Anddd it begins... Jordan 2012 Release fights and aftermath

Lets look at the big bro was a member for years and even had henz0 following his myspace about girls. Had sports following his career. And was a funny dude. Know he moved on and has a kid but ya'll wanna joke. My bro even had ya'll loving his raps. I witnessed it all don't front.
so why you never joined NT before?

and 1600 posts in a month is a little excessive, no?

me personally, I don't show anyone my posts on nt.... Just funny gifs I see sometimes...

btw, I think dc is trolling...
Damn Mary Tyler Moore being so terrible when she got older just adds to the stereotpye that they don't age well
Damn Mary Tyler Moore being so terrible when she got older just adds to the stereotpye that they don't age well
Dude she's like damn near 80 years old. You can't expect here to be a hot fox all her life.. Wonder if she was able to pass on the good looks to any daughters/ grand daughters though... :nerd:
Lets look at the big bro was a member for years and even had henz0 following his myspace about girls. Had sports following his career. And was a funny dude. Know he moved on and has a kid but ya'll wanna joke. My bro even had ya'll loving his raps. I witnessed it all don't front.

This is pathetic. This whole "Truth is my brother" thing is so transparent. Why didn't you say that early on when you got called out instead of, "I don't know Truth, that's not me.

And like people are bringing up...almost 2k posts in less than 2 months? You just joined and seem to know everything about NT past & present?
I stood outside for the cdp in 08 got in line at 2 am was first in line purchased and left it was never this bad i am really comin down off shoes anyway guess im just gettting older
I live in Canada and we used to be able to pre-pay for them at Footlocker about 3-4 weeks earlier and just stroll in and pick up the shoes on release day. Since the Cement IVs came out they stopped doing the pre-pay system and got everybody to line up... It's pretty stupid how Nike would try and duplicate the type of hype they have in the US by making us line up too. It was working very well here and there were no release date issues or fights. I even walked in the day after to pick up my Concord XIs. Every since the line-up process came about I stopped buying shoes. There are way too many other important things in life than shoes.
'I've seen Hoop Dreams deflate like a true fiend's weight'

damn you was the man in juco now you on the internets making up fake relatives...

o 'brother' 

Coach Hubie was my OG handle, until the Nikeophants and Kobe cheerleaders became afraid of my presence here on Nike Talk. I only operate under one handle at a time. I do not see the need to hide on the internet under more than one name at a time. It's a total punk move in my estimation. If someone has an issue with what it is that I say, so what? If I ever go to an event and someone happens to take issue with anything that I've said, thinking that they know who I may be, I have no issue with taking it further, because I also have no issues with knocking someone on their ***. You are already anonymous online, so why the need to go even deeper undercover? Makes no sense. It's kinda like putting up pics of yourself all over the place as well. Drawing attention to my looks, especially coming from a bunch of dudes, I'm not trying to hear that. I am also not trying to get noticed in real time from Nike Talk like that, because I love and respect my privacy. I come here to have a good time, make comments, then keeping it moving. This isn't real life, and I have nobody to impress here, unlike many seem the need to do.

So to close, screw Nike, Kobe Bryant, that overrated ballhog, Air Jordan XI's, racist White people who like looking at Black people going crazy over 
Realest post ever. Some of you on here act as if NT is the end all be all of your social life. 

Coach Hubie was my OG handle, until the Nikeophants and Kobe cheerleaders became afraid of my presence here on Nike Talk. I only operate under one handle at a time. I do not see the need to hide on the internet under more than one name at a time. It's a total punk move in my estimation. If someone has an issue with what it is that I say, so what? If I ever go to an event and someone happens to take issue with anything that I've said, thinking that they know who I may be, I have no issue with taking it further, because I also have no issues with knocking someone on their ***. You are already anonymous online, so why the need to go even deeper undercover? Makes no sense. It's kinda like putting up pics of yourself all over the place as well. Drawing attention to my looks, especially coming from a bunch of dudes, I'm not trying to hear that. I am also not trying to get noticed in real time from Nike Talk like that, because I love and respect my privacy. I come here to have a good time, make comments, then keeping it moving. This isn't real life, and I have nobody to impress here, unlike many seem the need to do.

So to close, screw Nike, Kobe Bryant, that overrated ballhog, Air Jordan XI's, racist White people who like looking at Black people going crazy over Jordan releases, men who run around in Laura Petrie pants, [img][/img]  and then anyone who actually thinks that trannies are real women.


please. i just had to take you off ignore for a moment. son dont come in here with more lies talking bout you never had to have another handle at the same time. you got caught replying to your OWN posts by a mod and your screen name was BANNED for that. splendidvisions ring a bell?

and its funny how you claim you hate nike, kobe, zoom air, and the people who post on niketalk yet you been banned a million and 1 times and still keep coming back with new screen names lol apparently you do need niketalk. racist white people? yet you post pictures of your supposed wife yet in another thread you claim to be banging multiple white yea you not tryna impress. hypocrite

you in your 50's acting like a child on an online message board talking bout how people need attention and approval? werent you the same guy boasting and bragging about how many rep points you had like it meant anything at all in this life? :lol:

nobody afraid of your lying butt son

That is all lol putting you back on ignore. continue to troll
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damn watching this makes me sad for the future of our ethnicity. all those kids should be saving that money for college :smh:
please. i just had to take you off ignore for a moment. son dont come in here with more lies talking bout you never had to have another handle at the same time. you got caught replying to your OWN posts by a mod and your screen name was BANNED for that. splendidvisions ring a bell?
and its funny how you claim you hate nike, kobe, zoom air, and the people who post on niketalk yet you been banned a million and 1 times and still keep coming back with new screen names lol apparently you do need niketalk. racist white people? yet you post pictures of your supposed wife yet in another thread you claim to be banging multiple white yea you not tryna impress. hypocrite
you in your 50's acting like a child on an online message board talking bout how people need attention and approval? werent you the same guy boasting and bragging about how many rep points you had like it meant anything at all in this life?

nobody afraid of your lying butt son
That is all lol putting you back on ignore. continue to troll
Well hot damb
damn watching this makes me sad for the future of our ethnicity. all those kids should be saving that money for college :smh:

this. didnt know j's were still hot like that,

my little cousin works at the airport pushing carts, and weird hours at that, and this kid just wants to buy "swag". groce.

i mean its cool and all if you want to be cool in your clique, and get girls and stuff. but thats just now and just for that selection of people. once youre done with college theyll realize they didnt learn anything useful and still be in that mentality of of "swag". i hate using this word seriously.
I swear it's like you can't take nothing for face value on NT sometimes. Dudes out here creating multiple accounts to further make yourselves anonymous on an already anonymous website created to discuss nike shoes. For why lie?
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