Black Culture Discussion Thread

What does one have to do with the other? Blacks struggle against systematic white supremacy or "civil rights" that effects us in nearly every aspect of our lives (education, economics, public policy, healthcare, the judicial system, employment etc.) While gay people are banned from.... being legally married??? I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing the correlation.

That's like saying since I have terminal cancer I should be able to sympathize with someone who has a cold because I know what it's like to be sick. :rolleyes .
I think what he is referring to is the hate that homosexuals receive and the reclusiveness they have to live under in certain parts of the country shares certain characteristics as how blacks are treated. While there not totally te same situation, they do bear certain similarities as far as being treated fairly/equality and lifestyle acceptance.
Gay "rights" and black issues are not the same what so ever.
Well they are the same as far as they both want respect and equality, you can't despute that. But, the injustices in the black community was way more extreme and severe though, I'm not saying the gay community hasn't gone through their fair share of hate either.
Equally discriminated

Well they are the same as far as they both want respect and equality, you can't despute that. But, the injustices in the black community was way more extreme and severe though, I'm not saying the gay community hasn't gone through their fair share of hate either.
On what level?

What respect aren't they getting right now? Who aren't they "equal" to? 

You believe they should be able to marry? too. Now what other rights aren't being granted to homosexuals but to every other group?
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On what level?

What respect aren't they getting right now? Who aren't they "equal" to? 

You believe they should be able to marry? too. Now what other rights aren't being granted to homosexuals but to every other group?
I see hate for homosexual people in every job I've ever had and every school I've gone to. Even on the daily basis I see gay people get clowned on. Gay bashing actually seems more 'open' than hate on blacks, whereas discrimination towards blacks is more discrete (hidden) in the cooperate world but, exist as well.
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I see hate for homosexual people in every job I've ever had and every school I've gone to. Even on the daily basis I see gay people get clowned on. Gay bashing actually seems more 'open' than hate on blacks, whereas discrimination towards blacks is more discrete (hidden) in the cooperate world but, exist as well.
Wait a mean to tell me people get clowned on and bashed? Who knew?

They must be REALLY strong people to have made it the point where many of them sit at or near the top of a vast majority of lucrative industries.

I wonder if black people could have pulled that off back in the 60s....
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I see hate for homosexual people in every job I've ever had and every school I've gone to. Even on the daily basis I see gay people get clowned on. Gay bashing actually seems more 'open' than hate on blacks, whereas discrimination towards blacks is more discrete (hidden) in the cooperate world but, exist as well.

i think the corporate world is VERY accepting a gay black male..

a good looking, physically imposing, smart black man that doesnt come off as distancing himself from his culture... it rustles some of these execs jimmies...

and this is straight from an exec's mouth (not black, but not white, but identifies w/ white culture)

gay black men are less threatening.
i think the corporate world is VERY accepting a gay black male..

a good looking, physically imposing, smart black man that doesnt come off as distancing himself from his culture... it rustles some of these execs jimmies...

and this is straight from an exec's mouth (not black, but not white, but identifies w/ white culture)

gay black men are less threatening.
in higher positions I agree completely but, in entry-level positions homosexuals get clowned on like no other. Especially lower ranking individuals.
a good looking, physically imposing, smart black man that doesnt come off as distancing himself from his culture... it rustles some of these execs jimmies...
STAMP. Can speak on this from first hand experience.

If I could give you a 1000 reps I would.
Wait a mean to tell me people get clowned on and bashed? Who knew?

They must be REALLY strong people to have made it the point where many of them sit at or near the top of a vast majority of lucrative industries.

I wonder if black people could have pulled that off back in the 60s....
Well you mentioned that they get equal respect and I stated that they don't in a lot of situations. I didn't compare how blacks got treated in 60s which is obviously far worse. I'm just saying in the present day, gay people get more open hate than black people in the workforce whereas the discrimination towards blacks is more discrete.
I don't see how you can support civil rights for Black people and be against homosexuals having the same rights without prejudice. It's extremely hypocritical. Regardless of what you believe, if you don't support equal rights for ALL, then I can't respect it. Especially when in a religion is brought into the discussion (in a nation founded on religious freedom). Yes, per the Bible, homosexuality is a sin, but the good Word also teaches us that let he that is without sin cast the first stone.

The thing is, being black and being gay aren't equivalent.  For one thing gay people can hide that they are gay.  If you're black you can't hide that under any circumstances. 

And for two...there hasn't existed a system designed to keep gays economically and politically disenfranchised...nor is there a system purposely putting gays in jail en masse for profit.   

Gays aren't looking out for blacks, they just have criticism for us like every other group.  The truth is, they don't speak out for us so why should we cape for them?  I don't hate gays but their battles aren't mine to fight.

Homosexual rights don't have **** to do with someone's perception of homosexuality itself.

It's a completely different argument.

What does one have to do with the other? Blacks struggle against systematic white supremacy or "civil rights" that effects us in nearly every aspect of our lives (education, economics, public policy, healthcare, the judicial system, employment etc.) While gay people are banned from.... being legally married??? I'm sorry, but I'm not seeing the correlation.

That's like saying since I have terminal cancer I should be able to sympathize with someone who has a cold because I know what it's like to be sick. :rolleyes .

I didn't say anything about half the **** yall are talking about :lol: I didn't compare movements in any way or suggest that they should combine. Reread my post.
in higher positions I agree completely but, in entry-level positions homosexuals get clowned on like no other. 
You're giving some extremely minute examples.

People don't march to not be clowned on. They march and push for rights that they naturally deserve according to the constitution. 

Aren't we still discussing the similarities to the civil rights movement? The one where they fought to be classified as humans?

And you're talking about people being "clowned"?

Can you not see the absurdity in that?
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I didn't say anything about half the **** yall are talking about
I didn't compare movements in any way or suggest that they should combine. Reread my post.
I read it the first time...and it was a completely irrelevant statement to the discussion that was taking place of homosexuality itself.

You shifted the entire conversation by bringing up rights.
You're giving some extremely minute examples.

People don't march to not be clowned on. They march and push for rights that they naturally deserve according to the constitution. 

Aren't we still discussing the similarities to the civil rights movement? The one where they fought to be classified as humans?

And you're talking about people being "clowned"?

Can you not see the absurdity in that?
Mistreatment can vary from being "clowned" to being killed. The point is gay people get mistreated, maybe not in the same way blacks do, but, in certain cirsumstances worst than black people. He never mentioned the civil rights movement, he said "civil rights" as a sarcastic notion. So I never had intentions to compare what blacks went through in the 1960s and what gay people face in modern society. I'm just saying that Gay people have every right to stand up for inequalities just like blacks and some of their arguments are similar and can be compare to one another.
I read it the first time...and it was a completely irrelevant statement to the discussion that was taking place of homosexuality itself.

You shifted the entire conversation by bringing up rights.

The post directly above mine talks about rights, bruh.

How is it irrelevant to correlate rights to the extremely ignorant and homophobic statements all over pages 59 and 60? Those attitudes are the same attitudes white supremacists have towards us (which manifested into laws).

"I don't have a problem with it but I don't want to see it" or "God doesn't like zzzzzzz" are dangerous thought processes.
I wasn't saying I was against homosexuals having civil rights or being able to marry or anything, I'm just against the agenda to push that on people

Yes I think that there is an agenda, I don't like using such a conspiratorial word but I am convinced that it definitely is real. I don't mind that they are being talked about but there are certain things that I am just not comfortable with. We're not talking about the acceptance of a certain race, hell we aren't even talking about acceptance, when you're trying to get a society to mix/reauthorize sexual preferences or sexuality you're damn near talking about conformity. You can say sexual preferences are made by birth but in reality it really is just as easy to change, if you understand this you can see why some of this would be bothersome to people who take pride in their sexuality.... which is.... everyone. It is especially difficult for men who find it for the most part to be emasculating, and I'm sorry if that sounds or is discriminatory but it isn't as simple as people want it to be.

You see the influence now in cartoons and children shows, it is debatable but judging from what I've seen there is a lot more of what is widely perceived as homosexual behavior in these shows than ever before... and yes I understand that that maybe due to changing times but that definitely is a message that was/is being pushed by someone. Just last year Disney channel debuted the first Homosexual couple to be on a children's show and a lot of people had a problem with it, I don't necessarily have an issue with that one but I don't blame anyone who had any concern

Not sure how it could make me a bad person by being uncomfortable with some public affection, not sure if I can teach myself to be comfortable with something I'm not comfortable with but ok.
I wasn't saying I was against homosexuals having civil rights or being able to marry or anything, I'm just against the agenda to push that on people

Yes I think that there is an agenda, I don't like using such a conspiratorial word but I am convinced that it definitely is real. I don't mind that they are being talked about but there are certain things that I am just not comfortable with. We're not talking about the acceptance of a certain race, hell we aren't even talking about acceptance, when you're trying to get a society to mix/reauthorize sexual preferences or sexuality you're damn near talking about conformity. You can say sexual preferences are made by birth but in reality it really is just as easy to change, if you understand this you can see why some of this would be bothersome to people who take pride in their sexuality.... which is.... everyone. It is especially difficult for men who find it for the most part to be emasculating, and I'm sorry if that sounds or is discriminatory but it isn't as simple as people want it to be.

You see the influence now in cartoons and children shows, it is debatable but judging from what I've seen there is a lot more of what is widely perceived as homosexual behavior in these shows than ever before... and yes I understand that that maybe due to changing times but that definitely is a message that was/is being pushed by someone. Just last year Disney channel debuted the first Homosexual couple to be on a children's show and a lot of people had a problem with it, I don't necessarily have an issue with that one but I don't blame anyone who had any concern

Not sure how it could make me a bad person by being uncomfortable with some public affection, not sure if I can teach myself to be comfortable with something I'm not comfortable with but ok.
I know where you're coming from and don't blame you from your opinions. I was just making a response towards Daytona 5000's post. Your views don't sound hateful, you just have different ideas than how your nephew(?) should be raised.
i think the corporate world is VERY accepting a gay black male..

a good looking, physically imposing, smart black man that doesnt come off as distancing himself from his culture... it rustles some of these execs jimmies...

and this is straight from an exec's mouth (not black, but not white, but identifies w/ white culture)

gay black men are less threatening.

As a straight black male I'm definitely a minority in my work environment.

They work place romance and drama :rofl:

Its like they putting on a big ... show and Im the one black person in the audience with everybode else. It's weird man.
I wasn't saying I was against homosexuals having civil rights or being able to marry or anything, I'm just against the agenda to push that on people

Yes I think that there is an agenda, I don't like using such a conspiratorial word but I am convinced that it definitely is real. I don't mind that they are being talked about but there are certain things that I am just not comfortable with. We're not talking about the acceptance of a certain race, hell we aren't even talking about acceptance, when you're trying to get a society to mix/reauthorize sexual preferences or sexuality you're damn near talking about conformity. You can say sexual preferences are made by birth but in reality it really is just as easy to change, if you understand this you can see why some of this would be bothersome to people who take pride in their sexuality.... which is.... everyone. It is especially difficult for men who find it for the most part to be emasculating, and I'm sorry if that sounds or is discriminatory but it isn't as simple as people want it to be.

You see the influence now in cartoons and children shows, it is debatable but judging from what I've seen there is a lot more of what is widely perceived as homosexual behavior in these shows than ever before... and yes I understand that that maybe due to changing times but that definitely is a message that was/is being pushed by someone. Just last year Disney channel debuted the first Homosexual couple to be on a children's show and a lot of people had a problem with it, I don't necessarily have an issue with that one but I don't blame anyone who had any concern

Not sure how it could make me a bad person by being uncomfortable with some public affection, not sure if I can teach myself to be comfortable with something I'm not comfortable with but ok.

So you're saying you're not completely comfortable being around gay people... Probably has a lot to do with how you were raised and what you heard people say around you...

That's the same with a lot of white people, specifically people who are older and in high positions... They may not necessarily being racist, but they're more comfortable around other white people... It's the way they were raised and taught...

Every race is more comfortable around their own race... That's why there's Chinatowns in every major US city and why prisons are self segregated by the prisoners...
Yea I wouldn't have a problem if he were gay, he's just too soft and I warn my sister about being so easy on him due to the fact that he doesn't have a father figure around

Regardless of his sexuality I just can't accept him being soft, but he's a good kid tho
So you're saying you're not completely comfortable being around gay people... Probably has a lot to do with how you were raised and what you heard people say around you...

That's the same with a lot of white people, specifically people who are older and in high positions... They may not necessarily being racist, but they're more comfortable around other white people... It's the way they were raised and taught...

Every race is more comfortable around their own race... That's why there's Chinatowns in every major US city and why prisons are self segregated by the prisoners...

No, no, no, no... I work around gay people every other day, I've got no problem with them, I just am not comfortable with overzealous displays of affection and those who feel like they need to line-step to show pride in their sexuality and are proud of how uncomfortable they make people without understanding the plight of their social deviance

I've actually had this conversation with some of them and some agree that the LGBT movements have gone from being about civil rights to being about social dominance, but just as well some of the others disagree and that's okay.

And I understand that some people will be uncomfortable around me... I can feel it sometimes but I give everybody the benefit of the doubt even when I suspect foul play. You want to protect yourself from certain types of people but it's not fair to label them racist cause they are uncomfortable around you, some people are just uncomfortable
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