Anddd it begins... Jordan 2012 Release fights and aftermath

You act like you know who you are talking to.

The whole projection thing that you are doing, suggesting that my jimmies are rustled, really speaks to your own insecurity, not mine. Where you think that it is somehow noble to put your face and business out there like that, those who actually know better, see exactly what you are about.

Don't bother responding to this, because  it shouldn't matter.

You aren't seeking any approval.

Do you hear yourself? invested you are on what I post or don't post?... :lol:

talking about seeking approval, yet you stay posting in a thread you obviously HATE....yeah sure you know what I'm about?...GTHO.
Don't let your Jimmies be Rustled fam....
Ask yourself this question, why would anyone seek approval from people they don't know?...son if I needed approval id look for it in people that directly affect my life, you keep clinging on to that though :wink:

I'm not a doctor but.....

Some might suggest that if you are not getting the approval you seek from the people that "directly affect (your) life", that you would look elsewhere for said approval.....

Just a theory though.
I'm not a doctor but.....
Some might suggest that if you are not getting the approval you seek from the people that "directly affect (your) life", that you would look elsewhere for said approval.....
Just a theory though.

Judging from my personal life I get plenty of approval bruh, if that's in need what I'm desperate for...not a single worry in my life :pimp:
I would seriously pay to watch certain members get in a ring.

Truth is the guy who was determined to play pro basketball and made ~265 threads about it, right? He was just a wee little feller (he could jump though), I wonder if Powerballin is that short too and self-conscious about it so he overcompensates. If NT is his place to feel like a wolf or whatever, so be it.
Truth is the guy who was determined to play pro basketball and made ~265 threads about it, right? He was just a wee little feller (he could jump though), I wonder if Powerballin is that short too and self-conscious about it so he overcompensates. If NT is his place to feel like a wolf or whatever, so be it.
power 'ballin' is truth. 
so ur bro filled you in on 5 plus years of niketalk history?

i guess its possible if he read you threads for bedtime stories..
Lets look at the big bro was a member for years and even had henz0 following his myspace about girls. Had sports following his career. And was a funny dude. Know he moved on and has a kid but ya'll wanna joke. My bro even had ya'll loving his raps. I witnessed it all don't front.
so why you never joined NT before?

and 1600 posts in a month is a little excessive, no?

me personally, I don't show anyone my posts on nt.... Just funny gifs I see sometimes...

btw, I think dc is trolling...


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