Black Culture Discussion Thread

Yes. Africa as a collective. When we truly reach a consciousness as a people, we'll shed the man made borders (countries) that were cut out by Europeans anyway. At least in the fashion it's cut now.

My father was telling me how Nigeria's borders were cut grouping certain tribes of people that were less "Nigerian" in regards of Yoruba tribe as opposed to people of Togo who were people of "Togo" only due to the way European's cut the land. If I'm remembering correctly, but the point remains the same .
Yes. Africa as a collective. When we truly reach a consciousness as a people, we'll shed the man made borders (countries) that were cut out by Europeans anyway. At least in the fashion it's cut now.

My father was telling me how Nigeria's borders were cut grouping certain tribes of people that were less "Nigerian" in regards of Yoruba tribe as opposed to people of Togo who were people of "Togo" only due to the way European's cut the land. If I'm remembering correctly, but the point remains the same .
Doesn't sound logical.....

Africa was never one large nation... at anytime in history...

Even suggesting we take measures to try to bring it together will waste a lot of energy and time

empowering each african nation individually makes more sense...
This is something I wanna bring up in here to avoid the trolls.

Should we celebrate Russel Wilson more as being the 2nd black QB to win a ring? We know he's different from most brothas, he acts corny and everything but still... What y'all think?
This is something I wanna bring up in here to avoid the trolls.

Should we celebrate Russel Wilson more as being the 2nd black QB to win a ring? We know he's different from most brothas, he acts corny and everything but still... What y'all think?
I always wondered this. How does he act corny? I hear people say this all the time. Like, yes he is dull but I've never seen him act in any way that I'd criticize.
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This is something I wanna bring up in here to avoid the trolls.

Should we celebrate Russel Wilson more as being the 2nd black QB to win a ring? We know he's different from most brothas, he acts corny and everything but still... What y'all think?

He is black right whats the problem.

Thats that whitewashing right there...not supporting a brotha cuz he's not "black" enough...imagine if he was light skinned.....
He's black.

Everything else is irrelevant.


He is black right whats the problem.

Thats that whitewashing right there...not supporting a brotha cuz he's not "black" enough...imagine if he was light skinned.....

Well then we get into what makes him "black"? Skin color? Ancestry? I have my own opinion on this type of issue, but in my opinion I just feel as if black is a mind state or particular consciousness first and foremost. I don't know Russell personally, so I can't speak on what he's truly about or not about. But it's like that RGIII situation for me. Dude has a white wife (he's free to do that), is a republican, supports the military and veterans strongly and openly.....and then you take into account what he DOESN'T say. To me, he doesn't represent or is a part of a collective black consciousness which in turn I don't consider him to truly be a black brother.

I always think back to that Dave Chapelle skit. The blind "black" dude. If he achieved anything, would you celebrate him as being a black guy who achieved _______?

If we allow skin color to force us into who's representative of us, then the confusion continues. There are darker people than I who represent and protect a white supremacist system while there are folks much lighter than I who are closer in line to my consciousness and what we hope to achieve for ourselves and people as a whole.
I've heard Russell speak on everything except Black issues....I don't know him personally but I get that vibe  from him 
Well then we get into what makes him "black"? Skin color? Ancestry? I have my own opinion on this type of issue, but in my opinion I just feel as if black is a mind state or particular consciousness first and foremost. I don't know Russell personally, so I can't speak on what he's truly about or not about. But it's like that RGIII situation for me. Dude has a white wife (he's free to do that), is a republican, supports the military and veterans strongly and openly.....and then you take into account what he DOESN'T say. To me, he doesn't represent or is a part of a collective black consciousness which in turn I don't consider him to truly be a black brother.

I always think back to that Dave Chapelle skit. The blind "black" dude. If he achieved anything, would you celebrate him as being a black guy who achieved _______?

If we allow skin color to force us into who's representative of us, then the confusion continues. There are darker people than I who represent and protect a white supremacist system while there are folks much lighter than I who are closer in line to my consciousness and what we hope to achieve for ourselves and people as a whole.
I understand what you are saying but in this country he would be discriminated against like any other black person because of skin color smh. As far as black consciousness, I agree unfortunately, integration and the "longing to be accepted by the dominant society" produces alot of black ppl like russell and rg3.
Thats that whitewashing right there...not supporting a brotha cuz he's not "black" enough...imagine if he was light skinned.....

It ain't about "Being black enough" it's about acknowledging who you are.

This might what you're talking about malik

some of the quotes

To get to where I’ve gotten, I’ve had so much help from standing on the shoulders of people like Doug Williams, James Harris, Randall Cunningham, Warren Moon, Donovan McNabb, Michael Vick and so many others.

But “color-blind’’ is not the right term. I certainly realized people’s color. My parents told me, “Don’t judge people based on their color. God created everybody.” I wasn’t naïve. I was educated on being African-American. I knew everything about Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King. I grew up in Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy. You realized it was … a little bit different. The way I was raised, though, was about treating people the right way. Yes sir, no sir, work your tail off. It didn’t matter if I was black, white, Latino—and when some people meet me they think I’m Latino.

Today, I don’t look at myself as a black guy, or a black quarterback. I look at myself as a person, and a quarterback. My attitude is if I want to be the best, I’ve got to beat the best. And it has nothing to do with color.

Russell seems like a good dude but I still can't tell if he's on some Tiger Woods **** or not. I'm not saying he should or shouldn't get celebrated but something that came up in the sports forum made me realize we really don't talk about dude as one of us. And lets be honest it's cuz he has this "gee golly" personality and like Marcus said he doesn't speak on black issues, while his teammates do.
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I don't care if he considers himself green.

He IS black. 

No Black isn't some special energy you tap into.

The corniest cornball self hating blacks are STILL black...whether they want to be or not.
I dont care if he voices his opinion he can make things happen behind the scenes financially. Lot of people talking but not making moves financially. I notice a lot of people dislike Rick Ross but dude isn't about that "yea I got the rick ross charity where we give out turkeys and toys" like some cats, Ross opened up a ton of wing stops in black communities creating jobs, THAT is how you give back.
who didn't consider RW as black? news to me....I know some thought he had a white mom or dad cause he does have that mixed look

also is that 7am movie going to be released on dvd? I'm not in a major city so I won't be able to go to a theater 
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What do yall think about a black Yelp site where we review businesses based on how they treat black customers?  I ask because I went to a black-owned restaurant the other day and got some seriously sub-par service...then when some white people walked in the servers tripped over themselves helping them.  It doesn't always happen of course but sometimes black businesses get a reputation for poor service to other black folks.

It got me to thinking, if we're going to have a Code that we abide by, there has to be a way to DP businesses who **** on us.  A black Yelp-type of site could help pressure these businesses into acting right or at least cut off some of their cash flow.
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What do yall think about a black Yelp site where we review businesses based on how they treat black customers?  I ask because I went to a black-owned restaurant the other day and got some seriously sub-par service...then when some white people walked in the servers tripped over themselves helping them.  It doesn't always happen of course but sometimes black businesses get a reputation for poor service to other black folks.

It got me to thinking, if we're going to have a Code that we abide by, there has to be a way to DP businesses who **** on us.  A black Yelp-type of site could help pressure these businesses into acting right or at least cut off some of their cash flow.
this would be 
...if he is not for the liberation of blacks he is a non factor to me

Exactly. That's the only thing that matters.

...he doesn't represent or is a part of a collective black consciousness which in turn I don't consider him to truly be a black brother.

I always think back to that Dave Chapelle skit. The blind "black" dude. If he achieved anything, would you celebrate him as being a black guy who achieved _______?

If we allow skin color to force us into who's representative of us, then the confusion continues. There are darker people than I who represent and protect a white supremacist system while there are folks much lighter than I who are closer in line to my consciousness and what we hope to achieve for ourselves and people as a whole.

I understand what you are saying but in this country he would be discriminated against like any other black person because of skin color smh. As far as black consciousness, I agree unfortunately, integration and the "longing to be accepted by the dominant society" produces alot of black ppl like russell and rg3.

i'm always curious what phrases like the highlighted above actually mean? how far do they extend? what does it mean to be liberated? does an afro-brazilian share the same consciousness as a afro-american? as a ghanian? native new zealander? or is it specific to american blacks? does it stretch across classes? micro/subcultures? (judging from the opinion of r.wilson & rg3 apparently not?) does/should it matter how/where you grew up?

those phrases seem out of context or from a different era than the world of today & the one that we are moving into...and while not totally free of some of the vestiges of the era(s) when such phrases had weight behind them, to use them now seems totally divorced from any meaning at all...and insofar as i can tell the idea of a collective "black consciousness" has always been an idea(l) rather a reality (from malclom & martin to booker t & dubois, there has almost always been disagreement about the means & the ends)

one last point about integration, given what happened in tulsa with black walll street, it is hard to say that a "separate but equal" system could have lasted long but it is something i have always thought about, similar to chinatowns that inhabit many major cities (though many black neighborhoods are similar in a sort of de facto way, just without the business ownership/patronage). but assimilation is necessary to an extent, that is not to mean that one should totally acquiesce to the dominant/larger society, but it does mean either "get in where you fit in" and/ or develop a relationship that proves necessary to the larger society, otherwise shuts people out which #sidebar has been happening in the black community for decades and is now starting to affect the larger society...

What do yall think about a black Yelp site where we review businesses based on how they treat black customers? I ask because I went to a black-owned restaurant the other day and got some seriously sub-par service...then when some white people walked in the servers tripped over themselves helping them. It doesn't always happen of course but sometimes black businesses get a reputation for poor service to other black folks.

It got me to thinking, if we're going to have a Code that we abide by, there has to be a way to DP businesses who **** on us. A black Yelp-type of site could help pressure these businesses into acting right or at least cut off some of their cash flow.

i would imagine a site like yelp is mostly ad funded, it might be too niche if it were solely a review site, an ethnic business directory that had a review component might have more legs? plus businesses would likely be more willing to open themselves up to being reviewed and might even pay to be featured if they saw a benefit, the other thing to remember is people rarely feel the need to go out of their way to praise good service so it would interesting to develop a system that sent grievances directly to the business & tracked whether they got addressed and have the site just be completely negative ...#sidebar did they work on tips? there is a lot of research around tipping, it'd would probably eliminate the service disparity almost entirely if the restaurant industry had to actually pay their waitstaff at least the flat MINIMUM wage, because not only is that crazy that they can pay a ridiculously low hourly wage because of tipping but there is also a disparity in regards to how people tip certain people (from the results of some studies attractive people are tipped more & women generally get better tips than men, for example)
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