Barack Obama wins nobel peace prize

Originally Posted by SuperDuperCudi

Originally Posted by spsfinest212

Some of you people in here are really lame for hating on Obama for this.
disagreement is not the same thing as hate
In this case it really has to be hate because he didn't even ask for this award. But I know you'll never admit how you really feel....
Originally Posted by tylerdub

Originally Posted by SuperDuperCudi

"The NFL has announced the winners of the 2010 Super Bowl are the Kansas City Chiefs based on their effort and good intentions, despite a 0-4 record"
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

I just think it's funny that everybody is a Nobel Peace Prize expert all of a sudden

i'll be perfectly honest... i don't follow it, I know nothing about the voting process nor the nominees... And I don't much care right now.

Our president won? Cool I guess, sounds like a nice thing for our country's image worldwide. Does it really matter to all these people pitching a fit?
Big homie on his gig. the more he does, the more ppl hate and they tru colors come to light. good %@*+ Obama, put that money back into the economy now.
Originally Posted by Dathbgboy

Big homie on his gig. the more he does, the more ppl hate and they tru colors come to light. good %@*+ Obama, put that money back into the economy redistribute our money now.

I think Im going to shot this next year

a lot of you guys dont fully grasp the concept of winning the NOBLE PEACE PRIZE AWARD
, how the hell did he get one so fast
It's funny seeing everybody bring up domestic issues when that has no bearing whatsoever on the awarding of the Nobel PEACE Prize.
Nearly all the comments I've seen, here and other places, are about how Obama shouldn't have won it rather than about how Candidate B should have wonit.

I'm in the camp that believes it's far too soon into Obama's presidency to give him such a prestigious award, but you can't argue against themerits that have been raised by the committee that decides such things. He has already changed the dynamics of international politics with his multilateral,diplomatic approach (he even got Medvedev to speak out against Iran).
I just think it's funny that everybody is a Nobel Peace Prize expert all of a sudden

Exactly, most of the individuals that are mad about President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize most likely didn't follow the process tobegin with and are just upset/full of hate that he won. It has nothing to do with the other nominees, and everything to do with the fact that they justcan't stand President Obama for whatever reason that might be.
Originally Posted by SuperDuperCudi

"The NFL has announced the winners of the 2010 Super Bowl are the Kansas City Chiefs based on their effort and good intentions, despite a 0-4 record"
Gotta admit this is humorous.
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Obama with an excellent response showing his humility.
WASHINGTON - A beaming President Barack Obama said Friday he was both honored and humbled to win the Nobel Peace Prize and would accept it as a "call to action" to work with other nations to solve the world's most pressing problems.

Obama told reporters in the White House Rose Garden that he wasn't sure he had done enough to earn the award, or deserved to be in the company of the "transformative figures" who had won it before him.

But, he said, "I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations to confront the challenges of the 21st century."

Obama will travel to Oslo, Norway, in December to accept the award.

This is good here. The President is going to be asked to defend the choices of others. That can't be easy!
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by SuperDuperCudi

"The NFL has announced the winners of the 2010 Super Bowl are the Kansas City Chiefs based on their effort and good intentions, despite a 0-4 record"
Gotta admit this is humorous.
even though it doesn't make any sense in the context of this debate
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

I don't hate Obama and I really don't see how he's deserving of this award.

There's a few other diplomats who have "strengthened national bodies and called for nuclear disarmament." They must have gotten overlooked or something.
Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

I don't hate Obama and I really don't see how he's deserving of this award.

There's a few other diplomats who have "strengthened national bodies and called for nuclear disarmament." They must have gotten overlooked or something.
Well, looking at the marquee year President Obama's had, he was due for some sort of award to note his achievement. Granted, I definitelydon't feel the Nobel Prize was the one that should've been given out, who's going to front on him? It's a lose-lose situation for anyonetrying to oppose his reception of the award; you're a "hater" if you don't think he earned it, so even if you do feel that way it would beopening a can of worms to expess that he didn't deserve it in the first place.
lol@the hate

"there are others more deserving"

well, guess what, you aint on the panel

the panel thinks there wasn't anyone else more deserving

the crackers are saltine.....

our president is a nobel prize winner........and you're salty......

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

I don't hate Obama and I really don't see how he's deserving of this award.

There's a few other diplomats who have "strengthened national bodies and called for nuclear disarmament." They must have gotten overlooked or something.
Well, looking at the marquee year President Obama's had, he was due for some sort of award to note his achievement. Granted, I definitely don't feel the Nobel Prize was the one that should've been given out, who's going to front on him? It's a lose-lose situation for anyone trying to oppose his reception of the award; you're a "hater" if you don't think he earned it, so even if you do feel that way it would be opening a can of worms to expess that he didn't deserve it in the first place.
but who are any of you to question is he deserved it or not? You really think 99 percent of the people questioning if he should've won arereally on the level of the committee who decided he should win it? I don't. Most of those people would never have even glanced at who had won it thisyear if it were anybody but Obama.

I do think it'll be interesting how people try to spin this when we start bombing Iran.
Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by SuperDuperCudi

"The NFL has announced the winners of the 2010 Super Bowl are the Kansas City Chiefs based on their effort and good intentions, despite a 0-4 record"
Gotta admit this is humorous.
even though it doesn't make any sense in the context of this debate

would the Chiefs get awarded with a SB title just for talking about it, but not actually doing it? The President got this award for talking about Hope andChange on his campaign, but not actually accomplishing very much yet
Ask all these angry lames who the Nobel Peace Prize winner was prior to this year and you get the
. Cats be mad passionate about ANYTHING Obama related I mean its reallybordering on childishness now.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Ask all these angry lames who the Nobel Peace Prize winner was prior to this year and you get the
. Cats be mad passionate about ANYTHING Obama related I mean its really bordering on childishness now.
Same thing I said earlier in this thread, except for the passionate Obama thing. Outside of Dr. MLK and Mother Theresa (I think) I couldnt tellyou who won. Most cant either. Would we be talking about this some random scientist won it? Hell no.
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Ask all these angry lames who the Nobel Peace Prize winner was prior to this year and you get the
. Cats be mad passionate about ANYTHING Obama related I mean its really bordering on childishness now.
Same thing I said earlier in this thread, except for the passionate Obama thing. Outside of Dr. MLK and Mother Theresa (I think) I couldnt tell you who won. Most cant either. Would we be talking about this some random scientist won it? Hell no.

Micheal Jackson was more deserving of this award for his work with children, than this presidents 15 min fame.
Originally Posted by SuperDuperCudi

Originally Posted by IncredibleEv

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by SuperDuperCudi

"The NFL has announced the winners of the 2010 Super Bowl are the Kansas City Chiefs based on their effort and good intentions, despite a 0-4 record"
Gotta admit this is humorous.
even though it doesn't make any sense in the context of this debate

would the Chiefs get awarded with a SB title just for talking about it, but not actually doing it? The President got this award for talking about Hope and Change on his campaign, but not actually accomplishing very much yet
yes i understand what you meant, but i still don't think it makes sense. i dont think he's getting the award based on him saying he wantsto bring hope and change. I think he has done tangible things that show progress and understanding of the world peace-bringing process. How can you all saythat he's done nothing? I agree that he might not have done ENOUGH yet, but he has definitely made his mark on the world stage.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by DiPlOmAt TDOt

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

I don't hate Obama and I really don't see how he's deserving of this award.

There's a few other diplomats who have "strengthened national bodies and called for nuclear disarmament." They must have gotten overlooked or something.
Well, looking at the marquee year President Obama's had, he was due for some sort of award to note his achievement. Granted, I definitely don't feel the Nobel Prize was the one that should've been given out, who's going to front on him? It's a lose-lose situation for anyone trying to oppose his reception of the award; you're a "hater" if you don't think he earned it, so even if you do feel that way it would be opening a can of worms to expess that he didn't deserve it in the first place.
but who are any of you to question is he deserved it or not? You really think 99 percent of the people questioning if he should've won are really on the level of the committee who decided he should win it? I don't. Most of those people would never have even glanced at who had won it this year if it were anybody but Obama.

I do think it'll be interesting how people try to spin this when we start bombing Iran.
I mean it's whatever to me, Craftsy. I just was thinking to myself, of all the things he has accomplished so far, I couldn't really thinkof anything noteworthy, other than him beginning to quell the nuclear weapon talks, and that happened just recently. I'm as staunch an Obama supporter asyou will ever see, but this had even me scratching my head. Going back to the obscure (if not funny) NFL analogy:
would the Chiefs get awarded with a SB title just for talking about it, but not actually doing it? The President got this award for talking about Hope and Change on his campaign, but not actually accomplishing very much yet
Obama has put it in anyone's head that was willing to listen (which at this point, is more or less everyone) that hope will guide thecountry's efforts to rebuild our economy, find a common benchmark for universal healthcare, and combat terrorism. Whether or not his administration can orwill deliver remains to be seen, but it seems like he's received more accolades based on his rhetoric than his actions. It doesn't take a rocketscientist to see Obama's done about as much as he can to improve things in our country, but it still doesn't mean things look or more importantly, arethat much better in our country.
its funny how disagreeing or not understand why he was giving this award equates to"hate" people cant question anything because its
automatically labeled as "hate"
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