am I a Pedo?

My vote is for yes, yes you are.

Whats up, you can't score chicks your own age?
nope i'm the same way. i think everyone is, some just don't want to admit it. if a dime is 15 but looks older any straight male would instantly beattracted to her, i wouldn't consider that being a pedo though. if the chick is 9 then i would call it pedo. this concept of age and pedophilia was createdby man and is only wrong because people say it is. in the wild it is normal.
Im 20 but i would bang a well developed 17 year old, maybe even 16, damn maybe lower depending on how they look.

Originally Posted by tyeung53

Originally Posted by EightysBaby

If your 20 you should be smashing nothing younger than 18.
i say you got a 2 year gap 18-22 to smash. when u hit 26 then its a 4 year gap. anything after 30 is a 8 year gap
this makes plenty of sense.. im 21 n cant see myself smashin anythin under 18..
When I was 19 last year, 17 was my limit.

Im 20 now so it moved up to 18.

Simple math.
my girl is 17 1/2 and im 18

technically im still a pedo

and did anyone else read this as "am i a fart?"

No lie, i got with a (barely)14 year old yesterday. I put that an everything. I dont think im a pedo, im turning 17 in a few months

I met her on myspace if it matters
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