Black Culture Discussion Thread

Who is this clown? Its clearly a backup account. Huge gap in between his posts. This goofy ***** literally has posted in or started nothing but race related threads.

Definite troll alert.
nah, I just think it's pathetic when I see my people go HARD on trying to put guilt on to others when we've done the same things as them. All societies did in world history. But I won't further waste my time with ya'll. Stay stuck on ignorant. I'm good at least. I'm awake.

You're awake in the dark.

The particular thing that differentiates the triangular slave trade from the other forms of slavery is the institutionalization of a hierarchy of races. There were philosophical debates and papers written about the humanity (or lack thereof) of the Black person. Dubious science was used to justify the colonization and the subjugation of Africans with very little attempt to understand the various civilizations that inhabited the interior of the continent. Your statement that "Africans sold Africans" exemplifies that since it denotes your belief that all Africans are the same. Nobody has denied the existence of slavery before the 17th century, but the point you keep missing is that the slave trade was based on the premise that the only thing a Black person can ever be is a servant to his white master(s). That was the difference between slavery driven by economics (which is what African peoples practiced) and the transatlantic trade.
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for the record, i'm not against uplifting people of color, i just don't see why it should be couched in terms of superiority(genetically, morally, or otherwise; our worth as persons is not determined by ancestry or genetics but by our very personhood) for justifying; i don't mean for it to some across that way, i am just generally an analytical person so i am generally want to look things from as many vantage points as possible, and i think people are kind of underestimating the entire spectrum of human nature...lastly, i think the quote, "i think, therefore i am..." is incomplete, "the center of the universe" should probably be added...we (as humans that is) have a tendency to personalize and make connections where there may indeed by none, and especially western civilization has generally framed existence as human centric...

i have had the opportunity to be around & have discussions with people from all around the world, and i just believe that so much fear & conflict comes from not being able to relate to each i'm not naive enough to think all the worlds problems will be solved by holding hands & hanging out together, but proximity is a great determinator (and so far the course of history seems to be bending toward much less malice & violence as the world has gotten smaller) building relationships that can begin process of not see each other as "other" (and not in the manner assimilating, but in respecting what makes us individuals)
liberian? they didn't give you a tribe of people? i thought liberia was established & populated by american blacks? so wouldn't describing someone's ancestry as liberian be rather vague...
the ancestry tests don't get that specific. They can't

i was under the impression that most of the genetic ancestry services could be specific to tribes/peoples that share the same mitochondrial dna...

Dont those DNA tests only trace Paternal ancestry

i believe they use mitochondrial dna (mdna) which comes from the x chromosome always passed to offspring via mothers...
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i was under the impression that most of the genetic ancestry services could be specific to tribes/peoples that share the same mitochondrial dna...
i believe they use mitochondrial dna (mdna) which comes from the x chromosome always passed to offspring via mothers...
O ok good to know 
Who is this clown? Its clearly a backup account. Huge gap in between his posts. This goofy ***** literally has posted in or started nothing but race related threads.

Definite troll alert.
nah, I just think it's pathetic when I see my people go HARD on trying to put guilt on to others when we've done the same things as them. All societies did in world history. But I won't further waste my time with ya'll. Stay stuck on ignorant. I'm good at least. I'm awake.

You're awake in the dark.

The particular thing that differentiates the triangular slave trade from the other forms of slavery is the institutionalization of a hierarchy of races. There were philosophical debates and papers written about the humanity (or lack thereof) of the Black person. Dubious science was used to justify the colonization and the subjugation of Africans with very little attempt to understand the various civilizations that inhabited the interior of the continent. Your statement that "Africans sold Africans" exemplifies that since it denotes your belief that all Africans are the same. Nobody has denied the existence of slavery before the 17th century, but the point you keep missing is that the slave trade was based on the premise that the only thing a Black person can ever be is a servant to his white master(s). That was the difference between slavery driven by economics (which is what African peoples practiced) and the transatlantic trade.

that a sort of semantic argument (the statement africans sold africans is not incorrect), but it is an important detail to note that aside from a technological warfare advantage, a big contributing factor to the western power even been able to establish ports to transport large numbers of slaves was that the many of the big city-states had either fallen or were in decline and the warring was even played upon & facilitated by the slave trade.

granted there was nothing like the transatlantic slave trade and the inhumanities it produced...but it was also very much driven by economics, on both sides...and on the subject on the distinction between the slavery practiced by african peoples and that which was ushered in by the slave trade in the new world, i've always thought that was a bit of a moot point, as if that is the main thing that make the slave trade so grotesque...parsing degrees slavery is a kinda ridiculous; and that isn't to be apologist or deny that new world slavery was unimaginably worse, just to say that really isn't a justification...

i was under the impression that most of the genetic ancestry services could be specific to tribes/peoples that share the same mitochondrial dna...
i believe they use mitochondrial dna (mdna) which comes from the x chromosome always passed to offspring via mothers...
depends on the company I guess. For example, I took the "23 and me" saliva test, and my Ancestry popped up as part West African. All it says is west african... but you can send your results to some dude name McDonald - who is separate from the ancestry test, and He gets in depth. I think my West African tribe is Yoruban... But look into it. It's only $100.

just "west african," that's all??? i mean you got a 50/50 shot on just guessing that as the bulk of african slaves came from either west or central africa...if they gave you the ethnic group yoruba, that is more in line with what i expect the results to be...i guess it would tell you what your ancestry mix is in percentages of african/asian/european
Doesnt Liberia have an interesting relationship with the U.S or Britain.

I remember my pops telling me something about that.

Something like that, Liberia as you know it was established by Free Slaves, but prior to that it was all lumped into the Grain Coast. I`m from an Indigenous tribe, so I dont acknowledge that Free Slaves stuff because those people came and oppressed the Natives. The thing about Liberia is during the Cold War the nation started to become more independent and was booming economically (It should be more advance than the likes of Ghana for example), The US was afraid of Soviet influence so the CIA popped off the Coupe of the govt playing on how Americo Liberians oppressed Indigenous tribes (All of the Govt were Americo Liberians up until Samuel Doe who was placed in power by the CIA), but their plan backfired because the Doe dude was wild corrupt, so then the US brought in Charles Taylor, who also was corrupt thus causing the 2 Civil Wars that destroyed the nation. Charles Taylor was on CIA payroll up until the 2000s lol.
Something like that, Liberia as you know it was established by Free Slaves, but prior to that it was all lumped into the Grain Coast. I`m from an Indigenous tribe, so I dont acknowledge that Free Slaves stuff because those people came and oppressed the Natives. The thing about Liberia is during the Cold War the nation started to become more independent and was booming economically (It should be more advance than the likes of Ghana for example), The US was afraid of Soviet influence so the CIA popped off the Coupe of the govt playing on how Americo Liberians oppressed Indigenous tribes (All of the Govt were Americo Liberians up until Samuel Doe who was placed in power by the CIA), but their plan backfired because the Doe dude was wild corrupt, so then the US brought in Charles Taylor, who also was corrupt thus causing the 2 Civil Wars that destroyed the nation. Charles Taylor was on CIA payroll up until the 2000s lol.

Great information posted here. Is there any where you can point me to more of this information?
Great information posted here. Is there any where you can point me to more of this information?

Wikipedia and Google along with knowing actual Liberians lol. When Doe took over Liberia, the President of the time (William Tolbert) was assassinated, but they say it was an elite team of soldiers that stormed the presidents mansion and not some rebels, Tolberts wife was there when her husband was murdered and said the Gunman who killed her husband was white (she says you could see white arms on the shooter), which implies that the people who assassinated the President worked for an "outside group". Also look up the story on Charles Taylor, the story is the CIA broke him out of prison in Boston, and used him to kill Doe so he can take power and be an African Leader/ Spy on Gaddafi . Liberias Current president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf also has an interesting story that hints she's part of an outside groups interest as she was another person that was in jail and "got out" during the time Doe was killed.

But yea long story short Liberia was about to become an Economic Power in Africa (had one of the worlds fastest growing economies in the 50s or 60s, one of the worlds major Rubber suppliers among other things), Liberia started to voice neutral opinions with the Cold War, and it severed diplomatic ties with Israel during the Yom Kippur War (which really pissed off US and allies), and in the 80s Samuel Doe takes over.

Whats wild is when Charles Taylor took over they made a torture and execution video when they murked Samuel Doe and this was being showed on TV world wide.
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Wikipedia and Google along with knowing actual Liberians lol. When Doe took over Liberia, the President of the time (William Tolbert) was assassinated, but they say it was an elite team of soldiers that stormed the presidents mansion and not some rebels, Tolberts wife was there when her husband was murdered and said the Gunman who killed her husband was white (she says you could see white arms on the shooter), which implies that the people who assassinated the President worked for an "outside group". Also look up the story on Charles Taylor, the story is the CIA broke him out of prison in Boston, and used him to kill Doe so he can take power and be an African Leader/ Spy on Gaddafi . Liberias Current president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf also has an interesting story that hints she's part of an outside groups interest as she was another person that was in jail and "got out" during the time Doe was killed.

But yea long story short Liberia was about to become an Economic Power in Africa (had one of the worlds fastest growing economies in the 50s or 60s, one of the worlds major Rubber suppliers among other things), Liberia started to voice neutral opinions with the Cold War, and it severed diplomatic ties with Israel during the Yom Kippur War (which really pissed off US and allies), and in the 80s Samuel Doe takes over.

Whats wild is when Charles Taylor took over they made a torture and execution video when they murked Samuel Doe and this was being showed on TV world wide.

Thats some Cointelpro type ish 
:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

Thats some Cointelpro type ish 

Anytime an African Nation has a leader or in general wants to be more independent this always happens, heck look up Patrice Lamumba and Thomas Sankara.

This is why nations like Nigeria can brag about how many billionaires they have yet the wealthy keep wealth and opportunity away from the poor. If Nigeria ever wanted to be legit and use its wealth to make moves they would be demonized and called an Extremist terroristic nation.
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Anytime an African Nation has a leader or in general wants to be more independent this always happens, heck look up Patrice Lamumba and Thomas Sankara.

This is why nations like Nigeria can brag about how many billionaires they have yet the wealthy keep wealth and opportunity away from the poor. If Nigeria ever wanted to be legit and use its wealth to make moves they would be demonized and called an Extremist terroristic nation.
Reps to luckyluchiano luckyluchiano

Didn't know any of that. :wow:

Yup, people always want to talk about "why doesn't Africa get it together" but never look at the bigger picture. The leaders of Africa were put in power by the European/American Powers that be, thats why they can run wild and the West turns their eye because they are in there getting resources dang near free. You have to ask yourself. how is a nation like the Ivory Coast ,Sierra Leone,or Liberia where are abundant in natural resources (heck they just found oil in Liberia), yet "poor". West put losers in Power to keep the continent losing, the only nations prospering are those who either are corrupt or plays hush mouth and doesn't focus on becoming vocal on African independence. Africa is suppose to pass Asia in terms of population in the next 40-50 yrs, and it literally has EVERY natural resource. An Independent Africa= a Non Existent Europe/US. Europe and the USA dont produce anything nor has close to the amount of natural resources (Europe doesn't have any real resources) yet are the most powerful. The Asians produce, the Africans have resources needed for the Asians to produce, Europe/USA simply consume.
Real **** on the Liberia happens in all these African countries including Sierra Leone. My lady and her fam had to come over to america because the civil war over there had gotten outta hand. These European countries be funding groups w/ money and weapons so they can keep **** in their hand. It's just all around ****** up.

edit: think even Charles Taylor had a hand in the Sierra Leone civil war but I'm too sure 
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Reps to @LuckyLuchiano

Didn't know any of that.
Yup, people always want to talk about "why doesn't Africa get it together" but never look at the bigger picture. The leaders of Africa were put in power by the European/American Powers that be, thats why they can run wild and the West turns their eye because they are in there getting resources dang near free. You have to ask yourself. how is a nation like the Ivory Coast ,Sierra Leone,or Liberia where are abundant in natural resources (heck they just found oil in Liberia), yet "poor". West put losers in Power to keep the continent losing, the only nations prospering are those who either are corrupt or plays hush mouth and doesn't focus on becoming vocal on African independence. Africa is suppose to pass Asia in terms of population in the next 40-50 yrs, and it literally has EVERY natural resource. An Independent Africa= a Non Existent Europe/US. Europe and the USA dont produce anything nor has close to the amount of natural resources (Europe doesn't have any real resources) yet are the most powerful. The Asians produce, the Africans have resources needed for the Asians to produce, Europe/USA simply consume.
and to add on that ......China is starting to make a lot of moves in Africa. Interested to see where it will go
and to add on that ......China is starting to make a lot of moves in Africa. Interested to see where it will go
Asia is at best a partner but from all indications not a friend. They are doing some shady **** out there. Asian firms are doing land grab deals with local govs and kicking people off their land. They are doing business in industries like gold mining that aren't regulated and are destroying ecosystems. The peresent "leaders" are trading one evil for another at present.
:x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x :x

Thats some Cointelpro type ish 

Anytime an African Nation has a leader or in general wants to be more independent this always happens, heck look up Patrice Lamumba and Thomas Sankara.

This is why nations like Nigeria can brag about how many billionaires they have yet the wealthy keep wealth and opportunity away from the poor. If Nigeria ever wanted to be legit and use its wealth to make moves they would be demonized and called an Extremist terroristic nation.

for all intents & purposes, you can replace "african nation" with "any nation" and that would be basically would "the wealthy keep wealth and opportunity away from the poor." part...which is basically all i've been trying to say; of course, america (and by proxy much western civiization) needs to be able to come clean & make right this race thing, it is still an issue, but ECONOMICS is the main issue! david banner's point about writing checks is an important one, however business(as it is currently structured) isn't just going to make space for new entrants on some moral grounds that what's good for communities is necessarily good for a businesses profit & loss...

does anyone here read ta-nehisi coates

Reps to luckyluchiano luckyluchiano

Didn't know any of that. :wow:

Yup, people always want to talk about "why doesn't Africa get it together" but never look at the bigger picture. The leaders of Africa were put in power by the European/American Powers that be, thats why they can run wild and the West turns their eye because they are in there getting resources dang near free. You have to ask yourself. how is a nation like the Ivory Coast ,Sierra Leone,or Liberia where are abundant in natural resources (heck they just found oil in Liberia), yet "poor". West put losers in Power to keep the continent losing, the only nations prospering are those who either are corrupt or plays hush mouth and doesn't focus on becoming vocal on African independence. Africa is suppose to pass Asia in terms of population in the next 40-50 yrs, and it literally has EVERY natural resource. An Independent Africa= a Non Existent Europe/US. Europe and the USA dont produce anything nor has close to the amount of natural resources (Europe doesn't have any real resources) yet are the most powerful. The Asians produce, the Africans have resources needed for the Asians to produce, Europe/USA simply consume.

haven't you ever heard of the resource curse/trap? it is just a theory but one that is somewhat supported by observation; in just about every country where a natural resource(s) is abundant there is inevitably a fight over who will control ownership of that resource(s), and it is sometimes even facilitated by 3rd parties (like china, europe, and the u.s.) as well as corrupt by only enriching the few and/or the economy of those countries becoming dependent on that resource(s), it never gets makes it outside of the elite, african countries are not an outlier anymore than most of oil producing countries save for the scandinavians and maybe the u.s.(though the case could be made that we haven't as citizens really seen the benefit up until recently of a boom oil business).

look at a places like japan, which is rather isolated and doesn't have the resources that other countries have, but mange to innovate and depend on other things (now the argument can be made that their isolation made that possible, but the point is resources are only as useful as you make them)...furthermore the expectation that african counties should have all these things figured out after only a few decades of real independence is a fundamentally western one, and a much harder task in a much more interconnected world...where equitable dealings between countries is maybe the stated goal but every party is out to get the better end of the relationship, china's interest in african nations is only that is is stable enough to be a business partner; the extent the money flows down to support a societal infrastructure is positive really only if it helps to build an infrastructure that enables chinese to continue extract oil(or whatever resource they need) and to that end many african nations don't necessarily build out other sectors in the same way, because of the limited amount of capital may not allow to invest in a diversified way...
one other point on economics, at least here in states, the tech sector is becoming if not already the most important part of the economy & generating wealth...and outside of asians, there aren't a lot of people of color (or women) involved, that should be a HUGE concern. probably more so than race itself, and inasmuch race is made the issue it can affect what problems people are interested in and pursue. there is this black economist, thomas sowell, super conservative dude, who makes the argument that outcomes are greatly effect by career paths and that many american blacks pursue career paths that aren't necessarily the most financial lucrative (social worker, education, teachers, non-profits, etc.)

i found this interview (its from the 80s) fascinating to that point, it's rather long but definitely raises many interesting points...

Asia is at best a partner but from all indications not a friend. They are doing some shady **** out there. Asian firms are doing land grab deals with local govs and kicking people off their land. They are doing business in industries like gold mining that aren't regulated and are destroying ecosystems. The peresent "leaders" are trading one evil for another at present.

Yea i hear mixed things about the chinese, on one hand i hear they are strictly business and its the African leaders pocketing the money, then on the other hand i hear stories of how the Chinese knock up African women /marry em in order tk be able to buy land because in some areas only citizens can buy land so they use that as a work around, the Lebenese used to do it back in the day.
^ def heard the part about them knocking up african women but I didn't know it was about land buying

Edit: I just don't care for cthagod but obviously he's moving up the ladder
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China is a very real participant in the "new" scramble for Africa.

Its funny, in Africa the chinese bring EVERYTHING except for food\perishables. The companies and people almost entirely use their own products.
Almost none of their money is spent on the continent. :smh: I see it every day and I cant eem be mad.
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