Black Culture Discussion Thread

luckyluchiano luckyluchiano it has a lot to do with this thread, because a lot of what I read in here is very similar to what I would expect to hear on CNN.

There seems to be a misguided infatuation with the narrative of "Black America", and little understanding of the actuality of "Black America".
Does anyone listen to dr. Umar Johnson? :nerd:

What are some of you guys opinion on his ideologies?

I personally find him intriguing

*im black btw
Does anyone listen to dr. Umar Johnson? :nerd:

What are some of you guys opinion on his ideologies?

I personally find him intriguing

*im black btw

He makes good points on many things. But i hear i people are not rocking with him like that because of the school he was/is trying to open looks to be a flop
Yea I was a bit at odds when I first heard about what he was trying to do, I don't think he would want that much accountability/responsibility on his own

Maybe he could try a smaller approach
Considering that we are oppressed ppl in this .. the negative thing that we do unfortunately are magnified and used as propaganda to influence and generalize blks. Im not trying to be negative but alot of blks I KNOW really just dont know or even realize whats going on. Most blks in my circle or ones i met in my lifetime dont know their history. I actually met someone who didnt even know who malcolm x was(Not to say I do know everything cause I dont). You must have a more conscious circle

i see what you are saying, but my point is more that the things you mention are not just relegated to black folk...irrespective of color, there are a whole lot of people who "really just dont know or even realize whats going on," now you could make the argument that we might be affected more negatively by that circumstance and that WOULD be a problem, and the negative is magnified in this 24/7 news world and much of it may be crafted to fit certain narratives, just not sure that is really the problem at hand the gift & the curse of the interwebs is you can find exactly what it is you are looking for, whether it be the other side of a news story or personal accounts of groupie experiences with celebrities; so on some level you could say that type of negativity is just always going to exist in some fashion, hopefully just much less of it... the for history thing, while not unimportant, seems like a reach to me; the black folk in america that aren't doing well isn't due to some lack of "knowledge of self" or knowing about kemet or moors, it is that many of the places they inhabit have poor schools and not many is unfortunate that someone wouldn't know who malcom x is, but it is almost unarguably MORE problematic if that person doesn't have the opportunity to be economically sufficient

Great points like how blacks in America often get compared to other minorities that already had their own native languages and cultures that allowed them to integrate and still have a sense of unity while blacks with no sense of their own culture were integrated with the dominant society that already disapproved with their existence

partly this.

i think part of the american ethos is freedom/respect for individuality the (irony that it was built on slave labor), the country was basically founded on the principle of individual "pursuit of happiness"and it has for the most part served the country well; it is what attracts people here. also, it isn't really an apples to apples comparison, to compare people that emigrate from other countries to average black americans as groups, because people that make the decision to leave their country are generally, in a way, exceptional...this by now means is a guarantor to success for those people but a person who leaves their home country of their own volition, to take that risk, is maybe more likely than the average person to be resourceful and/or find success?


its cool that this effort is being made, not sure it necessarily matters though, getting better teachers regardless of sex and/or ethnicity should be the goal and if the profession at that level were more lucrative there would maybe be more & better competition?...semi-related, i'm reading a book called the end of men and the rise of women, that mentions a little bit about how teaching was once a profession that was mostly men and seen as inappropriate for women and how that has completely flipped around (i read elsewhere one of the main reasons k-12 teachers became mostly women was due to the thinking that women were naturally more nutruring but mainly that women could be paid MUCH less, which may be why teachers at that level don't get paid very much generally) such that now many of the fastest growing professions and in fact many profession that were once traditionally male dominated, are/will be mostly inhabited by women. with the economy switching from being less manufacturing based & more service & tech based, men in general have not adapted well; super eye-opening...and black men black communities were most adversely affected by this, on top of racism, white flight, housing discrimination, increased competition in the new workplace, and it starts to make sense why many communities have decayed such

I think it would have been more realistic to open a school for kids elementary to middle school age in 1-2 cities, than trying to buy an old college, the overhead just to keep the lights on is crazy, compared to just buying a commercial building i the inner city which would be a fraction of the cost.
I think it would have been more realistic to open a school for kids elementary to middle school age in 1-2 cities, than trying to buy an old college, the overhead just to keep the lights on is crazy, compared to just buying a commercial building i the inner city which would be a fraction of the cost.
I agree. i didnt know he was trying to open a college.
I agree. i didnt know he was trying to open a college.

I dont know the ages he wanted to have there, but he was buying an old HBCU that shut down. IMO for that mill he was trying to raise he could have opened a real deal k-8th private school in the city, and have money to have top notch facilities and pay a staff for a tad bit,
Can Lee Daniels please shut the **** up about blacks being homophobic. The most homophobic community is the conservative white community. There's gays rampant in black churches and everybody know it so his claim is stupid
Can Lee Daniels please shut the **** up about blacks being homophobic. The most homophobic community is the conservative white community. There's gays rampant in black churches and everybody know it so his claim is stupid
black folks aren't the ones who banned gay marriage
We have Bayard Rustin to thank for the notion that equates the homosexual agenda to Black Rights.

In 1986, he gave a speech "The New ******* Are Gays," in which he asserted,
Today, blacks are no longer the litmus paper or the barometer of social change. Blacks are in every segment of society and there are laws that help to protect them from racial discrimination. The new "*******" are gays.... It is in this sense that gay people are the new barometer for social change.... The question of social change should be framed with the most vulnerable group in mind: gay people


I would have never found out about this dude if it wasn't for Shakka Ahmose. He dropped major knowledge on his King Jame lecture.
big rude from them old outkast albums said it best

sodomites got all the rights 

that was years ago too 
black folks aren't the ones who banned gay marriage
Kiss a man on the cheek almost anywhere in Africa and see what happens to you
I love my brothers in Africa but I'm talking about Black americans......that's who Lee Daniels aimed that comment at

stop trying to change up the subject 

Already not a fan of dude for how he portrayed the black panthers in "the butler" a little funny in the light 
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Lee Daniels comments were at Black wasn't aimed at people in Africa so yes you were changing subjects.

I'm assuming you're still struggling with substances?
If yall think we got it bad, get a load of this.
Black DOGS are discriminated against too.
In Taiwan they are considered bad luck.
Here in the states black dogs are the least likely to be adopted.
If yall think we got it bad, get a load of this.
Black DOGS are discriminated against too.
In Taiwan they are considered bad luck.
Here in the states black dogs are the least likely to be adopted.

Can you exit this thread please? I assume you forgot to log into an alternate account to troll.
Can you exit this thread please? I assume you forgot to log into an alternate account to troll.
Bro check your self.
I ain't exiting nothing.
Don't like it don't read it.

Same screen name since I originally joined NikeTalk in 2000.
Find something else to do besides police this thread.
There's plenty of black youth that could use a mentor.
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