Black Culture Discussion Thread

[h2]Wealth Patterns Among the Top 5% of African-Americans[/h2]
In 2010, just a few months before the year’s Census showed that population growth among African-Americans had outpaced total population growth by nearly one-third, the Commerce Department published a study on capital access among minority business owners, identifying a different and less optimistic trend. It found that minority business owners were less likely to receive loans compared with non-minority business owners; that they received loans that were, on average, less than half the size; and that they received loans that were, on average, 140 basis points more expensive. Despite rapid population growth, in other words, African-Americans faced continuing constraints in launching businesses and creating wealth as a result.

This past November, Credit Suisse published a study demonstrating the impact of the Commerce Department’s findings among even the nation’s wealthiest African-Americans. The study, entitled “Wealth patterns among the top 5 percent of African-Americans,” compared wealth-management behaviors of the richest African-Americans – those with over $357,000 in net worth – with those of whites at the same wealth threshold. The central finding: Conservatism runs high in financial decision-making among the top 5 percent.

For example, the wealthiest African-Americans have 9 percent of their non-financial assets invested in business assets—defined as equity in their own businesses or someone else’s – compared to 37 percent for the white comparison group. Real estate – generally a safer bet than business investments—accounte d for a much larger proportion of investments. Among the top 5 percent of African-Americans, 41 percent of non-financial assets are invested in real estate outside of one’s primary home, compared with 22 percent for the study’s white comparison group.

“Investing in real estate has historically been a smart and steady way to build wealth,” said Stefano Natella, Global Head of Equity Research at Credit Suisse and one of the principal authors of the study. “But if you successfully invest in a company—a tech company is a great example—you could you could see a multiplier of three, four, even ten times your wealth. That’s where more conservative wealth-management behaviors can sometimes be limiting.”

Among the study’s other findings: The investment portfolios of the top 5 percent of African-Americans are three times more heavily weighted towards CDs, savings bonds and insurance than the portfolios of the study’s white comparison group, and are nearly one-half less weighted towards stocks, bonds and mutual funds.

If historically limited access to capital among African-Americans has been one driver of such conservatism, what others exist? The report cites “wealth mobility” as another driver. Only 37 percent of African-Americans whose parents were in the highest quartile of net worth in 1984 remained there 20 years later, for example, versus more than half, or 56 percent, of whites. At the same time, the study found that it is much more difficult for African-Americans to move into the highest wealth brackets from lower wealth brackets: Only 7 percent of the children of the poorest African-Americans climbed to the highest wealth levels, compared to 12 percent for whites.

“When you look at the wealth mobility data, and you overlay it with the Commerce Department data, the picture becomes clear,” said Pamela Thomas-Graham, the bank’s first African-American Executive Board member, and the Head of Credit Suisse’s New Markets business. “A more conservative investing approach is a sensible and pragmatic response to these factors. The question is how to change the picture and to accelerate wealth creation.”

Thomas-Graham cited the Credit Suisse Entrepreneurs Circle, which the bank launched in late 2014, as an example of its efforts to do so. The Entrepreneurs Circle includes over a dozen African-American business leaders from around the country and provides them with access to debt financing, industry and functional expertise, and a community of sponsors and mentors. “It won’t fully resolve historical issues of capital access and wealth mobility,” Thomas-Graham said. “But we think it will make a meaningful difference in helping African-American entrepreneurs accelerate the growth of their companies. That will drive greater wealth creation for them. More importantly, it will drive greater wealth creation for the communities in which they live and work. And that will move the needle in a tangible way.”

The findings also show that education is a key driver of wealth among the top 5 percent of African-Americans. Almost 69 percent of African-Americans at the 95th percentile of net worth have a college degree, compared with 64 percent for the study’s white comparison group.

“Education drives wealth in this community in an unparalleled way,” said Stefano Natella, Global Head of Equity Research at Credit Suisse and one of the principal authors of the study. “One implication, though, is that people within the study’s focus group pursue managerial and professional jobs more frequently than entrepreneurial ventures. This implies steady but slower wealth creation.”
Yall gotta chill. Russell Wilson is black but stop acting like he is similar to me (an African)

He is my brother but black people aren't all the same. We speak different languages, look different...etc...

I can never turn my back on a brother but that dude is different from me.

Our only similarity is the way others look and treat us.

I feel the same about black americans and caribbean people. We are, unfortunately, in the same struggle. We aren't the same but we definitely have something in common.

And this tokes dude is wylin. Im here in Africa and conscious young africans are talkin the same way we are. Pan africanism.. Read up on it.
Yall gotta chill. Russell Wilson is black but stop acting like he is similar to me (an African)

He is my brother but black people aren't all the same. We speak different languages, look different...etc...

I can never turn my back on a brother but that dude is different from me.

Our only similarity is the way others look and treat us.

I feel the same about black americans and caribbean people. We are, unfortunately, in the same struggle. We aren't the same but we definitely have something in common.

And this tokes dude is wylin. Im here in Africa and conscious young africans are talkin the same way we are. Pan africanism.. Read up on it.

lol Tokes is an Agent, not sure why you reply to him.

And Pan African was birthed in Liberia by Edward Blayden, the point is every Black human in every corner planet must know they have brothers in the arms world wide, they must not assume the issues of another nation but they must stand together and do their part where they are, when applicable they must work with their brothers and sisters world wide. You can not convert a grown mans belief system, if any Black wants to be a Servant to White Supremacy let them be, just keep them away from the work you are doing to liberate your people.
Worst part is dude said he was African. :x

Even then dude is my brother whether he wants to admit or no. They look at us the same. Playing devils advocate will only get you laughed at by them and us. Stop it man.
Super bowl rings are nice but if he is not for the liberation of blacks he is a non factor to me
Exactly. That's the only thing that matters.
  I HAVE A FULL PROOF METHOD FOR CONTROLLING YOUR BLACK SLAVES. I guarantee every one of you that, if installed correctly, IT WILL CONTROL THE SLAVES FOR AT LEAST 300 HUNDREDS YEARS. My method is simple. Any member of your family or your overseer can use it.  I HAVE OUTLINED A NUMBER OF DIFFERENCES AMONG THE SLAVES; AND I TAKE THESE DIFFERENCES AND MAKE THEM BIGGER. I USE FEAR, DISTRUST AND ENVY FOR CONTROL PURPOSES. These methods have worked on my modest plantation in the West Indies and it will work throughout the South. Take this simple little list of differences and think about them. On top of my list is “AGE,” but it’s there only because it starts with an “a.” The second is “COLOR” or shade. There is INTELLIGENCE, SIZE, SEX, SIZES OF PLANTATIONS, STATUS  on plantations, ATTITUDE  of owners, whether the slaves live in the valley, on a hill, East, West, North, South, have fine hair, course hair, or is tall or short. Now that you have a list of differences, I shall give you an outline of action, but before that, I shall assure you that DISTRUST IS STRONGER THAN TRUST AND ENVY STRONGER THAN ADULATION, RESPECT OR ADMIRATION. The Black slaves after receiving this indoctrination shall carry on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for HUNDREDS  of years, maybe THOUSANDS. Don’t forget, you must pitch theOLD  black male vs. the YOUNG  black male, and the YOUNG  black male against the OLD  black male. You must use the DARK  skin slaves vs. the LIGHT  skin slaves, and the LIGHT  skin slaves vs. the DARK  skin slaves. You must use the FEMALE  vs. the MALE, and the MALE  vs. the FEMALE. You must also have white servants and overseers [who] distrust all Blacks. But it is NECESSARY THAT YOUR SLAVES TRUST AND DEPEND ON US. THEY MUST LOVE, RESPECT AND TRUST ONLY US. Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control. Use them. Have your wives and children use them, never miss an opportunity. IF USED INTENSELY FOR ONE YEAR, THE SLAVES THEMSELVES WILL REMAIN PERPETUALLY DISTRU****L. Thank you gentlemen.”
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Tokes was doing so much rambling I wasn't taking him seriously, him being an agent makes sense. I'm sure there's a lot of them monitoring this thread.
I shared a post on intra-african slavery in another thread. I can post it here if any one is interested. My grandpa had slaves but it isn't similar to the slavery we know in America.

That whole africans sold africans crap is bs. Only a deflection to make you blame yourself.
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I shared a post on intra-african slavery in another thread. I can post it here if any one is interested. My grandpa had slaves but it isn't similar to the slavery we know in America.

That whole africans sold africans crap is bs. Only a deflection to make you blame yourself.

I would like to get your sentiments on this becase I was just talkin to my pops about this.
Yall gotta chill. Russell Wilson is black but stop acting like he is similar to me (an African)

He is my brother but black people aren't all the same. We speak different languages, look different...etc...
I can never turn my back on a brother but that dude is different from me.

Our only similarity is the way others look and treat us.

I feel the same about black americans and caribbean people. We are, unfortunately, in the same struggle. We aren't the same but we definitely have something in common.

And this tokes dude is wylin. Im here in Africa and conscious young africans are talkin the same way we are. Pan africanism.. Read up on it. very much illustrated my point...the commonality begins & ends with an externality of how others look & treats us, but not only that ALSO how WE look & treat each other & other peoples (which is really illuminated by some of the opinions in this thread). from my experience growing up in predominantly black neighborhoods being the "african kid" (#sidebar i ceased being the "african kid with the funny name" when "real africans" moved in & transferred to my school) i can attest to the LACK of unity across the diaspora, and as such don't really expect that there should be; individual nations will have individual interests that will almost inevitably conflict. AND as has been mentioned in this thread, and highlighted by the statements above numerous times AFRICA IS NOT A COUNTRY, and using that same logic though we may be connected by skin tone(s) & oppression everyone doesn't see nor should they be obligated to see the world through the same lens...

Yall gotta chill. Russell Wilson is black but stop acting like he is similar to me (an African)

He is my brother but black people aren't all the same. We speak different languages, look different...etc...

I can never turn my back on a brother but that dude is different from me.

Our only similarity is the way others look and treat us.

I feel the same about black americans and caribbean people. We are, unfortunately, in the same struggle. We aren't the same but we definitely have something in common.

And this tokes dude is wylin. Im here in Africa and conscious young africans are talkin the same way we are. Pan africanism.. Read up on it.

lol Tokes is an Agent, not sure why you reply to him.

And Pan African was birthed in Liberia by Edward Blayden, the point is every Black human in every corner planet must know they have brothers in the arms world wide, they must not assume the issues of another nation but they must stand together and do their part where they are, when applicable they must work with their brothers and sisters world wide. You can not convert a grown mans belief system, if any Black wants to be a Servant to White Supremacy let them be, just keep them away from the work you are doing to liberate your people.

because i'm questioning what you mean when you trot out these cliche, rather empty ideals, i'm the agent? riiiiight...i don't claim to be any type of historian, but i believe that liberia was founded by the west with the intention of emigrating the "american negro to his own country" pushing whomever was on that soil elsewhere and installing a ruling class of black americans there, so by your own logic you should maybe be skeptical of the ideas that come from there, no?

your caveat "when applicable" what does that mean in your scenario of" brothers in arms...standing together" ? what does it look like in actual practice, it isn't entirely foreseeable to you that conflict would be the natural state?? that though we may be brothers, but with different mothers, and from different homes??? and furthermore if the ideal of unity is the goal why stop at africa? why not extend to all our brothers & sisters on this spinning rock?

Worst part is dude said he was African. :x

Even then dude is my brother whether he wants to admit or no. They look at us the same. Playing devils advocate will only get you laughed at by them and us. Stop it man.

as i see it we all live on a finite world, with finite resources and as the world gets smaller, the sooner everyone lets go of idea that we are fundamentally different the better the world might be...

Tokes was doing so much rambling I wasn't taking him seriously, him being an agent makes sense. I'm sure there's a lot of them monitoring this thread.

brevity definitely isn't my strongsuit...i don't really get this agent thing, and i don't think anyone here using it really does either; because if you really believed that, why say anything at all? i mean given that y'all are so in to conspiracy, why expose/espouse your point of view if you REALLY believe there are "watchers" monitoring? nah, what you really mean is this person doesn't think like me, therefore their opinion is invalid, i don't know how you expect to be heard if you can't hear another. i wonder do any of y'all actually ever have an ACTUAL conversation with people that aren't in complete agreement with your worldview? ever actually been outside the country? in no way intending to dismiss the way western world & by proxy most of the world has looked at or treated people of color, but yo, i just don't subscribe to the theory that the world (the u.s. justice system however...) is especially out to get me...i don't presume to be that conceited...(which isn't a denial of the structural inequalities of the system most of us inhabit, this is after all a country founded by, not matter how so-called enlightened, racist, sexist, men; the inertia of which will not just cease to be)
While the African-American household earns less than market average,

their annual retail spending = 87% of total market retail spending
Man shut your *** up. Whites have recessive genes. Cancer is prevalent among white people and it's not by coincidence. Black people that get cancer usually get it from their white side since they are mixed as a result of slavery

At every age group, black people die much younger than whites. In fact black children are less likely to make it out of the womb alive than whites. They are more likely to be born premature, more likely to die within the first few months and years of life, more likely to die before the reach adulthood.

This is what happens when uneducated people adopt the same reasoning as their oppressors. Genetics has very little to do with it, your people will keep dying until you address the real issues.

This man died of cancer, as have millions of other black people at higher rates than whites....and you insult him by bringing up his supposed "white genetics".
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While the African-American household earns less than market average,

their annual retail spending = 87% of total market retail spending
so ALL other races only take up 13% of the total retail revenue.... lol

That doesn't even make sense bruh

post your sources
Don't even bother with Anton, the attention and replies are what keep him coming back.

And I'm pretty sure Gwap is that amx1x90xnike weirdo who had a breakdown and left for a while.
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Man shut your *** up. Whites have recessive genes. Cancer is prevalent among white people and it's not by coincidence. Black people that get cancer usually get it from their white side since they are mixed as a result of slavery

smart dumb ***** in the flesh
Add inherited diseases to that list.

I love when white people get defensive when you call them out on their ****.
They love to brag about the pros of being white but once you tell them the cons of being white they go into defense mode quick :rofl:


smart dumb ***** in the flesh
Add inherited diseases to that list.

I love when white people get defensive when you call them out on their ****.
They love to brag about the pros of being white but once you tell them the cons of being white they go into defense mode quick
1. I'm not white

2. White people love it when you bring up racial genetics, it just gives more credibility to their racist declarations involving black inferiority.

3. Claiming things about white genetics and cancer, when we (blacks) actually have the worst health of all demographics from stress and eating habits (obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure etc.) doesn't even make sense. Stop trying to prove a point without actually understanding the implications of your statements
Don't even bother with Anton, the attention and replies are what keep him coming back.

And I'm pretty sure Gwap is that amx1x90xnike weirdo who had a breakdown and left for a while.
Yep, don't even respond to my post, or actually think about the craziness of claiming that 87% of all retail sales profit in the entire US comes from black people.

Go ahead and try to marginalize a logical assessment by trying to claim that I'm another person...

Speak for yourself *****

I can't stand negros like you who fall for the BS the media tells you. What you pointed out are self inflicted and can be corrected if a person chooses to stop like smoking newports and eating greasy foods. Having an inherited diseases can't. Don't get it twisted

3. Claiming things about white genetics and cancer, when we (blacks) actually have the worst health of all demographics from stress and eating habits (obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure etc.) doesn't even make sense. Stop trying to prove a point without actually understanding the implications of your statements
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Speak for yourself *****

I can't stand negros like you who fall for the BS the media tells you. What you pointed out are self inflicted and can be corrected if a person chooses to stop like smoking newports and eating greasy foods. Having an inherited diseases can't. Don't get it twisted
1. dont call me ***** unless you know me you ole **** boy

2. you are speaking a bunch of nonsense instead of focusing on an issue that actually matters. Whether whites are genetically predisposed to more disease is irrelavent in the fight to improve our own people. You're like the tea party people who are so focused on terrorists instead of putting energy into improving their own nation.

3. Show me the statistics you are basing your argument on.....don't worry...I'll wait.
Yea Zaza is NICE. Just started the video, but I'm sure what she has up top will take her from nice to beautiful.

Yea for her age.
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