Barack Obama wins nobel peace prize

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Damn people are going HAM on my facebook right now...

Folks really hate him
You surprised. Man if Obama had clenched that Olympic bid last Friday and turned around and won this award today, "angry" would be a modest description of conservative feelings.

You mean they would be as "angry" as liberals were during Bush's administration? The door swings both ways buddy... I didn't like Bush either, but I find it extremely hypocritical that the left for 8 years did exactly what the right is doing now, yet now that role's have changed liberals act like its a crime to oppose Obama...
Eh...the amount of vitriol that is directed towards Obama now pales in comparison to GWB's 1st 4 yrs in office

The lack of political civility started with Clinton, then Bush, now back to Obama....ramping up in aggression and seething with anger with every Prez...when will it end?
I'd like to see this anger directed at BOTH parties for their failures to put us first. If that happened then we might truly have some changeand not the bunk Obama talks about.
Originally Posted by elgrenas

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Ask all these angry lames who the Nobel Peace Prize winner was prior to this year and you get the
. Cats be mad passionate about ANYTHING Obama related I mean its really bordering on childishness now.
Same thing I said earlier in this thread, except for the passionate Obama thing. Outside of Dr. MLK and Mother Theresa (I think) I couldnt tell you who won. Most cant either. Would we be talking about this some random scientist won it? Hell no.
Micheal Jackson was more deserving of this award for his work with children, than this presidents 15 min fame.
If you had a sniper rifle and a clear shot at Obama would you shoot?
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

I don't hate Obama and I really don't see how he's deserving of this award.

There's a few other diplomats who have "strengthened national bodies and called for nuclear disarmament." They must have gotten overlooked or something.
Well, looking at the marquee year President Obama's had, he was due for some sort of award to note his achievement. Granted, I definitely don't feel the Nobel Prize was the one that should've been given out, who's going to front on him? It's a lose-lose situation for anyone trying to oppose his reception of the award; you're a "hater" if you don't think he earned it, so even if you do feel that way it would be opening a can of worms to expess that he didn't deserve it in the first place.
but who are any of you to question is he deserved it or not? You really think 99 percent of the people questioning if he should've won are really on the level of the committee who decided he should win it? I don't. Most of those people would never have even glanced at who had won it this year if it were anybody but Obama.

I do think it'll be interesting how people try to spin this when we start bombing Iran.
I mean it's whatever to me, Craftsy. I just was thinking to myself, of all the things he has accomplished so far, I couldn't really think of anything noteworthy, other than him beginning to quell the nuclear weapon talks, and that happened just recently. I'm as staunch an Obama supporter as you will ever see, but this had even me scratching my head. Going back to the obscure (if not funny) NFL analogy:
would the Chiefs get awarded with a SB title just for talking about it, but not actually doing it? The President got this award for talking about Hope and Change on his campaign, but not actually accomplishing very much yet
Obama has put it in anyone's head that was willing to listen (which at this point, is more or less everyone) that hope will guide the country's efforts to rebuild our economy, find a common benchmark for universal healthcare, and combat terrorism. Whether or not his administration can or will deliver remains to be seen, but it seems like he's received more accolades based on his rhetoric than his actions. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see Obama's done about as much as he can to improve things in our country, but it still doesn't mean things look or more importantly, are that much better in our country.

I don't know why he won it, honestly. But I don't much care, nor do I see why anybody should be upset that he did as an American. Whatdifference does it really make to anybody outside of the Nobel community?

Did anybody who's complaining on tv today really have a better candidate in mind? I just don't see how it matters....

its funny how disagreeing or not understand why he was giving this award equates to"hate" people cant question anything because its
automatically labeled as "hate"
Not true - if people were actually asking "hey what did he do to deserve this", that's fine. But the majority of people don'tcare what he did or didn't do. They are just angry he was given an award because they didn't vote for him and all the guys on their tv and radio'sare angry that he's being given accolades.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by J Burner

Barack Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize, and his hometown of Chicago is one of the most troubled, violent, corrupt places in the country. For a little perspective, consider this: since 2001, 10 soldiers from Chicago have died in Iraq and Afganistan, but over 260 children were murdered in Chicago in that same time frame (36 this year), according the the Black Star Project.

*writes this down*

....and what am i supposed to do with this again? what does his hometown have to do with this prize again???

Are you really incapable of making the connection? Or are you trying to bait me into another pointless argument with you?

- im seriously incapable. elaborate please, im dead serious.

I just find it extremely ironic that he was awarded the Noble Peace Prize, yet hasn't done much at all about the violence in his own community, which happens to be one of the worst in the country right now.

.......thats it?

- okay, YOU may find it ironic but that still doesnt answer the question as to how that has anything to do with him getting the award or not.....which is whati asked to begin with.

- pointless arguments
? see, this is the problem conservatives fail tosee. its a valid argument thats usually lacking in the complaints from the right. sure, you're 100% right insaying him getting the prize is ironic in that respect....but what does that do? nothing. it sure has nothing at all to do with who the award is supposed togoto according to Alfred Nobel's will:

"to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."[sup][/sup]

- thing is i dont knock anyones stance on an issue, but have a valid point to argue that issue. otherwise you just sound like a salty little kid.

- take a step back and look at your question for a second. if the answer to that question was reversed and Obama had taken step to curb the violence inChicago, would that make him any more qualified for the prize? probably according to you no....hell, according to the will its a no.

- there is plenty of valid evedince to refute Obama getting this prize. trying to take it away because of his lack of effort in his hometown comes off as justbeing petty. and it takes away from your argument....then, thats where people begin to tune conservatives out. hell, let them tell it, we're all just blind
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

I don't hate Obama and I really don't see how he's deserving of this award.

There's a few other diplomats who have "strengthened national bodies and called for nuclear disarmament." They must have gotten overlooked or something.
Well, looking at the marquee year President Obama's had, he was due for some sort of award to note his achievement. Granted, I definitely don't feel the Nobel Prize was the one that should've been given out, who's going to front on him? It's a lose-lose situation for anyone trying to oppose his reception of the award; you're a "hater" if you don't think he earned it, so even if you do feel that way it would be opening a can of worms to expess that he didn't deserve it in the first place.
but who are any of you to question is he deserved it or not? You really think 99 percent of the people questioning if he should've won are really on the level of the committee who decided he should win it? I don't. Most of those people would never have even glanced at who had won it this year if it were anybody but Obama.

I do think it'll be interesting how people try to spin this when we start bombing Iran.
I mean it's whatever to me, Craftsy. I just was thinking to myself, of all the things he has accomplished so far, I couldn't really think of anything noteworthy, other than him beginning to quell the nuclear weapon talks, and that happened just recently. I'm as staunch an Obama supporter as you will ever see, but this had even me scratching my head. Going back to the obscure (if not funny) NFL analogy:
would the Chiefs get awarded with a SB title just for talking about it, but not actually doing it? The President got this award for talking about Hope and Change on his campaign, but not actually accomplishing very much yet
Obama has put it in anyone's head that was willing to listen (which at this point, is more or less everyone) that hope will guide the country's efforts to rebuild our economy, find a common benchmark for universal healthcare, and combat terrorism. Whether or not his administration can or will deliver remains to be seen, but it seems like he's received more accolades based on his rhetoric than his actions. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see Obama's done about as much as he can to improve things in our country, but it still doesn't mean things look or more importantly, are that much better in our country.
I don't know why he won it, honestly. But I don't much care, nor do I see why anybody should be upset that he did as an American. What difference does it really make to anybody outside of the Nobel community?

Did anybody who's complaining on tv today really have a better candidate in mind? I just don't see how it matters....

its funny how disagreeing or not understand why he was giving this award equates to"hate" people cant question anything because its
automatically labeled as "hate"
Not true - if people were actually asking "hey what did he do to deserve this", that's fine. But the majority of people don't care what he did or didn't do. They are just angry he was given an award because they didn't vote for him and all the guys on their tv and radio's are angry that he's being given accolades.

You're right. Admittedly, it doesn't matter what he did to win the Prize, so much as he won it. But like you said, if it was someoneelse who it, there would be nowhere near as much of an outrage. And since I'm not a member of the Selection Committee, I can agree to disagree with himwinning it. Who knows, maybe after I do my research I'll see what a strong case he had going for himself. Other than that...


What has he DONE to deserve a prestigious prize such as this one?
Sure he's said alot.
but what about ACTIONS?
What actions has he taken?
You're right. Admittedly, it doesn't matter what he did to win the Prize, so much as he won it. But like you said, if it was someone else who it, there would be nowhere near as much of an outrage. And since I'm not a member of the Selection Committee, I can agree to disagree with him winning it. Who knows, maybe after I do my research I'll see what a strong case he had going for himself. Other than that...

I wouldn't even waste your time man. What's it going to do for you to know? So you can argue with a bunch of knuckleheads saying this thing or that? You're better off just ignoring it... it changes nothing in the world, it's just another thing to put on his list of crap when he dies. To you andme, it means nothing and changes nothing.
Originally Posted by elgrenas

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Ask all these angry lames who the Nobel Peace Prize winner was prior to this year and you get the
. Cats be mad passionate about ANYTHING Obama related I mean its really bordering on childishness now.
Same thing I said earlier in this thread, except for the passionate Obama thing. Outside of Dr. MLK and Mother Theresa (I think) I couldnt tell you who won. Most cant either. Would we be talking about this some random scientist won it? Hell no.

Micheal Jackson was more deserving of this award for his work with children, than this presidents 15 min fame.

Great. Another comparison.
Originally Posted by marath0n



What has he DONE to deserve a prestigious prize such as this one?
Sure he's said alot.
but what about ACTIONS?
What actions has he taken?

If you can't see the actions of Obama, and the effect he has had across the world you should be asking yourself your own questions. He transcendseverything.
Originally Posted by marath0n



What has he DONE to deserve a prestigious prize such as this one?
Sure he's said alot.
but what about ACTIONS?
What actions has he taken?

What do you care? Do you run around every year questioning who won the award?
"for the abolition or reduction of standing armies"

do they know Obama is going to increase our number of troops in Afghanistan
Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by elgrenas

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Ask all these angry lames who the Nobel Peace Prize winner was prior to this year and you get the
. Cats be mad passionate about ANYTHING Obama related I mean its really bordering on childishness now.
Same thing I said earlier in this thread, except for the passionate Obama thing. Outside of Dr. MLK and Mother Theresa (I think) I couldnt tell you who won. Most cant either. Would we be talking about this some random scientist won it? Hell no.
Micheal Jackson was more deserving of this award for his work with children, than this presidents 15 min fame.
If you had a sniper rifle and a clear shot at Obama would you shoot?

no, are you serious. just because i disagree with his views WOW.
at everyone all of a sudden caring about this award and becomingexperts... So and so was a much better candidate blah blah...

Congratulations to Obama.
In this respect, we should be happy that Barack Obama is in charge of our foreign policy because he is able to placate many of our allies and those in the UN on the strength of words and he has not had to give them very many tangible things to gain their favor. That is a skill that is good to see in someone who is our chief diplomat.
Originally Posted by zapatito007

its funny how disagreeing or not understand why he was giving this award equates to"hate" people cant question anything because its
automatically labeled as "hate"
It is a way to discredit someone. Easy tatic to try and win an argument no matter how foolish it is. Usually made by people that don't havean argument to make of their own.

As for the N.P.P. who cares? The world is just as peaceful today as it was when I went to sleep last night.
Originally Posted by elgrenas

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by elgrenas

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Ask all these angry lames who the Nobel Peace Prize winner was prior to this year and you get the
. Cats be mad passionate about ANYTHING Obama related I mean its really bordering on childishness now.
Same thing I said earlier in this thread, except for the passionate Obama thing. Outside of Dr. MLK and Mother Theresa (I think) I couldnt tell you who won. Most cant either. Would we be talking about this some random scientist won it? Hell no.
Micheal Jackson was more deserving of this award for his work with children, than this presidents 15 min fame.
If you had a sniper rifle and a clear shot at Obama would you shoot?
no, are you serious. just because i disagree with his views WOW.
It's not even just disagreeing with him it that any thread that has anything to do with Obama your in there hating hard, I mean just look atyour Avy. You clearly have more than just a disagreement with his views you actually hate him.
Originally Posted by marath0n



What has he DONE to deserve a prestigious prize such as this one?
Sure he's said alot.
but what about ACTIONS?
What actions has he taken?
I'll quote the exact wording used from the official announcement

...his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.

The Committee has attached special importance to Obama's vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

Obama has as President created a new climate in international politics. Multilateral diplomacy has regained a central position, with emphasis on the role that the United Nations and other international institutions can play.

Thanks to Obama's initiative, the USA is now playing a more constructive role in meeting the great climatic challenges the world is confronting.

His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population.

For 108 years, the Norwegian Nobel Committee has sought to stimulate precisely that international policy and those attitudes for which Obama is now the world's leading spokesman.

Obama in Africa in July


Obama's message to the Iranian people in March

Obama making a speech in the University of Cairo, Egypt


Jan 2009, Obama's interview on Arab television to the Muslim people;feature=player_embedded

Obama visited Russia in July 2009 to renew relations which helped because in Sept Russia agreed with the sanctions on Iran due to their undisclosed nuclear facility.


Obama in Germany in June 2009. No need for further description, this pic says enough


Obama with the Saudi King


Obama lessens restrictions to travel to Cuba

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama lifted all restrictions Monday on the ability of individuals to visit relatives in Cuba, as well as to send them remittances.

The changes in Cuban policy was unveiled before President Obama's trip to the Summit of the Americas.


The move represents a significant shift in a U.S. policy that had remained largely unchanged for nearly half a century. It comes days before Obama leaves for a key meeting of hemispheric powers, the Summit of the Americas, in Trinidad and Tobago.

Obama with Hugo Chavez


Just last month Obama chaired, first US President to do this, a meeting with the U.N. Security Council which approved a resolution calling on nuclear weapons states to scrap their arsenals.

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by elgrenas

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Originally Posted by elgrenas

Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Ask all these angry lames who the Nobel Peace Prize winner was prior to this year and you get the
. Cats be mad passionate about ANYTHING Obama related I mean its really bordering on childishness now.
Same thing I said earlier in this thread, except for the passionate Obama thing. Outside of Dr. MLK and Mother Theresa (I think) I couldnt tell you who won. Most cant either. Would we be talking about this some random scientist won it? Hell no.
Micheal Jackson was more deserving of this award for his work with children, than this presidents 15 min fame.
If you had a sniper rifle and a clear shot at Obama would you shoot?
no, are you serious. just because i disagree with his views WOW.
It's not even just disagreeing with him it that any thread that has anything to do with Obama your in there hating hard, I mean just look at your Avy. You clearly have more than just a disagreement with his views you actually hate him.

hahahahaha relax homie. its a freaking message board and everyone is putting there two pennis. i laugh at people like you. oh wait you forgot to say im racistright. jajajajjjajjajajjajaja.
basically, yall not even salty, just ignorant....


some random teenage lame's opinion matters more than the panel that granted our president the award?


glad we don't have faux news watching teenagers giving out nobel peace prizes

lol, "what did he DO?"

opened conversation toward the direction

what did al gore DO? nothing...he OPENED conversation about global warming...

like I said, the opinion of the panel as to who deserves the award is much more important than random teenage nt lame...

you wanna know why he DESERVES the award? why don't you google the nobel peace prize panel and try to find out? or better yet, write them a letter askingthem why they think he's most deserving of the
Originally Posted by nocomment6

he has stopped some war.

oh did he. hasnt pulled out of iraq yet. afghanistan is getting more troops. yeah he stopped them alright.

and the micheal jackson thing was a joke
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

A weird choice, but definitely not the worst.

I don't see how he's created peace yet, but at least he didn't create the exact opposite of peace (like Henry Kissinger) and still get the award.
but kissinger turned down the award.

Originally Posted by J Burner

I've got cash for anyone who can logically, and reasonably explain how Barack Obama has earned the Nobel Peace Prize. For 9 months his supporters have been saying nothing is Obama's fault, because he hasn't been in office long enough to make an impact, so we can't criticize him. And yet, somehow, he's been in office long enough to make such an impact that he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. So from now on people, NO ONE is allowed to use the "he hasn't been in office long enough" excuse.

Good to see the majority so far is not buying it; seems most people are aware that Obama hasn't done anything. I mean, the SNL clip says it all...
well said sir
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