Barack Obama wins nobel peace prize

Just wait for it from angry conservatives and undercover racists. Wait for it, wait for it wait for it. And here we go
So not "meddling in foriegn affairs of other countries", but telling Israel they are "illegitimate"?

But, hey. I guess saying that is has been a recent pre-requisite.
Im more happy at the fact @ how mad conservatives will be when they wake up and hear this news.
I would have preferred to see those, who are dissenters against authoritarian regimes, get the most recognition. However, there is no reason why PresidentObama should not win the award. It is obvious why the inetrnational community gave him the award after being President for less than a year, it was a voteagainst George W. Bush and the belief that he did not show enough respect to the UN and other international agencies.

In this respect, we should be happy that Barack Obama is in charge of our foreign policy because he is able to placate many of our allies and those in the UNon the strength of words and he has not had to give them very many tangible things to gain their favor. That is a skill that is good to see in someone who isour chief diplomat.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

I would have preferred to see those, who are dissenters against authoritarian regimes, get the most recognition. However, there is no reason why President Obama should not win the award. It is obvious why the inetrnational community gave him the award after being President for less than a year, it was a vote against George W. Bush and the belief that he did not show enough respect to the UN and other international agencies.

In this respect, we should be happy that Barack Obama is in charge of our foreign policy because he is able to placate many of our allies and those in the UN on the strength of words and he has not had to give them very many tangible things to gain their favor. That is a skill that is good to see in someone who is our chief diplomat.

A weird choice, but definitely not the worst.

I don't see how he's created peace yet, but at least he didn't create the exact opposite of peace (like Henry Kissinger) and still get the award.
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

I would have preferred to see those, who are dissenters against authoritarian regimes, get the most recognition. However, there is no reason why President Obama should not win the award. It is obvious why the inetrnational community gave him the award after being President for less than a year, it was a vote against George W. Bush and the belief that he did not show enough respect to the UN and other international agencies.

In this respect, we should be happy that Barack Obama is in charge of our foreign policy because he is able to placate many of our allies and those in the UN on the strength of words and he has not had to give them very many tangible things to gain their favor. That is a skill that is good to see in someone who is our chief diplomat.

I don't like Bush by any means, but why should someone show respect to an organization full of tyrants?
im a big obama supporter ,, but i dont see how or why he won this, he basically won for having good ideas towards peace ,instead of taken action towardspeace,, no hate congrats either way
LOL he probably has fooled himself into thinking he has earned it!
What a joke.. The Nobel prize committee has proved itself to be the most stupid organization.
Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Originally Posted by p2vandal

Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Watch all the yts come in to hate.

Congrats, politics aside my dude deserves it for the movement alone.
what movement?
If you're not black I wouldn't expect you to understand. If you only view him as a politician I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Aren't we supposed to only look at him as a politician not based on race
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Originally Posted by p2vandal

Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Watch all the yts come in to hate.

Congrats, politics aside my dude deserves it for the movement alone.
what movement?
If you're not black I wouldn't expect you to understand. If you only view him as a politician I wouldn't expect you to understand.
Aren't we supposed to only look at him as a politician not based on race
Its so annoying when people say "if your not this you dont get it"

that is ignorance in its prime
Originally Posted by MisterP0315


Outrage will ensue.

- ensue, it will. i cant wait to listen to Rush today....Michael Savage is going to GO OFF tonight, i cant wait

*cue the you mad pics*
He won this award not for anything he's actually done, but for what he might possibly accomplish sometime way off in the future. A Chinese dissident and anAfghan women's rights activist lost out to a guy who took office less than two weeks before the February 1st nomination deadline. Rather than recognizingconcrete achievement, the 2009 prize appeared intended to support initiatives that have yet to materialize. This is just an F--- Bush award.
I've got cash for anyone who can logically, and reasonably explain how Barack Obama has earned the Nobel Peace Prize. For 9 months his supporters have beensaying nothing is Obama's fault, because he hasn't been in office long enough to make an impact, so we can't criticize him. And yet, somehow,he's been in office long enough to make such an impact that he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. So from now on people, NO ONE is allowed to use the "hehasn't been in office long enough" excuse.

Good to see the majority so far is not buying it; seems most people are aware that Obama hasn't done anything. I mean, the SNL clip says it all...
Regarding that alleged "new climate in international politics," which aspects of Obama's foreign policy thus far are any different fromBush's? He's increased troop levels (slightly) in Afghanistan, he's kept up the drone attacks on Al Qaeda and the Taliban, he's broken hispromise to close Gitmo by January.
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