Any Police Officers within the NT world?

how does hating a profession = hating a race

get over it.....some folks have had bad experiences with cops.....I had a cop purposely bump into me trying to get a reaction......also had a cop trying to arrest me if I cursed one time in a situation where I was walking away from the problem.....luckily a veteran officer came over and told him to chill 

personally I don't hate cops as a whole but there are a lot of them that get into it for the wrong reasons and they end up being the ones doing foul ****....or be so damn ***** they'll kill an innocent person 

You could literally replace the word cops with a race and that's what racist people say.

Hate is hate is hate.....

Why not judge the individual and not the generalization? That's all I'm saying
Prepare for your crucifixion my friend.

Police officers are considered the scourge of society on NT.
I hope there is a day that a cop does something good for me other than reminding me that I'm a black male in America :lol:
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I don't hate cops and i realize all aren't the same but once again i poise the question as how someone could willingly work for an NYPD, LAPD, or in further terms the DEA and not feel some kind of guilt.

Yea you could be clean as a whistle but you KNOW there is a higher up in your division who is bending the rules somewhere to protect someone in a high ranking position, someone in a higher position who demands certain places get policed heavier and better than others because they pay more in taxes, someone in a higher position that regulates the law based on stats rather then really helping the community that they "Swore" to protect.

What do officers do in those positions? that's my biggest issue with law enforcement is the constant willingness and sometimes need to turn your eye to morals in order to build stats...

Anybody with a real answer ?
Anybody with a real answer ?

Yeah, the real answer is there is corruption in EVERY workplace. Walmart, hospitals, mcdonalds, police, city, boroughs, politics, the government, the court system, wall street. Everywhere. No matter what your field is, there is always someone somewhere breaking the "rules" to protect the higher ups. Its just how the world works.
Yeah, the real answer is there is corruption in EVERY workplace. Walmart, hospitals, mcdonalds, police, city, boroughs, politics, the government, the court system, wall street. Everywhere. No matter what your field is, there is always someone somewhere breaking the "rules" to protect the higher ups. Its just how the world works.

Yes but those forms of corruption don't directly order you to possibly destroy someones life in order to keep up stats...... so once again i ask how people feel
How some of you guys get treated by police is on you. I live in Los Angeles and I've never gotten treated by a cop badly unless I popped off at the mouth.
How some of you guys get treated by police is on you. I live in Los Angeles and I've never gotten treated by a cop badly unless I popped off at the mouth.


come to NY homie.

you'll change your tune right quick when you get stopped and frisked for no reason (has happened to me on more than one occasion).

I myself was assaulted by an undercover who stopped next to my car at a red-light. He and two fellow officers stopped right next to my car and baited us (I had two passengers as well) into almost coming into blows with them and only then did they identify themselves as officers (after insulting us and acting like they wanted to fight). After he identified himself as a cop he sucker punched me with his flashlight in hand.

That's just ONE example of police ******** I've been through, none of which I brought upon myself. From quota-filling cops to corrupt undercovers trying to find something, ANYTHING to harass me over.

So **** the police, no love for them piglets. Good cop? Don't care. It'll be a matter of time until every good cop gets indoctrinated into the corrupt culture of policing. They're all agents of the prison-industrial complex. Entire police unions lobby to keep harmless drugs like marijuana illegal so they can go around busting kids and quota filling instead of actually doing real police work.
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wheres gatzby to tell us that story of him being shot at a house party for the millionth time.

always loved that story.
How some of you guys get treated by police is on you. I live in Los Angeles and I've never gotten treated by a cop badly unless I popped off at the mouth.
I don't hate cops and i realize all aren't the same but once again i poise the question as how someone could willingly work for an NYPD, LAPD, or in further terms the DEA and not feel some kind of guilt.

Yea you could be clean as a whistle but you KNOW there is a higher up in your division who is bending the rules somewhere to protect someone in a high ranking position, someone in a higher position who demands certain places get policed heavier and better than others because they pay more in taxes, someone in a higher position that regulates the law based on stats rather then really helping the community that they "Swore" to protect.

What do officers do in those positions? that's my biggest issue with law enforcement is the constant willingness and sometimes need to turn your eye to morals in order to build stats...
the whole world is corrupt bro.  

, me im always very respectful to cops , answer yes sir no sir , cop was a **** arrested my bro and being a **** to me 

. punk *** cops protected by they badges. 
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Seems like I've had good luck. But lakers man why was your bro arrested if you don't mind me asking.
WE WAS  in my ride but we stopped at 711. i seen some girl that i knew said whats up. his wife gets all crazy yelling and screaming . so we driving home and shes punching my bro like crazy mind hes pushing  her from the front seat. she calls cop and i tell cops i was the only witness and what went down. said we dont care. my brother has a bunch of scrathes on his face her face is red . gets arrested. mind you my sister in law has put hands on my other brother. my bro and sister in law have been on the steve wilkos show for her being violent . 

i tell officer excuse me but isnt the law that whoever hits gets arrested whether they want to press charges or not . he said no your brother says he dont want to press charges on her but she wants to press charges him thats why she not getting arrested. 
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I don't understand why people conflate one person's actions with an entire group. When a cop abuses his privilege with a citizen, does that mean all cops abuse their privilege with all citizens? It's akin to someone saying that because a person who happens to be race X robs a bank, that all people of race X will do that or similar behavior.
DR anything.

all i want to say is, out here in texas a lot of cops are still racist. :D

peace and love to you all.
I don't understand why people conflate one person's actions with an entire group. When a cop abuses his privilege with a citizen, does that mean all cops abuse their privilege with all citizens? It's akin to someone saying that because a person who happens to be race X robs a bank, that all people of race X will do that or similar behavior.

when an individual is a constituent of an agency then whatever that agency does reflects upon that person and vice versa.

when an individual belongs to an agency that profiles the civilian population, enforces quotas instead of enforcing the law (to inflate department funding), lobbies to keep impractical and damaging policies/laws in place (also to inflate funding), and has a history of excess violence, racism and cronyism then that individual is part of the problem.

you can't help being born a certain way, but you can choose what you align yourself with in life. for me? cops represent a necessary EVIL, an evil I want nothing to do with.
I understand where you're coming from. I feel that it's an oversimplification to say that someone agreeing to enter into law force is inherently part of problems that existed long before said person considered entering into the service. I understand that these concerns should be on anyone's mind before joining, but I don't believe that the sins of the police stain every person who enters and makes an honest effort of doing good in their community. Indeed, someone joining with an honest desire to do well should be supported.
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