Anyone Watch Obama Explain His Healthcare Bill?

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Originally Posted by Fede DPT

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Explain to me why we have Diplomats from ALL OVER THE WORLD to come to the U.S. to get treatment? I mean, if its so great overseas and ours is so terrible, why come here?
Name me 3 diplomats who did this. No one is claiming U.S doesn't have good treatment available, they just don't have good treatment available to the majority of Americans. The reason these other countries are better ranked us is because they don't have to choose between getting health care or being debt free, which is a real life decision for me and a large number of other Americans.

Off of the top of my head Canada's parliament member Belinda Stronach recieved breast cancer treatment in California and Silvio Berlusconi received treatment for his prostate cancer.
So because 2 of the thousands of diplomats in the world have come to the U.S for health care, that totally nullfies the 49 million Americans without healthcare?

You do know that
Illness and medical bills caused half of the 1,458,000 personal bankruptcies in 2001, according to a study published by the journal
Read more:

And even worst
The study estimates that medical bankruptcies affect about 2 million Americans annually -- counting debtors and their dependents, including about 700,000 children.

Surprisingly, most of those bankrupted by illness had health insurance.

We really going to play this game? You asked me to name diplomats and I did. Canada is so great, right? Why would someone from parliament come here for treatment if its so great? Same thing goes for Berlusconi?

49 million Americans dont have insurance? Dude, there are 12-15 million ILLEGAL immigrants in this country, so knock off that from the 49 million and a large population of that earns over 70k a year and can afford to buy insurance but CHOOSE not to have it, why? Because they are still young and it doesnt make sense to pay $150-200 a month for a single person who doesnt get sick. I'm 25, I don't have health insurance. I havent seen a doctor in 5 years for being sick, why would pay $150 a month on something I dont need? I currently make $10k a year because I'm not done with school entirely, but if it so happens I do get sick I can afford to pay $65 to the the doctor and pay what ever it costs for antibiotics rather than wasting money.

Whatever, I'm done arguing, I can't believe somebody is as foolish as you. Keep living life with no insurance. Our health system is justdandy because two foreign leaders got treated here.

My momma told me not to argue with fools.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by GTEK

Your country is debating on whether some people can live or die due to cost of medical care.

Lives < Profit.

While in other countries some people die waiting to get a procedure done. No one in the US is denied care or has to wait for care.

Who told you that?
There is a difference between caring and maintaining just till death.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by GTEK

Your country is debating on whether some people can live or die due to cost of medical care.

Lives < Profit.

While in other countries some people die waiting to get a procedure done. No one in the US is denied care or has to wait for care.
This is exactly why they want National Healthcare.
The " we want healtchcare for all Americans" is a big facade.

This plan has almost everything to do with money and power and very little to do with actual healthcare.
This is all about changing the habits of the public and molding society.

As usual, most are hung up on the public debate which is merely a facade.
Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by GTEK

Your country is debating on whether some people can live or die due to cost of medical care.

Lives < Profit.

While in other countries some people die waiting to get a procedure done. No one in the US is denied care or has to wait for care.

Who told you that?
There is a difference between caring and mainting just till death.
I TOLD myself that because of the endless cycles of non insured patients I see who we order endless CT MRIs PET SCANS, BONE SCANS, meds, Bloodtransfusions, SURGERIES ETC ETC ETC. They are never discharged because they cant pay the bill.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

Whatever, I'm done arguing, I can't believe somebody is as foolish as you. Keep living life with no insurance. Our health system is just dandy because two foreign leaders got treated here.

My momma told me not to argue with fools.

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by GTEK

Your country is debating on whether some people can live or die due to cost of medical care.

Lives < Profit.

While in other countries some people die waiting to get a procedure done. No one in the US is denied care or has to wait for care.

Who told you that?
There is a difference between caring and mainting just till death.
I TOLD myself that because of the endless cycles of non insured patients I see who we order endless CT MRIs PET SCANS, BONE SCANS, meds, Blood transfusions, SURGERIES ETC ETC ETC.

Sorry but that doesnt speak for everyone.
While your end of the table may accept them another may turn its head.
Yeah, we have pretty good care in America relative to the massive health care demands placed on our providers shoulders.

The problem is the finance side. If medical providers and institutions were allowed to do what they are meant to do and efficiently care for patients andexpand their operations with decent profits...there would be no waiting times and all sorts of medical advances but as it stand hospitals have to scrape nailand tooth to stay afloat.
Although the pharmaceutical industry claims to be a high-risk business, year after year drug companies enjoy higher profits than any other industry. In 2002, for example, the top 10 drug companies in the United States had a median profit margin of 17%, compared with only 3.1% for all the other industries on the Fortune 500 list.[sup]1[/sup] Indeed, subtracting losses from gains, those 10 companies made more in profits that year than the other 490 companies put together. Pfizer, the world's number-one drug company, had a profit margin of 26% of sales. In 2003, for the first time in over 2 decades, the pharmaceutical industry fell slightly from its number-one spot to third, but this was explained by special circumstances, including Pfizer's purchase of another drug giant, Pharmacia, which cut into its profits for the year. The industry's profits were still an extraordinary 14% of sales, well above the median of 4.6% for other industries.[sup]2[/sup] A business that is consistently so profitable can hardly be considered risky.

Profits at 10 of the country's largest publicly traded health insurance companies rose 428 percent from 2000 to 2007, while consumers paid more for less coverage. One of the major reasons, according to a new study, is the growing lack of competition in the private health insurance industry that has led to near monopoly conditions in many markets.

While Pfizer is seeing 40% profit margins (10 times the rest of the average American corps) and United Healthcare profits soar155%
in a year...guess how much profit a successful hospital in New York is seeing...wait for it...wait for it.......1- 2 %

Its ridiculous.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by GTEK

Your country is debating on whether some people can live or die due to cost of medical care.

Lives < Profit.

While in other countries some people die waiting to get a procedure done. No one in the US is denied care or has to wait for care.
This is exactly why they want National Healthcare.
The " we want healtchcare for all Americans" is a big facade.

This plan has almost everything to do with money and power and very little to do with actual healthcare.
This is all about changing the habits of the public and molding society.

As usual, most are hung up on the public debate which is merely a facade.

Of course, it's not about health care. It's not about helping out those people who don't have insurance. They want control, with this bill theGov't will know EVER little thing about your past medical history and will dictate treatment based on your passed history.
You can always get care somewhere it may not be at the best hospital in the city but you can always go to county hospitals etc who are providing care to theunderserved.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by GTEK

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by GTEK

Your country is debating on whether some people can live or die due to cost of medical care.

Lives < Profit.

While in other countries some people die waiting to get a procedure done. No one in the US is denied care or has to wait for care.

Who told you that?
There is a difference between caring and mainting just till death.
I TOLD myself that because of the endless cycles of non insured patients I see who we order endless CT MRIs PET SCANS, BONE SCANS, meds, Blood transfusions, SURGERIES ETC ETC ETC.
i believe that hospitals are only legally required to care for patients in life threatening situations, and at least get them stabilized beforedischarging them. They have the right to deny care based on a patients ability to repay.
On another note, can anyone out there who works in the medical feilds answer another question for me. (thanks fede for your suggestion a few posts back abouthow to reduce costs)

Why do doctors work with HMO's to begin with? Why can't they just purchase malpractice insurance and then see whoever they want and treat them withoutadhering to the guidelines put in place by HMO's/PPO's etc? What benefits do these institutions bring to the doctors?
Originally Posted by 718stylez

On another note, can anyone out there who works in the medical feilds answer another question for me. (thanks fede for your suggestion a few posts back about how to reduce costs)

Why do doctors work with HMO's to begin with? Why can't they just purchase malpractice insurance and then see whoever they want and treat them without adhering to the guidelines put in place by HMO's/PPO's etc? What benefits do these institutions bring to the doctors?
Doctors work with HMOs because that what their patient are covered by. They don't have a choice. If I go to a doctor and I have an Aetna HMOpolicy...that Dr. is going to get paid for his/her services from my HMO plan.

Malpractice insurance is something different entirely. Doctors are the one covered by malpractice insurance. Its like what car insurance is to us. If a doctoris performing surgery on you and he a makes a mistake that causes you harm and you successfully sue him for 10 million dollars...his malpractice insurancepolicy will have to pay you that judgment. Just like if you crash your car your insurance will have to pay for the damages.
Originally Posted by 718stylez

On another note, can anyone out there who works in the medical feilds answer another question for me. (thanks fede for your suggestion a few posts back about how to reduce costs)

Why do doctors work with HMO's to begin with? Why can't they just purchase malpractice insurance and then see whoever they want and treat them without adhering to the guidelines put in place by HMO's/PPO's etc? What benefits do these institutions bring to the doctors? them for their services!!?
Originally Posted by 718stylez

On another note, can anyone out there who works in the medical feilds answer another question for me. (thanks fede for your suggestion a few posts back about how to reduce costs)

Why do doctors work with HMO's to begin with? Why can't they just purchase malpractice insurance and then see whoever they want and treat them without adhering to the guidelines put in place by HMO's/PPO's etc? What benefits do these institutions bring to the doctors?

HMO's sometimes trick the physicians. This is how it works, an HMO will come to a doctor and say we will write you a check for $50,000 for example,regardless of how many patients they treat it can be 10 or it can be 1,000, if you work in a big population an HMO doesn't pay because the reimbursement islow and the patient load is high. My boss sometimes gets paid as little as $13 for HMO patient, $13 does even pay for the shipping and handling on supplies inthe office.

A lot of doctors dont even carry malpractice insurance anymore because of the high premiums, but Florida state law states that they have to put up a sign toshow the patients that you do not carry malpractice insurance.
are you seriously asking that question? i apologize for engaging you in debate earlier ...

says the guy who thinks insurance companies dont play a role in patient care.
thanks for adding nothing to the debate. and way to shuck on out of qualifying any of ur previous asinine statements.
Doctors work with HMOs because that what their patient are covered by. They don't have a choice. If I go to a doctor and I have an Aetna HMO policy...that Dr. is going to get paid for his/her services from my HMO plan.

Malpractice insurance is something different entirely. Doctors are the one covered by malpractice insurance. Its like what car insurance is to us. If a doctor is performing surgery on you and he a makes a mistake that causes you harm and you successfully sue him for 10 million dollars...his malpractice insurance policy will have to pay you that judgment. Just like if you crash your car your insurance will have to pay for the damages.
abeautifulhaze. wawaweewa

i get that HMO's pay the doctors, but don't doctors have to agree to sign up with that HMO and follow that HMO's patient guidelines? if a doctor istruly concerned with patient care why not just buy malpractice insurance and be done with it and be able to see whomever like they did back in the day when itwas just patient and doc? are doctors regular fees too expensive these days for a patient to afford without the aid of an HMO? maybe im oversimplifying this.
Most doctors work for a larger institution like a University Hospital. That Hospital gets paid by the insurance company and the the hospital pays the doctorstheir cut. So the negotiations really take place between the Insurance and the hospital not the insurance and the doctor.

For independent physicians...there really don't have much of a choice or any type of leeway. They have to take what the insurance is paying. If all of yourpatients have Aetna or just have to accept what they pay or you won't get paid at all.

Malpractice insurance doesn't pay the doctors, its pays the patients in case the doctors screw up.

Yeah, Dr.s visits today are way too expensive for the old Pt. - Dr. relationship. Doctors visits run into the thousands of dollars for the simplestthings...thats why insurances/HMOs starting becoming a necessity.
Originally Posted by BabyJordan0312

Canada > USA with regards to Health Care.

Don't believe all the crap you hear.

In Vancouver, Canada. We get better Health Care than any US City I have ever been to.

And guess what, If you have $$$, then you do have an option to go for a private test/CT scan or whatever it is you need.

The basic point of our health care

"Treat everyone equal regardless of economic class and to give everyone at least a chance"

In the US. You can find yourself +#!# out of luck with some of the worst health care I have seen in the world for their poor underprivileged class.
if only they knew brutha....everyone would be a lot better off in the states if they borrowed our system.
Obama's so far only fulfilled 2 of his 25 campaign promises. Don't know about you, but I think that's somewhat underwhelming
Most doctors work for a larger institution like a University Hospital. That Hospital gets paid by the insurance company and the the hospital pays the doctors their cut. So the negotiations really take place between the Insurance and the hospital not the insurance and the doctor.

For independent physicians...there really don't have much of a choice or any type of leeway. They have to take what the insurance is paying. If all of your patients have Aetna or just have to accept what they pay or you won't get paid at all.

Malpractice insurance doesn't pay the doctors, its pays the patients in case the doctors screw up.

Yeah, Dr.s visits today are way too expensive for the old Pt. - Dr. relationship. Doctors visits run into the thousands of dollars for the simplest things...thats why insurances/HMOs starting becoming a necessity.

thanks for the info.
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by BabyJordan0312

Canada > USA with regards to Health Care.

Don't believe all the crap you hear.

In Vancouver, Canada. We get better Health Care than any US City I have ever been to.

And guess what, If you have $$$, then you do have an option to go for a private test/CT scan or whatever it is you need.

The basic point of our health care

"Treat everyone equal regardless of economic class and to give everyone at least a chance"

In the US. You can find yourself +#!# out of luck with some of the worst health care I have seen in the world for their poor underprivileged class.
if only they knew brutha....everyone would be a lot better off in the states if they borrowed our system.

Lol this is funny to me. How old are you and what major medical ailments have you required major treatment for. I am guessing based on this board that you areyoung and pretty much free of any underlying health issues.
this will only work if there is some kind of tax that goes towards the cause.



imagine all the money that has gone towards war... if only 50-60 percent of that was spent.... it would be enough
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Originally Posted by crcballer55

A purely socialist system would work.
Name one place in the world where a purely socialist system has worked.

It has never worked anywhere but this is what Obama wants us to become. It makes absolutely zero sense.
there has not been a socialist system yet if you go by Max's theory
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