Black Enlightenment Thread. (*Index Added**Book & Movie Club Update on Pg.1)

Sneaker Heathen: Come on bro, you know White privilege is a myth created by minorities to stick it back to the man.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

This thread is a joke.. how come know of you guys address how the black community disregards education but then are surprised when they have low social standings? think about it for a second, mini al sharptons.

You obviously don't understand social pigeonholing and the effect it has on young people.Nor effects of gentrification, and HOW it effects a community. You sir are ignorant to all these and many other factors. You can't be properly educated if their isn't a proper education system in place, nor if society had placed predisposed roles upon you.

Furthermore you are blinded by PRIVILEGE, something you have failed to grasp an understanding of. I refuse to waste my time with bigots though, I'm not even going to elaborate myself to a person whom chooses (and furthermore EMBRACES) ignorance.
so it's the white man's fault?

and ericberry, im not even talking bad, i'm just amazed at these kind of topics. from my point of view it looks like these are all excuses instead oflooking for solutions to fix the problems. For example, my school is 60% black. but in all the honors/AP classes there are very little blacks, it's mostlywhites/asians/middle easterns. so is it the governments fault also? everyone has the same opportunity, but people aren't taking it?

and seriously, no one should dare call me a racist
i've hadthese exact topics with black teachers are school, and they all tend to agree with my views. one of them said; "most of these kid's parents are justas ignorant as they are". i'm not even trying to start beef, i'm just trying to get you guys to look at it from a different point of view.
BTW It is white people whom have gained these privileges and then have mystified the things (and the process taken to gain thus privileges) that has happenedthroughout history in this country to minorities.

Hispanics, Natives, Blacks, etc have been exploited (and are still being) and white people have found a convenient way to change history to JUSTIFY what hashappened.

You saw it when whites first "Founded" this country, you didn't find it you TOOK it by blood shed.

You saw it through exploitation of Black people as a form of cheap expendable labor.

You see it NOW institionally EVERYDAY.

White people even exploit their own WOMEN and those of the white lower-class for cheap labor RIGHT NOW. You objectify women on a daily basis without them evenknowing it. Why? Because you MYSTIFY the process. Back in the day rich white MEN devised a way to fool other whites (in the lower class) to come together inthe name of white-superiority. That way they could pay them little yet keep them happy by making them think they were all coming together for a common bond. Tooppress those of color....

And its still happening today on a much LARGER scale. Yet it is so much more subtle.
I see no excuses, only acknowledgement of where the issues originate from. Solutions are much more difficult than enlightenment. You claim excuses, why do youthink they aren't in AP classes, because they are lazy? Oh that is right, BLACKS do not care about education.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

I see no excuses, only acknowledgement of where the issues originate from. Solutions are much more difficult than enlightenment. You claim excuses, why do you think they aren't in AP classes, because they are lazy? Oh that is right, BLACKS do not care about education.

because their families aren't pushing education i guess.
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

Originally Posted by kix4kix

I see no excuses, only acknowledgement of where the issues originate from. Solutions are much more difficult than enlightenment. You claim excuses, why do you think they aren't in AP classes, because they are lazy? Oh that is right, BLACKS do not care about education.

because their families aren't pushing education i guess.

Do you have any proof to back up such a claim? Thats bull IMO.
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

For example, my school is 60% black. but in all the honors/AP classes there are very little blacks, it's mostly whites/asians/middle easterns. so is it the governments fault also? everyone has the same opportunity, but people aren't taking it?
im just going to address this topic.

Alot of black youth don't believe that they can actually succeed. All around them they see is failure, despair, & just all around hopelessness. If youfelt like school wasnt going to help you succeed, would you try hard at it? No you wouldnt becuase you dont think it'd help you in the long run. Not tomention what you're saying is pretty much only true in innercity schools. Those "coincidentally" happen to be the least funded, worst run schoolsthere are. Is that really a conincidence fam? But just look at schools in the suburbs that are well funded & are run properly, alot of the black studentsare in those same Honors/AP classes.

But lets be serious not everyone has the same opportunity. A kid that is born in the middle of the ghetto & goes to one of the worst schools in the areadoesnt have the same opportunites that a kid who is born in the suburbs & goes to one of the better schools in the area. THey have completely differentopportunities available to them.
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

i will never know what it feels like to be a slave. but neither will any other black american living today. there is more intratribal slavery in africa between black people than there is slavery against blacks by whites in the world today.

the way to fix the race problem is to stop trying to defend races. "all humans should be treated equal" actually is a commonly held axiom now, for the first time in the history of the world. universal declaration of human rights ftw. clearly not everyone follows and believes in it but people who don't believe in it have to resort to subtle racism, as extroverted claims that one race is weaker than another are harshly derided by the mainstream public. there is no need to defend races. the common ground for solidarity shouldn't be past struggles between one race and another. it should be the solidarity between all humans, as mankind.
Wordy. Universal declaration of human rights ftw? I've never heard of such a declaration.

today's blacks cannot be grouped with the blacks of 150 years ago. the same conditions do not pervade american society. there are tangential effects from less fortunate times that black people still have to deal with, yes. but to group all black people of the last 200 years under the same guise of racial persecution is a TRAVESTY and DISHONOR to any black person's ancestors.

Less fortunate times? I wouldn't describe years and years of treating black people like property as "less fortunate times". Your big onnumbers, how much does the United States owe generations of black people for FREE labor that built this country from the ground up?

the truth is, black people once being kings and africa being man's original homeland lends more to black supremacy than it does to racial equality. please read my posts and reply to them, instead of repeatedly stating that "i will never know what it is like to be a black man." that is a logical fallacy and lends 0 credence to your "argument"
Africa being mans original homeland has nothing to do with black supremacy. Rather, the perception of the black race since humans migrated fromAfrica. There would not have been slavery if blacks weren't perceived as barbaric, and uncivilized, two accusations that dominate western culture attitudetowards Africans and the eastern world.

The whole point is that race based ideology was completely wrong in the first place. If we all come from Africa then that makes us all barbaric anduncivilized.

so it's the white man's fault?

and ericberry, im not even talking bad, i'm just amazed at these kind of topics. from my point of view it looks like these are all excuses instead of looking for solutions to fix the problems. For example, my school is 60% black. but in all the honors/AP classes there are very little blacks, it's mostly whites/asians/middle easterns. so is it the governments fault also? everyone has the same opportunity, but people aren't taking it?

and seriously, no one should dare call me a racist
i've had these exact topics with black teachers are school, and they all tend to agree with my views. one of them said; "most of these kid's parents are just as ignorant as they are". i'm not even trying to start beef, i'm just trying to get you guys to look at it from a different point of view.
NOBODY ever claimed to shy away from our responsibility as students and learners.

IT IS the white mans fault for holding back black education for years in this country. IT DOES matter today.

I hate when people like you make an argument and notion that racism is a cop out, yet show no ability to make a citation or reference to back up your claim.

History will prove you wrong.
Amazing how so many people are so quick to try and shoot this thread down... if you don't like the topic then don't come in the thread... pointblank... lets just ignore the ignorance and continue to build on the original topic...
B Smooth 202 wrote:
so it's the white man's fault?

and ericberry, im not even talking bad, i'm just amazed at these kind of topics. from my point of view it looks like these are all excuses instead of looking for solutions to fix the problems. For example, my school is 60% black. but in all the honors/AP classes there are very little blacks, it's mostly whites/asians/middle easterns. so is it the governments fault also? everyone has the same opportunity, but people aren't taking it?

and seriously, no one should dare call me a racist
i've had these exact topics with black teachers are school, and they all tend to agree with my views. one of them said; "most of these kid's parents are just as ignorant as they are". i'm not even trying to start beef, i'm just trying to get you guys to look at it from a different point of view.
NOBODY ever claimed to shy away from our responsibility as students and learners.

IT IS the white mans fault for holding back black education for years in this country. IT DOES matter today.

I hate when people like you make an argument and notion that racism is a cop out, yet show no ability to make a citation or reference to back up your claim.

History will prove you wrong.

Well said.
Can we address media/TV/music in regards to black culture. I honestly think this is the #1 problem among our community. When you see your people portrayed inthese same stereotypes so many times, it's only a matter of time before you feel like that is how you should be living. I grew up emulating Diddy, Jay Zect. and these dudes were definitely not good role-models. All my counterparts end up in prison because they are trying to be like these rappers who mediabasically forced us to idolize.
Originally Posted by ShoxBb433

Can we address media/TV/music in regards to black culture. I honestly think this is the #1 problem among our community. When you see your people portrayed in these same stereotypes so many times, it's only a matter of time before you feel like that is how you should be living. I grew up emulating Diddy, Jay Z ect. and these dudes were definitely not good role-models. All my counterparts end up in prison because they are trying to be like these rappers who media basically forced us to idolize.

1) your boys went to jail because they wanted wealth...white, asain, middle eastern & black people have wealth and they wanted to be like them, dontblame music.~~~~2) rule number 8, clearly states..."Ignore those who only chose to cause confusion."...yet 'Gordon Gekko 979' , 'Dey KnowYayo' & 'kix4kix' have been going back and forth using up countless pages that could be used for something WAY more positive....if theirnegative, leave them be...~~~where not here to convert every body who isnt a follower of our thoughts....were here to strengthen OUR minds and get back tolearning OUR culture and the mistakes that have been taught to US over the years...~~~~If another race feels left out (which they do, clealry) just sit backand read with US and see how much WE ALL have in common at the end of the'll be surprised!~~~~~peace
In Charles Darwin's Descent of Man 1871, he suggested that Africa was the true cradle of mankind and birthplace ofhumanity. This flew in the face of the racist, quasi-scientific consensus at the time. Darwin's hypothesis proved to be correct, as an influx of AfricanArchaeological research began finding the fossilized remains or early human ancestors, which were millions of years older than the old fossils of the time.

Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia andSouth AfricaSouth Africa (you can click out Wiki links for more info on each state) produced information and evidence thatmade Louis Leakey assert that the first contribution of Africa to human progress is "the evolution of manhimself" (1)

The theory of human evolution is still an ongoing one, which is constantly subject to feverish debate. But evidence of archaic H0m0 sapien ancestors have beenfound all over the African continent in their oldest forms. Somewhere around 5 million years ago, the H0m0 genus began developing and around 200,00 - 150,000years ago modern humans entered onto the stage.


The famous fossilized scull of one of the very first ancestors of humankind, known today as Mrs. Ples. It is believed to be 2,5 million years old and was found in the Sterkfontein caves at the Cradle of Humankind area. It is on display in the Transvaal museum in Pretoria - History of South Africa
copyright [emoji]169[/emoji] South African tourism

Australopithecus africanus pictured above pictured above was the first deviation from the modern ape due to its larger brain capacity. Fossils of this form ofhominid have been found all over Africa, dating back 3-4 million years.



So you can begin to see the historical falsehoods and tenets of White supremacy inherit in media like those, which is everywhere from schooltextbooks to children's cartoons.





In fact there is only rare and scattered evidence of Neandrathal man being found in the plains of Eastern Europe, they were beleived to have been wiped out bythe Ice Age due to their lack of ability to cope with the harsh weather conditions. It wasn't until modern humans evolved in Africa, that these ancestorsbegan migrating into Europes frozen tundras and hunting mammoth, woolly rhinoceros, bison, horses, moose and reindeer. And the invention of the wheel probablytook place about 75,000 - 50,000 years ago amogst the Sumerian, Nubians, Olmec, etc...not by some fictional European Neandrathal millions of years ago.
While there is some evidence Neanderthals once occupied the plains of Eastern Europe, they seem to have been scarce or absent there during the last glacial period when modern humans arrived, he said. The lack of competitors like the Neanderthals might have been the chief attraction to the area and the reason why modern humans first entered this part of Europe, Hoffecker said.

"Unlike the Neanderthals, modern humans had the ability to devise new technologies for coping with cold climates and less than abundant food resources," he said. "The Neanderthals, who had occupied Europe for more than 200,000 years, seem to have left the back door open for modern humans. "

Early humans were nomadic and depended heavily on their surrounding environment. This caused human development to take place in different stages in differentplaces. Technology progressed rapidly during the stone age.
Modern humans (i.e. @++@ sapiens sapiens) are believed to have emerged at least 250,000 years ago in Africa. Though these humans were modern in anatomy, their lifestyle changed very little from their contemporaries such as @++@ erectus and the Neanderthals. They used the same crude stone tools. Archaeologist Richard G. Klein, who has worked extensively on ancient stone tools, describes the stone tool kit of archaic hominids as impossible to categorize. It was as if when the Neanderthals went to make a stone tool they weren't really concerned about its final form. He argues that almost everywhere, whether Asia or Africa or Europe, before 50,000 years ago all the stone tools are very much alike and unsophisticated. However after 50,000 years ago there is sharp increase in the diversity of artifacts. For the first time bone artifacts, and the first art appear in the fossil record in Africa. The first evidence of human fishing is also noted from artifact in places like Blombos cavein South Africa. After 50,000 years ago, firstly in Africa, it was found that human artifacts could be placed into many different categories, such as projectile points, engraving tools, knife blades, and drilling and piercing tools. These new stone tool types have been described as being distinctly differentiated from each other as if each tool had a specific name. 3000 to 4000 years later this technology spread to Europe resulting in a population explosion of modern humans and also the extinction of the Neanderthals. The invaders commonly referred to as the Cro-Magnons left many sophisticated stone tools, cave art and Venus figurines.[sup][1][/sup][sup][2][/sup][sup][3][/sup] This shift from Middle to Upper Paleolithic is called the Upper Paleolithic Revolution. The Neanderthals continued to use Mousterian stone tool technology.


Battle Cave, ancient dwelling-place of the Bushmen (San) in the Injusati valley in the Drakensberg mountains, famous for its scenes depicting the San people's way of life and their rock art on the cave walls - History of South Africa
copyright [emoji]169[/emoji] South African tourism

Around 12,000 years ago during the Neolithic Revolution, h0m0 sapiens sapiens (us) began the domestication of animals and pastoralism (food production), whichchanged the world and set the stage for the great civilizations of Northern and West Africa




black people were the first slavemasters and are currently the world's largest holders of black slaves. there's some enlightenment for you.

division will get you nowhere. only unification will. today's white people do not "owe" what their ancestors owe to black people. i agreeinjustices need to be honored and accounted for, but if you separate america into whites and blacks and put today's white people in the same group as theslaveowners of the 1800s and today's black people in the same group as the slaves of the 1800s, you are committing a grossly racist generalization thatdoes nothing for the cause of racial equality. in fact if anything it propagates racism.

you think today's white people should be forced to give reparations to today's black people? okay, then today's black people should be forced togive reparations to today's jews.

significantly blaming the current state of affairs of black people on racial injustice is A COP OUT. of course the effects still exist and there is stillracism to this day, but hte key is TO LOOK FORWARD, not LOOK BACK. jews were persecuted heavily during world war 2, but are now the richest and most powerfulpeople in the world. the regression of slavery and holocaust are clearly not equatable, but the point is-- stop saying htings like "you white people haveno idea about the psychological effects of slavery 200 years ago." stop insluting your ancestors by trying to use their misfortunes as justification fordemanding hand outs.

you say africa is the cradle of human civilization. then treat it as such and categorize all humans under the same scope of mankind rather than to prolong pastinjustices with divisiveness.
DEYKNOWYAYO: just give it up my dude... no one wants to hear what you have to say... Haze and others in this thread are spreading knowledge on our roots whichis something that WHITE people tried to strip away from us... you can't try and dehumanize a race of people and just expect them to forget about it...

-just as a tree without roots is dead, a people without a history and culture is also dead- Malcolm X
today's black people share more in common with today's white people than they do with the black people of 200 years ago.
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

today's black people share more in common with today's white people than they do with the black people of 200 years ago.
why are you in this thread. where has anybody tried to do anything that was even remotely divisive. people are just trying to learn more abouttheir ancestral heritage & where they came from & they great things our ancestors achieved so we can have more of a sense of pride about being black.

why do you have such an issue with that?
I'm ignoring user on DKY, I suggest you all just do the same.... we all should be in this thread to learn about our history and our current condition notto argue... with that said ABH carry on, I can appreciate this thread aside from the bickering.
because it isn't education. it's slanted, underhanded propagation of black supremacy.

black pride? why are you proud of the color of your skin? be proud of the doings of your ancestors, but their being black had nothing to do with it. be proudto be an american, if you believe american ideals shaped the global acceptance of all races. be proud of your ancestral nations, if you believe its principlesled to betterment of mankind. be proud of mankind. but to be "proud" of one's skin color is inhernetly supremacist, because nothing good done bya black man has anything to do with his skin color- it is his principles and individual merit that are the driving force.
there's a difference between black pride and recognizing black people aren't lower than any other race. one says we're all equal (the latter), theother is supremacist and has the backbones of racism instilled in it (the former).
DYK I suggest you start your own thread if you wish to discuss those topics.

Right now you are trolling, berating posters with things have nothing to do with what is being posted at this time in this thread.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Maybe you guys live in denial but to say that the black man is on an equal playing field thansomebody white is's getting to the point where i'm not even going to post in this thread.[/color]
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