Biggest lie someone told you

That some white folks aren't racist and haven't been oppressing minorities for centuries. (Much love to the good ones tho :pimp:)

We enslaved ourselves and volunteered to be considered as 3/5th human.

According to #FFFFFF
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Nah never that "im on the pill" mess i take them jawns straight to walgreens cop an 89 cent water and a plan b and i make sure she takes that ish lmao
Smoking pot makes you stupid.
You can't get addicted to weed....
Its actually wild how human chemistry can be. A lot of asians and just about all koreans biology is without the stink gene in their sweat glands. 2% of the people in the UK have it. Its pretty wild. Science bro.

You could've posted this in the I Never Knew That thread and fooled a lot of ppl :lol:
i meant she :smh:
Zyzz on his mean gene steez :lol:
My friend lied to us and all his friends that he was playing in the Arena League making 100k a year lol... Its a long story.. but the lengths he went to preserve the lie were just insane.. He still hasn't owned up to the lie either
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My friend lied to us and all his friends that he was playing in the Arena League making 100k a year lol... Its a long story.. but the lengths he went to preserve the lie were just insane.. He still hasn't owned up to the lie either
as inf AFL? lmao, why would anyone want to lie about that
She says "Girls can't get pregnant if we do it in the water."

:lol: I swear the same type of dumbness was said on a tv show
Trap stars!! I think about everyone has been hit by one of those along the way.. Caught my first in 8th grade and didn't lose my V card till 10th.... Hahaha!! The things you don't understand as an adolescent
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