coalition efforts were put forth. 
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Nothing like arm chair foreign policy analysts 

Osama is not dead yet you can't prove he's alive, like just shut up. Keep living your live thinking everything in life is a conspiracy, you are no more a sheep than the people who believe everything placed in front of them.

Anyways, this was great in showing the US doesn't always have to be the leader in these missions, we'd be having more success in the Middle East if more coalition efforts were put forth. 

Ya that makes me mad too, couldn't have said it better.
Originally Posted by CosmicCanon

Can someone school me on Gadhafi?
I want to know all the important FACTS about him.
Aside from gold, why was he so disliked?
These vids pretty much sum up the agenda behind killing Muammar, homie's gold standard was about to destroy the global balance of currency.
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