Black Culture Discussion Thread

I agree with most of Dr. Umar Johnson's points. Especially pointing out our hyper-materialism, self-hatred & lack of ownership. I don't agree with him condemning homosexuality in the black community though. I don't see the homosexual movement as a way of controlling the black population. (If it was intended that way, it hasn't worked so far) But as a way to not dehumanize a large group of people because of their sexual preference. He's a great motivational speaker. Almost like a pastor lol. He makes some great points. Just don't agree with that one.

I've actually heard him kinda support homosexuality in the black community. I'll find it when I get home.
Idk bout that one bro...umar is pretty black n white when it comes to a lot of things especially homosexuals
Don't necessarily agree with Umar's opinions on homosexuality BUT I can see where he developed his opinions from. From slavery, to drugs, to mandatory minimum prison sentences there has always been something put in place to control and limit the black male population. Right now homosexual black males are by far the leading demographic to contract HIV. Saying there could be an agenda in place to promote male homosexuality in our communities isn't too far fetched. At one point we didn't think drugs were intentionally being placed in our neighborhoods and we see how that turned out.
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I agree with most of Dr. Umar Johnson's points. Especially pointing out our hyper-materialism, self-hatred & lack of ownership. I don't agree with him condemning homosexuality in the black community though. I don't see the homosexual movement as a way of controlling the black population. (If it was intended that way, it hasn't worked so far) But as a way to not dehumanize a large group of people because of their sexual preference. He's a great motivational speaker. Almost like a pastor lol. He makes some great points. Just don't agree with that one.
I rock with UMAR but I don't agree with the whole POLYGAMY thing he kicks but I think with the whole HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS thing is a joke anything media pushes is not good for BLACK FOLKS because media is run by people who practice WHITE SUPREMACY....Before the 2012 election nobody cared about HOMOSEXUAL RIGHTS nor cared about if people used the so called "HOMOSEXUAL DEROGATORY TERMS" now after the 2012 election all of a sudden all these mostly BLACK entertainers started coming out & people started using the terms "HOMOPHOBE" & started rocking dresses & all that nonsense....People need to wake up & realize the power of people that practice WHITE SUPREMACY...
NEELY FULLER tells it like it is...Him & CLAUDE ANDERSON are the only people I listen to now in regards to the BLACK COMMUNITY...
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Who is this clown? Its clearly a backup account. Huge gap in between his posts. This goofy ***** literally has posted in or started nothing but race related threads.

Definite troll alert.
nah, I just think it's pathetic when I see my people go HARD on trying to put guilt on to others when we've done the same things as them. All societies did in world history. But I won't further waste my time with ya'll. Stay stuck on ignorant. I'm good at least. I'm awake.

You're awake in the dark.

The particular thing that differentiates the triangular slave trade from the other forms of slavery is the institutionalization of a hierarchy of races. There were philosophical debates and papers written about the humanity (or lack thereof) of the Black person. Dubious science was used to justify the colonization and the subjugation of Africans with very little attempt to understand the various civilizations that inhabited the interior of the continent. Your statement that "Africans sold Africans" exemplifies that since it denotes your belief that all Africans are the same. Nobody has denied the existence of slavery before the 17th century, but the point you keep missing is that the slave trade was based on the premise that the only thing a Black person can ever be is a servant to his white master(s). That was the difference between slavery driven by economics (which is what African peoples practiced) and the transatlantic trade.

that a sort of semantic argument (the statement africans sold africans is not incorrect), but it is an important detail to note that aside from a technological warfare advantage, a big contributing factor to the western power even been able to establish ports to transport large numbers of slaves was that the many of the big city-states had either fallen or were in decline and the warring was even played upon & facilitated by the slave trade. [COLOR=#red]fair enough[/COLOR]

granted there was nothing like the transatlantic slave trade and the inhumanities it produced...but it was also very much driven by economics, on both sides...and on the subject on the distinction between the slavery practiced by african peoples and that which was ushered in by the slave trade in the new world, i've always thought that was a bit of a moot point, as if that is the main thing that make the slave trade so grotesque...parsing degrees slavery is a kinda ridiculous; and that isn't to be apologist or deny that new world slavery was unimaginably worse, just to say that really isn't a justification...

Like I said before, the statement in question is only correct if we look at it from a Eurocentric point of view. I don't deny the African kings' agency in the slave trade, and I don't deny the immediate economic benefits they enjoyed. I'm just looking at the trade from their point of view, one that's not usually acknowledged in the discussion. They weren't selling people from their own tribes/kingdoms, they were selling their enemies.

[COLOR=#red]bro that statement IS correct EVERY way you look at it, as a broad statement of fact; it is a generic statement of truth. what it doesn't do is address the nuance that africans were & are not one people...should/would you view the transatlantic slave trade be viewed differently if african tribes and those captured by europeans were captured enemies???[/COLOR]

parsing degrees slavery is a kinda ridiculous
I disagree. We very much acknowledge the difference between indentured servants and slaves in the case of the USA. In many cultures throughout the world there have been different approaches to slavery, its length (permanent vs temporary) and its scope (yourself vs your whole family and/or property, one generation vs multiple generations). Those differences are not trivial and they are only seen if we take into account the ideological justifications for the application of slavery.

[COLOR=#red]definitely not trivial differences, but isn't the distilled argument is basically african slavery was is still bondage. to me, the combinations scope & magnitude are what really separate the african & european models, the ideological justifications came afterwards (there have always been free person of color, and there is evidence that some of people of color started as indentured servants) as you might expect from basically enslaving a whole people; it wouldn't be too far a leap of thinking to equate person of color = slave= lesser being, and eventually eugenics. even given ALL we know to the contrary, today people STILL make these those of connections, and i don't just assume differently of people in the past...and yes, it is a given that the effects of which are still with us (to your point about institutionalized hierarchies of races, it still persists but it is not nearly the impediment it once was and hopefully it will continue to be less important over time, though definitely not a guaranteed as human have and endless supply of creative ways to separate ourselves); such is history. however, one things is seemingly certain, nothing in the world of human society is fixed; at one point african, arab, asian, european, indigenous american all could lay claim to titles being the, or some combination of the wealthiest, most advanced, largest, most technological, educated, civilizations in existence and due to a myriad of factors each has faded, receded, or grew; so rather than ascribe these things to some peculiarity of a specific ethnicity it seems to me to be that is something innate in us(that is ALL HUMANS)...

the only reason europeans, were able to make the moves they did against africa in particular was they they were better equipped to do so technologically & organizationally, they had every bit of motivation to conquer the asia(s) but couldn't (at least not at that moment in history)...why?

the history of humans on this planet has been primarily one of exercises of power/violence against one another, point blank, period. and whomever has more of it at a given time is usually want to exercise it to their advantage[/COLOR]

I agree with most of Dr. Umar Johnson's points. Especially pointing out our hyper-materialism, self-hatred & lack of ownership. I don't agree with him condemning homosexuality in the black community though. I don't see the homosexual movement as a way of controlling the black population. (If it was intended that way, it hasn't worked so far) But as a way to not dehumanize a large group of people because of their sexual preference. He's a great motivational speaker. Almost like a pastor lol. He makes some great points. Just don't agree with that one.

many of the statistics he was citing to point out those thing may indeed be true, but his conclusions are entirely his own...america is a consumerist, hyper-materialistic country in general. the self-hatred, i can't speak for every black person (neither should he!) but i think that most would be willing to say that every individual (regardless of ethnicity or gender) will have to figure out how to define themselves in a society that is constantly telling you (whoever you are) what you are, could, or should (want to) be (and in fact, has a vested interest in doing so, to sell you things!). lack of entrepreneurship, there are real reasons why many people don't start businesses, not the least of which is access to capital, which he doesn't connect to the wealth gap but he implies is the result conspicuous, flashy consumption to...(i've read that people today are actually spending much less on cars, clothing, food, etc as their counterparts from past generations but much more on housing & education, which definitely frames things a little differently)...

he may have good intentions? but it comes across as a really good setup:

here are the the ways we (but mostly you, because he has it all figured it out) are flawed
here is why (white supremacy)
now give me you money/support

no one has any agency, if you are a success, someone gave it to you or you must be some type of pawn in the game or otherwise manipulated, and if you aren't successful it is entirely the system (if you are a black male, the "you gotta work, twice as hard as a white boy..." speech has to be particularly depressing); on the other side it is free market everything and no responsibility to those who may not be suited, deemed not able to participate, or just priced out of the current or even the future economic structure. between these 2 extremes its no wonder most are angry, apathetic, given to conspiracy theories, or trying to reframe history such that they can resurrect some feeling of nostalgia or superiority that never was...
what's yall personal thoughts on homosexuality in the black community? 

I don't have an issue with black males being gay. If that's their choice than who am I to judge BUT I have a problem with the closeted ones that are ******* women who have no idea that they live that alternate lifestyle. That **** is very wrong and pretty rampant from what I've heard. I know a dude who got exposed and that fool still be trying to act like he's straight. 
 and not just exposed by words.....they had this dude pics floating on fb/ig that day smh ....he never came off that way years back but I did notice his fb statuses would be hella sexual and was always aimed at women but in retrospect dude was probably trying to get dudes in his inbox 
I Respec Umar, ,my only gripe is I felt he was in over his head with the opening of a college thing. Now many people are looking at him like as a fraud. IF you barely get money just to be able to submit an offer for the school, how are you going to maintain it? I think he would have been best off trying to open up a small school for Elementary to middle school aged children as those are the crucial ages for kids. Open a few of those for a fraction of the cost of running a university then you go from there.
what's yall personal thoughts on homosexuality in the black community? 

I don't have an issue with black males being gay. If that's their choice than who am I to judge BUT I have a problem with the closeted ones that are ******* women who have no idea that they live that alternate lifestyle. That **** is very wrong and pretty rampant from what I've heard. I know a dude who got exposed and that fool still be trying to act like he's straight. :smh:  and not just exposed by words.....they had this dude pics floating on fb/ig that day smh ....he never came off that way years back but I did notice his fb statuses would be hella sexual and was always aimed at women but in retrospect dude was probably trying to get dudes in his inbox 

Many people dont have an issue, its the simple fact that some say Gays and Lesbians should respect themselves as Men and Women. Mainly gay men often are so over sexualized its almost comical. I remember me and my girl went to an LA fitness in a Gay area of Atlanta and it was on some Sodom and Gomorra steeze with how much explicit sexual marketing and stuff was around. If You're gay, do you, but just have respect for yourself and your safety. The same way I dont think how straight people who always talking about smashing chicks or what ever have respect for themselves. At the end of the day The Western World has turned sex into a recreational thing opposed to it being something intimate with someone you care about. So when you have gay couples who handle their business and really love each other, a non gay person thinks about the Over the top Clown Like Gay cats who dont respect themselves that we often see in public or tv and we just give them the :x face. There is crazy racism even in the Gay community so it disgusts me when non black gays try to say their struggle is the same as ours, when you have Gay White Racists out here being evil.
I have no problem with gay people but I don't think they should be the face of black people in the media it sends a bad message to the next generation i don't care how ignorant this May sound or who is offended by it
what's yall personal thoughts on homosexuality in the black community? 

I don't have an issue with black males being gay. If that's their choice than who am I to judge BUT I have a problem with the closeted ones that are ******* women who have no idea that they live that alternate lifestyle. That **** is very wrong and pretty rampant from what I've heard. I know a dude who got exposed and that fool still be trying to act like he's straight. :smh:  and not just exposed by words.....they had this dude pics floating on fb/ig that day smh ....he never came off that way years back but I did notice his fb statuses would be hella sexual and was always aimed at women but in retrospect dude was probably trying to get dudes in his inbox 
what's yall personal thoughts on homosexuality in the black community? 

I don't have an issue with black males being gay. If that's their choice than who am I to judge BUT I have a problem with the closeted ones that are ******* women who have no idea that they live that alternate lifestyle. That **** is very wrong and pretty rampant from what I've heard. I know a dude who got exposed and that fool still be trying to act like he's straight. 
 and not just exposed by words.....they had this dude pics floating on fb/ig that day smh ....he never came off that way years back but I did notice his fb statuses would be hella sexual and was always aimed at women but in retrospect dude was probably trying to get dudes in his inbox 
 so it disgusts me when non black gays try to say their struggle is the same as ours, when you have Gay White Racists out here being evil.
I HATE THIS......I get so pissed when I see one say's a slap in the face 
I have no problem with gay people but I don't think they should be the face of black people in the media it sends a bad message to the next generation i don't care how ignorant this May sound or who is offended by it
what's yall personal thoughts on homosexuality in the black community? 

I don't have an issue with black males being gay. If that's their choice than who am I to judge BUT I have a problem with the closeted ones that are ******* women who have no idea that they live that alternate lifestyle. That **** is very wrong and pretty rampant from what I've heard. I know a dude who got exposed and that fool still be trying to act like he's straight. 
 and not just exposed by words.....they had this dude pics floating on fb/ig that day smh ....he never came off that way years back but I did notice his fb statuses would be hella sexual and was always aimed at women but in retrospect dude was probably trying to get dudes in his inbox 
I agree......actually hate how the feminine **** is being pushed through rap music these days. I'm a firm believer in the subconscious being influenced through music/tv 
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I really don't have a issue with it either. My thing is it seems a lot of young black men are pretty much trained to be gay from a young age. No father in the house, or strong male figure at all around and all he's around is feminine energy. His mother, aunts and his mother's girlfriends. Me and brother were raised by women but we stayed outside playing sports and other ****. Not all boys are into sports so it's almost like they didn't have a chance.
I don't feel anyway about HOMOSEXUALITY it is what it is but what pisses me off is the non homosexual people that are defending them....If you don't agree with that lifestyle they wanna say "YOUR BEING HOMOPHOBIC" , "YOUR BEING RACIST AGAINST HOMOSEXUALS (WHEN HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOT A RACE IT'S A LIFESTYLE), "HOMOSEXUALS ARE GOING THROUGH THE SAME THING US BLACK DID DURING CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT " ...It's like they are forcing people to accept this lifestyle...My problem with MY PEOPLE is we are quick to defend & fight for others rights but we won't fight for our own rights....But nobody ever comes to fight against RACISM (WHITE SUPREMACY) with us instead they come in & kill the fight or water the movement down by getting suckered into the diversity talk.....I've seen it in here dudes wanna holla "Man there's nothing wrong with homosexuals stop being a homophob" as soon as you say you don't agree with that lifestyle...I'm not a HOMOSEXUAL so I could careless about their struggles I'm concerned about my people struggles & issuse...
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Problem with discussing homosexuality is that most people's perception around it is based on the idea that ALL homosexuals are born that way. Its a strong defense mechanism.

I can't delve too deep on this subject without bringing spirituality into this but I will say this...we (especially in Western civilization) have a very flawed view on what sex is. The sacred nature of it has been completely lost and most feel like its just for pleasure.

I think once you understand what's going on spiritually during sex and what it'd understand why homosexuality isn't natural to EVERYONE. It can indeed be learned behavior drilled into your subconscious.

When I say some research on sexuality in the indigenous lands of melanated people and you'll be hard pressed to find examples of it. In Europe however....
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Problem with discussing homosexuality is that most people's perception around it is based on the idea that ALL homosexuals are born that way. Its a strong defense mechanism.

I can't delve too deep on this subject without bringing spirituality into this but I will way this...we (especially in Western civilization) have a very flawed view on what sex is. The sacred nature of it has been completely lost and most of feel like its just for pleasure.

I think once you understand what's going on spiritually during sex and what it'd understand why homosexuality isn't natural to EVERYONE.

When I say some research on sexuality in the indigenous lands of melanated people and you'll be hard pressed to find examples of it. In Europe however....
REPPED VIC....GREEKS & ROMANS were practicing those type of LIFESTYLES...
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Problem with discussing homosexuality is that most people's perception around it is based on the idea that ALL homosexuals are born that way. Its a strong defense mechanism.

I can't delve too deep on this subject without bringing spirituality into this but I will say this...we (especially in Western civilization) have a very flawed view on what sex is. The sacred nature of it has been completely lost and most feel like its just for pleasure.

I think once you understand what's going on spiritually during sex and what it'd understand why homosexuality isn't natural to EVERYONE. It can indeed be learned behavior drilled into your subconscious.

When I say some research on sexuality in the indigenous lands of melanated people and you'll be hard pressed to find examples of it. In Europe however....
enlighten me....always down for new knowledge 
REPPED VIC....GREEKS & ROMANS were practicing those type of LIFESTYLES...
I always thought alot of the statues and paintings from that period we used to see in our textbooks as kids were WILD FLAGRANT. 
enlighten me....always down for new knowledge 
I'ma open up the floodgates If I go there. Check out some lectures by Bobby Hemmit on this topic and it'll make you think. know how there's this stigma that the "Black" community is collectively homophobic and how we should empathize with their plight because it's similar to ours? ever ask yourself how did we develop this supposed "stigma"? If homosexuality is completely natural amongst all beings and has been around since the beginning of time...then what is it about us ONLY that has this "stigma"? What is it about us and where we come from that rejects the idea of it moreso than any other group? 

I mean if it was completely normal and our ancient civilizations experienced it like every other ancient civilization...why is this whole "effeminization of the black male" thing such a hot button topic right now? 

If this was completely normal to ALL supposed humans...why are we late to the party?
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Anybody have buck dancing family members?  My brother was saying he's glad our neighborhood is being gentrified.  Then he started talking about how the white people who live in his building 'love it when (he) talks gangster ****.'  I love the guy but damn it's a beast knowing your flesh and blood has so much unchecked self-hate.
Anybody have buck dancing family members?  My brother was saying he's glad our neighborhood is being gentrified.  Then he started talking about how the white people who live in his building 'love it when (he) talks gangster ****.'   I love the guy but damn it's a beast knowing your flesh and blood has so much unchecked self-hate.
Yeah now imagine how I felt hearing it.  I think deep down he's really afraid of facing the reality of white supremacy.  It's really true what they say about ignorance being bliss, because standing up on your own two for black folks is a lot harder than staying asleep and acting like it's all good.
Anybody have buck dancing family members?  My brother was saying he's glad our neighborhood is being gentrified.  Then he started talking about how the white people who live in his building 'love it when (he) talks gangster ****.'  I love the guy but damn it's a beast knowing your flesh and blood has so much unchecked self-hate.

No, but Ive been keeping up with this guys progression

From Memphis to WORLDWIDE.

He's even incorporated some aspects of ballet into gangsta walking

Check him out on Tavis Smiley
Anybody have buck dancing family members?  My brother was saying he's glad our neighborhood is being gentrified.  Then he started talking about how the white people who live in his building 'love it when (he) talks gangster ****.'  I love the guy but damn it's a beast knowing your flesh and blood has so much unchecked self-hate.

Buck dancing family members, friends, coworkers, etc. :smh: it's sad b.

I also hate it when my black people are ignorant to the self hatred that's ingrained in our community. They don't even love our women famb. All these ****** want is foreign :smh:
We need more black's in the fields of science, engineering, and technology.

Black people need to stop protesting and marching with their hands up in surrender begging for respect. Noboby marches harder and nobody gets treated worse.
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Yea no real problem with gays, but I can't pretend that I'm comfortable with how it's being pushed to "stop" homophobia. I remember once going to my sisters and seeing my nephew parading around in a dress, wig, and heels because somebody funny on Disney channel was doing it, I gave my sister a look and high eyebrows but she just told me to stop being homophobic and he keeps on doing it. She doesn't let me rough him up or get on his case when he starts acting soft or real feminine and it really kills me how petulant she lets him be, especially cause she's a single mother. I'm a firm believer that the homosexual agenda just doesn't belong in some places, it's becoming more about endorsing homosexual behavior than homosexual people who are supposedly just born different... cause really I respect you but I really don't want to see it or have it shoved in my kids face
We need more black's in the fields of science, engineering, and technology.

Black people need to stop protesting and marching with their hands up in surrender begging for respect. Noboby marches harder and nobody gets treated worse.

We don't need more in the field.

We need more black developing proprietary technology.

Black people have no apparatus to store talent.

Our best and brightest end up working hard for others.

From the blacks who had their patents stolen because by law they shouldn't be literate,

to the black engineer that made it out of poverty to the field, but never gets recognition. Having the job is supposed to be enough no matter how crappy he is treated in the work force...
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