Barack Obama wins nobel peace prize

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by J Burner

Barack Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize, and his hometown of Chicago is one of the most troubled, violent, corrupt places in the country. For a little perspective, consider this: since 2001, 10 soldiers from Chicago have died in Iraq and Afganistan, but over 260 children were murdered in Chicago in that same time frame (36 this year), according the the Black Star Project.

*writes this down*

....and what am i supposed to do with this again? what does his hometown have to do with this prize again???

Are you really incapable of making the connection? Or are you trying to bait me into another pointless argument with you?

- im seriously incapable. elaborate please, im dead serious.
The committee highlighted Mr Obama's efforts to strengthen international bodies and promote nuclear disarmament.

What? Where? Shouldn't they have at least done the right thing and added "unless you're Israel" to the back end of that sentence?
Originally Posted by tylerdub

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Yassir Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin
you're going to deny that they weren't well on their way to a lasting peace accord before Rabin got assassinated?
Really? You think their peace accord would have been lasting?

by most scholar accounts....yes.
...Rabin was excecuted b/c he was willing to give up significant land concessions to the Palestinians.
Originally Posted by J Burner

I've got cash for anyone who can logically, and reasonably explain how Barack Obama has earned the Nobel Peace Prize. For 9 months his supporters have been saying nothing is Obama's fault, because he hasn't been in office long enough to make an impact, so we can't criticize him. And yet, somehow, he's been in office long enough to make such an impact that he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. So from now on people, NO ONE is allowed to use the "he hasn't been in office long enough" excuse.

Good to see the majority so far is not buying it; seems most people are aware that Obama hasn't done anything. I mean, the SNL clip says it all...

This QFT
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by J Burner

Barack Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize, and his hometown of Chicago is one of the most troubled, violent, corrupt places in the country. For a little perspective, consider this: since 2001, 10 soldiers from Chicago have died in Iraq and Afganistan, but over 260 children were murdered in Chicago in that same time frame (36 this year), according the the Black Star Project.

*writes this down*

....and what am i supposed to do with this again? what does his hometown have to do with this prize again???

Are you really incapable of making the connection? Or are you trying to bait me into another pointless argument with you?

- im seriously incapable. elaborate please, im dead serious.

I just find it extremely ironic that he was awarded the Noble Peace Prize, yet hasn't done much at all about the violence in his owncommunity, which happens to be one of the worst in the country right now.
Los Yankees wrote:
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

I would have preferred to see those, who are dissenters against authoritarian regimes, get the most recognition. However, there is no reason why President Obama should not win the award. It is obvious why the inetrnational community gave him the award after being President for less than a year, it was a vote against George W. Bush and the belief that he did not show enough respect to the UN and other international agencies.

In this respect, we should be happy that Barack Obama is in charge of our foreign policy because he is able to placate many of our allies and those in the UN on the strength of words and he has not had to give them very many tangible things to gain their favor. That is a skill that is good to see in someone who is our chief diplomat.

I don't like Bush by any means, but why should someone show respect to an organization full of tyrants?

I did not say you should show the UN any special degree of respect. I am just saying that it was the case that because President Obama's predecessor didnot show the UN the degere of respect it felt i twas due, that it helped President Obama to win the Peace Prize.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by tylerdub

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Yassir Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin
you're going to deny that they weren't well on their way to a lasting peace accord before Rabin got assassinated?
Really? You think their peace accord would have been lasting?
by most scholar accounts....yes.
...Rabin was excecuted b/c he was willing to give up significant land concessions to the Palestinians.

We can never know if their treaty would have permanently succeeded. It was never given a chance to play out in the real world, which oftenoperates differently than scholars would believe.
I cited them merely as examples of the fact that the Nobel prize committee often gives the prize as a "hope" award rather than an"accomplishment" award, and because of this, history has often shown that the committee makes poor selections.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by tylerdub

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Yassir Arafat, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin
you're going to deny that they weren't well on their way to a lasting peace accord before Rabin got assassinated?
Really? You think their peace accord would have been lasting?
by most scholar accounts....yes.
...Rabin was excecuted b/c he was willing to give up significant land concessions to the Palestinians.

agreed Rabin definitely made the most headway out of all the recent israeli leaders fighting for peace in middle east

as for Obama, cite everything you want about he hasn't gotten anything done, whatever about Chicago about all this and that...the guy has spent his entirelife as a community organizer, a civil rights activist, making his way to the Pres. of the U.S. as a black man and someone fighting for world peace indiplomatic ways the world stage hasn't really seen. I can totally justify his winning the award.
as much as i agree with obama winning this prize on his words and not actions, don't yall find it ironic how we are fighting amongst ourselves over this?either way, all of the previous winners have never achieved real world peace. us humans are incapable of getting along no matter what anybody says or does. ipray God comes sooner than 2012
Its like giving Obama MVP of the NBA for the 2010 season.......

Ya'll dudes would be like, well, I have seen some pics of him playing basketball...that does great things for the game so yeah, MVP sounds about right.
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Its like giving Obama MVP of the NBA for the 2010 season.......

Ya'll dudes would be like, well, I have seen some pics of him playing basketball...that does great things for the game so yeah, MVP sounds about right.

LOL hes spent his whole life playing and to go this long without an MVP is outrageous :tongue:
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Damn people are going HAM on my facebook right now...

Folks really hate him
They don't hate him as much as the media is making him better than he really is. He essentially hasn't done anything, yet he gets so muchpraise.
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Damn people are going HAM on my facebook right now...

Folks really hate him

You don't have to hate him to know this is a joke...most rational people are just shaking our heads and doing a collective "WTH??" In factwe've been saying for a long time now that he gets so much credit for absolutely nothing, and this is just more of the same crap and people are really justgetting sick of it.

I asked a few pages back for ANYONE to give a logical, and reasonable explaination of what Obama has done that makes him worthy of the award.....not ONE singleattempt has been made so far, for the obvious reason that there is no answer...
Originally Posted by HOVKid

Its like giving Obama MVP of the NBA for the 2010 season.......

Ya'll dudes would be like, well, I have seen some pics of him playing basketball...that does great things for the game so yeah, MVP sounds about right.

lol word,,,, its like lebron saying during the preseason that hes gonna put up crazy numbers and win the championship,,,, and the league gives he the MVPprior to the season
starting,, like i said before im a obama supporter but i dont see how he was awarded this
Originally Posted by J Burner

I've got cash for anyone who can logically, and reasonably explain how Barack Obama has earned the Nobel Peace Prize. For 9 months his supporters have been saying nothing is Obama's fault, because he hasn't been in office long enough to make an impact, so we can't criticize him. And yet, somehow, he's been in office long enough to make such an impact that he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. So from now on people, NO ONE is allowed to use the "he hasn't been in office long enough" excuse.

Good to see the majority so far is not buying it; seems most people are aware that Obama hasn't done anything. I mean, the SNL clip says it all...
This should now be called the 'Thank you for not being a foreign affair ****** like GWB' award.
Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Damn people are going HAM on my facebook right now...

Folks really hate him
You surprised. Man if Obama had clenched that Olympic bid last Friday and turned around and won this award today, "angry" would be amodest description of conservative feelings.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by GuttaGetsBusy

Damn people are going HAM on my facebook right now...

Folks really hate him
You surprised. Man if Obama had clenched that Olympic bid last Friday and turned around and won this award today, "angry" would be a modest description of conservative feelings.

You mean they would be as "angry" as liberals were during Bush's administration? The door swings both ways buddy... I didn't like Busheither, but I find it extremely hypocritical that the left for 8 years did exactly what the right is doing now, yet now that role's have changed liberalsact like its a crime to oppose Obama...
Originally Posted by J Burner

I've got cash for anyone who can logically, and reasonably explain how Barack Obama has earned the Nobel Peace Prize. For 9 months his supporters have been saying nothing is Obama's fault, because he hasn't been in office long enough to make an impact, so we can't criticize him. And yet, somehow, he's been in office long enough to make such an impact that he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. So from now on people, NO ONE is allowed to use the "he hasn't been in office long enough" excuse.

Good to see the majority so far is not buying it; seems most people are aware that Obama hasn't done anything. I mean, the SNL clip says it all...
QFBS. For 9 months his detractors have been saying everything is Obama's fault. His supporters have been saying sthu and stop crying. Isuppose now it's his fault they gave him a Nobel Peace Prize?
Honestly, i don't think he has done enough to deserve it. According to the way the ballots were distributed, he would have been in office only 12days before the ballots were due for counting. 12 days. While his VISION and INTENTIONS might be NobelPeace Price worthy (I believe they are) the fact that very little has been accomplished thus far in the quest for a better world and more peace (we arestill fighting 2 wars! even though they didn't start on his watch) for him to deserve what normally has been given in the past for a lifetime or longsegment of time of work from an individual. It is entirely possible that by the end of his first term, he would have earned it, but looking at it from asunbiased a perspective as I can gather, he's not there yet.
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