Black Culture Discussion Thread

Took my daughter to see Selma this past Monday. Little trooper feel asleep around market 1:30:00 but watched most of it. Her comments and questions gave me a warm feeling inside. Im sure she doesn't comprehend it all at age 6 but she comprehends what is right and wrong which was enough for me at this point.

When I say father your sons and daughters, I truly mean that. That's one of our biggest issues as a race/culture. We have a bunch of ignorant ppl raising ignorant ppl. Babies raising babies and lack of knowledge and guidance. It hurts my soul that's why everyone I converse with I try to encourage and drop some form of knowledge indirectly to get the cogs moving.
im taking my son to see selma as well

i think its important we show the youth but also enlighten them 
Top Cities Where Blacks Are Most Economically Successful

While there are not many people who would argue about the fact that Black people in the United States are not doing well on multiple fronts, one aspect that seems to be falling under the radar is the fact that the racial economic gap has persisted.  A recent Bloomberg poll conducted at the end of last year found that 53% of those surveyed believed that race relations in the United States have actually gotten worse since President Obama took office in 2008.  The persistent absence of economic prosperity for Black people contributes to this perception more than most people probably realize.  This is based largely on the fact that an inability for the American Dream to be achievable by many Black people makes their outleak perpetually bleak.
For the majority of the last four decades, the unemployment rate for Blacks has been more than double that of whites, and in December, it was hovering right around 10.4 percent.  Another statistic that brings into focus the disparities that make up the racial economic achievement gap is the fact that Black peoples’ real median household income has remained at just under 60 percent of whites’ for the entire time the Census Bureau has been tracking information since 1967.  One of the statistical indicators that has gotten worse recently is Black household wealth, which fell some 31 percent during the recession compared to just 11 percent for whites.
Despite this bleak economic outlook, there are cities where Black people are experiencing improving economic conditions based on measurements of homeownership, entrepreneurship – based on the rate of self-employment, and median household income.  Demographics were also considered as a way to determine if economic conditions were good enough for people to consider the city as a good place to move to.  Based on these indicators, Forbes has compiled a list of cities where Blacks are most successful economically.
The South has re-emerged as a kind of mecca or new promised land for Black people, with 13 of the top 15 cities on Forbes list being located in the South.  Those cities include top ranked Atlanta, Georgia, second ranked Raleigh, North Carolina, sixth ranked Charlotte, North Carolina, seventh ranked Orlando, Florida, a eight ranked tie Richmond, Virginia and San Antonio, Texas.  Texas cities Austin, Houston, and Dallas came in eleventh through thirteenth.  Filling in one of the holes is Washington D.C. in third place.  For a full listing of cities and the data used to determine the rankings, check out the Forbes listing.
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Kinda funny that outta all places the south is where blacks are doing well :lol:

they are being forced out of northern cities and Cali, its fine and dandy we have good jobs in the south, but we need more black businesses that are employing people because in say 50 yrs, who knows if companies dont say "gotcha" and bounce, because these corporate big wigs aren't trying to be in Black states. They say GA will be 50% black by 2020.
Check this out seeing we are on the topic of blk being pushed out of northern cities. I can attest to that. I love in la and out honestly seems like blk ppl disappeared. Group economics is a real thing and we really need to get our act together.

Check this out seeing we are on the topic of blk being pushed out of northern cities. I can attest to that. I love in la and out honestly seems like blk ppl disappeared. Group economics is a real thing and we really need to get our act together.

Cali is done for blacks and in 20 yrs NYC will be too.
California isn't done for blacks, we're still here and staying strong.

Still there, sure, strong? Idk about that. I could be wrong but i hear the black pop is decreasing fast, and there arent any real strong black communities there, and being that hispanics and whites out number blacks heavy there, political power is dwindling.
California isn't done for blacks, we're still here and staying strong.
Yeah, idk where we're going.

Can't speak for any other city, but my city, Inglewood doing fine out here. The Forum back ON A GOOD NOTE, and now they tryna remodel Hollywood Park to bring in a new stadium, that'll bring in plenty of jobs, and over millions in revenue, and maybe the Rams.
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And one last thing, people are leaving Cali period.

Finding an affordable home I hear is kind rough, and we're losing businesses to other states.
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For my cali bros...i hope u paying attention to what going on n the liemert park area...that new train etc. They building up n down crenshaw. They are raising the prices in the jungles etc. Its going to look different by 2020. Gentrification at its finest.
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