9 years ago on September 11th, give a summary of your day?

10th grade english a teacher storms in saying a attack on WTC just happend. we switched focus to teacher computer and CNN had a full screen and a pic of a street view of the area. everything was in bold type font.

thankfully ESPN had the MJ comeback on and various career highlights on all night. just couldnt watch the scene over and over like that.
10th grade english a teacher storms in saying a attack on WTC just happend. we switched focus to teacher computer and CNN had a full screen and a pic of a street view of the area. everything was in bold type font.

thankfully ESPN had the MJ comeback on and various career highlights on all night. just couldnt watch the scene over and over like that.
I was in 8th grade. I was in my spanish class when one of the other teachers came in & whispered something to my spanish teacher. My spanish teacher started to get real emotional & I was wondering what's going on. Then I looked outside the window & I saw the whole school heading to the library. Our class left to go to the library as well. I was talking with my friends to try & figure what was going on.

One of my friends then told me that a plane had crashed into one of the twin towers. I got really scared when he told me that cause my dad works in lower Manhattan. I immediately called my mom to see how she was doing & to see if she got in touch with him. She had not so I was getting a bit nervous. But while I was on the phone with her, my dad called her so she said he would call me back. 10 mins later I get a call from my mom. She's going crazy so I'm just trying to keep her calm. She then tells me that while she was on the phone with him, he saw the second plane hit the tower. She says that he's ok & stuck in traffic on the Westside highway.

I feel a little bit better with that news. She tells me she's gonna pick me up early from school. I get home & I'm just waiting for my dad to arrive. I eventually hear the garage open & I'm overcome with relief. When my dad arrived home, I gave him a big hug. I had never been so happy & relieved to see him.

One of the craziest days of my life.
I was in 8th grade. I was in my spanish class when one of the other teachers came in & whispered something to my spanish teacher. My spanish teacher started to get real emotional & I was wondering what's going on. Then I looked outside the window & I saw the whole school heading to the library. Our class left to go to the library as well. I was talking with my friends to try & figure what was going on.

One of my friends then told me that a plane had crashed into one of the twin towers. I got really scared when he told me that cause my dad works in lower Manhattan. I immediately called my mom to see how she was doing & to see if she got in touch with him. She had not so I was getting a bit nervous. But while I was on the phone with her, my dad called her so she said he would call me back. 10 mins later I get a call from my mom. She's going crazy so I'm just trying to keep her calm. She then tells me that while she was on the phone with him, he saw the second plane hit the tower. She says that he's ok & stuck in traffic on the Westside highway.

I feel a little bit better with that news. She tells me she's gonna pick me up early from school. I get home & I'm just waiting for my dad to arrive. I eventually hear the garage open & I'm overcome with relief. When my dad arrived home, I gave him a big hug. I had never been so happy & relieved to see him.

One of the craziest days of my life.
I was in the seventh grade by the time i woke up the first builing was on fire. After i went and took a shower to get ready for school the first building already came down. Yeah that was very sad day man.
I was in the seventh grade by the time i woke up the first builing was on fire. After i went and took a shower to get ready for school the first building already came down. Yeah that was very sad day man.
Man I remember this day like it was yesterday !!!

I remember waking up to ge ready for school and I normally woke up super earlier an work just listen to the radio ... Well I remember hearing it on the radio that a plane hitthw top of one of the towers and I'm thinking the long pole on one of the towers and I'm like damn that sucks didn't think too much into it ... I remember I was in 10th gread school just start like no more then a week in and I was goin to 1at period Spanish class teacher was always full of life loud and spontaneous but she was lost for words just calmly told everything the sitution and basically watch the news the whole class period I was pretty shocked and like *!# aww hell naw ... I got family out in NY and I know
one of my aunts work right there in the city I believe for the port atthoity so that's all I could think of was her hoping she was ok ...
Then wat also hit me was I was in NY that whole summer and I remember taking counter trips to the city walking in and out of the tower I was probably in the tower the last week of aug. Then came ack home once this happen I just felt my like damn and
:angerface ( on phone excuse all sp and grammer)
but then I finally got home found out aunt was ok and I was a lil relieved, but I think watch the news over and over having them show the plane hit over an over kinda got me shell shock

RIP to all lives lost that day
Man I remember this day like it was yesterday !!!

I remember waking up to ge ready for school and I normally woke up super earlier an work just listen to the radio ... Well I remember hearing it on the radio that a plane hitthw top of one of the towers and I'm thinking the long pole on one of the towers and I'm like damn that sucks didn't think too much into it ... I remember I was in 10th gread school just start like no more then a week in and I was goin to 1at period Spanish class teacher was always full of life loud and spontaneous but she was lost for words just calmly told everything the sitution and basically watch the news the whole class period I was pretty shocked and like *!# aww hell naw ... I got family out in NY and I know
one of my aunts work right there in the city I believe for the port atthoity so that's all I could think of was her hoping she was ok ...
Then wat also hit me was I was in NY that whole summer and I remember taking counter trips to the city walking in and out of the tower I was probably in the tower the last week of aug. Then came ack home once this happen I just felt my like damn and
:angerface ( on phone excuse all sp and grammer)
but then I finally got home found out aunt was ok and I was a lil relieved, but I think watch the news over and over having them show the plane hit over an over kinda got me shell shock

RIP to all lives lost that day
Man I remember this day like it was yesterday !!!

I remember waking up to ge ready for school and I normally woke up super earlier an work just listen to the radio ... Well I remember hearing it on the radio that a plane hitthw top of one of the towers and I'm thinking the long pole on one of the towers and I'm like damn that sucks didn't think too much into it ... I remember I was in 10th gread school just start like no more then a week in and I was goin to 1at period Spanish class teacher was always full of life loud and spontaneous but she was lost for words just calmly told everything the sitution and basically watch the news the whole class period I was pretty shocked and like @%% aww hell naw ... I got family out in NY and I know
one of my aunts work right there in the city I believe for the port atthoity so that's all I could think of was her hoping she was ok ...
Then wat also hit me was I was in NY that whole summer and I remember taking counter trips to the city walking in and out of the tower I was probably in the tower the last week of aug. Then came ack home once this happen I just felt my like damn and
:angerface ( on phone excuse all sp and grammer)
but then I finally got home found out aunt was ok and I was a lil relieved, but I think watch the news over and over having them show the plane hit over an over kinda got me shell shock

RIP to all lives lost that day
Man I remember this day like it was yesterday !!!

I remember waking up to ge ready for school and I normally woke up super earlier an work just listen to the radio ... Well I remember hearing it on the radio that a plane hitthw top of one of the towers and I'm thinking the long pole on one of the towers and I'm like damn that sucks didn't think too much into it ... I remember I was in 10th gread school just start like no more then a week in and I was goin to 1at period Spanish class teacher was always full of life loud and spontaneous but she was lost for words just calmly told everything the sitution and basically watch the news the whole class period I was pretty shocked and like @%% aww hell naw ... I got family out in NY and I know
one of my aunts work right there in the city I believe for the port atthoity so that's all I could think of was her hoping she was ok ...
Then wat also hit me was I was in NY that whole summer and I remember taking counter trips to the city walking in and out of the tower I was probably in the tower the last week of aug. Then came ack home once this happen I just felt my like damn and
:angerface ( on phone excuse all sp and grammer)
but then I finally got home found out aunt was ok and I was a lil relieved, but I think watch the news over and over having them show the plane hit over an over kinda got me shell shock

RIP to all lives lost that day
I was 14 my mom woke me up for school and told me a plane flew into the world trade. Im thinking what the heck a drunk pilot or something?? As Im watching tv I
see the other plane crash. The rest of the day during some classes we watch the news, the same when I got home.
I was 14 my mom woke me up for school and told me a plane flew into the world trade. Im thinking what the heck a drunk pilot or something?? As Im watching tv I
see the other plane crash. The rest of the day during some classes we watch the news, the same when I got home.
I was a senior in HS sitting in AP English class when the news broke. The class phone rang, and it was principal telling my teacher that a major attack has occurred in NY, and that there is a possibility that an attack could occur in SF as well, as one of the planes was destined for SF. People in the class were really shaken up, some people were crying as they had family in NY and did not know if they were ok or even alive. School was cancelled for the rest of the day, and I remember seeing countless idiots jumping for joy and cheering as school was let out, without fully taking in or even caring for what had just transpired. The following days and weeks at school were tough for a friend of mine, as she is Pakistani and had to hear the constant jokes and taunts from people saying "why did you family attack NY" or "Are your people going to attack our school next" and similar things such as that. What's really wild is that I along with 10 of my friends/classmates were suppose to go on a college tour of east coast schools,and our first stop was going to be NY. Had the attack taken place September 16th rather than September 11th, I would not be here today, as the hotel we were going to be staying in was destroyed during the attack.
I was a senior in HS sitting in AP English class when the news broke. The class phone rang, and it was principal telling my teacher that a major attack has occurred in NY, and that there is a possibility that an attack could occur in SF as well, as one of the planes was destined for SF. People in the class were really shaken up, some people were crying as they had family in NY and did not know if they were ok or even alive. School was cancelled for the rest of the day, and I remember seeing countless idiots jumping for joy and cheering as school was let out, without fully taking in or even caring for what had just transpired. The following days and weeks at school were tough for a friend of mine, as she is Pakistani and had to hear the constant jokes and taunts from people saying "why did you family attack NY" or "Are your people going to attack our school next" and similar things such as that. What's really wild is that I along with 10 of my friends/classmates were suppose to go on a college tour of east coast schools,and our first stop was going to be NY. Had the attack taken place September 16th rather than September 11th, I would not be here today, as the hotel we were going to be staying in was destroyed during the attack.
i was in 9th grade, Lincoln High School in Philadelphia

everyone was sent from their classes to their homerooms, where the news was on but no one knew what was going on because the TVs were so fuzzy. we were told if our lunch period was the the next period then we could either go to lunch or go home, if it was a later period he had to stay until then (because by law, they had to provide lunch).

at this point, i still didn't know what was going on but i has happy to get outta school early. so once i left school i went straight to the mall and bought Jay-Z's Blueprint album
took the SEPTA bus back home and listened to the cd for a few hrs until my mom came home and yelled at me because i wasn't watching the news & didn't know what happened.

needless to say once i finally saw the news i was in shock and couldn't believe what i missed all day
i was in 9th grade, Lincoln High School in Philadelphia

everyone was sent from their classes to their homerooms, where the news was on but no one knew what was going on because the TVs were so fuzzy. we were told if our lunch period was the the next period then we could either go to lunch or go home, if it was a later period he had to stay until then (because by law, they had to provide lunch).

at this point, i still didn't know what was going on but i has happy to get outta school early. so once i left school i went straight to the mall and bought Jay-Z's Blueprint album
took the SEPTA bus back home and listened to the cd for a few hrs until my mom came home and yelled at me because i wasn't watching the news & didn't know what happened.

needless to say once i finally saw the news i was in shock and couldn't believe what i missed all day
I was in 3rd grade. A guy came in and whispered something to my teacher. I see her getting tears and starting to cry but she tries to cover it up and gives us free time. Then one by one, parents came and picked up their kids etc. Wasn't till after i got home that they told me WTC got hit.

My mom's friend's son was in the 2nd tower. She called her son when the first tower got hit telling him to get himself back home asap and was like, "Nah it was just an accident that happened." Then a few minutes later
I was in 3rd grade. A guy came in and whispered something to my teacher. I see her getting tears and starting to cry but she tries to cover it up and gives us free time. Then one by one, parents came and picked up their kids etc. Wasn't till after i got home that they told me WTC got hit.

My mom's friend's son was in the 2nd tower. She called her son when the first tower got hit telling him to get himself back home asap and was like, "Nah it was just an accident that happened." Then a few minutes later
I live 5 blocks away from the towers, I went to school about a mile away from the towers...

Let's just say it was the craziest day of my life

I got off the train to school and saw a hole in one of the towers and was like
...Went to school told my teacher, stopped class, assembly yada yada. Went to my friend's house where my parents picked me up, couldn't get into my crib for two weeks.  My neighborhood had the most rancid air and smell for so long.
I live 5 blocks away from the towers, I went to school about a mile away from the towers...

Let's just say it was the craziest day of my life

I got off the train to school and saw a hole in one of the towers and was like
...Went to school told my teacher, stopped class, assembly yada yada. Went to my friend's house where my parents picked me up, couldn't get into my crib for two weeks.  My neighborhood had the most rancid air and smell for so long.
I was in fifth grade. I remember my teacher told the class what had happened, but I don't think any of us really understood. I had never even heard of the World Trade Center. She had the TV on and we all watched. I remember coming home from school and my parents were home early from work and we just sat and watched CNN for a couple of hours.

I wish I could remember more of the day.
I was in fifth grade. I remember my teacher told the class what had happened, but I don't think any of us really understood. I had never even heard of the World Trade Center. She had the TV on and we all watched. I remember coming home from school and my parents were home early from work and we just sat and watched CNN for a couple of hours.

I wish I could remember more of the day.
Damn 9 years already

I was headed to work that day, and turn the TV on to check the weather and that's when i saw it... NYC was gridlock that day.
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