Black Culture Discussion Thread

With cali they will squeeze blacks out financially, where only a few will remain but not enough to be able to have a real economic base like other groups, same is happening with NYC. The thing is even if everyone moves down south we still need an efonomic base. What good is moving down south just to ball out? Lol if all the companies down south bounce its a wrap. No matter where we are we need to form a base so that even if all corporare companies bounce we can still sustain ourselves.
People in general are moving from Cali not just black folk. Taxes and the economy in that state is the main push factor. Don't let the façade of Hollywood and the sunny weather fool you
Some folks out there in Leimert Park see the the train as more of a tourist attraction type thing. Could be worse tho. Can't underestimate the hipsters.
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Yeah, idk where we're going.

Can't speak for any other city, but my city, Inglewood doing fine out here. The Forum back ON A GOOD NOTE, and now they tryna remodel Hollywood Park to bring in a new stadium, that'll bring in plenty of jobs, and over millions in revenue, and maybe the Rams.
You're from The Wood homey?
 Me too! I'm from Crenshaw/Imperial. What part are you from?
We started in the South, so naturally we would find our way back to claim what is rightfully ours.

Not bragging, but we live in a bubble down here in Texas.
It's 20+ billionaires in the Dallas/Ft.Worth metroplex alone.

Jobs were never scarce and entrepreneurs have been able to weather the storms from the national economic slowdown.
I'm seeing more and more out of state plates, and our traffic is atrocious now.
We started in the South, so naturally we would find our way back to claim what is rightfully ours.

Not bragging, but we live in a bubble down here in Texas.
It's 20+ billionaires in the Dallas/Ft.Worth metroplex alone.

Jobs were never scarce and entrepreneurs have been able to weather the storms from the national economic slowdown.
I'm seeing more and more out of state plates, and our traffic is atrocious now.

how many of those billionaires are Black, and how many communities have they built/worked on building?
luckyluchiano luckyluchiano to my knowledge none of them are black.
But I'm sure there are Blacks that are prospering from the trickle down.

Don't have access to tax statements or financial statements to confirm what they do with their money.
luckyluchiano luckyluchiano to my knowledge none of them are black.
But I'm sure there are Blacks that are prospering from the trickle down.

Don't have access to tax statements or financial statements to confirm what they do with their money.

Prospering in what way? Not trying to be an a hole. I've never been big on the whole speaking on other people having money to = everyone doing good. Its like when SWS say "bro racism is dead obamas president" or "dude blacks are doing well, look at oprah and lebron james". At the end of the day if oprah goes broke it wont impact black america thus her wealth is irrelevant. But back on the subject, Texas has a plethora of jobs but i dont hear anything about blacks building self sufficient communities, while mexicans on the other hand are. I could be wrong but as stated I havent heard much.
even here in NC mexicans have built communities to where they are prospering and keeping a nice % of money within their community. Just crazy that blacks haven't done that since segregation 

everybody pimping and making money off blacks except blacks. only thing blacks are consistently supporting is these menstrual shows that are on tv 
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luckyluchiano luckyluchiano just curious, but from who or from where are you waiting to hear something positive about black people that aren't some form of entertainer?

Bro you're trying to read through my post, instead of simply reading my post.
I know a few that have doesn't mean everyone has.
The hope within our community should be for those that have to teach those that don't have, so they can one day have and can continue the cycle.
luckyluchiano luckyluchiano just curious, but from who or from where are you waiting to hear something positive about black people that aren't some form of entertainer?

Bro you're trying to read through my post, instead of simply reading my post.
I know a few that have doesn't mean everyone has.
The hope within our community should be for those that have to teach those that don't have, so they can one day have and can continue the cycle.

even here in NC mexicans have built communities to where they are prospering and keeping a nice % of money within their community. Just crazy that blacks haven't done that since segregation 

everybody pimping and making money off blacks except blacks. only thing blacks are consistently supporting is these menstrual shows that are on tv
Your right about that. this 7am movie is important because alot of blks dont understand the true essence of money, wealth, and ownership; and how this can lead to true POWER within a community amd INFLUENCE a movement. We celebrate celebs for being high priced EMPLOYEES and say dumb stuff like "yall hatin cuz he/she got money" instead of realize that power and movement comes from ownership. If you own something, you can control it, and pass it down from generation to generation. Don't let celebs like jay-z fool you with when they brag about owning a % of something when jessica alba owns a MAJORITY of a naturally produced baby product company thats about to go public and is forecasted to break a billion. Blk ppl, not all but some, are real quick to sell in the short term.
The movie was pretty good. Very informative, epsecially if you havent Followed Claude Anderson or Umar Johnson. I'm sitting in the Q&A session right now.
Still there, sure, strong? Idk about that. I could be wrong but i hear the black pop is decreasing fast, and there arent any real strong black communities there, and being that hispanics and whites out number blacks heavy there, political power is dwindling.
Yeah loc, still strong.  We're getting gentrified like anyone else but don't forget that Windsor/View Park Hills areas are the most well-off predominately black areas in the country.  Don't believe the media hype that Mexicans have killed us off as aided by white supremacy.  Metro is doing their best to knock our communities out but we still have a strong black base here.

Just think about it; if we're so outnumbered, we have to be strong just to still even be here.
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What would you say is the primary directive of ending the plight of all melanated people on this planet? What's the final destination?

I say it's saving Africa with the death of imperialism. 

In order to really implement all of the economic ideas we've discussed to fix our problems in this perversion of a country...doesn't Africa have to be saved in order for the not only the American crisis...but the global crisis to end? We can't do ANY of the things we need to..unless we save Africa first. It's literally the engine of this planet we're occupying. No other land is as resourceful. You remove that land mass...and the planet will implode. Imperialism operates on fear based tactics. By nature...they possess no real POWER over us. There people are COWARDS with a god complex and a thirst for blood. Vampirism at it's finest. They've weaponized our conscious energy against us to establish a material world in which they pretend to be god. They aren't "holding us back" because they can't. They're only perpetuating the illusion that they can. 

We must understand the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of everything. It's important to have a proper perspective on the cosmos as it enables you to look at the big picture from a universal view and connects the dots for everything occurring in this human experience. As above, so below.  

Religion uses allegorical scriptures explaining not one particular factual moment in time, but instead a narrative that seems to be repeating in real time from era to era. It's basically a living document. But if someone can alter those scriptures and pervert belief systems based around it...then it drains us of our conscious energy and keeps our true nature suppressed. Our makers didn't go to churches...they were churches. They had an inherent understanding of spirituality and their relationship with not only the planet...but the universe and the infinite source of everything. How can you explain something like the Dogon having a comprehensive understanding of astrology and the universe in a so-called primitive era? 

The return of collective consciousness (God) can only come once we remember who and what we are. Once you keep connecting the dots...all this **** begins to make more and more sense and when we all understand this...the world not only changes...but we (ALL PEOPLE) evolve to the next stage of being and a very real utopia finally manifests. It's already happening. People are starting to wake up and they know it, so they're pulling out all the stops on their way out to keep that fear brewing as long as they can before their reign ends. 

To know something is to understand it...and we don't know our true relationship with the infinite...yet. 

Long story short....I'm saying the return of our universal consciousness the first domino that has to fall before we can return to our essence.
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