Black Enlightenment Thread. (*Index Added**Book & Movie Club Update on Pg.1)

Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

black people were the first slavemasters and are currently the world's largest holders of black slaves. there's some enlightenment for you.
Difference is Africans didn't build an entire civilization and structured economic system out of slavery like America did.
DYK dropping knowledge, i love it. users such as ABH, dont know how to act when someone articulate shuts down their threads
slavery was terribly regressive for american economic development in the long-run. cheap labor is not the defining characteristic of america's capitalisteconomy-- it is entrepreneurship. this is capitalism, not feudalism or agrarianism. civil war led to hyperinflation and a complete restructuring of theamerican economy to the powerhouse it is today. how can you say american civilzation is still structured in slavery? that is terribly ignorant.
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

DYK dropping knowledge, i love it. users such as ABH, dont know how to act when someone articulate shuts down their threads

The thread is still going strong and I haven't "acted" in any way at all.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

black people were the first slavemasters and are currently the world's largest holders of black slaves. there's some enlightenment for you.
Difference is Africans didn't build an entire civilization and structured economic system out of slavery like America did.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]I believe it was during the Eastern Slave trade when slavery became as harsh as it wasknown to be today[/color]
and african tribes who resort to slavery actually STILL have a slave-dependent economic system. unlike america's.

i'm not saying black people are bad or deserve any harm or anything. that is horrendous. i am saying black people are not any different than any otherrace. in the past, whoever was in power was oppressive, but as societies intertwine, acceptance results from the new identification of other, differentlylooking humans as "ourselves."

the "movement" talked about in the very first post is disturbingly supremacist.
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

black people were the first slavemasters and are currently the world's largest holders of black slaves. there's some enlightenment for you.

division will get you nowhere. only unification will. today's white people do not "owe" what their ancestors owe to black people. i agree injustices need to be honored and accounted for, but if you separate america into whites and blacks and put today's white people in the same group as the slaveowners of the 1800s and today's black people in the same group as the slaves of the 1800s, you are committing a grossly racist generalization that does nothing for the cause of racial equality. in fact if anything it propagates racism.

you think today's white people should be forced to give reparations to today's black people? okay, then today's black people should be forced to give reparations to today's jews.

significantly blaming the current state of affairs of black people on racial injustice is A COP OUT. of course the effects still exist and there is still racism to this day, but hte key is TO LOOK FORWARD, not LOOK BACK. jews were persecuted heavily during world war 2, but are now the richest and most powerful people in the world. the regression of slavery and holocaust are clearly not equatable, but the point is-- stop saying htings like "you white people have no idea about the psychological effects of slavery 200 years ago." stop insluting your ancestors by trying to use their misfortunes as justification for demanding hand outs.

you say africa is the cradle of human civilization. then treat it as such and categorize all humans under the same scope of mankind rather than to prolong past injustices with divisiveness.
The thing is your accusing people who've been robbed of their culture and history, of divisiveness, when we have clearly already been divided.There hasn't been any negative message in this thread besides the idea of black supremacy that you seem to believe is supported by knowing ones history.

In order to move forward, you HAVE to look back.

Who claimed that slave owners and the white people of today should be placed in the same group?

Matter of fact Yayo your making a lot of accusations, and most of them seem to fall under the 'reverse racism' idea. You have failed to make anyhistorical citations other than the fact that African's had Jewish slaves, and that they still have slaves. Who are todays black people that owe Jewishpeople reperations? I sure hope your not talking about the African Americans who were kidnapped from their homes and shipped to America, which sure as hellwasn't an asylum for us.

I'm ignoring user on DKY, I suggest you all just do the same.... we all should be in this thread to learn about our history and our current condition not to argue... with that said ABH carry on, I can appreciate this thread aside from the bickering.
Why ignore him? Expose him. Disagree with him. Part of learning is debating.

Even Frederick Douglas, Du'Bois, Marcus Garvey all had different ideas on how to advance our race. Lets keep it moving.
But who is talking about racial superiority?

So far there has only been a recollection of factual African history.

You're ranting and sound pretty ignorant right now.
DYK was right on the money with the analogy of jews in the united states. i dont understand how middle easterns, african immigrants, west indians,jews, asians,and whites are thriving while AAs continue to blame all their shortcomings on other people. at the end of the day, you have the ability to choose your destiny,not the government.

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

But who is talking about racial superiority?

So far there has only been a recollection of factual African history.

You're ranting and sound pretty ignorant right now.
you're try to rally up the minorities to revolt. that's reverse racism
i dont agree completely, gordon gekko. clearly minorities face a harder time than do whites and there are legalities that are clearly aimed at certain races,like the war on drugs. but the fact is, we have progressed to a point that there is a minimum threshold of social mobility in america that anyone can make itto the top if he works hard and, like i said, supplies what the world demands.

the ancestors of black slaves in the 1500s-1800s were slaveowners themselves at one point. there's a certain point where the past becomes less relevantthan the future and we have clearly reached that point.

for those who try to say this is strictly a fact-oriented thread based on understanding african history, please stop kidding yourselves. the first thing inthis htread is "let's get the movement started." enoguh with the pessimism against race relations in america and on with the optimism for thefuture. we have progressed to the point where pessimism is clearly only regressive.
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

why does everybody think that the fact that we have a black president has changed so much about racism. it really hasnt changed very much, peopleare still just as racist as they were before he was elected president.

but why do you both insist in trolling around in this thread? if you dont agree with what is going on in here, then just avoid this thread & there wont beany issues for you.
Originally Posted by Gordon Gekko 979

DYK was right on the money with the analogy of jews in the united states. i dont understand how middle easterns, african immigrants, west indians,jews, asians, and whites are thriving while AAs continue to blame all their shortcomings on other people. at the end of the day, you have the ability to choose your destiny, not the government.

I don't see any complaining here...just a weak attempt at baiting posters to get off track and into side arguments.

The posts made by you and DYK just further display the necessity for these type of discussion. Nothing has been posted but historical fact, logical and civilopinions...yet you all are crying about reverse racism, black superiority and people complaining. Attempting to derail an intellectual discussion by spammingthe thread with topics that no one else is speaking on.

Truly pathetic.
black president = white majority placed their faith in a black minority for the future and order of their nation. how is that not ridiculously significant?don't underestimate the social change that has taken place in america since the 60s.
anybody care to explain the black slave trade in the carribean? Afro Latinos have always amazed me because I've always wondered if they acknowledgethemselves as being black. Think David ortiz, Hanley Ramirez, Carlos Delgado, those Puerto Rican Dominican cats look like us, but do they call themselves blackor just latino? if they do then that's like us calling ourselves just americans instead of African Americans or black.

any explanations are appreciated
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

i dont agree completely, gordon gekko. clearly minorities face a harder time than do whites and there are legalities that are clearly aimed at certain races, like the war on drugs. but the fact is, we have progressed to a point that there is a minimum threshold of social mobility in america that anyone can make it to the top if he works hard and, like i said, supplies what the world demands.

the ancestors of black slaves in the 1500s-1800s were slaveowners themselves at one point. there's a certain point where the past becomes less relevant than the future and we have clearly reached that point.

for those who try to say this is strictly a fact-oriented thread based on understanding african history, please stop kidding yourselves. the first thing in this htread is "let's get the movement started." enoguh with the pessimism against race relations in america and on with the optimism for the future. we have progressed to the point where pessimism is clearly only regressive.
What is a minority? Who is this we you speak of?

Whats wrong with an intellectual movement based on African history and culture? You seem to be pretty upset over that Mr. Sanaullah....Bigoted much?
lol abeautifulhaze you have said the exact same thing in every response to my posts. i am making specific attacks on specific statements and underlying themesbehind your post and you respond with attempts at trivializing and belittling my arguments without even acknowledging them.
DYK was right on the money with the analogy of jews in the united states
If you only knew how wrong you are because slavery didn't exist in Ancient Egypt. There's no archaeological evidence for Jews ever beingslaves.
Originally Posted by firered18

anybody care to explain the black slave trade in the carribean? Afro Latinos have always amazed me because I've always wondered if they acknowledge themselves as being black. Think David ortiz, Hanley Ramirez, Carlos Delgado, those Puerto Rican Dominican cats look like us, but do they call themselves black or just latino? if they do then that's like us calling ourselves just americans instead of African Americans or black.

any explanations are appreciated
Thats a deep topic with a lot of social and historical precedence. African history in South America and the Caribbean is critical to understandingour global situation.

We will definitely give that an in depth discussion....once these peons tire themselves out or the mods step in and help purge the thread of trolling.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by firered18

anybody care to explain the black slave trade in the carribean? Afro Latinos have always amazed me because I've always wondered if they acknowledge themselves as being black. Think David ortiz, Hanley Ramirez, Carlos Delgado, those Puerto Rican Dominican cats look like us, but do they call themselves black or just latino? if they do then that's like us calling ourselves just americans instead of African Americans or black.

any explanations are appreciated
Thats a deep topic with a lot of social and historical precedence. African history in South America and the Caribbean is critical to understanding our global situation.

We will definitely give that an in depth discussion....once these peons tire themselves out or the mods step in and help purge the thread of trolling.
hopefully they will just leave this thread alone already. i dont understand why they continue to post in this thread, if they disagree with theidea of this thread. Then dont participate in this thread.
On some grown man %%+@ G, I swell with pride everytime you start up one of these threads, And at the same time envy how well-read you are in regards to ourhistory...

Makes me feel as though I should/could be doing so much more as a young black man, And I plan to.

I'll post if I have something constructive to bring to the table, But until then I'm just going to continue to soak up the knowledge and gems that arebeing dropped in here.
ericberry i have said a lot directly to you but you have failed to respond...

you guys called my posts stupid but have failed to refute my claims.
Why ignore him? Expose him. Disagree with him. Part of learning is debating.

Because I didn't come into this thread to expose anyone, I didn't come into this thread to compare the struggles of other people to that of mine and Isure as hell didn't come here to start a petty argument to derail this thread.... I want to learn more about my ancestors which was never taught to me andseems to be almost taboo here in America.
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

lol abeautifulhaze you have said the exact same thing in every response to my posts. i am making specific attacks on specific statements and underlying themes behind your post and you respond with attempts at trivializing and belittling my arguments without even acknowledging them.

Your'e talking about slavery and racial superiority, which neither I nor any other poster has brought into this thread, until you mentioned it.

Furthermore, you failed as soon as you started inferring that the movement referenced in my original post had something to do with "black supremacy"or shallow racial pride. Everyone else seemed to get the idea of the thread but you're a bit behind the curve. Perhaps you should go back into your comfortzone in the financial threads. This discussion seems to be way over your head. You can't even intelligently respond to the subject matter at hand.
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