Black Culture Discussion Thread

Lol @ what happened to the original people being a "consequence of history".

Bet dude looks like RG3 and has a white girl.
where do you get your history from? And that's Afro centric and false claiming to call ourselves afro Latino. The only ones that can validly call themsleeves Afro Latino are the 100% Africans. Same goes for the "white" Latinos. If you're not 100% of eithe then you're falsely claiming your identity, but race is a false ideology anyway. A social structure. So those that claim a race are ignorantly connecring themselves to a delusion. Now, to dumb back down to society's way of thinking (race), you should know that so called African Americans are mixed. Not African. Very similar to us American Latinos, especially caribbean and southern America. I'm HEAVILY mixed. If im going by society social structure then I'm considered quadracial or triracial depending how you view it. I'm Iberian, West African, Native Indian (asian aka Taino Arawak) and North African. So being that caribbean Latinos and all Latinos are from mixed culture and ancestry,...we're mixed race Latinos. It's a disgusting lie to claim Afro or Euro unless you truly arethose things. But America brainwashed so called Africanot Americans to believe they're African and Black. In reality you're just homosapien, with dark skin due to adapting to climate for survival reasons and vice versa for the so called whites and other "races"
Bruh i know my history unfortunately race EXISTS IN AMERICA so thats where im speaking frm. Also because many blacks were STRIPPED from our indigenous culture like many carribbeans and brazilian, we acknowledge our african roots. The reason why i asked was because during the triangle trade, the biggest population of Africans outside of the continent was Brazil. Many of them were transferred (family separation etc.) to the Carribbeans and then to the Americas. Hence the darkskinned presence. And its not a disgusting lie to claim Afro esp since my ancestors come from africa.
Yep Brazil had the most alaves followed by the carribeans and then america

In all 3 areas blacks are still getting oppressed :smh:

Got that brotha Sammy Sosa bleaching his skin trying to fit in :smh:
I know people got different opinions on Farrakhan but I first watched this a few months ago and pretty much everything he said in here is on point and this was done 20 years ago and it might as well had been yesterday.

I know people got different opinions on Farrakhan but I first watched this a few months ago and pretty much everything he said in here is on point and this was done 20 years ago and it might as well had been yesterday.

Farrakhan and Elijah Muhammad always been the truth, people just feel iffy about them because they think they had Malcolm Killed.
Banner interview was nice, glad I finally go to watch it. He aint saying nothing that's not true.

Only thing that was integrated was Black money imo. We still face the same issues before integration.

I had a conversation with my wife, well numerous, and I said that Blacks have no foundation of culture. We were brought over here and stripped of it. So it's like trying to build a house in midair.

I also said that we as Blacks have to stop trying to be accepted by society and start doing for self.
“Africans sold their own people as slaves”  is a stock argument White Americans use when the subject of slavery comes up.

First, simply as an argument of fact  it fails:
  • Africa was not a country.  Africans were not selling “their own”, they were selling their enemies, just as the Greeks and Romans once did. Africa, then as now, was made up of different countries. They were no more selling “their own” than, say, “Europeans” were killing “their own” during the Holocaust.
And it overlooks a few other things:
  • Most African countries did not sell slaves and some even fought against it. But because Europeans back then could control the supply of guns there was little Africans could do to stop it.
  • The Transatlantic slave trade was on a much greater scale  than anything the Africans or anyone else ever did in the history of slavery. Countries were destroyed and millions died. Over 12 million were sold in less than 400 years, something so huge that it changed the genetic map of the world.
  • The Transatlantic slave trade was racist.  The African slave trade, for all of its other ills, was not that. Neither was the Greek and Roman slave trade. So slavery in places like Haiti, Barbados and America was much more cruel.
As a moral argument  it fails too:
  • It uses what I call the Arab Trader argument: it excuses an evil of one’s own past by finding the same sort of evil done by others. Whites sold slaves, but Africans and Arab traders did too! Which, morally speaking, is at the same level as an eight-year-old saying, “He did it too!” when caught doing something bad. We do not accept this argument from eight-year-olds, nor from bank robbers or wife beaters. “Africans did it too!”  is no better.
But it is as a derailing argument that it comes into its own:

Its main purpose is to draw attention away from what whites did by turning the tables. That part of their past makes White Americans uncomfortable. But instead of facing up to it, they  have built up defences against it:
  • Africans sold their own people as slaves.
  • Africans are still selling slaves.
  • Arab traders sold slaves too.
  • Slavery goes back thousands of years.
  • All races have practised slavery.
  • Whites stopped slavery.
  • My family never owned slaves.
  • That was Ancient History.
  • You are living in the past.
  • Get over it!
  • It was the times.
  • Slavery did not make economic sense.
  • Whites got to where they are by their own hard work
  • Blacks are better off in America than in Africa
  • Africans were savages.
And on and on.

Why not just face up to it? Because part of their sense of self worth is built on being white and how whites are better than everyone else, particularly blacks. But it is a huge lie, a lie that can only be maintained by not looking at their past – and present – squarely and honestly.
I try not to entertain them but it annoys the **** outta me cause these the same ******* that have a hush mouth in person. We're around them everyday but they know not to spew that ******** in person.

I hate they use the Internet as their safe haven

Edit: nice post Vic
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Any if you guys ever do one of them Ancestry dna test? I`m Liberian, but my grand parents on both sides have some one "mysterious" back grounds.
Who is this clown? Its clearly a backup account. Huge gap in between his posts. This goofy ***** literally has posted in or started nothing but race related threads.

Definite troll alert.
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Any if you guys ever do one of them Ancestry dna test? I`m Liberian, but my grand parents on both sides have some one "mysterious" back grounds.
Doesnt Liberia have an interesting relationship with the U.S or Britain.

I remember my pops telling me something about that.
tokes99 tokes99 You know I have a friend just like you. Reading some of your posts, I was almost ready to text him and say have you been on this forum and just didn't tell me lol. And we get into these type of discussions the majority of the time simply because finding a solution to the problems that plague and are universal to Africans really has become the purpose to my existence. I literally see nothing that comes close in regards to importance as that.

With that being said, one of the questions I always have for him is why he feels the need to defend or justify this stuff. "Whites aren't racists, this is just a result of how history went down....." Again, why? These are people that have had nothing but African people's worst intent at heart (those who haven't, didn't have the balls to condemn and totally give up their privileges to join the fight) yet you're worried about being offensive and over-generalizations? Even if we had to "brainwash" (remember this dominant vs recessive stuff is GOD work, not human dealings or theories) fellow African people to believe they're superior in an attempt to simply pull ourselves out of what HAS BEEN DONE TO US, you'd be against that why?

If I have to tell a black woman that the hair God gave her is the BEST hair one could ever have in order to stop her from frying her hair and skin with chemicals to look closer to the very same people who have created and manifested the GLOBAL society we all are apart of, I will.

Lastly, I may be naive but have yet to find another group of "humans" that have committed a similar number or even single atrocities that match the routine, persistent, grotesque nature of certain perpetrators I know.... The very worst of the worst that has happened in this world (that we can all agree we "know" of) has a common culprit behind it. Miss me with the "we are all one" ish. That ship sailed over 500 years ago.

One more point I have as well is that yes all the scholarly, historical, philosophical, etc information is great. I do my own research as well, and don't want to diminish the importance of that. But to me what's even more important is the FEEL. If you're of God (God or GOOD whichever you prefer for it's only a difference of one 'O') and have come into consciousness/awareness you can't tell me this FEELS right. You have a people that were brutalized and disenfranchised in the worst ways known to man, yet those same people are at the dirt bottom of a society that's governed by the same owners and brutalizers? That's a clear effort and plan. If it weren't, the victims of all this would be basically spoiled and pampered in an attempt to make right for an in-correctable wrong.

for the record, i'm not against uplifting people of color, i just don't see why it should be couched in terms of superiority(genetically, morally, or otherwise; our worth as persons is not determined by ancestry or genetics but by our very personhood) for justifying; i don't mean for it to some across that way, i am just generally an analytical person so i am generally want to look things from as many vantage points as possible, and i think people are kind of underestimating the entire spectrum of human nature...lastly, i think the quote, "i think, therefore i am..." is incomplete, "the center of the universe" should probably be added...we (as humans that is) have a tendency to personalize and make connections where there may indeed by none, and especially western civilization has generally framed existence as human centric...

i have had the opportunity to be around & have discussions with people from all around the world, and i just believe that so much fear & conflict comes from not being able to relate to each i'm not naive enough to think all the worlds problems will be solved by holding hands & hanging out together, but proximity is a great determinator (and so far the course of history seems to be bending toward much less malice & violence as the world has gotten smaller) building relationships that can begin process of not see each other as "other" (and not in the manner assimilating, but in respecting what makes us individuals)

Any if you guys ever do one of them Ancestry dna test? I`m Liberian, but my grand parents on both sides have some one "mysterious" back grounds.

liberian? they didn't give you a tribe of people? i thought liberia was established & populated by american blacks? so wouldn't describing someone's ancestry as liberian be rather vague...
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