Black Enlightenment Thread. (*Index Added**Book & Movie Club Update on Pg.1)

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Honestly....the civil rights movement was the last time we had i chance....they killed off all of our leaders and now we're at a point where the black "leaders" are the ignorant ones...those who speak for the race are rappers, athletes, sharpton....

I disagree, maybe in terms of mainstream culture, but there is always information out there and leaders going unheard.

When you look at the problems in black communities today it's easy to see how these problems got there. I'll use post civil war Atlanta as an example.A lot of blacks moved there after gaining 'freedom' because the city was supposed to be 'new'. Fresh off the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments,Jim Crow segregation is already basically in place. Black people live in shanties, infrastructure in black neighborhoods were purposely poor, education forblacks was ignored, the newly given right to vote was taken away by laws, black codes put restriction on basic human rights, police and whites got away withcountless acts of violence.

In response blacks formed grass roots political organizations, labor unions, social networks, and developed an education system (HBCUs). Culturally, theyescaped to night clubs in Atlanta, called 'jukes' where people would dance all night to blues music, showing the passion in the black soul for art andcreative expression, which would later be seen in the Harlem Renaissance.

There should definitely be more black history taught, what is taught to most is such a broad range of material. Good thread, I think everybody has a lot tolearn.
My grandfather took me to this lecture at the Schomburg Center.

The key things that i remembered was that he showed what looked like a ruler or mathematic rudiment and then following up with how others eradicated the truthof our intelligience including what and how we created things and lived... When I was a shorty dude blew my mind.

Dr. Malachi Z. York and his movement
Too extreme my aunt has something of his, freemason bibles all these types of way out things... I have the need to grasp concepts that are 80%sensible otherwise I dismiss it.
Africa is the name given to the continent by Europeans. Specifically the Romans. There is some historical precedent that indicates certain residents of the African continent referred to their homeland as Alkebulan but there was really no one name given to the entire land mass by its indigenous for the time being...Afica/Afika is a good as any other name.
What exactly is the point you are trying to make here Haze?
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

Originally Posted by MidEastBeast

How do you feel about

Dr. Malachi Z. York and his movement

What about Louis Farrakhan, the nation of Islam and the 5%ers.
The Nation of Islam's once militant views were an out for African Americans fed up with their mistreatment by the everyday American society. Had they not shut Malcom X up, the way they are perceived and their methods of preaching the ministry would be quite different and IMO, would be much more based upon interacting with all religions today.

I see your point. They are portrayed sometimes unfairly and come off as crazy militant groups. Only thing I'm salty about is how they changed the Islamic religion around. They claim Wallace Fard Muhammad is Allah (God). That just seems ridiculous to me. Some of the ideas are interesting, others end up being racist themselves.
People need to understand the difference between esoteric teachings and information that is meant to be taken literally. Esoteric knowledge ishidden knowledge, cloaked and coded information...knowledge weaved into symbolism, metaphors, parables, tales etc.

Almost everything in modern organized religion is taken from esoteric Kemetic (Egyptian) spirituality and is not meant to be taken literally.

Its the same thing with Malachi York's Nuwabian movement and the NOI. Extreme circumstances call for extreme measures and many of the doctrines of thesemovements were purposefully created to combat serious social ills faced by "Blacks" in America. Eventhough some of their teachings and actions my bemisguided in hindsight...their works and movements have been critical to the survival and upliftment of our people in the Americas. They combine may differenttruths from all around the world, take the relevant parts of these truths, add their own insight/philospohy and produce a cohesive system of ideology thatpeople can grasp onto and begin awakening.
NT is a pretty good place to try and reach others but as of lately, Your either preaching to the choir or stirring up racist feelings in A LOT of NT'ers when you begin speaking on race relations in America.

Stirring up feelings is an effective way of reaching out to others, especially with this type of topic. Most of the posts are extremely informational sofar. Keep it that way and what will the racists have to work with?

The past cant be changed, I'm more interested in what continues to fuel racism so here's something to do if you're bored, go to youtube and watch afew commercials with any black man or woman in it. Consider their placement as opposed to the white people in the commercial. Watch it without sound, how doesit look? Blacks are often put off to one side, or in the back to make the white person look taller/ more authoritative. Black women are often given animalistictraits. If a person sees these type of advertisements 5-10 times a day, do you think it impacts us subconciously?

Axe commercials in particular are good to analyze.
For those who don't know who Malachi York was....he was a spiritual teacher and social leader of the Nuwaubian movement, many of his teaching were deemedto be controversial . Mr. York purchased several hundreds acres of land in Putnam county Georgia and established sovereign land for his people and other"Blacks". He used laws on the books that allowed "Native Americans" to have their own independent land in America. Since there was"Blacks" originally on this continent before European colonization and West-African slaves who ran away and lived with "Native America"tribes...
"with all due respects to your government, your nation, and your court, we the indigenous people of this land have our own rights, accepted sovereign, our own governments. We are a sovereign people, Yamassee, Native American Creeks, Seminole, Wa****aw Mound Builders."
Wesley Snipes created a Paramilitary group to patrol the borders (hes been an enemy of the State for a minute) , schools were set up, health andwellness programs established including martial arts programs....there was a lot of promising developments. But the racist power structure in Georgia was notabout to let that happen. They cooked up a bunch of zoning law violations, seized and sold the property, which was demolished in 2005. Malachi York was chargedwith thousands of counts of child molestation and sentenced to over a hundred and fifty years imprisonment in 2004. Those charges were also extremelycontroversial.

You can Google his work, find many of his lectures on Youtube and form your own opinions.





Malachi York


i laughed when i read *#%@ sapiens in a previous post... but this is a powerful thread, and some may not understand it, but it's not racist to want to helpyour people do bigger and better things than what they're doing now.

i think one thing that needs addressing is the dynamics of the black male and female, because realtalk, the black woman is *+$!#$ up in the head.

whats worse is the black male made her that way.

and even worse than that is the fact that both of us were both condtioned to treat each other this way.

i can't say i am not guilty of contributing to this trend, cause i love me a hoodrat bustdown just as much as the next brotha, but if we're gonna makeany progress, we gotta change sometime.

Originally Posted by airchucknorris

NT is a pretty good place to try and reach others but as of lately, Your either preaching to the choir or stirring up racist feelings in A LOT of NT'ers when you begin speaking on race relations in America.

Stirring up feelings is an effective way of reaching out to others, especially with this type of topic. Most of the posts are extremely informational so far. Keep it that way and what will the racists have to work with?

The past cant be changed, I'm more interested in what continues to fuel racism so here's something to do if you're bored, go to youtube and watch a few commercials with any black man or woman in it. Consider their placement as opposed to the white people in the commercial. Watch it without sound, how does it look? Blacks are often put off to one side, or in the back to make the white person look taller/ more authoritative. Black women are often given animalistic traits. If a person sees these type of advertisements 5-10 times a day, do you think it impacts us subconciously?

Axe commercials in particular are good to analyze.

I think it stems from something deeper than just that. Think about how society views the colors white and black and what ideas/words people usually associatewith them. Im not talking about skin color just the basic colors of white and black. I dont know if humans were born to think this way or, maybe, if we havebeen conditioned to connect colors and what they represent because of the media or our own upbringing.
I think it stems from something deeper than just that. Think about how society views the colors white and black and what ideas/words people usually associate with them. Im not talking about skin color just the basic colors of white and black. I dont know if humans were born to think this way or, maybe, if we have been conditioned to connect colors and what they represent because of the media or our own upbringing.
Black is just a color so with nothing backing it we wouldn't have had any negative resonance with the color at all. But maybe it is innate.
I am not sure this is completely true when taking other cultures and history into consideration. For the example the Indo-Aryan folk movement/migration whichoccurred in the 2nd millennium B.C.E showed early signs of the lighter skin toned migrants feeling superior to the darker inhabitants of modern day India. Thisis one of the larger underlying causes in the caste system that still governs India to this day. Also this type of light skin superiority took place in Afrikalong before any sub-Saharans had seen any white people. The ones that lived near or migrated from Northern Afrika felt much superior and some even didn'tconsider themselves black regardless of their skin color. My tribe specifically has certain traits which lead some of the tribesmen to feel superior to theneighboring Mandinka and Sousou tribes. Quite discusting actually.

One of my real problems in the trans-atlantic slave trade was the way the U.S. slaves owner completely disposed of all relation between the slaves and themotherland. For example is that in the Caribbean or Panama the slaves were allowed to keep their names in many instances and in the latter country many slaveswere released long before their U.S. counterparts. So the Afrikan culture lived and thrived on this new continent. Even some Afrikan slaves in Panama ran awayand started their own communities in the forests and lived somewhat how they used to in their home land. The U.S. slaves as we know didn't have thisluxury, if we can call keeping your birth name and culture a damn luxury smh, a lot recieved new first names and presumed there slave masters last name. Thisfueled the lack of comraderyship feelings these Black Americans feel towards their Afrikan counterparts today. It's very disheartening to hear blackamericans make jokes about Afrikans and speak of them in suborinate contexts. This one chick back in 8th grade was surprised to hear that we have garages inAfrika. Smh.
the idea behind black empowerment is the same concept that caused racism in the first place. dividing up people and talking about one specific race's meritover another. all people originated from africa. great. does that mean black people are better than white people? no. does that make black people any moreimportant than they already were? no.

black people were kings in egypt. great. they were among the first slavemasters. jews were their slaves.

how about universal liberty, all races are equal and all individuals get personal utility in this world dependent on their individual merit.
Originally Posted by Dey Know Yayo

the idea behind black empowerment is the same concept that caused racism in the first place. dividing up people and talking about one specific race's merit over another. all people originated from africa. great. does that mean black people are better than white people? no. does that make black people any more important than they already were? no.

black people were kings in egypt. great. they were among the first slavemasters. jews were their slaves.

how about universal liberty, all races are equal and all individuals get personal utility in this world dependent on their individual merit.
I don't think you understand the meaning of this post and I have not read one word about us being superior than other races. Black empowerment=/= looking down on other races. I think we deserve at least to enlighten our ignorant racial and national counterparts. They should know why they are here andhow they don't know their real history. There is no problem with this post soo far. The only racist matter was talking about Lincoln being racist, which isnew to me, and I won't be changing any outlook on other races for that reason. But I do feel we have the right to know and while we do so we have the rightfor others to allow us as long as we aren't hurting them in anyway.

About the slaves, my grandfather owned slaves in in the 20th century. We call those slaves and their children auntie and cousins and they aren't slavesanymore. And yes the Egyptian enslavements of the Jews is probably the 2nd worse in history and much worse than anything that happened in the Americas in termsof length and brutality.
it's the wrong approach. bringing up things like blacks being pharoahs and the anthropologic root being in africa is an underhand assertion that blackpeople hold claim to merits other people don't. that is racist. it isn't the african kings or the african ancestors common to everyone that make blackpoeple equal and deserving of the rights of whites.
Could you elaborate more on blacks in this continent before European colonization?

And any African explorers I mean theres never any thing about African explorers were there any?

Was Beethoven really black?
Originally Posted by Wordy Dirts

Africa is the name given to the continent by Europeans. Specifically the Romans. There is some historical precedent that indicates certain residents of the African continent referred to their homeland as Alkebulan but there was really no one name given to the entire land mass by its indigenous for the time being...Afica/Afika is a good as any other name.
What exactly is the point you are trying to make here Haze?

The point is that there is no such thing as Africa. Comprende?
????? Yes there, is...

If you want to change the name of every object to its original etymology, feel free. No one will understand what you're saying when you speak at all andthe whole purpose of human conversation will be useless to you.

The United States President is black.
Africa is a continent. Thus there are clear reasons for its independent classification under a shared name-- Africa.

You realize there is no scientific or anthropological justification to the concept of "race"-- it is strictly a social construct and should beanalyzed in the lens of social perception. Barack Obama is clearly socially perceived as black, thus for all intents and purposes, he is "black."

Why do you guys love arguing semantics? Pragmatism ftw.
Since when must we adhere to societies perceptions. I am mixed not black. If you asked Barrack he would say the same. You can ignore his whiteside; I won't.

You say I argue semantics when I state that physically it indeed exists, you follow by stating it is a continent. Sounds identical to me.
I think to base African merits off foundations of human existence is ignorant. There's a difference between truth and heritage, although a homage should bereplaced with a negative stereotype call it conspiracy or something but it aint there. My thing is having a black president to rectify justice for blacks asmany of us took it couldn't mean more than the month February. It goes deeper than that. Good looks to the OP.
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