Barack Obama wins nobel peace prize

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Originally Posted by ThrowedInDaGame

Nobody is yet to answer this question

Obama was nominated 12 days into Office.

What did he accomplish on a global scale prior to his 12th day in office? Please a simple bullet list will suffice.

Since he was president for11 days before nomination day, one can assume the committee was using his work prior to his presidency to determine his nomination. Ok, so during his pre-presidency, what did he accomplish on a global scale?

I'm black ,I voted for Obama, and I support him within his Presidential capacity. But from what I can see prior to his 12th day in office, he did nothing to warrant him the Nobel Peace Prize. Especially after seeing the list of runner ups.

Where was I when Gore won? Who cares.
This is the nomination process -

September - Invitation letters are sent out.The Nobel Committee sends out invitation letters to individuals qualified to nominate - members of national assemblies, governments, and international courts of law; university chancellors, professors of social science, history, philosophy, law and theology; leaders of peace research institutes and institutes of foreign affairs; previous Nobel Peace Prize Laureates; board members of organizations that have received the Nobel Peace Prize; present and past members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee; and former advisers of the Norwegian Nobel Institute.

February - Deadline for submission. The Committee bases its assessment on nominations that must be postmarked no later than 1 February each year. Nominations postmarked and received after this date are included in the following year's discussions. In recent years, the Committee has received close to 200 different nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. The number of nominating letters is much higher, as many are for the same candidates.

February-March - Short list. The Committee assesses the candidates' work and prepares a short list.

March-August - Adviser review. The short list is reviewed by permanent advisers and advisers specially recruited for their knowledge of specific candidates. The advisers do not directly evaluate nominations nor give explicit recommendations.

October - Nobel Laureates are chosen. At the beginning of October, the Nobel Committee chooses the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates through a majority vote. The decision is final and without appeal. The names of the Nobel Peace Prize Laureates are then announced.

December - Nobel Laureates receive their prize. The Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony takes place on 10 December in Oslo, Norway, where the Nobel Laureates receive their Nobel Prize, which consists of a Nobel Medal and Diploma, and a document confirming the prize amount.

What did he accomplish in 12 days to be nominated? Lets see...

  • Day 3 - consisted of him closing Guantanamo by 2010, executive order to ban torture and harsh interrogations. He also made a speech on requesting the opening of Gaza's border crossings and requesting support from other countries to assist in humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.
  • Day 4 - an Executive Order on overturning the policy banning federal funding for international groups that promote or perform abortions.
  • Day 5 - Promote and meet with Congressional leaders on the Stimulus package
  • Day 6 - More on the economy plan and tries to reach out to Republicans for support
  • Day 7 - 1st live interview with an Arab news station in order to reach out to Muslims

    "I have Muslim members of my family. I have lived in Muslim countries. My job to the Muslim world is to communicate that the Americans are not your enemy."
  • Days 8 & 9 - Meeting with Congressional leaders in particular the Republicans to garner their support for the Stimulus Package
  • Day 10 - Signs the first bill as President: the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (To make it easier for workers to sue over gender-based pay discrimination.)
  • Day 11 - Appointed Biden as head of a middle-class task force to help average Americans survive the economic crisis.
  • Day 12 - Annual D.C. Alfalfa dinner
Was that enough to be nominated by the deadline of Feb 1? IMO easily NO. However this is just the beginning phase of the nomination process. Over 250 people were nominated for this award and after 9 months, the committee selected Obama.
Best post in the thread.

Props for your effort.

I have the Vision and Hope that I will someday use my medical knowledge to cure cancer. I think i should be nominated for the noble prize in medicine. Oh waitfor that prize you actually have to of proven something to be successful not just a hope and vision.
Im happy for him that he won but they should of actually waited till next year when he had an opportunity to accomplish some of these visions
complainers, complainers, complainers..

Couldn't even get through the 3rd page because of just the sheer stupidity of some of the comments..

"The Nobel Peace Prize is a joke and just a socialist award" You guys are complaining just to complain.. Same people who probably called Obama tryingto get the Olympics for OUR country a bad idea, and were rooting for Chi to lose...

Make being liberal way too easy.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

I'm not sure if some of you realize how much of a joke this is.

George W. Bush did not receive a Nobel Peace Prize for liberating thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Ronald Reagan did not receive a Nobel Peace Prize for ending the Cold War without firing a single bullet.

But our savior, Barack Obama, receives the award 11 days into his presidency. For what? Tell me what he did to deserve the Nobel Peace Prize.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Y'all do know the nomination was largely based on his nuclear disarmament work prior to being elected, right?
that and opening up a dialogue to the rest of the world. If anything this is what he deserves it for.

He's been writing about nuclear disarmament since his college days. To be honest I think it's a pipe dream and nowhere near practical. Listen there arepeople who were given the award that were undeserving and people who were overly qualified to win. Obama is somewhere in the middle. Were there other betterchoices? Yeah I'd say so. But there have been worse recipients.

was part of this a **** bush award? probably, but hey it would be with good reason.
Obama winning this award is a disgrace. He said it himself, he is "surprised". He never expected to win this prize.

Dude is failing at creating a two-state solution with Israel and Palestine. That was his first test..

Healthcare reform is dividing the country into two.

To be quite honest with you, he hasn't done anything yet besides 'talk'.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Y'all do know the nomination was largely based on his nuclear disarmament work prior to being elected, right?
that and opening up a dialogue to the rest of the world. If anything this is what he deserves it for.

He's been writing about nuclear disarmament since his college days. To be honest I think it's a pipe dream and nowhere near practical. Listen there are people who were given the award that were undeserving and people who were overly qualified to win. Obama is somewhere in the middle. Were there other better choices? Yeah I'd say so. But there have been worse recipients.

was part of this a **** bush award? probably, but hey it would be with good reason.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Obama winning this award is a disgrace. He said it himself, he is "surprised". He never expected to win this prize.

Dude is failing at creating a two-state solution with Israel and Palestine. That was his first test..

Healthcare reform is dividing the country into two.

To be quite honest with you, he hasn't done anything yet besides 'talk'.
you thought he was gonna solve the middle east crisis in less then a year?
There has been more progress now then in quite some time. Eventually there willbe a 2 state "solution" if he's in office for 8 years. I'm not saying there will be peace after the fact, but yeah there will be a 2 statesolution.

health care reform is not dividing our country in two, misinformation and fear mongering is. There is no health care "debate", there is no"dialogue", no market place of ideas.
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

Obama winning this award is a disgrace. He said it himself, he is "surprised". He never expected to win this prize.

Dude is failing at creating a two-state solution with Israel and Palestine. That was his first test..

Healthcare reform is dividing the country into two.

To be quite honest with you, he hasn't done anything yet besides 'talk'.
you thought he was gonna solve the middle east crisis in less then a year?
There has been more progress now then in quite some time. Eventually there will be a 2 state "solution" if he's in office for 8 years. I'm not saying there will be peace after the fact, but yeah there will be a 2 state solution.

health care reform is not dividing our country in two, misinformation and fear mongering is. There is no health care "debate", there is no "dialogue", no market place of ideas.

No, I didnt expect him to solve the crisis in less than one year, but give up already? Thats obscene. Eventually be a 2 state solution huh....What? 99% - 1%state? There has been NO progress whatsoever.

Thats farcical. He's clearly disposed to the Palestinian people. He called out the Israelis to freeze settlements. He then claims it's the Palestinianswho are not cooperating.

He failing at being a President. Lets be real here...he clearly did not deserve this award.
Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

He failing at being a President. Lets be real here...he clearly did not deserve this award.


Whatever you say fam...

His first job was resuscitating the AMERICAN economy, which was on the brink of total collapse...not to solve the seemingly unfixable Middle East problem in acouple of months.


[h1]New jobless claims fall to 521K, lowest since Jan.[/h1]
By CHRISTOPHER S. RUGABER, AP Economics Writer Christopher S. Rugaber, Ap Economics Writer - Thu Oct 8, 12:27 pm ET

WASHINGTON - The number of newly laid-off workers filing first-time claims for jobless benefits fell to the lowest level since early January, as layoffs eased a bit amid a fledgling economic recovery.


I'm not even an Obama supporter, I disagree with much of his agenda and policy to this point....but as an objective observer I see a President that hasbeen handed the toughest job in the last 3 decades or so and is handling it fairly well.

Y'all Glen Beck fanatics and closet tea-partyers are a joke.

Criticism and public pressure is absolutely necessary for the wheels of democracy to spin effectively but this knee-jerk ignorance and desire for yourPresident to fail less than a year into office is disgusting.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

He failing at being a President. Lets be real here...he clearly did not deserve this award.


Whatever you say fam...

His first job was resuscitating the AMERICAN economy, which was on the brink of total collapse...not to solve the seemingly unfixable Middle East problem in a couple of months.


[h1]New jobless claims fall to 521K, lowest since Jan.[/h1]
By CHRISTOPHER S. RUGABER, AP Economics Writer Christopher S. Rugaber, Ap Economics Writer - Thu Oct 8, 12:27 pm ET

WASHINGTON - The number of newly laid-off workers filing first-time claims for jobless benefits fell to the lowest level since early January, as layoffs eased a bit amid a fledgling economic recovery.


I'm not even an Obama supporter, I disagree with much of his agenda and policy to this point....but as an objective observer I see a President that has been handed the toughest job in the last 3 decades or so and is handling it fairly well.

Y'all Glen Beck fanatics and closet tea-partyers are a joke.

Criticism and public pressure is absolutely necessary for the wheels of democracy to spin effectively but this knee-jerk ignorance and desire for your President to fail less than a year into office is disgusting.

i certainly understand the dissent/surprise surrounding obama's receiving of this award.

what i DON'T understand is why this dissent is directed at obama himself. clearly he has/had no role in the nomination or award process.

i thought his reaction was appropriate in content and tone.

oh, and this:

George W. Bush did not receive a Nobel Peace Prize for liberating thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan.
maybe the saddest thing i've ever read on NT.
Originally Posted by TimCity2000

i certainly understand the dissent/surprise surrounding obama's receiving of this award.

what i DON'T understand is why this dissent is directed at obama himself. clearly he has/had no role in the nomination or award process.

i thought his reaction was appropriate in content and tone.

oh, and this:

George W. Bush did not receive a Nobel Peace Prize for liberating thousands of people in Iraq and Afghanistan.
maybe the saddest thing i've ever read on NT.
thanks Tim for being logical about this... it's like, what is he supposed to do, just reject the award?
i don't like the guy, but the criticism he's receiving is justbaseless 99 percent of time, especially about receiving an award.
Wow Huey P. , do you know what a bear market rally is? The stock market, not economy, has been pumped up by Bernanke, Geithner, and CNBS. Do not look at thosecharts as the economy improving. So, Bernanke destroying the dollar is great? The media giving us "better than expected" news means all these toxicassets arent' on the books? Jesus H people are so ignorant.
Originally Posted by CruThik3

Wow Huey P. , do you know what a bear market rally is? The stock market, not economy, has been pumped up by Bernanke, Geithner, and CNBS. Do not look at those charts as the economy improving. So, Bernanke destroying the dollar is great? The media giving us "better than expected" news means all these toxic assets arent' on the books? Jesus H people are so ignorant.
I didn't want to be the person to say it, but citing any type of economic statistics in this matter would be a moot point. The same peoplewho say things are looking that much better now are the ones who were ridiculed six months ago when the Administrationn came out and said the recession wouldbe over by now. (Which was conveniently after the "Back to School" sales and "Cash for Clunkers" initiatives,)

Beyond that, a gentleman on Anderson Cooper 360 had some unique insights on why Obama was "given" the award: President Obama represents a"different" type of leader to governments overseas, so in turn, world leaders responded by almost placating the entire Democratic party (if not Obamasupporters, at least) by giving him the Prize. It was definitely food for thought, especially when you look at how polarizing a leader Obama is and all thestorms he's had to weather in a little less than a year in office.
Originally Posted by CruThik3

Wow Huey P. , do you know what a bear market rally is? The stock market, not economy, has been pumped up by Bernanke, Geithner, and CNBS. Do not look at those charts as the economy improving. So, Bernanke destroying the dollar is great? The media giving us "better than expected" news means all these toxic assets arent' on the books? Jesus H people are so ignorant.

Do you know what investor confidence is?

From where we were last year to now, you can not deny that there has been tremendous stabilization and a pretty miraculous turnaround, even though we are stillon a thin wire towards real recovery.

When hasn't there been toxic assests on the books of risk based companies? But have you not seen what Goldman has done with their bailout money? Did youoverlook the unprecedented initiative to purge (purchase) toxic assets that kicked off last week?

And the weakening of the dollar was a temporary solution
Bernanke late Thursday said the Fed will reverse course and tighten policy when the economic outlook improves sufficiently, though he said accommodative policy will still be needed for an extended period.
Like I said, I don't agree with a lot of the administrations action to this point, especially some of the economic actions but you can'tact like they haven't stabilized the situation for the time being. At least allowing the possibility of a gradual recovery.
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