Anyone Watch Obama Explain His Healthcare Bill?


Jun 1, 2008

and this is the main thing he ran on? ... about the only thing he "apparently" knew about was health care and how much better health care was gonnabe under him and dude cant even get a democratic congress to pass his own bill .. ... .. ... then he started to get all conservative on us trying to speakabout cutting spending and how wasteful we are ... then, naturally he blames bush ...

i swear to god im laughing but its pissing me off how dumb people are ... lets give all the power of my well being to the federal health board ...
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07


and this is the main thing he ran on? ... about the only thing he "apparently" knew about was health care and how much better health care was gonna be under him and dude cant even get a democratic congress to pass his own bill .. ... .. ... then he started to get all conservative on us trying to speak about cutting spending and how wasteful we are ... then, naturally he blames bush ...

i swear to god im laughing but its pissing me off how dumb people are ... lets give all the power of my well being to the federal health board ...
And you're the dumb one arguing to keep a ridiculously unsuccessful health system. I just want to point out again that we're ranked 37thby the WHO on health care.

The other countries took their citizens health care out of the capitalists hands and into the goverment and their fairing a lot better than that?

How can you justify government run health care systems ranking far better than our by the World Health Organization?

lets give all the power of my well being to the federal health board ...

Seriously, I just about give up on this arguments. If you're too dense, or too arrogant to admit that American isn't the best in somethingand other countries have it far better I dunno what to tell you.

Again, France the number 1 ranked health care system in the world. Their health care is government controlled.

Your only arguments that can justify you still not believing in government run health care are either, the WHO isn't a credible enough source, the WHO isbiased towards Obama, those numbers are wrong.

Or there is another reason why those with government run health care are better than ours.

Which one is it?
what ever this man and his wife do its like its a crime to this god forsaken country the man can't wear a pair of jeans that he likes, hmm when mush andhora was in no one had nothing to say some of yall just sickening now
Why do people who are supposed to be 'angry' or upset' with how things are put up dumb crap like
, as if they're abovewhat's happening and it's something to laugh about?

Don't be a smartass, just state what you don't like. That's how you get to discuss these issues. Unless, of course, you're just whining for thesake of whining.
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Why do people who are supposed to be 'angry' or upset' with how things are put up dumb crap like
, as if they're above what's happening and it's something to laugh about?

Don't be a smartass, just state what you don't like. That's how you get to discuss these issues. Unless, of course, you're just whining for the sake of whining.

Don't be a smartass, just state what you don't like. That's how you get to discuss these issues. Unless, of course, you're just whining for the sake of whining.
thats just too much common sense. it has no place in this discussion.
i swear to god im laughing but its pissing me off how dumb people are ... lets give all the power of my well being to the federal health board ...

as opposed to an HMO/insurance health board that can drop your coverage the second you get sick. its easy to mock healthcare when ur young andhave no real chronic ailments. get to 40+ with any sort of ailment and come back and talk.

healthcare in the us has never been about patient and doctor. its patient doctor and insurance company.
but... but... he plays basketball !!!!

Mark my words... There is absolutely no chance he gets re-elected for a second term. Hopefully people wake up and learn for themselves about whats really goingon.
A purely capitalist system would work. A purely socialist system would work. A hybrid of the two has been a total disaster. Equally true will be tellingeveryone that "only the rich will pay" and "no taxes will be raised on the middle class". With each successive attempt to wring money fromsomeone else has caused everyone to be soaked at some point. Rather than allowing each person to pay for what he needs, we have tried to gradually take fromeveryone but ourselves over the past 70 years and have since begun an economic slide that will result/has resulted in our bankruptcy.
Originally Posted by 718stylez

Don't be a smartass, just state what you don't like. That's how you get to discuss these issues. Unless, of course, you're just whining for the sake of whining.
thats just too much common sense. it has no place in this discussion.
i swear to god im laughing but its pissing me off how dumb people are ... lets give all the power of my well being to the federal health board ...

as opposed to an HMO/insurance health board that can drop your coverage the second you get sick. its easy to mock healthcare when ur young and have no real chronic ailments. get to 40+ with any sort of ailment and come back and talk.

healthcare in the us has never been about patient and doctor. its patient doctor and insurance company.

i wanted to dismantle your first post but ill just quote this poo poo and say this ...

under obamas plan, your doctor will no longer provide you with the best care he feels necessary, it will have to be approved by the health board ... underobamas plan, your employer will either have to "give" you care and lose profit aka take more money from you to cover it OR they will be charged 8%for letting you keep your own health care aaaaaaaaaaand you guessed it taking that 8% from you in different ways as well ..


all because will have to ascribe to obamas plan ... well !#*% obama and his plan ... why do you think democrats are blocking this bill it is COMPLETE +**@#+!+... there are many alternatives on the floor that need to be heard and god willing they will get passed instead of this +**@#+!+ ...

you have to understand theres no debate that obamas plan is bull !%!!, EVERYONE on the floor knows it and the dems with balls are blocking it ... obamas justtoo stubborn to bend because in all honesty health care is his pet horse and if he cant get that right what the hell else can he get right? hes not an experton the economy hes not an expert on foreign relations and he PROMISED health care reform his way and the right way and he is just failing ...

Again, France the number 1 ranked health care system in the world. Their health care is government controlled.
whos saying health care shouldnt be controlled by the government?! WE ARE NOT GETTING FRANCES HEALTH CARE PLAN WE ARE GETTING OBAMAS PLAN AND ITSUCKS $!# ...

private care with a lower income safety net im all for, this @*+@+!$@ is just @*+@+!$@
Originally Posted by crcballer55

A purely socialist system would work.
Name one place in the world where a purely socialist system has worked.

It has never worked anywhere but this is what Obama wants us to become. It makes absolutely zero sense.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by crcballer55

A purely socialist system would work.
Name one place in the world where a purely socialist system has worked.

It has never worked anywhere but this is what Obama wants us to become. It makes absolutely zero sense.
Socialized healthcare has "worked" pretty well in Sweden from my research. The only reason it will not work here is because we do notwant high taxes. I am by NO MEANS saying that socialism is the BEST way. Our status of being by far the largest economy has proven that. All I'm sayingis that if it CAN work. It would be a complete disaster in the U.S. though because of the way we treat our bodies.
Speech was horrible.

Obama sounded like Dubya on this one. Didn't seem to have a firm grasp on anything just a bunch of empty rhetoric and stuttering. It was kinda painful tolisten to.

"If you have a red pill and a want the doctors to chose the one thatworks better and is cheaper...."


As some one in the health care finance field...this was less than inspiring.

Worst public performance I have seen from him since he has taken office.
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Originally Posted by 718stylez

Don't be a smartass, just state what you don't like. That's how you get to discuss these issues. Unless, of course, you're just whining for the sake of whining.
thats just too much common sense. it has no place in this discussion.
i swear to god im laughing but its pissing me off how dumb people are ... lets give all the power of my well being to the federal health board ...
as opposed to an HMO/insurance health board that can drop your coverage the second you get sick. its easy to mock healthcare when ur young and have no real chronic ailments. get to 40+ with any sort of ailment and come back and talk.

healthcare in the us has never been about patient and doctor. its patient doctor and insurance company.

i wanted to dismantle your first post but ill just quote this poo poo and say this ...

under obamas plan, your doctor will no longer provide you with the best care he feels necessary, it will have to be approved by the health board ... under obamas plan, your employer will either have to "give" you care and lose profit aka take more money from you to cover it OR they will be charged 8% for letting you keep your own health care aaaaaaaaaaand you guessed it taking that 8% from you in different ways as well ..


all because will have to ascribe to obamas plan ... well !#*% obama and his plan ... why do you think democrats are blocking this bill it is COMPLETE +**@#+!+ ... there are many alternatives on the floor that need to be heard and god willing they will get passed instead of this +**@#+!+ ...

you have to understand theres no debate that obamas plan is bull !%!!, EVERYONE on the floor knows it and the dems with balls are blocking it ... obamas just too stubborn to bend because in all honesty health care is his pet horse and if he cant get that right what the hell else can he get right? hes not an expert on the economy hes not an expert on foreign relations and he PROMISED health care reform his way and the right way and he is just failing ...

Again, France the number 1 ranked health care system in the world. Their health care is government controlled.
whos saying health care shouldnt be controlled by the government?! WE ARE NOT GETTING FRANCES HEALTH CARE PLAN WE ARE GETTING OBAMAS PLAN AND IT SUCKS $!# ...

private care with a lower income safety net im all for, this @*+@+!$@ is just @*+@+!$@

Ok, I'm glad to know you're not one of those socialism screaming people. Now lets get into exactly what is so doo doo about Obama'splan. I'm actually curious and not just trying to win an argument.
nder obamas plan, your doctor will no longer provide you with the best care he feels necessary, it will have to be approved by the health board ... under obamas plan
You provided nothing to dispute the fact that HMOs/every and any insurance company is doing this right now. You also provided no claims of supportthat this will occur with Obama's health plan. He has stated over and over that the government will not be in charge of your medical decisions but ratheryour doctor. I have no reason to not believe him as this is the case with many other government run health care systems.

Since, what you described, doctors not in charge of your health care, already happening now in disgusting numbers, the burden of proof is on you to show thatObama's plan will increase this.

You mean like companies do now for more expensive and less covering health care? The whole point of this thing is that the health care will beaffordable. If it is not, then I will be the first to say, $**% Obama's plan.
they will be charged 8% for letting you keep your own health care aaaaaaaaaaand you guessed it taking that 8% from you in different ways as well ..
Wait, wait wait. For "letting" someone keep their own insurance? Are you implying that companies will be forcing their insurance plansFOR FREE onto those with already exisiting plans and there's nothing they can do about it. There's just absolutely no truth in that statement. Anybodywill their private insurance can choose to keep their insurance over the company's insurance with no fee to the company.
all because will have to ascribe to obamas plan ... well !#*% obama and his plan ... why do you think democrats are blocking this bill it is COMPLETE +**@#+!+ ... there are many alternatives on the floor that need to be heard and god willing they will get passed instead of this +**@#+!+ ...
We won't have to ascribe to Obamas plan. You can choose to keep the insurance you have now and be the dummy paying much more for much less.The private sector will still be there. The thing is can they compete against a competitor seeking to provide affoardable prices not maximize profit?

So far your arguments against Obama's plan are,
  • it just sucks
  • some democrats don't like it (like our congress isn't subject to lobbying)
  • The government will have more say than your doctor (which really I don't see how that claim is substantiated at all, especially the way the insurance companies currently have more say than our doctors.)
  • We will be forced to subscribe to the plan. (There is no truth in this statement. The plan isn't inhibiting any competitors, its simply introducing more a affordable plan) In a free market economy the buyer will buy the best product.
  • And companies will be forcing their insurance onto those already with insurance...(hate to be repetitive but.... It makes no sense for the gov, the indiv, or the company. No one has anything to gain by doing that.)
Tell me if I missed a reason.
i wanted to dismantle your first post but ill just quote this poo poo and say this ...

under obamas plan, your doctor will no longer provide you with the best care he feels necessary, it will have to be approved by the health board ... under obamas plan, your employer will either have to "give" you care and lose profit aka take more money from you to cover it OR they will be charged 8% for letting you keep your own health care aaaaaaaaaaand you guessed it taking that 8% from you in different ways as well ..
...umm that was my only post in this thread homie.

i get that it would have to be approved by a health board. but you act as if thats any different than an insurance company that decides whats in my bestinterest. its not between you and your doctor. its you and your doctor and your insurance company that decide whats best for you. if your insurance companydeems a certain procedure to be too costly, experimental or has no medical benefit you will be denied of that procedure regardless of what your doctor deems isbest. even worse of your insurance company thinks that they can't treat your illness and turn a profit, you will be dropped altogether. in either case yesyou can pay your doctor out of pocket but for 99% of the population thats unrealistic. do you not have insurane?

i have no clue what your trying to say here... i give up

all because will have to ascribe to obamas plan ... well !#*% obama and his plan ... why do you think democrats are blocking this bill it is COMPLETE +**@#+!+ ... there are many alternatives on the floor that need to be heard and god willing they will get passed instead of this +**@#+!+ ...
way to swear and use caps. you clearly mean business and know what you're talking about.

fiscally conservative democrats are hesitant about it based on the fact that in its current iteration it does not do enough to reduce healthcare costs over thelong term. at the same time, when the CBO scores a bill it cannot take into account any future efficiencies or savings in the system. considering thathospitals and drug manufacturers have agreed to modest yet significant concessions to the proposed bills, it would seem logical that there is some cost savingsto be had. studies have also shown that primary care is the most effective way to reduce healthcare costs. part of the reason the system is so expensive now isthat people go to emergency rooms for care because they do not have primary physicians.

you have to understand theres no debate that obamas plan is bull !%!!, EVERYONE on the floor knows it and the dems with balls are blocking it ... obamas just too stubborn to bend because in all honesty health care is his pet horse and if he cant get that right what the hell else can he get right? hes not an expert on the economy hes not an expert on foreign relations and he PROMISED health care reform his way and the right way and he is just failing ...
dude...the fact that the bill has not been passed and has run up against hurdles means that there is a debate happening. you can't be serious.if there were no debate it would have already been signed. get your outrage together and form a cogent argument. then come back and talk about issues like agrownup. stop spouting talking points and come with specifics.
Originally Posted by crcballer55

A purely capitalist system would work. A purely socialist system would work. A hybrid of the two has been a total disaster. Equally true will be telling everyone that "only the rich will pay" and "no taxes will be raised on the middle class". With each successive attempt to wring money from someone else has caused everyone to be soaked at some point. Rather than allowing each person to pay for what he needs, we have tried to gradually take from everyone but ourselves over the past 70 years and have since begun an economic slide that will result/has resulted in our bankruptcy.

Wow... well put man. Long time no see, too. Not sure if you use a different name now or what.

I agree though - I think the ONLY thing people have against the "socialist" system is the world "socialism"... it has been made into suchan evil word by the hard rights, you can't attach it to anything without people immediately thinking it's evil and the end of our country as we knowit.

Medicare works pretty darn efficiently, especially considering it deals with the most expensive patients (65+ people) in our country... why wouldn't asimilar system (with an option for private healthcare places to still exist for those wanting to pay extra) work for all ages? I mean seriously, can anybodytell me why?
At the end of the day, threads like this were inevitable. Dude's been in office less than one full year, and all of a sudden 300 years worth of *%%%%$@#stacked on top of more *%%%%$@# is supposed to just disappear? I spy scapegoating at it's finest. But it's cool... I get it. !!%* finally hit the fanand it looks like this grand ole USA ship might actually be sinking for real. @!$% it then... let's make a Black man Captain for once. At leastthat way, he'll be the one to go down with the ship. I see how this game is...
i will get flamed TONS for this but whatever the biggest reason he was elected is that he is black, younger, more calm, better speaking than McCain. O andSaying Change 1 trillion times helped also
We already have a free health care system for all. Had a patient today been to the ER 42 times in the past 6 months has accumlated over 2.5 mill dollars inmedical bills and hasnt paid a cent.

Im not going to get into these long discussions about healthcare anymore but Obama's plan is horrendous and would be horrible for healthcare in the US.There is a lot we have to fix but not like this. It will create rationing of care and longer wait times to get procedures etc etc etc.
I believe that the principles for Obama's healthcare plans are legitimate.

Under the current system, the insurance companies make huge profits from denying people needed medical services. That is why people with pre-existingconditions are denied care, which does not make sense because they are the people who need it the most. People who either cannot get or afford healthcareinsurance use emergency rooms as a last resort and those enormous medical bills are passed onto the government because they can't pay it. Profit is themotivating force in our current system and this is also why a purely capitalistic system wouldn't work either. Capitalism is driven by profit margins, notproviding adequate human care.

Obama's plan is exactly what this country needs. It is regulated capitalism. A public plan would force healthcare providers to provide better service inorder to charge higher premiums. Look at the US Postal Service as an example. The USPS provides adequate services but if you want faster or more accurateservice you can pay for it at UPS or FedEX. Both these companies compete with a government institution but somehow they are magically still profitable. It isbecause they provide premium services and people are wiling to pay for it.

Unregulated capitalism will result in the type of mess that the financial sector is in. Social medicine will stifle innovation. It's ok to make money butlet's just not do it on the backs of sick people.
A purely socialist system would work

No, it wouldnt. Socialism only works as long as they dont run out of other peoples money.
Again, France the number 1 ranked health care system in the world. Their health care is government controlled.

Those WHO rankings are totally flawed. France has NO WHERE near the population and massive immigration we do. Tell me what goes on in France that doesn'thappen here? Dude, I've interned in over 10 hospitals and not once have I ever seen ANYONE be denied care, ever. It's a federal law that anyone thatgoes to a ER gets treated.

On top of it, this so called "plan" would even take into effect until 2013, BUT WE NEED IT NOW!!! PEOPLE ARE DIENG IN THE STREETS OMGZZZ!!!!
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