Black Culture Discussion Thread

I don't understand why ya'll don't believe both can be done. Acting like folks can't multitask. Also, downplaying history as if it can't have an effect on some people. You don't know how people would act once they recognize that they weren't just slaves. That could change their whole mentality.
I don't understand why ya'll don't believe both can be done. Acting like folks can't multitask. Also, downplaying history as if it can't have an effect on some people. You don't know how people would act once they recognize that they weren't just slaves. That could change their whole mentality.
But they don't hear you! That goes doubly for the fam on the continent that has been lied to and castrated on home court. They don't even remember/know what it was like prior to colonization. If I only I could give you more rep.
I don't understand why ya'll don't believe both can be done. Acting like folks can't multitask. Also, downplaying history as if it can't have an effect on some people. You don't know how people would act once they recognize that they weren't just slaves. That could change their whole mentality.

we need new tactics

they've been preaching that "brother did you know we were KINGS" for decades now with little to no progress.

have we ever focused on economics after emancipation?
You don't know how people would act once they recognize that they weren't just slaves.
but we (black people) go overboard by claiming we are all from kings and queens from egypt etc.

We come from the same type of peopel other cultures come carpenters... etc. We come from regular people. 

The whole idea that we have to be from some "holy" lineage is just like the other dude said, a parallel of white supremacists who think they all came from vikings who controlled europe.

I don't see koreans, chinese, etc. running around thinking they all came from kings... they actually know they come from regular citizens. 

Koreans especially since their whole society was based on agriculture and farming before the 21st century... they don't claim to be "holy" descendants of some mythical kingdom.
we need new tactics

they've been preaching that "brother did you know we were KINGS" for decades now with little to no progress.

have we ever focused on economics after emancipation?
This is a different time. We have social media. Information spreads faster, and to a wider audience. You can't tell me you haven't seen people waking up throughout the last few years from everything that has been going on recently. And we are focusing on economics. I've heard nothing but great things about the 7AM documentary. I see people on social networks pushing for us to put more of our money in our own hands. I see this all the time. It's not as if we aren't focusing on it. The problem is getting it out to the masses. Say what you want about the docs, but **** like Hidden Colors and all that helps spread the message. So, I don't see how you can say we haven't focused on it. People have and are.
but we (black people) go overboard by claiming we are all from kings and queens from egypt etc.

We come from the same type of peopel other cultures come carpenters... etc. We come from regular people. 

The whole idea that we have to be from some "holy" lineage is just like the other dude said, a parallel of white supremacists who think they all came from vikings who controlled europe.

I don't see koreans, chinese, etc. running around thinking they all came from kings... they actually know they come from regular citizens. 

Koreans especially since their whole society was based on agriculture and farming before the 21st century... they don't claim to be "holy" descendants of some mythical kingdom.
How is that going overboard? Most don't know any African history at all. They only associate Africa with slavery. Along with the idea that they were uncivilized. Eliminating that mindset from someone is a great thing. It's not about giving people the impression that we come from a holy lineage. It's about telling people that in the book of African history, slavery is one chapter.
Did you guys see Byron Allen's comments on Al Sharpton?  I had no idea he had this in him, come to find out he's worth nine figures.

Among other things, he brought up some salient points about how despite what the dominant society believes, Sharpton does not represent the black collective. 


And tay...quit wasting time with the children, all these Blocked posts are clogging up the page.
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we need new tactics

they've been preaching that "brother did you know we were KINGS" for decades now with little to no progress.

have we ever focused on economics after emancipation?
This is a different time. We have social media. Information spreads faster, and to a wider audience. You can't tell me you haven't seen people waking up throughout the last few years from everything that has been going on recently. And we are focusing on economics. I've heard nothing but great things about the 7AM documentary. I see people on social networks pushing for us to put more of our money in our own hands. I see this all the time. It's not as if we aren't focusing on it. The problem is getting it out to the masses. Say what you want about the docs, but **** like Hidden Colors and all that helps spread the message. So, I don't see how you can say we haven't focused on it. People have and are.
but we (black people) go overboard by claiming we are all from kings and queens from egypt etc.

We come from the same type of peopel other cultures come carpenters... etc. We come from regular people. 

The whole idea that we have to be from some "holy" lineage is just like the other dude said, a parallel of white supremacists who think they all came from vikings who controlled europe.

I don't see koreans, chinese, etc. running around thinking they all came from kings... they actually know they come from regular citizens. 

Koreans especially since their whole society was based on agriculture and farming before the 21st century... they don't claim to be "holy" descendants of some mythical kingdom.
How is that going overboard? Most don't know any African history at all. They only associate Africa with slavery. Along with the idea that they were uncivilized. Eliminating that mindset from someone is a great thing. It's not about giving people the impression that we come from a holy lineage. It's about telling people that in the book of African history, slavery is one chapter.

so do you agree that saying we are all come from a holy lineage descended from kings is overboard or not?
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so do you agree that saying we are all come from a holy lineage descended from kings is overboard or not?
You totally misunderstood my point, but it's alright, I said what I had to say.
Did you guys see Byron Allen's comments on Al Sharpton?  I had no idea he had this in him, come to find out he's worth nine figures.

Among other things, he brought up some salient points about how despite what the dominant society believes, Sharpton does not represent the black collective. 


And tay...quit wasting time with the children, all these Blocked posts are clogging up the page.

White folks tend to think we look at him as God for some reason. Shows how out of touch they are.
Did you guys see Byron Allen's comments on Al Sharpton?  I had no idea he had this in him, come to find out he's worth nine figures.

Among other things, he brought up some salient points about how despite what the dominant society believes, Sharpton does not represent the black collective. 

And tay...quit wasting time with the children, all these Blocked posts are clogging up the page.
Repped.Will peep later and props for the Kenshiro avy.

so do you agree that saying we are all come from a holy lineage descended from kings is overboard or not?
You totally misunderstood my point, but it's alright, I said what I had to say.
why reply to my post if you're not going to make a clear response on the topic i was speaking about?
why reply to my post if you're not going to make a clear response on the topic i was speaking about?
I made my response. You didn't understand it. That's on you.
I purposely enlarged the two contradicting statements that you gave in your response.

Your stance on those contradictions is the only thing i didn't understand... 

If you would rather keep running in circles then please don't reply to this post.
Dude was always on point/brilliant... hard to imagine if they would have got to play things out the way they wanted to

(I kno he has a heavy accent, use your rewind button)

Pictures like these in 2015 would be worrisome, especially with someone as controversial as Umar... I kno the panthers were once about as controversial but I don't think there is anyone out there right now that could be as organized or get to the point where they could be recognized to this point (not saying they were the purest)
I don't understand why ya'll don't believe both can be done. Acting like folks can't multitask. Also, downplaying history as if it can't have an effect on some people. You don't know how people would act once they recognize that they weren't just slaves. That could change their whole mentality.

But they don't hear you! That goes doubly for the fam on the continent that has been lied to and castrated on home court. They don't even remember/know what it was like prior to colonization. If I only I could give you more rep.

I read that and I could only shake my head.

Have you lived anywhere in Africa to say such things with a straight face? Earlier in the thread @enlightenedespot and I posted about some of the cultural practices in our respective tribes that predate the arrival of Europeans. Should I also mention the thousands of century-old books that are still kept intact in Timbuktu, despite the attempts of jihadists to destroy them? Come on man, you can't say things like that!!
This is a different time. We have social media. Information spreads faster, and to a wider audience. You can't tell me you haven't seen people waking up throughout the last few years from everything that has been going on recently.

i havent.

all ive seen are facebook/instagram reposts, and tweets but no change in behavior

i have yet to see one person do a legit 180

you have?
and thats fine.
i listened to a speech by malcolm x on economics, ive tried to find where it came from but couldnt.

at any rate
i managed to write out everything he said minus a few errors

if white immagrants can come to this country 50 years ago
with nickels and dimes and no education
and come here and pool their little nickels and dimes and no education
and set up little stores
devolop these stores into larger stores
develop this into an industry
which creates job opportunities for whites

since Lincoln was supposed to have freed the black man 100 years ago
and today the black man according to the economists' has the spending power of 20 billion dollars per year

we feel that with the black man spending 20 billion dollars a year
not setting up any businesses
not creating any industry
not creating any job opportunities for his own kind
he's not in a moral position to point the finger today at the white man
and tell the white man that he's discriminating against him
for not giving him a job in factories that he himself has set up

if the black man has 20 billion dollars
and these so-called negro leaders are such geniuses
that they can integrate white resturants
and integrate white factories
they should use this same ingenuity to show the black people how to
pool our wealth and set up something of our own
and then we wont have to force our way into his anymore

that figure is now over 500 Billion dollars annually

you can move mountains with 500 Billion dollars

too many of us dont know the power of a dollar

too many of us dont know the power of THE dollar

dont understand advertising
basic business

we end up supporting and funding entertainment and industries that are working against our favor and have no idea what we can to do to stop it

an education in economics is the game changer

Malcolm spoke about it in the 60's but we still struggle with it today
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i havent.

all ive seen are facebook/instagram reposts, and tweets but no change in behavior

i have yet to see one person do a legit 180

you have?
and thats fine.
Me either man I just see all talk in these FACEBOOK GROUPS & On IG...Majority of them dudes that be talking all the
I read that and I could only shake my head.

Have you lived anywhere in Africa to say such things with a straight face? Earlier in the thread @enlightenedespot and I posted about some of the cultural practices in our respective tribes that predate the arrival of Europeans. Should I also mention the thousands of century-old books that are still kept intact in Timbuktu, despite the attempts of jihadists to destroy them? Come on man, you can't say things like that!!
Did I say no one remembered? No I said the info would be beneficial to colonized minds, hearts and spirits. If you and your friend in this thread remember congrats.

Have I lived in Africa? Actually...I have! Why do you think bleaching cream is such a sought after commodity in Africa? Walk into any "African" store in America or the UK and yes there will be bleaching cream. Please explain why some of my mother's best friends back home all have pictures of white Jesus hanging on their walls. Please explain why they believe Traditional "Spriritual" Systems are witchraft but are silent on Vatican molestation and Sharia Law allowing the marrying off of 8year old girls. Please tell me why they believe their "beloved" white man brought civilization and decent society to Africa when the writings prove the opposite. They have forgotten everything!

When I speak of colonization I'm talking about a 1000+ year period. The majority of the people who live in their respective kingdoms can't even tell you how they got there. They believe they are autochthonous but there have been so many migrations. Certain people don't even know what their own last names mean. People back home are just as loopy in their own right as in our new home. The mind **** runs parallel.

Was Africa a Utopia prior to the arrival? Not quite. Was there room for improvement? Most certainly! But the comparison/study of the environment in Africa pre and post must be proliferated. If all Africans remembered they would have never been colonized and sold en masse. Some of us somewhere lost our minds and now we must find that collective mind.
i havent.

all ive seen are facebook/instagram reposts, and tweets but no change in behavior

i have yet to see one person do a legit 180

you have?
and thats fine.
Me either man I just see all talk in these FACEBOOK GROUPS & On IG...Majority of them dudes that be talking all the HOTEP KEMET talk THAT I personally know is weed heads that look up YOUTUBE videos all day......Some dudes are really on it & sincere about it but it's a small circle alot of people are just fakin the funk man we gotta call it like we see it....Wealth determines your benefits not in this society BLACK FOLKS have yet to understand this is a CAPITALIST SOCIETY & you have to play as a team too much individual foolishness going on....Look a MJ he was declared a BILLIONAIRE yesterday yet what Bank or business has he opened in the Black community??

Random thought but I heard a lot of ppl complaining about how white the academy awards were. IMO black people as well as minorities should refuse to even participate in such ceremonies.
smangalang smangalang
You said
[q]They don't even remember/know what it was like prior to colonization [/q]

I'm not talking about the conflict between "modernity" (western norms) and traditions, which is what you seem to allude to. I'm talking about things like the languages, the culinary traditions, the rituals performed during important life events (births, marriages, deaths), the arts, the social structure of the village/chiefdom/kingdom that are still followed/executed by many Africans whether they live in the cities, the countryside, or overseas.

Also, let's not extend the period of colonization to 1000 years ago. If were gonna talk about colonization, the period of interest should be from after the end of the triangular slave trade to the end of world war 2.

Random thought but I heard a lot of ppl complaining about how white the academy awards were. IMO black people as well as minorities should refuse to even participate in such ceremonies.

Yep BLACK FOLK need to dude like the SPANISH people like the got THE LATIN GRAMMYS we don't need them for validation DAME DASH has been saying that bro...
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