Any Police Officers within the NT world?

Boosie said with out that badge you a .....

I've done couple process, including Baltimore and DC and il say this.. get ready for a long time consuming process. Also stay fit and clean

I went through the Pittsburgh Police process starting last November, and just wrapping up this month
Also.. if its what you really want stay persistent and don't give up.. I've been trying to get on a department since 08 nypd and have tried several department since. Keep going. I have a lot of rapid rewards from southwest for traveling so much lol. I'm 28 now and hopefully il be in somewhere by 30
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Also.. if its what you really want stay persistent and don't give up.. I've been trying to get on a department since 08 nypd and have tried several department since. Keep going. I have a lot of rapid rewards from southwest for traveling so much lol. I'm 28 now and hopefully il be in somewhere by 30

Yea I've heard that A LOT. I actually used to talk to this female who's pops was sergeant for a small town in between Austin and San Antonio who said he'd hook me up with a job after I finish the academy. Long story short, I left shorty out to dry and I don't think I'd ever be able to get a police job in Kyle, TX anymore :lol: :smh:
Im a LEO in nj. Majored in criminal justice. Doesnt matter what you have a degree in. A college degree is just so they can justify to the public why our salaries are $100,000+

Hiring process was long and competitive. Best advice i can give you is to apply to as many departments as you can, stay out of trouble and be in good shape
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How far back can those tests detect? I wouldn't have anything to worry about unless its multiple years. 
Easy fix...Shave your head bald and let it grow back. Shave your eyebrows back by 25% of their normal one will notice. I would guess that would be a number 2 clipper? Maybe a number 3 if your eyebrows are longer than normal?  Do that for the course of 2 months and you'll have new eyebrows that no one noticed getting cut back and grown back by only a couple millimeters at at time.  I don't think they would take arm or leg hair but you can do the same thing with a clipper. Take out a number 3....trim it down, grow it back, trim it down, grow it back. Entire 2 months you'd have all new hair all over your body. Hell you could even pluck eyelashes out a few at at time until you've eventually plucked them all and grown them back. But honestly, I think they only take hair from your head.
Prepare for your crucifixion my friend.

Police officers are considered the scourge of society on NT.

No, murderous, violent police officers are and rightfully so.

Dudes making it sound like I just opened the floodgates to Hades :lol:
They're joking but yes, there are many clowns on NT who think every cop is corrupt and will shoot their 1st born in the face given the opportunity.

Sadly there are a number of cops employed in this country who would shoot a black/brown 1st born baby in the face given half an opportunity.
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One of the two police departments I really wanted to get on told me I was disqualified for leaving off a drug I used back in 08 but I put it on my backgroud packet but I left it off the pre employment questionnaire so they disqualified me permanently. :smh:

The other I didn't score high enough on the oral board interview, but I passed the oral board for previous dept and they asked the same exact questions :smh:

They say honesty is the best policy but they only say that to weed out candidates.
I'd major in Emergency Management.

we gotta a lot of thug on NT lol

I thought about this too, Im in school for paramedic and firefighter tho. With out having connects in a department, its really hard to get a job. Think about joining a branch of military and go for MP job. Best thing to have in your resume, better than a degree.
Honestly I hate cops for so many reasons but have been blessed on rare occasion with helpful respectful ones.

Just try to be a good one, don't be corrupt, don't look out for corruptness. Treat everyone with respect.

That's all I really want from police. If I break the law I break the law and there are consequences.
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so everybody who doesnt have a badge is a "...."?

that seems really limiting

Maybe I might be mistaken but from what I understand, the song is intended to be directed at those who do posses a badge. Now, without the badge however, those same individuals would be considered less of a man in his sight.
But idk, I'm no street disciple; just a kid from the burbs
How far back can those tests detect? I wouldn't have anything to worry about unless its multiple years. :lol: :nerd:
Easy fix...Shave your head bald and let it grow back. Shave your eyebrows back by 25% of their normal one will notice. I would guess that would be a number 2 clipper? Maybe a number 3 if your eyebrows are longer than normal?  Do that for the course of 2 months and you'll have new eyebrows that no one noticed getting cut back and grown back by only a couple millimeters at at time.  I don't think they would take arm or leg hair but you can do the same thing with a clipper. Take out a number 3....trim it down, grow it back, trim it down, grow it back. Entire 2 months you'd have all new hair all over your body. Hell you could even pluck eyelashes out a few at at time until you've eventually plucked them all and grown them back. But honestly, I think they only take hair from your head.

They took it from my armpits
Not sure about your state but there is A LOT of states that will take experience in a related field > "credits". If your background is CLEAN you will have no problem getting into it. Make sure its what you really want to do before you get into it. Think long and hard about it. Don't even think about it if you have any sort of record, you'll get laughed at. Hopefully you are in decent shape too, there's a physical agility test required. Start practicing. Hopefully you have no mental issues either, they will do a psych test. Depending on how hard it is to get into your area, they usually do lie detector tests as well.

Most important thing to remember is, being a police officer, your #1 goal EVERYDAY is to come home safe to your family.

NT loves to talk **** on police but when **** goes down, they have no problem running to us for help.
How far back can those tests detect? I wouldn't have anything to worry about unless its multiple years. 
Easy fix...Shave your head bald and let it grow back. Shave your eyebrows back by 25% of their normal one will notice. I would guess that would be a number 2 clipper? Maybe a number 3 if your eyebrows are longer than normal?  Do that for the course of 2 months and you'll have new eyebrows that no one noticed getting cut back and grown back by only a couple millimeters at at time.  I don't think they would take arm or leg hair but you can do the same thing with a clipper. Take out a number 3....trim it down, grow it back, trim it down, grow it back. Entire 2 months you'd have all new hair all over your body. Hell you could even pluck eyelashes out a few at at time until you've eventually plucked them all and grown them back. But honestly, I think they only take hair from your head.
They took it from my armpits
was just about to post this.

they know all the little tricks, also there is no "magic" shampoo.
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Dumb. Should've went to school for something else. Get ready to put in work for petty pay. And much more bs down the road
Thats not true in terms of having connections. Small towns require the "connection", big cities just want merit.  I am a DC cop I should know.
futurehendrix- Although you think its petty pay remember we will always be employed and make super amounts of overtime (i.e. court). Also if you move up the ranks you can easily make six figures, the joy of civil service :smile:
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