Arian Foster Let It Be Known That He Is A Non-Believer

I said that you have an issue with the fact that I call myself a Christian and supports gays and Palestinians. You are saying you can't be Christian if you supprt gays. That is foolish. 

But doesn't God want all or nothing?

If you're lukewarm and not hot or cold, he will spit you out.
I said that you have an issue with the fact that I call myself a Christian and supports gays and Palestinians. You are saying you can't be Christian if you supprt gays. That is foolish. 

Again, watch this clip. You don't have to follow religion to a T in order to be a follower of said religion. Start at the 5 minute mark.

Again, how did you even arrive to that beyond stupid conclusion? Where in all I wrote did I state that was EVER an issue?
I identify as Christian, support gay marriage and gay rights, and I am completely against the genocide that is taking place in Palestine. But please feel free to bash me. 
Then you half steppin for Jesus. Clearly states in the bible the way he feels about gays, non believers, his enemies, ect...

You pulling a 2 pac
These are your words:

God tells you to follow all of his commandments. Must of missed the verse that said "well just kinda pick what you like" or is that another one of "gods fine print" deals?
I would really one day like to have a good thread on religion vs science but neither side can ever be civil and it's a damn shame too because that could really be a informative conversation. 
Not sure who isn't being civil here but ok
Yes and myself 
. I seriously find it insulting the insuation that the only thing keeping people from savagery is religion when many of the most savage acts throughout history have had religion as a root cause...
Very insulting and arrogant.
Especially considering theists are the ones out there chopping off heads and selling women as sex slaves. If you can't be a good person without God you are a PSYCHOPATH.
Why do you feel that religion makes them want to chop off heads? Couldn't they just be sick individuals to begin with, and just use Islam as an excuse to do these horrific things?
LionBlood, please respond.

And that STILL doesn't answer why I, ME, would have a problem with it. What I brought up is 100% IN the bible which I DONT even agree with.
lol being Christian doesn't mean you're perfect. You love your parents yes? You always do everything they told you to do? You ever lie to them? You ever come home later than they told you to? You ever do something they explictly told you not to? You're your own person right? You love them any less?

But doesn't God want all or nothing?

If you're lukewarm and not hot or cold, he will spit you out.
Yessir can't be one foot still in the world and one with God. Give him 100% and nothing less
Yessir can't be one foot still in the world and one with God. Give him 100% and nothing less

So in that way I suppose atheists are living in accordance to God's word better than a lot of the believers in this thread? :nerd:
With all this debating/bickering, will anyone's opinion be swayed? No. There is really no convincing the other side. :lol:

No one is going to admit is, but there is one side in this argument with doubts BREWING like diarrhea in an obese man after taco bell. 
There's a lot of insecurity in this thread. But no, no one will overtly say their mind is changed. However, the religious side is full of flip flopping and contradictory arguments that keep getting worse as the evidence that contradicts their beliefs continues to build.

But this is you thinking your OPINION is right.

Bottom line, people are firmly entrenched in their convictions. This goes for BOTH sides of the coin. It's a pointless debate, IMO, because it's going no where other than people seeing who can yell the loudest. Doesn't mean you're right or wrong, but for a topic like this, I can guarantee that no mindset will be swayed. It's not like politics, sports, food, etc. where you can convince someone that their POV is're talking about something greater than that and things can get heated.

This is exactly why I said what I did on page 1. Some people believe in God and others don't. Just show a respect for others' opinions and beliefs and keep it moving. No need for condescension, passive aggressiveness, or trying to prove that an opinion is right. There are such things as healthy debates, and I don't think this thread is it.

Just my .02
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Yessir can't be one foot still in the world and one with God. Give him 100% and nothing less

Whoops, not according to youngwolf.
And that STILL doesn't answer why I, ME, would have a problem with it. What I brought up is 100% IN the bible which I DONT even agree with.
I'm not suggesting that you want me to hate gays and support Israel because I'm Christian. I'm simply pointing out that the reason that you took issue with my post was because I identified as Christian AND supported gays and Palestinians. That's why I posted the clip. He tackles that very same issue, but in the context of Islam. But like I said, it applies to all relgions when dealing with anti-theists. 
This isn't civil to you? I guess if a conversation doesn't go your way it's not civil enough? Nobody is doing anything but answering questions from their perspective. It's not gonna get any better than that
It's a lot of trollin and name callin on both sides.
what sea animal would need to board a ship because of a giant flood? air animals have to land sometime too. besides like alpine swifts and sooty terns.
So we just gonna ignore the fact that most fresh water animals would die in the ocean?
King Koopa wants a thread where religious people post texts and nobody says anything. 
I don't have a dog in the race actually.

Good try though.

I only hope to live a full filling life  and die in peace.
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this. I'm thinking maybe you g

God gave laws. They may or may not coincide with your own beliefs, ideals, values, ethics and morals, but, they are still his laws.

So you and Mr. Friendly all of a sudden want to become philosophers after he made that original dumb comment about how atheists know what's moral or not. Let's stop playing stupid. Morality can be blind and based on Ancient laws that are unquestioned and followed no matter what the consequences are. I used the example of slavery and I'll add rape in there for good measure. Morally speaking slavery is not wrong based on the bible. An atheist does not need a divine written code of ethics to evaluate whether or not slavery is wrong. An atheists moral principles are based on "humanism".

When has 'You may not agree with it, but they are his laws" ever been an excuse to justify inhumanity.

The word "Humane" is based on empathy/sympathy, compassion, benevolence, lack of cruelty, etc--Religion does not exclusively preach these principles.

What started being humane or humanism?

Where did the morals come from?
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[quote name="Mister Friendly"]What started being humane or humanism?

Where did the morals come from?[/quote]Empathy.

Since there seems to be some confusion, empathy is putting yourself in someone else's position.

It's a human trait, just like joy is.

No one asks, "Where did joy come from? Who started it?"

It's a trait, as is empathy.
Whoops, not according to youngwolf.
So me being a Christian you want me to take hella drugs, get drunk, smash 30 chicks on Saturday and show up to church the next following morning guilty conscience/shame and repent then go back to doing the same thing next weekend. Nah I wouldn't be true to myself and God if I lived a double life chasing meaningless BS
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[quote name="Mister Friendly"]What started being humane or humanism?

Where did the morals come from?

Since there seems to be some confusion, empathy is putting yourself in someone else's position.

It's a human trait, just like joy is.

No one asks, "Where did joy come from? Who started it?"

It's a trait, as is empathy.[/quote]

You think empathy is innate and not learned?
So me being a Christian you want me to take hella drugs, get drunk, smash 30 chicks on Saturday and show up to church the next following morning guilty conscience/shame and repent then go back to doing the same thing next weekend. Nah I wouldn't be true to myself and God if I lived a double life chasing meaningless BS

Where was any of this said that I want you to do this? :lol:

Hey, I guess there's some things you're allowed to leave out and still be cool according to him. You take that up with him
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These attempts to paint atheists as immoral people are the worst attacks in this thread.

But atheists are the aggressors right? :rolleyes
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