Black Culture Discussion Thread

Bro check your self.
I ain't exiting nothing.
Don't like it don't read it.

Same screen name since I originally joined NikeTalk in 2000.
Find something else to do besides police this thread.
There's plenty of black youth that could use a mentor.

How about you go inform the black youth of the world at least they dont have it bad as black dogs in taiwan
We have Bayard Rustin to thank for the notion that equates the homosexual agenda to Black Rights.

In 1986, he gave a speech "The New ******* Are Gays," in which he asserted,

I would have never found out about this dude if it wasn't for Shakka Ahmose. He dropped major knowledge on his King Jame lecture.
Yea I heard of him before my personal opinion he was a agent with the BENIGN NEGLECT policy...For all those that's not familiar with the BENIGN NEGLECT policy toward the CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT it basically said take the focus off BLACK & focus on other movements FEMINIST MOVEMENT, LBGT MOVEMENT, NATIVE AMERICANS, MEXICAN LIBERATION etc...Act like the BLACK/RACIAL problems don't exist make it to where BLACKS go through the same type oppression other groups do....BENIGN NEGLECT & COINTEL PRO are the 2 factions that killed our voice...They caused us to basically suffer in silence it was simple DIVIDE & CONQUER ...BLACK FOLKS today still don't understand that when they go supporting all these other people's struggles instead of supporting their own struggle....
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Bro check your self.
I ain't exiting nothing.
Don't like it don't read it.

Same screen name since I originally joined NikeTalk in 2000.
Find something else to do besides police this thread.
There's plenty of black youth that could use a mentor.

How about you go inform the black youth of the world at least they dont have it bad as black dogs in taiwan
On second thought bro, just stay on Niketalk.
Our youth don't need you adding to their confusion.
Dude started quoting me and then blocked me :rofl: :lol: :rofl:
Dude has done nothing but antagonize my post in this thread for the past day and a half.
Since this cat decided to make me his point of emphasis, let me give him what he wanted.

luckyluchiano luckyluchiano is the definition of a confused fraud.
Screen name is taken from a supposed Sicilian gangster, and his avy is of the Islamic religious leader the Honorable Elijah Muhammad :smh:
If that ain't confusion, then I don't know what is.
Dude started quoting me and then blocked me

Dude has done nothing but antagonize my post in this thread for the past day and a half.
Since this cat decided to make me his point of emphasis, let me give him what he wanted.

@LuckyLuchiano is the definition of a confused fraud.
Screen name is taken from a supposed Sicilian gangster, and his avy is of the Islamic religious leader the Honorable Elijah Muhammad

If that ain't confusion, then I don't know what is.
Seriously. Hes not legit. His pro blackness is all fraudulent
Dude had that name for a minute. Also who's to say he has to change his sn once he became woke to the world around him.
Dude had that name for a minute. Also who's to say he has to change his sn once he became woke to the world around him.

I assume that was regard to me, lol i been on NT since 7th or 8th grade and based it from DJ Paul using it on the tear da club up thugs album, its ironic cats will try to come at my s/n yet carry the names of slave owners. Find every reason to bicker yet have yet to provide solutions to anything, thats why i block these trolls on site now.
Isn't this thread going the way of the last few threads we've had that were similar?

Dudes engaging in thought provoking dialogue and then multiple people come in and disrupt...making it a personal back and forth by nitpicking on random ****?

You think that's a coincidence or not? Stop letting these clowns come in and do this.

PAY THEM NO MIND. You hit that reply button and they win.
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Isn't this thread going the way of the last few threads we've had that were similar?

Dudes engaging in thought provoking dialogue and then multiple people come in and disrupt...making it a personal back and forth by nitpicking on random ****?

You think that's a coincidence or not? Stop letting these clowns come in and do this.

PAY THEM NO MIND. You hit that reply button and they win.

Exactly block on site
"Who's influenced you the most in your life?"
"My principal, Ms. Lopez."
"How has she influenced you?"
"When we get in trouble, she doesn't suspend us. She calls us to her office and explains to us how society was built down around us. And she tells us that each time somebody fails out of school, a new jail cell gets built. And one time she made every student stand up, one at a time, and she told each one of us that we matter."
Maaaan who just starting cutting onions? Bless that principal. I needed to read that today.
Word? Kev said it was one of his best movies (might've misquoted him) but I figured it was the typical actor hyping up his work (which I understand)
Word? Kev said it was one of his best movies (might've misquoted him) but I figured it was the typical actor hyping up his work (which I understand)

Majority of Kevs movies are pretty much "what would kevin hart do in this situation". In this he actually played a character, that had "levels" instead of just being the comedic relief.
We started in the South, so naturally we would find our way back to claim what is rightfully ours.

Not bragging, but we live in a bubble down here in Texas.
It's 20+ billionaires in the Dallas/Ft.Worth metroplex alone.

Jobs were never scarce and entrepreneurs have been able to weather the storms from the national economic slowdown.
I'm seeing more and more out of state plates, and our traffic is atrocious now.

how many of those billionaires are Black, and how many communities have they built/worked on building?

luckyluchiano luckyluchiano to my knowledge none of them are black.
But I'm sure there are Blacks that are prospering from the trickle down.

Don't have access to tax statements or financial statements to confirm what they do with their money.

Prospering in what way? Not trying to be an a hole. I've never been big on the whole speaking on other people having money to = everyone doing good. Its like when SWS say "bro racism is dead obamas president" or "dude blacks are doing well, look at oprah and lebron james". At the end of the day if oprah goes broke it wont impact black america thus her wealth is irrelevant. But back on the subject, Texas has a plethora of jobs but i dont hear anything about blacks building self sufficient communities, while mexicans on the other hand are. I could be wrong but as stated I havent heard much.

Since a couple of "brothas" want to claim I'm trolling and trying to derail the thread, I figured I would "speak" up for myself.
I quoted the first two post I made and the subsequent quoting and following by the cry baby that 'blocked' me.

victor page victor page Let me know when you find something in my post that were intended to derail the thread, and start a back and forth quoting contest.
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Yea. I noticed most of Oprah's staff when she was doing the Oprah show was white. Same with her magazine

Only person black I noticed was Gayle king

I find it telling how she gave non blacks a come up like Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz
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