Barack Obama wins nobel peace prize

@ dudes who buy the story that George W. Bush wanted to sincerely helpthe Iraqi people.

Anyone who knows Iraq knows that despite being a complete ******, Sadam Hussein was good at keeping all the different religious groups in check. In fact, ifthere was one thing Saddam was good at, it was suppressing the entire population equally

And my question to the Iraq war supporters is, what good is liberty if you do not have security? Sure, the people over there did not have democratic rights butthey had the liberty to walk down the street at any time of the day and not have to worry about someone detonating a suicide bomb in a crowded street.
blco02 wrote:
And Reagan liberated millions in Europe without firing a shot- where's his prize?

So now Carter, Gore, and Obama have won peace prizes - think the Nobel organization is a liberal group? Nah...

You do know Reagan did not put the axe to Communist Russia right? The reason the Soviet Union fell was decades and decades of poor leadership and management.Just so happens Reagan was the President at the time.

Carter has done wonderful work in terms of diplomacy since his Presidency, Gore won it for the first shot at exposing the ills of many of the world'sEnvironmental Policy which is destructing the Earth. Obama won it through his work of nuclear disarmament, his ability to get many people of many backgroundstogether, and his work of diplomacy to try and unite people who normally don't see eye to eye.

Maybe it is given to liberals more often than not because liberals actually try to improve the world instead of thinking the status quo is perfect.
It's nothing more than a bribe. Nobody gives a $!** about the prize itself. It's a joke anyhow.

It was a $1.6m payment for things either already done or what he's going to do.
Originally Posted by Essential1

blco02 wrote:
And Reagan liberated millions in Europe without firing a shot- where's his prize?

So now Carter, Gore, and Obama have won peace prizes - think the Nobel organization is a liberal group? Nah...

You do know Reagan did not put the axe to Communist Russia right? The reason the Soviet Union fell was decades and decades of poor leadership and management. Just so happens Reagan was the President at the time.

Carter has done wonderful work in terms of diplomacy since his Presidency, Gore won it for the first shot at exposing the ills of many of the world's Environmental Policy which is destructing the Earth. Obama won it through his work of nuclear disarmament, his ability to get many people of many backgrounds together, and his work of diplomacy to try and unite people who normally don't see eye to eye.

Maybe it is given to liberals more often than not because liberals actually try to improve the world instead of thinking the status quo is perfect.

Thank you
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

It's nothing more than a bribe. Nobody gives a $!** about the prize itself. It's a joke anyhow.

It was a $1.6m payment for things either already done or what he's going to do.
FWIW, I can agree with this. For all the talk of Obama being this visionary diplomat, it's going to come at a price... But whatground-breaking changes in diplomacy don't come at a price?
lmao ... people in here actually defending this selection/honor ... made a joke out of the prize imo ...

i know i know it goes to liberals because they try to improve the world and republicans dont ......... lol
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

lmao ... people in here actually defending this selection/honor ... made a joke out of the prize imo ...

i know i know it goes to liberals because they try to improve the world and republicans dont ......... lol

Well, yes, that's kinda what makes a Republican a Republican. That really isn't meant to offend repubs, but their policies are typically geared towardsa "me first" agenda are they not?
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

He failing at being a President. Lets be real here...he clearly did not deserve this award.


Whatever you say fam...

His first job was resuscitating the AMERICAN economy, which was on the brink of total collapse...not to solve the seemingly unfixable Middle East problem in a couple of months.


[h1]New jobless claims fall to 521K, lowest since Jan.[/h1]
By CHRISTOPHER S. RUGABER, AP Economics Writer Christopher S. Rugaber, Ap Economics Writer - Thu Oct 8, 12:27 pm ET

WASHINGTON - The number of newly laid-off workers filing first-time claims for jobless benefits fell to the lowest level since early January, as layoffs eased a bit amid a fledgling economic recovery.


I'm not even an Obama supporter, I disagree with much of his agenda and policy to this point....but as an objective observer I see a President that has been handed the toughest job in the last 3 decades or so and is handling it fairly well.

Y'all Glen Beck fanatics and closet tea-partyers are a joke.

Criticism and public pressure is absolutely necessary for the wheels of democracy to spin effectively but this knee-jerk ignorance and desire for your President to fail less than a year into office is disgusting.

How are you giving him credit for this jobless "rebound"? Unemployment still rose to 9.8% and real unemployment rate is 16%+ counting the people whohave stopped receiving benefits and stopped looking for jobs. The mark up in the market happens, it goes up and it goes down. That's what markets do,simply Supply and Demand. Also, it makes perfect sense that more people are buying stock now because by the end of 2010 Capital Gains taxes are set to go up5-10% if he keeps his campaign promise. On top of the trillions that were already spent and the trillions more that we are going to be spending with the lackof revenue we collect, expect high inflation. This is a short-sighted economic policy, if you though 2009 was bad, watch in 2010.

You do know Reagan did not put the axe to Communist Russia right? The reason the Soviet Union fell was decades and decades of poor leadership and management. Just so happens Reagan was the President at the time.

Carter has done wonderful work in terms of diplomacy since his Presidency, Gore won it for the first shot at exposing the ills of many of the world's Environmental Policy which is destructing the Earth. Obama won it through his work of nuclear disarmament, his ability to get many people of many backgrounds together, and his work of diplomacy to try and unite people who normally don't see eye to eye.

Maybe it is given to liberals more often than not because liberals actually try to improve the world instead of thinking the status quo is perfect.

The diplomatic relationship between Gorbachev and Reagan ended the Cold War. Their economy was bad for a long time, but they didn't care, all they caredabout was controlling it. They couldn't simply keep up with our booming economy and technological advances at the time, the type of boom the countrydidn't see since the 1920's. The fact that country has an abundance of natural resources they still were importing food and oil, which was sad.

What wonderful work has Jimmy Carter done except for plagiarizing a book that he "wrote"? Obama hasn't disarmed anybody, he only stated that WEare are going to decrease arms. I think it's really naive to think that just because the U.S. does it that other countries will follow.

This prize lost all credibility when Yasser Arafat was awareded the same award Mother Theresa won. When a terrorist wins the award, there's a problem.

It's nothing more than a bribe. Nobody gives a $!** about the prize itself. It's a joke anyhow.

It was a $1.6m payment for things either already done or what he's going to do.

Pretty much.
Los Yankees wrote:

What wonderful work has Jimmy Carter done except for plagiarizing a book that he "wrote"?

I hate jimmy carter with a passion, but you never heard of habitats for humanity?
Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Los Yankees

This prize lost all credibility when Yasser Arafat was awareded the same award Mother Theresa won. When a terrorist wins the award, there's a problem.


How was Yasser Arafat a terrorist?? Some of you dudes need to eliminate some of the propeganda thats installed into your brains. He was never considered aterrorist by the US government. He had a well-established releationship with Clinton adminstration that later resulted to a near peace treaty until the Bushadminstartion got involved.

Yasser Arafat EARNED that award from the Oslo Accords. Some like myself might not agree with his achievement; but it doesnt neccesarily mean he wasn'tworthy of winning the Nobel Peace Prize. He signed two letters renouncing violence and officially accepted Israel as a state; therfore leading to a calm ofviolence for nearly 5 years.

Before you young kids go and shout things without prior knowledge of any situation, go and do some homework about the Nobel Peace Prize..
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

especially when you look at how polarizing a leader Obama is and all the storms he's had to weather in a little less than a year in office.
obama is polarizing? he's not even a liberal

Please tell me you are joking when you say he is not a liberal his voting record is i believe the 2nd most liberal when he was in the senate.
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