Black Culture Discussion Thread

China is a very real participant in the "new" scramble for Africa.

Its funny, in Africa the chinese bring EVERYTHING except for food\perishables. The companies and people almost entirely use their own products.
Almost none of their money is spent on the continent. :smh: I see it every day and I cant eem be mad.

I plan on buying some land in Liberia in the next few years. My pops has a ton of farm land there and was telling me about all the stuff the chinese are doing, building roads, building stuff at the University there , i just cant trust it all honestly just off of history
Yup, the Lebanese conduct their commerce businesses in Africa but have to spend some of their bread here .

But the chinese? :lol: they live in China in Africa. Reminds of some of the topics discussed in this very thread. The entire fabrication and manfucature topic is real as hell and we need to get on the same page.

The chinese have built soo much infrastructure here its crazy. My own father brought a chinese company here to build a government building.

Nothing wrong with using external companies but how many foriegn companies are all over china or the U.S. Building up the country? (Rhetorical question)
China is a very real participant in the "new" scramble for Africa.

Its funny, in Africa the chinese bring EVERYTHING except for food\perishables. The companies and people almost entirely use their own products.
Almost none of their money is spent on the continent. :smh: I see it every day and I cant eem be mad.

Where you from?
Yup, the Lebanese conduct their commerce businesses in Africa but have to spend some of their bread here .

But the chinese? :lol: they live in China in Africa. Reminds of some of the topics discussed in this very thread. The entire fabrication and manfucature topic is real as hell and we need to get on the same page.

The chinese have built soo much infrastructure here its crazy. My own father brought a chinese company here to build a government building.

Nothing wrong with using external companies but how many foriegn companies are all over china or the U.S. Building up the country? (Rhetorical question)

yea, like I want to buy some beach property, and farm land in the towns my parents are from. I could buy the land (only Liberian Citizens can buy land, so I`ll either get dual citizenship or do it via family) and let some Chinese business use it for their needs but I dont want to sell my people out.
Where you from?

I'm from Guinea, right next to your girl's peoples. But I live and work in Equitorial Guinea damn near 4k miles from home. Came home for the holidays but I can't wait to get back. Its cold in the DMV. Had a dude feeling like Sanka from cool runnings coming out the airport.
yea, like I want to buy some beach property, and farm land in the towns my parents are from. I could buy the land (only Liberian Citizens can buy land, so I`ll either get dual citizenship or do it via family) and let some Chinese business use it for their needs but I dont want to sell my people out.

You need to get that dual citizenship, if possible. As any person thats from outside the U.S you gotta be cautious with who you leave your property with while you arent abroad. Your young so you can eventually build something significant on the land.

Theres no need to feel uncomfortable, take what is yours bro.

Whether you bought or inherited it, its yours. Shoot, its the American way. :smh:
Yea i hear mixed things about the chinese, on one hand i hear they are strictly business and its the African leaders pocketing the money, then on the other hand i hear stories of how the Chinese knock up African women /marry em in order tk be able to buy land because in some areas only citizens can buy land so they use that as a work around, the Lebenese used to do it back in the day.
Yeah they are on some BS out in Naija. They are most certainly unethical and immoral with their business practices. The higher ups who do the major shady business with them are scum of the earth who have been put there by beasts from other nations. But I won't lie there is major hope. The next gen that is coming up is way more Pan-African in their thought process and actions than their colonized parents. The ethno-centrism is definitely burning out. Black people all over are starting to link up and that's a beautiful thing.
I for one can say I was super shocked to see how deep the Chinese/ Indian/ Malyasians are in Nigeria.

It's wild to me how much of their culture has been brought to major cities such as Abuja or Lagos just from the amount of business etc they've done in Nigeria over the last decade or two.
I for one can say I was super shocked to see how deep the Chinese/ Indian/ Malyasians are in Nigeria.

It's wild to me how much of their culture has been brought to major cities such as Abuja or Lagos just from the amount of business etc they've done in Nigeria over the last decade or two.
Yeah mane. Ma dukes was pissed off at the nonsense they are passing off as "fried rice" out there when she went back. I can't front the Indians I've encountered have been pretty solid. They do legit biz and one actually considers himself more Nigerian than Indian from a nationality standpoint obviously not ethnic. As far as Malaysians I aint no business wit em I don't know them ******.

Abuja is a hot bed for foreigners right now. I don't know much about Lagos cause my people are from the southeast and we do biz in the north with Hausas. Those are some good people right there.
I for one can say I was super shocked to see how deep the Chinese/ Indian/ Malyasians are in Nigeria.

It's wild to me how much of their culture has been brought to major cities such as Abuja or Lagos just from the amount of business etc they've done in Nigeria over the last decade or two.

Ay can you school me on Boko Haram? Like it just seems like they came outta nowhere but I know it's more to the story. Also remember you saying you were staying in Nigeria for awhile and you never seemed concerned so I'm assuming they're in rural areas?
Ay can you school me on Boko Haram? Like it just seems like they came outta nowhere but I know it's more to the story. Also remember you saying you were staying in Nigeria for awhile and you never seemed concerned so I'm assuming they're in rural areas?
Boko Haram in name is the west african "al qaeda" in that they didn't really give themselves that name. Some rebel cells had that name and the media lumped all of them together under that umbrella which galvanized them in a way.They are essentially the equivalent of gangs and crime in America. They are the result of an inept government neglecting the Northwest for decades and allowing poverty and radical islamists to take root. That place is a real **** hole. And I'm not saying that to be rude nor mean because I love my people but that area is terribly underdeveloped.

They most certainly stay in rural areas due to their lack of ability to fight back but they have bombed the a bus station and a market in the capital of Abuja. They hit Kaduna and a few other cities. They are truly rancid animals who will meet their doom in due time. I wish them nothing but death and manrape.

I don't live out there but do business out there so I'm back and forth all the time. But I'm not worried about them because honestly I walk with my ancestors and most importantly CHUKWU so if it's my time then it's my time. **** boys can't stop my mission. We're doing good work out here and if they don't take days off than how could I?

It's been said they are receiving funding from Arabs, the Nigerian gov and the west. It's prolly true. There are a ton of people who are milking this crisis and making billions off the contracts alone.

There is even a document that was circulating around online last few years written by western political scientists about how Nigeria would "collapse" by 2015. Nigeria just announced the largest economy in Africa and shortly thereafter the US stopped all import of light crude oil. This was to further tighten the economy of Nigeria and cause even more poverty.

Poverty is honestly what is fueling all of the violence. The villages are constantly being raided because they are an easy target but Boko Haram ****** around and tried that **** in Cameroon. There prez got to bombing on those ****boys early. They are ****** fighters but unfortunately the army in Nigeria is undertrained and poorly paid due to embezzlement at the top.

Buhari is trying to win this upcoming election and if he does you won't hear about Boko Haram ever again. Buhari took over the gov a few decades ago and had it running like clockwork. There was a rebel uprising that people don't even mention because he put them in the dirt quick fast and in a hurry. No government embezzlement but he cracked down on freedom of the press and the west used that as a means to oust him from power.

It's a forgone conclusion in the public arena that Goodluck will "win" the election but if he does rig it then there may be hell to pay cause his public approval rating might be the lowest ever. His goodwill in the Muslim North is done after he didn't get the Chibok girls back and he's tanked the economy in way unimaginable. All his cabinet members are from his ethnic group and he's not meeting any of the 2015 major development goals.

This Boko Haram business is a ******* mess that the west is propogating and loving because it continues the narrative of savage africans being unable to govern themselves and even manages to lump in Islam. They are hitting many birds with one stone. But it's often said what can kill you just might save your life.

With the US relying on shale drilling and no longer importing oil thus killing Russia's economy they've done Nigeria a big favor because now that the oil boom is calming down we can get back to what we really do and that's farm. Our agric sector is a major money maker and in the next few decades it is gonna thrive.
The thing about farming is that it causes everyone to eat figuratively and literally. It harder to embezzle money and communities are forced to grow and develop under such conditions.

They want Naija to fail because it has the largest black population in the world. If we can get our **** together we will be the domino that gets all of the Black diaspora together.

Sorry for being long winded but there's a ton of factors that went into the issue from the past and going forward.

Repped for that post!

I'll always take a natives word over the western world

Dropped a lot of info :pimp:
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it's national geographic, so yea...but i thought this was a pretty dope series on the boom going on & the poised rise of lagos:
There is too much money out there. The problem is we've mutated into something else. All of the flash of pre-colonial Africa with the savage hoarding mentality of Europe. We never wanted super profit before. We wanted to make a "living" not a "killing."

This is where the concept of Ubuntu comes into play. "I am because WE are." It existed by many names but that's the one I'm familiar with. A king knew he was only as fly as his subjects. Excessive poverty in Africa was not commonly reported by the "explorers" upon arrival. But now with the western elected government officials running the show with impunity all that has gone down the drain.

The people of Africa and where ever blacks are have a soul and spirit that can't be squashed. Regardless of how messed up the present is we know the future is better.

I have a love/hate relationship with these articles. On one hand it's good for people to see parts of Africa thriving but on another I know it's mainly done to promote to companies to "invest" in Africa. They always focus on "buying power." To loosely quote Dr. Claude Anderson,"THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BUYING POWER! That's like a crackhead saying I hhave crack smoking power. FOOL! The dealer has the power not the smoker."
Repped for that post!

I'll always take a natives word over the western world

Dropped a lot of info
No doubt fam.
This brother brings up some great points about how Western Media creates a perception of Africa that cripples it's growth.

it's national geographic, so yea...but i thought this was a pretty dope series on the boom going on
There is too much money out there. The problem is we've mutated into something else. All of the flash of pre-colonial Africa with the savage hoarding mentality of Europe. We never wanted super profit before. We wanted to make a "living" not a "killing."

This is where the concept of Ubuntu comes into play. "I am because WE are." It existed by many names but that's the one I'm familiar with. A king knew he was only as fly as his subjects. Excessive poverty in Africa was not commonly reported by the "explorers" upon arrival. But now with the western elected government officials running the show with impunity all that has gone down the drain.

The people of Africa and where ever blacks are have a soul and spirit that can't be squashed. Regardless of how messed up the present is we know the future is better.

I have a love/hate relationship with these articles. On one hand it's good for people to see parts of Africa thriving but on another I know it's mainly done to promote to companies to "invest" in Africa. They always focus on "buying power." To loosely quote Dr. Claude Anderson,"THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BUYING POWER! That's like a crackhead saying I hhave crack smoking power. FOOL! The dealer has the power not the smoker."

i feel you, much of my fam (my mom, aunts & uncles go back pretty frequently) is there so i get secondhand bits and pieces about life there...and while it ain't all sweet, it definitely isn't the picture of corruption/instability that it is frequently made to be; also because those things can vary GREATLY depending on the what, where, & whom...

the buying power is an interesting way to look at it, but you can also flip that to say that the dealer needs customers (leaving out the issue of the product in this case's association to addiction in the analogy) there is & should always be a symbiotic relationship between buyers & sellers; and that relationships of that sort, ebb between each side having more or less of the frustrating things today is these relationships are mainly one-sided

back to the topic at hand, culture...something many don't quite understand fully; maybe especially being here in the states, is that despite being pretty multi-cultural, we also have managed to more or less get along (we also maybe don't have as many outside governments/parties trying to foment movements for their own interests) this has not generally been the norm, i genuinely think it is pretty much one of the few things that does make america exceptional. there was more of a balance between individualism & community that seems rare here...

that may be changing, because it seems like everybody is falling into these little cliques/niches where they only listen to people that agree with their world view, have similar interests and tastes, and/or come form similar backgrounds...down to the things we all consume, everything seems to be becoming a world unto itself, where dissent views are not even given serious contemplation...

this sort a trivial example, in this video wale is defining sneaker (sub)culture (you could maybe argue about what it is, but it would seem to broadly apply) very narrowly as some specific set of knowledge and/or experiences, when however you would define sneaker culture, it is anything but specific; i feel like that is the way many talk about black culture...both within & externally, narrowly defined (...there's never no in between, we either we ****** or kings, we either ******* or queens...)
Who is this clown? Its clearly a backup account. Huge gap in between his posts. This goofy ***** literally has posted in or started nothing but race related threads.

Definite troll alert.
nah, I just think it's pathetic when I see my people go HARD on trying to put guilt on to others when we've done the same things as them. All societies did in world history. But I won't further waste my time with ya'll. Stay stuck on ignorant. I'm good at least. I'm awake.

You're awake in the dark.

The particular thing that differentiates the triangular slave trade from the other forms of slavery is the institutionalization of a hierarchy of races. There were philosophical debates and papers written about the humanity (or lack thereof) of the Black person. Dubious science was used to justify the colonization and the subjugation of Africans with very little attempt to understand the various civilizations that inhabited the interior of the continent. Your statement that "Africans sold Africans" exemplifies that since it denotes your belief that all Africans are the same. Nobody has denied the existence of slavery before the 17th century, but the point you keep missing is that the slave trade was based on the premise that the only thing a Black person can ever be is a servant to his white master(s). That was the difference between slavery driven by economics (which is what African peoples practiced) and the transatlantic trade.

that a sort of semantic argument (the statement africans sold africans is not incorrect), but it is an important detail to note that aside from a technological warfare advantage, a big contributing factor to the western power even been able to establish ports to transport large numbers of slaves was that the many of the big city-states had either fallen or were in decline and the warring was even played upon & facilitated by the slave trade. [COLOR=#red]fair enough[/COLOR]

granted there was nothing like the transatlantic slave trade and the inhumanities it produced...but it was also very much driven by economics, on both sides...and on the subject on the distinction between the slavery practiced by african peoples and that which was ushered in by the slave trade in the new world, i've always thought that was a bit of a moot point, as if that is the main thing that make the slave trade so grotesque...parsing degrees slavery is a kinda ridiculous; and that isn't to be apologist or deny that new world slavery was unimaginably worse, just to say that really isn't a justification...

Like I said before, the statement in question is only correct if we look at it from a Eurocentric point of view. I don't deny the African kings' agency in the slave trade, and I don't deny the immediate economic benefits they enjoyed. I'm just looking at the trade from their point of view, one that's not usually acknowledged in the discussion. They weren't selling people from their own tribes/kingdoms, they were selling their enemies.

parsing degrees slavery is a kinda ridiculous
I disagree. We very much acknowledge the difference between indentured servants and slaves in the case of the USA. In many cultures throughout the world there have been different approaches to slavery, its length (permanent vs temporary) and its scope (yourself vs your whole family and/or property, one generation vs multiple generations). Those differences are not trivial and they are only seen if we take into account the ideological justifications for the application of slavery.
:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

Thats some Cointelpro type ish 

Anytime an African Nation has a leader or in general wants to be more independent this always happens, heck look up Patrice Lumumba and Thomas Sankara.

This is why nations like Nigeria can brag about how many billionaires they have yet the wealthy keep wealth and opportunity away from the poor. If Nigeria ever wanted to be legit and use its wealth to make moves they would be demonized and called an Extremist terroristic nation.

The sad truth about Africa in general is that countries like France rely on their post-colonial alliances to maintain their status as world powers. Every French president after Charles de Gaulle has acknowledged that without their former African colonies, France would be a third-world country (just look at Portugal and Spain; you wouldn't believe they were one of the biggest powers a couple centuries ago).

The story of the independence period in French Africa is one of backdoor deals that would allow France to control the currency of West and Central Africa (the CFA Franc) as well as give them preferential access to all major resources exploited in its sphere of influence: let's say oil is found in Chad; France would have to refuse buying it first before the Chadian government puts it on the international market.
I agree with most of Dr. Umar Johnson's points. Especially pointing out our hyper-materialism, self-hatred & lack of ownership. I don't agree with him condemning homosexuality in the black community though. I don't see the homosexual movement as a way of controlling the black population. (If it was intended that way, it hasn't worked so far) But as a way to not dehumanize a large group of people because of their sexual preference. He's a great motivational speaker. Almost like a pastor lol. He makes some great points. Just don't agree with that one.
Could Steve Scalise Step Down?03:21
David Duke Threatens To Expose Other Politicians With White Supremacist Ties
Paige Lavender
The Huffington Post 01/02/15 11:16 AM ET
Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke issued a warning to Republicans who have criticized House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) for speaking to a white nationalist group in 2002, saying they "better be looking over their shoulders."

In an interview with Fusion, Duke said he has ties to politicians on both sides of the aisle, and he is ready to release names if criticism of Scalise continues:
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:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

Thats some Cointelpro type ish 

Anytime an African Nation has a leader or in general wants to be more independent this always happens, heck look up Patrice Lumumba and Thomas Sankara.

This is why nations like Nigeria can brag about how many billionaires they have yet the wealthy keep wealth and opportunity away from the poor. If Nigeria ever wanted to be legit and use its wealth to make moves they would be demonized and called an Extremist terroristic nation.

The sad truth about Africa in general is that countries like France rely on their post-colonial alliances to maintain their status as world powers. Every French president after Charles de Gaulle has acknowledged that without their former African colonies, France would be a third-world country (just look at Portugal and Spain; you wouldn't believe they were one of the biggest powers a couple centuries ago).

The story of the independence period in French Africa is one of backdoor deals that would allow France to control the currency of West and Central Africa (the CFA Franc) as well as give them preferential access to all major resources exploited in its sphere of influence: let's say oil is found in Chad; France would have to refuse buying it first before the Chadian government puts it on the international market.

That bothers me so bad :smh: should be flourishing but the savages ****** the majority of the continent up

Don't know why these countries caved in to European control/influence
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