Black guy hair cuts

I used it back in the day.....never doing it again

I keep hearing black folks talking about he or she has "good" hair texture. Can someone explain to me what that means? Unless your hair is falling off how can the texture be bad?
It's Sadly just still Slave Mentality passed down throught the Generations. The Closer your Hair was to Master's Hair/White's Hair... the Better! Whites would classify those w/ Hair closer to their Texture as more Beautiful and better than other slaves, the very same way they'd look at Lighter/Mixed Slaves as more Beautiful. So, of course having Hair that wasn't Course was Highly Coveted amongst the Black Community and has been in one way or another for a very long time. It's almost as bad as the "having lighter skin" thing...

I HATED it growing up and it bothered me since I was in Grade School, but I didn't know why til I learned about it in High School. When I was younger I'd get those Remarks, because my hair wasn't particularly too course, but I'd always ask why and I'd get the standard response, "Well, it isn't Nappy and it's Curly/Straight/Fluffy" etc. One time in High School, two girls were arguing over whether I had "Good Hair" or Not and it PISSED ME OFF, so I've always shut down that conversation anytime around it since then.

People just don't love themselves, but it's hard, especially when alot of our elders have just passed down this tradition that Un-Black Hair should be Celebrated. I can't fault your grandparents for feeling that way, because in their day, you were much more accepted by the White Majority, the closer you were to their attributes. But it's a new day now... of course Racism is still Highly Alive & Well, but we're not in the same position we were 60 Years Ago, so we can rock out a little differently. 

Love Yourselves! If your Hair is Thick & Course... it's STRONG... Celebrate that! Your Hair IS CURLY... that's why it Naps Up! But please believe, our people back in Africa were putting all kinds of Natural Juices and Oils in their Hair for beauty/maintenance, so DO THAT. We didn't have those same resources as much when they brought us here, so it was tough for awhile, but now we got things, so use em! Everybody's Hair gets MATTED if you don't do nothing to it, regardless of the Texture. Leave that "Good Hair" BS to the Birds and Old Folks.

My bad for the semi-long response, I just hate the whole "Good Hair" thing and everything like it that still haunts the Black community.
its always black females with this b.s 

the same ones claiming 1/16 native american hardbody
The Black community in General. It's a Generational Norm that has yet to break... The Hair and the Mixed part.

Funny thing is... we're ALL MIXED. Every Black Person in America is MIXED, the exact same way Dominicans, Cubans, etc are Mixed... just from different Settlers.

But Attributes like those are what were used to Divide Us back then by the Powers, and now we still use them to Divide Ourselves. 
Y'all got me wanting to try the south of france, probably gonna start it up. Trust my barbers skills & I think I can pull it off. Think I'mma switch it up a lil and get the back faded like this. Thoughts?

You already basically got a version of that Cut going, just without the Length on Top.

And I'm feeling it bro... it don't have to be Faded/Blended EXACTLY like Usher's to be Nice.

Keep letting your Own Style Rock... much better than another dead-on Celebrity Copycat Haircut out here.
Girls used to ask me "how am i half arab and still have nappy hair" my father had straight hair and he was pale but idk how they thought him or I were middle eastern lmao
I used it back in the day.....never doing it again :x

I keep hearing black folks talking about he or she has "good" hair texture. Can someone explain to me what that means? Unless your hair is falling off how can the texture be bad?
There's no such thing as "good hair". Another thing black people use to seperate themselves instead of uniting together. Such nonsense.

That's sad as hell. We do the same thing in Sudan with light skin. Girls who are dark are undesirable, and white girls are worshipped. **** makes me sick, and I'm not very dark. Sorry don't mean to make this a race thread but I see the same behavior among blacks here and it disgusts me
I used it back in the day.....never doing it again 

I keep hearing black folks talking about he or she has "good" hair texture. Can someone explain to me what that means? Unless your hair is falling off how can the texture be bad?
There's no such thing as "good hair". Another thing black people use to seperate themselves instead of uniting together. Such nonsense.
That's sad as hell. We do the same thing in Sudan with light skin. Girls who are dark are undesirable, and white girls are worshipped. **** makes me sick, and I'm not very dark. Sorry don't mean to make this a race thread but I see the same behavior among blacks here and it disgusts me
look at the title of da thread b. its low key always been a race thread in a way. 

Ive noticed throughout a lot of cultures and i mean a lot that a light vs dark disparity exists

whether it because of the intrusion of European ideals, the idea that poorer less desirable people were darker because of the color they'd get from being in the sun or an array of other reasons

"i feel like the darker you are the deeper your problems" word to da god NAS

and its especially bad on women 
. because many times than not a womans social value is determined by her beauty and lightness exclusively is synonymous with being beautiful.

ish is heart wrenching b 
"i feel like the darker you are the deeper your problems" word to da god NAS

and its especially bad on women 
. because many times than not a womans social value is determined by her beauty and lightness exclusively is synonymous with being beautiful.

ish is heart wrenching b 
my pops put me on game young, buts its 1000% true how darker skin women flock to light skin dudes like flies on ish. i been flourishing in west african yambs all 4 years of school 

Stay strapped don't swim without your cap.   

but to get back on track i been wolfing for the last 4 weeks and im gonna go for the 2012 will smith fade this weekend. 
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