Any Police Officers within the NT world?

Top pay in my dept in NJ is $110,000 before overtime, took me 7 years from my date of hire to reach that. At the time all you needed was 60 college credits or 2 years military. Now the new guys start at $36,000, need a bachelor's degree, 2 years military OR already police certified and itll take them 10 years to hit top pay. Cant complain about the schedule, 4 days on, 4 days off. A lot of guys have their own businesses (ie. construction, real estate) so they have something to do on their days off. You wont be rich from this profession but you can have a good life for you and your family. Ill be eligible to retire at 65% pay when im 48 yrs old, full benefits. For those still trying to get on the job, take all the tests you can, stay out of trouble and be in good physical, mental shape
How far you get will depend on who you associate with.

Know friends who are cops, they didn't go the criminal justice route simply because they want/wanted something to fall back on once they got tired of being a police officer. It's not for everybody.

Fall in line and you will be fine. Think for yourself and you will make a lot of enemies real fast. Politics are heavy, especially amongst those on the lower rung of the totem pole.

It's disgusting that this is how those who are suppose to be protecting the law have to move
also a ? are the people who trying to become a cop doing it because it's a stable career or because you actually want to uphold the law? because the latter isn't possible in all cases and can get you in trouble when facing certain situations.

Ex NYPD stop and frisk.... if you knew that your captain is telling you to harass young men of a certain color or see your role be diminished what then happens?
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Yeah right :rolleyes undercover ^ already way ahead of u :lol: blocked. why u lot got to come ruin everything, what business y'all got on nt, ain't y'all got better things to do like clean your gun and badge :smh: anyway I ain't looking to argue or derail the thread here, this can be ya'll little place to eat donuts drink coffee talk about what cases you working on, I'll leave you to it, good luck with your careers officers
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 Dude comes into the "any Officers on NT?" thread and says why the cops gotta come in and ruin everything. 

Just leave the thread, clown.
^That would be a hypocrite, and that's :smh: so if that's aimed at me, just know, calling you people ain't happening ever, break in my house and lay down, I stand by my statement, sorry if I came in here and hurt feelings, what I said ain't nothing new, nobody really likes you guys, take a survey, in my experience you ruin lives that's why I feel the way I do, persecute not protect, I have no love for you, have your thread, good luck with your lives, I ain't trying to argue or converse with you, there is a few of you who are sincere and want to help and serve and protect the community and to those I have no problem but that's far and few between in my experience all the ones I've encountered have some mad self righteous, corrupt, power abusing, superiority complex, straight up adrenaline junkie bullies for real, y'all just as bad if not worse as the bad guys just hide behind a badge, coward ish nothing worse than a wolf, snake in sheepskin clothing. So lame :smh: if you are appointed with power to protect and serve the people do just that
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 I ain't trying to argue or converse with you
But you have been for like 2 hours... 

If something happened to your little brother then you and your family have my sympathies but that has literally and precisely NOTHING to do with anyone in this thread.

You can either do what you've said you were going to do several times and block everyone and leave this thread alone... Or you can go on blaming people for something that they had 0% involvement with.
I hate that crap. Dudes come in here saying cops stereotype and label certain people when they're doing the same to us. Not every person is bad, just like not every cop is bad. Inherently, people in the world are actually good. It's the bad apples out there that ruin it for everybody, civilians and cops.
I hate that crap. Dudes come in here saying cops stereotype and label certain people when they're doing the same to us. Not every person is bad, just like not every cop is bad. Inherently, people in the world are actually good. It's the bad apples out there that ruin it for everybody, civilians and cops.

I also don't get it... Have someone say "I hate all black people" or "all white people are racist" and the world turns on them, but have someone say "I hate cops" and it's ok. Those types of statements are just as dumb, and just as prejudice.
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"I hate the police"

Someone breaks into their house

"Someone call the police!"
my neighbor is a cop and hes cool as hell. dont hate cops just the scumbag ones obviously ... i've had an encounter with cops in which i couldve taken a strike and got let go. I wanted to be a cop but got caught up and got a record. My pops works at the sheriffs department. don't hate cops i just don't like them in my presence.
I hate that crap. Dudes come in here saying cops stereotype and label certain people when they're doing the same to us. Not every person is bad, just like not every cop is bad. Inherently, people in the world are actually good. It's the bad apples out there that ruin it for everybody, civilians and cops.
I also don't get it... Have someone say "I hate all black people" or "all white people are racist" and the world turns on them, but have someone say "I hate cops" and it's ok. Those types of statements are just as dumb, and just as prejudice.
how does hating a profession = hating a race

get over it.....some folks have had bad experiences with cops.....I had a cop purposely bump into me trying to get a reaction......also had a cop trying to arrest me if I cursed one time in a situation where I was walking away from the problem.....luckily a veteran officer came over and told him to chill 

personally I don't hate cops as a whole but there are a lot of them that get into it for the wrong reasons and they end up being the ones doing foul ****....or be so damn ***** they'll kill an innocent person 
I don't hate cops and i realize all aren't the same but once again i poise the question as how someone could willingly work for an NYPD, LAPD, or in further terms the DEA and not feel some kind of guilt.

Yea you could be clean as a whistle but you KNOW there is a higher up in your division who is bending the rules somewhere to protect someone in a high ranking position, someone in a higher position who demands certain places get policed heavier and better than others because they pay more in taxes, someone in a higher position that regulates the law based on stats rather then really helping the community that they "Swore" to protect.

What do officers do in those positions? that's my biggest issue with law enforcement is the constant willingness and sometimes need to turn your eye to morals in order to build stats...
Cool story.
Haha, it really happened tho.  Pulled us over, started screaming about 'where's the marijuana?!?' with guns drawn.  didn't ask for our names, license, anything.  Obviously not all cops are like this but I've had enough negative experiences to know the average cop is not my friend.
I'd pull a gun on my own brother if he ever decided to smoke cancer sticks in the same car as me
Trust me I've thought about it before :lol:
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