Any Police Officers within the NT world?

NT loves to talk **** on police but when **** goes down, they have no problem running to us for help.

Alonzo gif

It's our duty to protect and serve, whether foreign or domestic. When dispatch calls, when it's bad or good. I'm there!

Citizens can call me names all they want. But it doesn't bother me, the moment they call me for help... i'm running there to help, despite what they've said.
I understand where you're coming from. I feel that it's an oversimplification to say that someone agreeing to enter into law force is inherently part of problems that existed long before said person considered entering into the service. I understand that these concerns should be on anyone's mind before joining, but I don't believe that the sins of the police stain every person who enters and makes an honest effort of doing good in their community. Indeed, someone joining with an honest desire to do well should be supported.

I hear you.

But there are a lot of careers in the criminal justice field.

There are a lot of ways to make a difference in ones community.

I mean I would be lying if I said I didn't want an honorable police force in our cities. Who wouldn't? Thing is that when a well intentioned young individual joins a police force the assimilation process begins. If you don't conform, you don't honor that thin blue line, you don't protect your fellow officer then you can lose your badge. These departments are breeding grounds for corruption. It's a business, no longer a service. It ties into the prison-industrial complex we have. If cops weren't filling quotas and locking people up for non-violent crimes then they'd be facing budget cuts. Their numbers would dwindle, their hours, everything.....

So maybe there are good cops, guys who don't look to fill quotas. Guys that don't look to bust potheads. Those guys still belong to the union(s) that do want to keep the war on drugs raging and the prison-industrial complex going.

Take Arizona's Maricopa County Sheriffs Dept for example. These cops know damn well who their sheriff is. They know the profiling practices he has in place, they know of his gross misuse of funding, they know of the unconstitutional prison conditions in tent city, yet they still enlist.

In the end those officers chose to uphold those policies, and that I cannot condone.

And while I commend Ray Kelly (NYPD Commish) on his anti-terrorism initiatives he himself stated that the "stop and frisk policy" is intended to "instill fear" in the black and latino communities. A state senator (Eric Adams) testified to having heard Kelly say this in person.

Would you work for an employer that wanted to instill fear in black and latino patrons? I wouldn't.....

You live but one life on this earth, I myself choose to be very careful of what and whom I want to represent and because of that I will not pardon others regardless of what their "intentions" may have been at any point.
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I recently told my cousin (who's got a record and isn't fond of cops at all) that I actually wanted to join the NYPD. He gave me a pound and said,"Just don't change on me, on any of us". I swear to myself that I'll never join that stereotype of corruption, if it gets to the point of me being fired for not going with what my superiors order me to do in order to "protect" them of their positions, then so be it. I won't want a career built up on lies, plain justice. I know I can't change NTers perspectives of cops, but in the real world, when Im one on one with whoever I face in a situation, I'll do my best to stand out to them. I told my cousins,"I don't want to be that cop that no one remembers, I want to be that cop that people will remember as, he treated me with respect, open minded". I know every encounter won't be the easiest, but most people are willing to listen.
I recently told my cousin (who's got a record and isn't fond of cops at all) that I actually wanted to join the NYPD. He gave me a pound and said,"Just don't change on me, on any of us". I swear to myself that I'll never join that stereotype of corruption, if it gets to the point of me being fired for not going with what my superiors order me to do in order to "protect" them of their positions, then so be it. I won't want a career built up on lies, plain justice. I know I can't change NTers perspectives of cops, but in the real world, when Im one on one with whoever I face in a situation, I'll do my best to stand out to them. I told my cousins,"I don't want to be that cop that no one remembers, I want to be that cop that people will remember as, he treated me with respect, open minded". I know every encounter won't be the easiest, but most people are willing to listen.

Good job bud..

Just don't hang around some of those disgruntled old Cops, those are the ones to stay away from, some of them are real a**holes!

But don't X them all out, most of them can teach you and provide a lot of wisdom for the young guns like ourselves.

A lot of which can save your life!
Sneaker Heathen holding it down ITT. I hope cops thank God every day for private prisons because otherwise most of them would be out of jobs.
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I recently told my cousin (who's got a record and isn't fond of cops at all) that I actually wanted to join the NYPD. He gave me a pound and said,"Just don't change on me, on any of us". I swear to myself that I'll never join that stereotype of corruption, if it gets to the point of me being fired for not going with what my superiors order me to do in order to "protect" them of their positions, then so be it. I won't want a career built up on lies, plain justice. I know I can't change NTers perspectives of cops, but in the real world, when Im one on one with whoever I face in a situation, I'll do my best to stand out to them. I told my cousins,"I don't want to be that cop that no one remembers, I want to be that cop that people will remember as, he treated me with respect, open minded". I know every encounter won't be the easiest, but most people are willing to listen.

SN to career outlook correlation is strong.
There's a lot of mass production that prisons contribute to (vehicles, clothing... ect) If every single prisoner/detainee was sentenced to work. There would be a lot of people not having jobs.

Prisoners get paid next to nothing, from a business standpoint, why wouldn't the state cake off them?
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I'll put it like this. Bad cops shouldn't represent all cops just like how bad McDonald's employees shouldn't represent McDonald's as a whole.

Only thing is its a huge difference. With McDonald's the worst your getting is bad service and bad food from the bad employees.

With a bad cop your freedom, livelihood, and life could possibly be taken from you along with getting wrongly assaulted or drugs planted on you.

Are all cops like that? Probably its a small percentage at most but stuff like the rampart scandal, corruption has actually happened along with questionable violence and unwarranted shootings.

Stuff of serious magnitude like that could easily alter people's views on cops as a whole considered their sworn to protect the public.

A race as a whole or an employee at another type of job isn't paid to protect and serve a community and has the power an individual with a badge has.

Someone of that power doing something wrong or bad is way more serious then an employee somewhere else doing something wrong and it sets a terrible precedent.

It doesn't happen but I wish law enforcement would be held to a higher standard. With great power comes great responsibility. Someone of that power should have a small margin of error.

Also I wish rather then the politics that are involved, cops would air the problem cops out and blackball them rather then protect the ones who make them as a whole look bad.

I've had unwarranted bad expirences with cops which were totally unnecessary. I'm not going to hate all cops because of them but I am skeptical around all cops and untrusting of them and alot of people share that sentiment.

A group of people hired to protect and serve should be seen as heroes in their communities by the general law abiding public. This usually isn't the case though.

The conduct of some police and their past track record as a whole is reason for that.
I recently told my cousin (who's got a record and isn't fond of cops at all) that I actually wanted to join the NYPD. He gave me a pound and said,"Just don't change on me, on any of us". I swear to myself that I'll never join that stereotype of corruption, if it gets to the point of me being fired for not going with what my superiors order me to do in order to "protect" them of their positions, then so be it. I won't want a career built up on lies, plain justice. I know I can't change NTers perspectives of cops, but in the real world, when Im one on one with whoever I face in a situation, I'll do my best to stand out to them. I told my cousins,"I don't want to be that cop that no one remembers, I want to be that cop that people will remember as, he treated me with respect, open minded". I know every encounter won't be the easiest, but most people are willing to listen.

Good job bud..

Just don't hang around some of those disgruntled old Cops, those are the ones to stay away from, some of them are real a**holes!

But don't X them all out, most of them can teach you and provide a lot of wisdom for the young guns like ourselves.

A lot of which can save your life!
Definitely keeping this in mind, usually the vibes a person gives off, especially the vets can help determine who's who.

I recently told my cousin (who's got a record and isn't fond of cops at all) that I actually wanted to join the NYPD. He gave me a pound and said,"Just don't change on me, on any of us". I swear to myself that I'll never join that stereotype of corruption, if it gets to the point of me being fired for not going with what my superiors order me to do in order to "protect" them of their positions, then so be it. I won't want a career built up on lies, plain justice. I know I can't change NTers perspectives of cops, but in the real world, when Im one on one with whoever I face in a situation, I'll do my best to stand out to them. I told my cousins,"I don't want to be that cop that no one remembers, I want to be that cop that people will remember as, he treated me with respect, open minded". I know every encounter won't be the easiest, but most people are willing to listen.

SN to career outlook correlation is strong.
There's a lot of mass production that prisons contribute to (vehicles, clothing... ect) If every single prisoner/detainee was sentenced to work. There would be a lot of people not having jobs.

Prisoners get paid next to nothing, from a business standpoint, why wouldn't the state cake off them?
That...makes no sense. In 1972 the prison population was 300,000 and by 2000 it was over 2,000,000. And yet even with that comparatively small prison pop. We didn't have a huge unemployment problem.

I mean support incarceration in the name of profit if you want to but lets not pretend that private prisons don't keep a ton of you guys employed.
Personally, i despise cops but to hate cops you have to understand that they are indoctrinated to racially and economically profile to protect the status quo.

They all are pawns for those three branches of the government. I have family who are cops even lieutenants and they agree that they waste a substantial time on frivolous things. im a new yorker if that matters
Every time I read a cop thread I laugh at the ignorance and the "intelligence" thrown around like some of y'all know how it really is. Mostly it sounds like rap lyrics recycled to sound more sophisticated.

I'm a firefighter in a major city, not some suburban town with like 40 guys on the department. I work with cops everyday. Some are cool, some are not. Most of my fellow firefighters are cool, some not. Some people at your work are stupid, some are not. People tend to forget that everyone in any profession are not top notch employees who do everything the right way. Yes, some cops do join the force just to carry a gun. Some firefighters do it to be a "hero". Some financial advisers who handle your money only do it to get rich, not look out for your best interest.

When you call 911, us or the cops are your best friend. When it's not an emergency with you involved, it's either we are being lazy, we don't respond fast enough, our pensions are weakening the economy, etc. I've heard them all.

Come walk a day in our shoes, cop or firefighter, and then talk to me. The amount of BS we deal with and the amount of times we risk our safety on a daily basis to protect you would have some of your opinions doing a 180 if you experienced how it really is.

It's easy to cast stones in this me-before-everyone else society.
The police need to just understand that they are enforcing the law, they aren't the law. 

Too many officers confuse the two and run to abuse the power they are given. 

And I say too many because I understand that there are some of you that actually care about people and the communities you protect. 

But there are alot more you who, at the end of the day, are gonna pull that card the moment you come across something you dont like or disagree

with, whether its illegal or not.

If Im doing something illegal I understand that there are laws you must enforce so lets go about it respectfully and accordingly. Theres no need for all that extra ****.
Every time I read a cop thread I laugh at the ignorance and the "intelligence" thrown around like some of y'all know how it really is. Mostly it sounds like rap lyrics recycled to sound more sophisticated.

I'm a firefighter in a major city, not some suburban town with like 40 guys on the department. I work with cops everyday. Some are cool, some are not. Most of my fellow firefighters are cool, some not. Some people at your work are stupid, some are not. People tend to forget that everyone in any profession are not top notch employees who do everything the right way. Yes, some cops do join the force just to carry a gun. Some firefighters do it to be a "hero". Some financial advisers who handle your money only do it to get rich, not look out for your best interest.

When you call 911, us or the cops are your best friend. When it's not an emergency with you involved, it's either we are being lazy, we don't respond fast enough, our pensions are weakening the economy, etc. I've heard them all.

Come walk a day in our shoes, cop or firefighter, and then talk to me. The amount of BS we deal with and the amount of times we risk our safety on a daily basis to protect you would have some of your opinions doing a 180 if you experienced how it really is.

It's easy to cast stones in this me-before-everyone else society.

It's also easy to cast stones when you're a member of the preferred class.

Your arrogance and holier than thou tone makes it not even worth it by I will say this.

What makes dudes like you so ignorant is that you're either blind to, or outright in denial when it comes to the systematic nature and the very intent behind law enforcement in this country. It's not a individual good cop bad cop thing, it's much much more complex than that.

But again I would never expect someone like you to understand or even think critically about something like this.
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Every time I read a cop thread I laugh at the ignorance and the "intelligence" thrown around like some of y'all know how it really is. Mostly it sounds like rap lyrics recycled to sound more sophisticated.

I'm a firefighter in a major city, not some suburban town with like 40 guys on the department. I work with cops everyday. Some are cool, some are not. Most of my fellow firefighters are cool, some not. Some people at your work are stupid, some are not. People tend to forget that everyone in any profession are not top notch employees who do everything the right way. Yes, some cops do join the force just to carry a gun. Some firefighters do it to be a "hero". Some financial advisers who handle your money only do it to get rich, not look out for your best interest.

When you call 911, us or the cops are your best friend. When it's not an emergency with you involved, it's either we are being lazy, we don't respond fast enough, our pensions are weakening the economy, etc. I've heard them all.

Come walk a day in our shoes, cop or firefighter, and then talk to me. The amount of BS we deal with and the amount of times we risk our safety on a daily basis to protect you would have some of your opinions doing a 180 if you experienced how it really is.

It's easy to cast stones in this me-before-everyone else society.
 dont got to walk to walk a day in anyone shoes to no not to be a ***. poor cops they deal with criminals etc etc. thats the job dont complain. its not they  job to be a pos.

if they cant handle the job dont take it and make excuses why they got to be scumbags. 

dont become a prostitute then complain that you gotta take d all day. 

ive had my  house  robbed, i been jumped. i  dont call police. i aint the only one. 
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County Sheriffs pulled guns on me and my brother at 10 AM because he puffed some cigarette smoke out the car window. **** the ******g police
I'd pull a gun on my own brother if he ever decided to smoke cancer sticks in the same car as me

County Sheriffs pulled guns on me and my brother at 10 AM because he puffed some cigarette smoke out the car window. **** the ******g police
Cool story.
It's also easy to cast stones when you're a member of the preferred class.

Your arrogance and holier than thou tone makes it not even worth it by I will say this.

What makes dudes like you so ignorant is that you're either blind to, or outright in denial when it comes to the systematic nature and the very intent behind law enforcement in this country. It's not a individual good cop bad cop thing, it's much much more complex than that.

But again I would never expect someone like you to understand or even think critically about something like this.
It's also easy to cast stones when you're a member of the preferred class.

Your arrogance and holier than thou tone makes it not even worth it by I will say this.

What makes dudes like you so ignorant is that you're either blind to, or outright in denial when it comes to the systematic nature and the very intent behind law enforcement in this country. It's not a individual good cop bad cop thing, it's much much more complex than that.

But again I would never expect someone like you to understand or even think critically about something like this.

Someone like me? Arrogance? Preferred class? I didn't know stating I was a firefighter made me arrogant or put myself into a preferred class. Please explain.

If anything, your insult to me stating that I wouldn't even begin to think critically about something of this nature only condescends me, my intelligence and my profession.

I would never become a cop, but I respect the profession and what they do. I do not complain about my job or the dangers it comes with. I'm proud I worked hard to earn my job and I'm proud to wear my badge. Does that make me holier than though or arrogant somehow? I simply stated the truth about the daily grind of my job and the amount of complaints we receive, often times from our "frequent flyers", those who abuse the 911 system (pertaining to fire and EMS calls). Working in an urban metropolis is a completely different ball game than a small town, I know because I work for both. You can call me arrogant and say I have a holier than thou tone all you want, but my statements are true, I live it everyday. You not knowing the truth behind my job and me giving you a no BS glimpse do not make me arrogant. Please...
i know a bunch of cops, most are pretty cool dudes SRS

some are just,.. yea :lol: SMH

people hate on most cops for no reason but honestly they are just doing their jobs most of the time.

again, this doesnt go for everyone single one
Most people who are police officers are not bad as individuals. The institutional aim of American law enforcement is the main problem.

Like every institution, law enforcement agencies always want to grow and to expand the depth and breadth or their missions and to obtain as much money and power as possible. Law enforcement puts its goal of growth ahead of everything else. Human and civil and constitutional rights do not matter. Justice does not matter. the cost to tax payers does not matter. Every agency from the FBI to the NSA and down to the smallest county sheriff wants to expand until we live in a complete and utter police state.

I do not blame individual police officers and other LEO's. I do not even blame the leadership at the various law enforcement agencies. I blame our public officials for failing to check the destructive growth that comes from an ever expanding police state. beyond that, I blame the general public for assuming that cops are heroes and that they should have have a blank check, a green light and carte blanche in order to get the "bad guys."

Our politics of fear have caused millions of Americans to spend decades thinking that brown folks in the ghettos and barrios of America were such an existential threat that no expansion of police power was excessive. Hopefully, the public will start to see that excessive law enforcement is a growing and grave threat to life and limb and liberty and we can begin to check the ruinous results associated with an unfettered dominion of law enforcement over our politics.
I hear you.

But there are a lot of careers in the criminal justice field.

There are a lot of ways to make a difference in ones community.

I mean I would be lying if I said I didn't want an honorable police force in our cities. Who wouldn't? Thing is that when a well intentioned young individual joins a police force the assimilation process begins. If you don't conform, you don't honor that thin blue line, you don't protect your fellow officer then you can lose your badge. These departments are breeding grounds for corruption. It's a business, no longer a service. It ties into the prison-industrial complex we have. If cops weren't filling quotas and locking people up for non-violent crimes then they'd be facing budget cuts. Their numbers would dwindle, their hours, everything.....

So maybe there are good cops, guys who don't look to fill quotas. Guys that don't look to bust potheads. Those guys still belong to the union(s) that do want to keep the war on drugs raging and the prison-industrial complex going.

I couldn't have said it better at All... My EXACT stance on this issue

Take Arizona's Maricopa County Sheriffs Dept for example. These cops know damn well who their sheriff is. They know the profiling practices he has in place, they know of his gross misuse of funding, they know of the unconstitutional prison conditions in tent city, yet they still enlist.

In the end those officers chose to uphold those policies, and that I cannot condone.

And while I commend Ray Kelly (NYPD Commish) on his anti-terrorism initiatives he himself stated that the "stop and frisk policy" is intended to "instill fear" in the black and latino communities. A state senator (Eric Adams) testified to having heard Kelly say this in person.

Would you work for an employer that wanted to instill fear in black and latino patrons? I wouldn't.....

You live but one life on this earth, I myself choose to be very careful of what and whom I want to represent and because of that I will not pardon others regardless of what their "intentions" may have been at any point.
Every time I read a cop thread I laugh at the ignorance and the "intelligence" thrown around like some of y'all know how it really is. Mostly it sounds like rap lyrics recycled to sound more sophisticated.

I'm a firefighter in a major city, not some suburban town with like 40 guys on the department. I work with cops everyday. Some are cool, some are not. Most of my fellow firefighters are cool, some not. Some people at your work are stupid, some are not. People tend to forget that everyone in any profession are not top notch employees who do everything the right way. Yes, some cops do join the force just to carry a gun. Some firefighters do it to be a "hero". Some financial advisers who handle your money only do it to get rich, not look out for your best interest.

When you call 911, us or the cops are your best friend. When it's not an emergency with you involved, it's either we are being lazy, we don't respond fast enough, our pensions are weakening the economy, etc. I've heard them all.

Come walk a day in our shoes, cop or firefighter, and then talk to me. The amount of BS we deal with and the amount of times we risk our safety on a daily basis to protect you would have some of your opinions doing a 180 if you experienced how it really is.

It's easy to cast stones in this me-before-everyone else society.

That's well and all but that danger and risk you talk of is exactly what you signed up for.... and you are doing it because it's your job and makes your livelihood, i don't look down on cops or firefighters but i'm not going to sit here as if their some sort of heros either.

Not to mention that in those high crime rate areas those people are walking in your shoes except they have to deal with that lifestyle everyday and don't have the benefit of a gun, a task force, and the workings of the law behind them.

It's this kind of thought process that annoys me, sort of like the DEA agents who speak so negatively about getting a "bad" guy off the streets and how their helping the neighborhood..... No infact their will be no stoppage of drugs in this area, the crime will actually go up, and your Agency knows very well how they could cripple the drug market but they won't because they are payed to continue to generate arrest and feed the prison complex.
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No one is inherently a hero for being a cop... or a soldier or firefighter.

Some do heroic things however.
No one is inherently a hero for being a cop... or a soldier or firefighter.

Some do heroic things however.
Lol, you'd think this would be common sense right? A homeless man can save a life and become a hero. You don't apply for a job and underline "hero" lol.
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