Anyone Watch Obama Explain His Healthcare Bill?

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by BabyJordan0312

Canada > USA with regards to Health Care.

Don't believe all the crap you hear.

In Vancouver, Canada. We get better Health Care than any US City I have ever been to.

And guess what, If you have $$$, then you do have an option to go for a private test/CT scan or whatever it is you need.

The basic point of our health care

"Treat everyone equal regardless of economic class and to give everyone at least a chance"

In the US. You can find yourself +#!# out of luck with some of the worst health care I have seen in the world for their poor underprivileged class.
if only they knew brutha....everyone would be a lot better off in the states if they borrowed our system.

Lol this is funny to me. How old are you and what major medical ailments have you required major treatment for. I am guessing based on this board that you are young and pretty much free of any underlying health issues.

smh @ people you know me? then stop talking. i'm a 22 year old mid-level exec for a multi national corporation....ignorance at its finestfor even assuming my family or my health is peachy keen. how many people do you know that DO NOT have someone close to them or they themselves an ailment or ahandicap.
Healthcare is much more complex than most of you guys think it is. I have few observations on salient points that show up in every discussion of this issue.

- The WHO rankings are terrible. The biggest lie today has a "#37" in it.

- Our system does deliver the best outcomes.

- Our system is the least financially fair.

- Our system has some major flaws. Some of those flaws are the result of past government intervention and others are the result of market failures.

- There is no such thin gas free lunch, lower costs means less care.

- The fact that we spend twice as much on healthcare is largely a result of the fact that old people get live saving medical care. Americans have a choice andopt to expend a lot of resources to very expensively extend life. The way government controlled systems control costs is largely but telling people over 70 to80 years old, drop dead.

- We need more, not less market elements in order to increase efficiencies, that is the only way to lower costs and improve quality and access all at once.

- A free market system will leave some out, for those few, government should just pay for their insurance.
Don't expect a change any time soon.

There are too many former health industry and drug company big shots with positions high in the Obama administration and in our government agencies.
Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Originally Posted by BrOwNiN187

Originally Posted by BabyJordan0312

Canada > USA with regards to Health Care.

Don't believe all the crap you hear.

In Vancouver, Canada. We get better Health Care than any US City I have ever been to.

And guess what, If you have $$$, then you do have an option to go for a private test/CT scan or whatever it is you need.

The basic point of our health care

"Treat everyone equal regardless of economic class and to give everyone at least a chance"

In the US. You can find yourself +#!# out of luck with some of the worst health care I have seen in the world for their poor underprivileged class.
if only they knew brutha....everyone would be a lot better off in the states if they borrowed our system.

Lol this is funny to me. How old are you and what major medical ailments have you required major treatment for. I am guessing based on this board that you are young and pretty much free of any underlying health issues.

smh @ people you know me? then stop talking. i'm a 22 year old mid-level exec for a multi national corporation....ignorance at its finest for even assuming my family or my health is peachy keen. how many people do you know that DO NOT have someone close to them or they themselves an ailment or a handicap.
22 and already a mid-level executive at a large exportation? The same age as most people graduate college? I would love to hear that story but wecan save that for another post.

UTVOL23 made an assumption that you were young, which you are and I would say that it was fair assumption, not an ignorant one, to say that people in their20's are less prone to major health problems than people in their 50's. He also raised a valid question which you did not answer. You stated thatCanada's system is better than the US system, are your personal experiences based on minor illnesses or major operations? Also, have you ever personallyexperienced US healthcare?
that's why voting FTL.

anyone not absolutely disgusted with the american gov't should start packing there bags for a new country sometime soon. or get your burial plans ready.
Originally Posted by UTVOL23

Oh yeah Canada's system is great other than the fact that the system is going broke, horrible wait times and lack of physicians because they are leaving not wanting to work under the current system. Its going stellar

All this talk about you have a public option for health care. In the bill on page 16 for reference they clearly state that whatever program you are in when National health care starts, you must remain in that program forever. If your employer cancels the program, then you would the public option,

Once again an American talking about something he knows nothing about. U live in canada fam.... didn't think so. If there is something wrong with u incanada then u get looked at and fixed. People acting like peeps are dying in the waiting times.
I decided to let this thread play out, before I made a comment so here it goes.

I watched the press conference, and watched analysis on it. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. Abeautifulhaze Irewound the red pill, blue pill analogy a few times to see if I caught what you did. He has a long pause that makes it seem like a stumble but it makes sense,and is easy to follow. I agree he could have done better. But he killed the spending, debt, deficit argument. I think he gets a B overall for the conference.We needed an A+ but what he did wasn't bad. I also would like to give you props for many of your posts in this thread they were good.

Private insurance is a bureaucracy worse than government, they partake in rationing in a sense. Let me also state since September '08, 5 million Americanshave been dropped from insurance. Under our health care insurance currently, nothing is determined by your doctor. If a Dr. says I need something I can bedenied. So don't act like a Health Board is anywhere near the Private Insurance Board which is more intrusive into our care.

Obama's "socialist health care policy" is a Public Option and follows Capitalism principle of Competition. They compete with private insurance. Asocialist plan would kill Private Insurance without competition, which isn't even socialist it is facist but for sake of argument I'll give you thisnod. If you want the public option get it, if you don't do as is. And I looked at the page 16 of the bill nowhere does it say you have to stay on 1 or theother forever. That is a lie. You can switch back and forth and that is where the Public Option gets its name. We let private insurance compete againsteach other and cost went up. It didn't work. Your free market failed on this one. Michelle Bachman says there will be a 30-40% decrease on cost under thegovernment's plan. Thanks crazy conservative lady for making our argument.

The reason they can't compete is because they are inefficient. High cost and treatment that doesn't equal what I am paying for. If I pay $5 for fooddon't get me $1 worth.

FedEx, UPS compete with USPS. Have they gone out of business? Who competes with Amtrak? Try Greyhound, City Buses, Airlines, all transportation compete witheach other. Shockwave made the argument to this already.

Health care Costs 1 trillion not 1.5 trillion… $545 billion will come from the 2-3% tax increase on all money over $1million.

And I'll tell you why this bill is having trouble passing. The Dems with "balls" HA! This is where they got their balls. Ex: Max Baucus got$1.5mil from Health Care company donations in 07-08. $170 million was given to the Senate by these companies total in 07-08. To be fair Dems got 54%, butwhatever party is in control gets more money see Health Care donations pre-2006. They don't have "balls" they are compromised. If there were NoHealth Care Lobbyists and this thing would pass with 70+ votes in the Senate. Roy Blunt the Republican who was supposed to make the Alternative Plan was askedwhen the plan was coming out and he said "Our bill is never going to get to the floor, so why confuse the focus? We clearly have principles; we could havelanguage, but why start diverting attention from this really bad piece of work they've got to whatever we're offering right now?" Yeah there areother good ideas to help health care, it is to kill the only idea on the floor.

A lower income safety net would be helpful somewhat.. But the problem is more than covering some of those who are uninsured and that's cost which isn'taddressed by that idea completely. It doesn't fix the MAJOR problems.

UTVol People are denied care. Pre-existing condition exemptions kill thousands a year. FACT.. It will quite possibly kill my mom's co-worker who works AT AHOSPITAL. So people who work in Medical Fields do not get treatment.

Should we fine people who don't get health care insurance? Do you guys have car insurance? If not and are caught you get a fine, at least you do in NY.With the possibility of even more consequence. So why shouldn't we fine those who don't have health insurance? It is a detriment to those who have itjust like the car insurance equivalent.

We do have some of the best if not best doctors. But having these caliber doctors do not translate into good care.. People shouldn't have to go to the ERfor every little pain. Those who go to the ER for treatment gets what will make them feel better for the moment not what fixes it so they come back a handfulof times. For the 1 millionth time those uninsured currently will get help to pay for the insurance but will still pay, nothing is FREE and I agree with this.

Kix4Kix Hillary would have gotten stonewalled also on Health Care just like she did in 93-94. She is a credible voice on it though and I hope Obama gets herinput too, even if it isn't her job. I wish he would get Howard Dean in but Rahm is a %+*#%%* and hates Dean so he never lets him in the door. Hence, hedidn't get a cabinet position.

SIRIUS Lee Please check before you talk.

Senator Jeff Smith.. I think what you mean is Goldman Sachs employees. But we wont get health care reform because Obama is not pushing it
Originally Posted by Essential1

I decided to let this thread play out, before I made a comment so here it goes.

I watched the press conference, and watched analysis on it. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible. Abeautifulhaze I rewound the red pill, blue pill analogy a few times to see if I caught what you did. He has a long pause that makes it seem like a stumble but it makes sense, and is easy to follow. I agree he could have done better. But he killed the spending, debt, deficit argument. I think he gets a B overall for the conference. We needed an A+ but what he did wasn't bad. I also would like to give you props for many of your posts in this thread they were good.

Private insurance is a bureaucracy worse than government, they partake in rationing in a sense. Let me also state since September '08, 5 million Americans have been dropped from insurance. Under our health care insurance currently, nothing is determined by your doctor. If a Dr. says I need something I can be denied. So don't act like a Health Board is anywhere near the Private Insurance Board which is more intrusive into our care.

Obama's "socialist health care policy" is a Public Option and follows Capitalism principle of Competition. They compete with private insurance. A socialist plan would kill Private Insurance without competition, which isn't even socialist it is facist but for sake of argument I'll give you this nod. If you want the public option get it, if you don't do as is. And I looked at the page 16 of the bill nowhere does it say you have to stay on 1 or the other forever. That is a lie. You can switch back and forth and that is where the Public Option gets its name. We let private insurance compete against each other and cost went up. It didn't work. Your free market failed on this one. Michelle Bachman says there will be a 30-40% decrease on cost under the government's plan. Thanks crazy conservative lady for making our argument.

The reason they can't compete is because they are inefficient. High cost and treatment that doesn't equal what I am paying for. If I pay $5 for food don't get me $1 worth.

FedEx, UPS compete with USPS. Have they gone out of business? Who competes with Amtrak? Try Greyhound, City Buses, Airlines, all transportation compete with each other. Shockwave made the argument to this already.

Health care Costs 1 trillion not 1.5 trillion… $545 billion will come from the 2-3% tax increase on all money over $1million.

And I'll tell you why this bill is having trouble passing. The Dems with "balls" HA! This is where they got their balls. Ex: Max Baucus got $1.5mil from Health Care company donations in 07-08. $170 million was given to the Senate by these companies total in 07-08. To be fair Dems got 54%, but whatever party is in control gets more money see Health Care donations pre-2006. They don't have "balls" they are compromised. If there were No Health Care Lobbyists and this thing would pass with 70+ votes in the Senate. Roy Blunt the Republican who was supposed to make the Alternative Plan was asked when the plan was coming out and he said "Our bill is never going to get to the floor, so why confuse the focus? We clearly have principles; we could have language, but why start diverting attention from this really bad piece of work they've got to whatever we're offering right now?" Yeah there are other good ideas to help health care, it is to kill the only idea on the floor.

A lower income safety net would be helpful somewhat.. But the problem is more than covering some of those who are uninsured and that's cost which isn't addressed by that idea completely. It doesn't fix the MAJOR problems.

UTVol People are denied care. Pre-existing condition exemptions kill thousands a year. FACT.. It will quite possibly kill my mom's co-worker who works AT A HOSPITAL. So people who work in Medical Fields do not get treatment.

Should we fine people who don't get health care insurance? Do you guys have car insurance? If not and are caught you get a fine, at least you do in NY. With the possibility of even more consequence. So why shouldn't we fine those who don't have health insurance? It is a detriment to those who have it just like the car insurance equivalent.

We do have some of the best if not best doctors. But having these caliber doctors do not translate into good care.. People shouldn't have to go to the ER for every little pain. Those who go to the ER for treatment gets what will make them feel better for the moment not what fixes it so they come back a handful of times. For the 1 millionth time those uninsured currently will get help to pay for the insurance but will still pay, nothing is FREE and I agree with this.

Kix4Kix Hillary would have gotten stonewalled also on Health Care just like she did in 93-94. She is a credible voice on it though and I hope Obama gets her input too, even if it isn't her job. I wish he would get Howard Dean in but Rahm is a %+*#%%* and hates Dean so he never lets him in the door. Hence, he didn't get a cabinet position.

SIRIUS Lee Please check before you talk.

Senator Jeff Smith.. I think what you mean is Goldman Sachs employees. But we wont get health care reform because Obama is not pushing it
The sad thing is most people will ignore all this information you posted and go with the thinking that Obama's health care = socialism =bad....a most simpler, and less cognitively straining of an analysis.
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