9 years ago on September 11th, give a summary of your day?

Damn 9 years already

I was headed to work that day, and turn the TV on to check the weather and that's when i saw it... NYC was gridlock that day.
I was sound asleep and my GF (now wifey) called me and was all "Turn on the TV, some plane just hit the World Trade Center!!" I looked at my clock, and said "I still have an hour before i gotta get up. I'll call you later" then I rolled over and went back to sleep.
I woke up and thought I dreamed about that call, so I turned on the TV and saw what happened.
I was sound asleep and my GF (now wifey) called me and was all "Turn on the TV, some plane just hit the World Trade Center!!" I looked at my clock, and said "I still have an hour before i gotta get up. I'll call you later" then I rolled over and went back to sleep.
I woke up and thought I dreamed about that call, so I turned on the TV and saw what happened.
I was in 9th grade at St. John's Prep in Astoria, Queens....Teacher put on a TV and everyone was going crazy...They only let you leave if a parent or relative came to check you out...My dad worked in the city and was stuck there all day so I was one of the few people left in all of my classes...Walked home with a friend after school and we just watched the news for like 2 hours straight in silence....we couldn't believe what happened

RIP to everyone lost
I was in 9th grade at St. John's Prep in Astoria, Queens....Teacher put on a TV and everyone was going crazy...They only let you leave if a parent or relative came to check you out...My dad worked in the city and was stuck there all day so I was one of the few people left in all of my classes...Walked home with a friend after school and we just watched the news for like 2 hours straight in silence....we couldn't believe what happened

RIP to everyone lost
I was in 5th grade, and I remember we had a view of the Towers from our classroom window. One of my friends, at one point, screamed to my teacher that there was smoke and fire in the air. We all rushed to the window to see the horrific scene, and from there every student was sent to the auditorium/cafeteria. Not too long after, I was picked up by my dad and we went home. Being that I was only in 5th grade, I remember only really worrying about my mom because she works in the city (a few blocks away from Macy's in Herald Square), and how she would be getting home that night, if she would be. She actually walked the Brooklyn Bridge with a friend of hers and was then picked up by her friends husband and then dropped off to my house. One of the biggest hugs I ever gave her was on that day.
I was in 5th grade, and I remember we had a view of the Towers from our classroom window. One of my friends, at one point, screamed to my teacher that there was smoke and fire in the air. We all rushed to the window to see the horrific scene, and from there every student was sent to the auditorium/cafeteria. Not too long after, I was picked up by my dad and we went home. Being that I was only in 5th grade, I remember only really worrying about my mom because she works in the city (a few blocks away from Macy's in Herald Square), and how she would be getting home that night, if she would be. She actually walked the Brooklyn Bridge with a friend of hers and was then picked up by her friends husband and then dropped off to my house. One of the biggest hugs I ever gave her was on that day.
I was a freshman in HS. Heard about it second hour. My sister was a senior and gave me and my friends a ride home from school... one of them had the window down screamin out the window "The world is gonna end!" Laughin his butt off.

I was still ready to go cop the Blueprint and begged my sister to bring me to the store to pick it up.
Picked up Fab's first album too.
I was a freshman in HS. Heard about it second hour. My sister was a senior and gave me and my friends a ride home from school... one of them had the window down screamin out the window "The world is gonna end!" Laughin his butt off.

I was still ready to go cop the Blueprint and begged my sister to bring me to the store to pick it up.
Picked up Fab's first album too.
september 11th was one of the most horrific days of my whole life.

i live on staten island new york and went to school on staten island

i was in 5th grade just chillin in the auditorium with my friends when this kid who had a radio is telling everyone that the world trade center was bombed....being a stupid 5th grader i heard "that the world TRAIN center was bombed" i told him he is crazy and went back to talking to my friends

an announcment came on the loud speaker and they said that the twin towers were hit by a plane. it was then when it all clicked in my head and i started bugging out because my mom works in the financial district. when i would go to work with her we would always cut through the world trade center bridge to get to her job in the world finanical center.

i was bugging because i didnt know what was going on....i didnt know if my mom was ok....i didnt know if my best friends parents were ok.....i didnt know anything.....the kid who brought his radio to school was our only way of knowing anything, because our school had no computers, no tvs, no anything. we literally had 3 classes of kids huddled around his rinky dink radio listening to news, then we heard that the second building was hit, then towers falling....i was crying i was hysterical because i couldnt reach my parents. other kids parents just started walking in to school straight to the classrooms and taking there kids home, not signing anyone out no anything....it seemed like everything was in disorder. then finally my dad came to pick me up and i asked how was mom. he said he didnt know he cant reach her. driving hom to my house all you see is police firetrucks ambulance heading for the city. it was like a movie it was craziness everywhere....nobody stopped for read lights people running smoke in the air sirens going crazy cell phones dont work. i finally heard from my mom. she was at work when everything hit and got her stuff and ran out with my best friends mom. no trains no buses they just ran for blocks to the brooklyn bridge to get out of the city....she told me how she saw people stuck in traffic and she saw the buildings coming down and she saw people just get out of there cars and run just leaving cars behind. my family was safe but the hours i was waiting to hear from my mom and just watching newyork1 were horrible nerve racking scary.

on staten isalnd it is eaither your dads a cop or a firefighter....not mine...but all my friends.....my closet friend lost his dad....and after that he lost himself, he was never really able to recover from losing his dad, he got into drugs heavy and od'd in 9th grade....my other best friend only had a dad who he lost....his dad was a cop.... he had no other family and after his dad died he had to be placed in foster care and also got lost from that experience....we stayed close the three of us until about 8th grade.....when my friend od'd in 9th he commited suicide 3 weeks later.

i lost 2 of my best childhood friends to the events of 9/11. it is a day i will never forget in my life....i will be in the city tomorrow lighting candles

anyone not from new york will never understand....you looked outside and for years all you saw was american flags...cars homes businesses....we all united from the tragic events that happened and it is true.....we will never forget

R.I.P Sean and Matt....i will miss you guys forever, i cant play ball without thinking of you guys

sorry for the long post....have to get it out sometimes
september 11th was one of the most horrific days of my whole life.

i live on staten island new york and went to school on staten island

i was in 5th grade just chillin in the auditorium with my friends when this kid who had a radio is telling everyone that the world trade center was bombed....being a stupid 5th grader i heard "that the world TRAIN center was bombed" i told him he is crazy and went back to talking to my friends

an announcment came on the loud speaker and they said that the twin towers were hit by a plane. it was then when it all clicked in my head and i started bugging out because my mom works in the financial district. when i would go to work with her we would always cut through the world trade center bridge to get to her job in the world finanical center.

i was bugging because i didnt know what was going on....i didnt know if my mom was ok....i didnt know if my best friends parents were ok.....i didnt know anything.....the kid who brought his radio to school was our only way of knowing anything, because our school had no computers, no tvs, no anything. we literally had 3 classes of kids huddled around his rinky dink radio listening to news, then we heard that the second building was hit, then towers falling....i was crying i was hysterical because i couldnt reach my parents. other kids parents just started walking in to school straight to the classrooms and taking there kids home, not signing anyone out no anything....it seemed like everything was in disorder. then finally my dad came to pick me up and i asked how was mom. he said he didnt know he cant reach her. driving hom to my house all you see is police firetrucks ambulance heading for the city. it was like a movie it was craziness everywhere....nobody stopped for read lights people running smoke in the air sirens going crazy cell phones dont work. i finally heard from my mom. she was at work when everything hit and got her stuff and ran out with my best friends mom. no trains no buses they just ran for blocks to the brooklyn bridge to get out of the city....she told me how she saw people stuck in traffic and she saw the buildings coming down and she saw people just get out of there cars and run just leaving cars behind. my family was safe but the hours i was waiting to hear from my mom and just watching newyork1 were horrible nerve racking scary.

on staten isalnd it is eaither your dads a cop or a firefighter....not mine...but all my friends.....my closet friend lost his dad....and after that he lost himself, he was never really able to recover from losing his dad, he got into drugs heavy and od'd in 9th grade....my other best friend only had a dad who he lost....his dad was a cop.... he had no other family and after his dad died he had to be placed in foster care and also got lost from that experience....we stayed close the three of us until about 8th grade.....when my friend od'd in 9th he commited suicide 3 weeks later.

i lost 2 of my best childhood friends to the events of 9/11. it is a day i will never forget in my life....i will be in the city tomorrow lighting candles

anyone not from new york will never understand....you looked outside and for years all you saw was american flags...cars homes businesses....we all united from the tragic events that happened and it is true.....we will never forget

R.I.P Sean and Matt....i will miss you guys forever, i cant play ball without thinking of you guys

sorry for the long post....have to get it out sometimes
september 11th was one of the most horrific days of my whole life.

i live on staten island new york and went to school on staten island

i was in 5th grade just chillin in the auditorium with my friends when this kid who had a radio is telling everyone that the world trade center was bombed....being a stupid 5th grader i heard "that the world TRAIN center was bombed" i told him he is crazy and went back to talking to my friends

an announcment came on the loud speaker and they said that the twin towers were hit by a plane. it was then when it all clicked in my head and i started bugging out because my mom works in the financial district. when i would go to work with her we would always cut through the world trade center bridge to get to her job in the world finanical center.

i was bugging because i didnt know what was going on....i didnt know if my mom was ok....i didnt know if my best friends parents were ok.....i didnt know anything.....the kid who brought his radio to school was our only way of knowing anything, because our school had no computers, no tvs, no anything. we literally had 3 classes of kids huddled around his rinky dink radio listening to news, then we heard that the second building was hit, then towers falling....i was crying i was hysterical because i couldnt reach my parents. other kids parents just started walking in to school straight to the classrooms and taking there kids home, not signing anyone out no anything....it seemed like everything was in disorder. then finally my dad came to pick me up and i asked how was mom. he said he didnt know he cant reach her. driving hom to my house all you see is police firetrucks ambulance heading for the city. it was like a movie it was craziness everywhere....nobody stopped for read lights people running smoke in the air sirens going crazy cell phones dont work. i finally heard from my mom. she was at work when everything hit and got her stuff and ran out with my best friends mom. no trains no buses they just ran for blocks to the brooklyn bridge to get out of the city....she told me how she saw people stuck in traffic and she saw the buildings coming down and she saw people just get out of there cars and run just leaving cars behind. my family was safe but the hours i was waiting to hear from my mom and just watching newyork1 were horrible nerve racking scary.

on staten isalnd it is eaither your dads a cop or a firefighter....not mine...but all my friends.....my closet friend lost his dad....and after that he lost himself, he was never really able to recover from losing his dad, he got into drugs heavy and od'd in 9th grade....my other best friend only had a dad who he lost....his dad was a cop.... he had no other family and after his dad died he had to be placed in foster care and also got lost from that experience....we stayed close the three of us until about 8th grade.....when my friend od'd in 9th he commited suicide 3 weeks later.

i lost 2 of my best childhood friends to the events of 9/11. it is a day i will never forget in my life....i will be in the city tomorrow lighting candles

anyone not from new york will never understand....you looked outside and for years all you saw was american flags...cars homes businesses....we all united from the tragic events that happened and it is true.....we will never forget

R.I.P Sean and Matt....i will miss you guys forever, i cant play ball without thinking of you guys

sorry for the long post....have to get it out sometimes
september 11th was one of the most horrific days of my whole life.

i live on staten island new york and went to school on staten island

i was in 5th grade just chillin in the auditorium with my friends when this kid who had a radio is telling everyone that the world trade center was bombed....being a stupid 5th grader i heard "that the world TRAIN center was bombed" i told him he is crazy and went back to talking to my friends

an announcment came on the loud speaker and they said that the twin towers were hit by a plane. it was then when it all clicked in my head and i started bugging out because my mom works in the financial district. when i would go to work with her we would always cut through the world trade center bridge to get to her job in the world finanical center.

i was bugging because i didnt know what was going on....i didnt know if my mom was ok....i didnt know if my best friends parents were ok.....i didnt know anything.....the kid who brought his radio to school was our only way of knowing anything, because our school had no computers, no tvs, no anything. we literally had 3 classes of kids huddled around his rinky dink radio listening to news, then we heard that the second building was hit, then towers falling....i was crying i was hysterical because i couldnt reach my parents. other kids parents just started walking in to school straight to the classrooms and taking there kids home, not signing anyone out no anything....it seemed like everything was in disorder. then finally my dad came to pick me up and i asked how was mom. he said he didnt know he cant reach her. driving hom to my house all you see is police firetrucks ambulance heading for the city. it was like a movie it was craziness everywhere....nobody stopped for read lights people running smoke in the air sirens going crazy cell phones dont work. i finally heard from my mom. she was at work when everything hit and got her stuff and ran out with my best friends mom. no trains no buses they just ran for blocks to the brooklyn bridge to get out of the city....she told me how she saw people stuck in traffic and she saw the buildings coming down and she saw people just get out of there cars and run just leaving cars behind. my family was safe but the hours i was waiting to hear from my mom and just watching newyork1 were horrible nerve racking scary.

on staten isalnd it is eaither your dads a cop or a firefighter....not mine...but all my friends.....my closet friend lost his dad....and after that he lost himself, he was never really able to recover from losing his dad, he got into drugs heavy and od'd in 9th grade....my other best friend only had a dad who he lost....his dad was a cop.... he had no other family and after his dad died he had to be placed in foster care and also got lost from that experience....we stayed close the three of us until about 8th grade.....when my friend od'd in 9th he commited suicide 3 weeks later.

i lost 2 of my best childhood friends to the events of 9/11. it is a day i will never forget in my life....i will be in the city tomorrow lighting candles

anyone not from new york will never understand....you looked outside and for years all you saw was american flags...cars homes businesses....we all united from the tragic events that happened and it is true.....we will never forget

R.I.P Sean and Matt....i will miss you guys forever, i cant play ball without thinking of you guys

sorry for the long post....have to get it out sometimes
I was suppose to graduate from military C-school at NAS Oceana. I went to class, there was a report of smoke coming from the pentagon so we got out of class very early. Went to the barracks and proceeded to watch Fox News and CNN for 24 hours straight. I was just 6 months out of boot camp so I'm thinking I'm going to some place to fight a war the next day. Never got sent over though. From that day on I think the military changed a great deal.
I was suppose to graduate from military C-school at NAS Oceana. I went to class, there was a report of smoke coming from the pentagon so we got out of class very early. Went to the barracks and proceeded to watch Fox News and CNN for 24 hours straight. I was just 6 months out of boot camp so I'm thinking I'm going to some place to fight a war the next day. Never got sent over though. From that day on I think the military changed a great deal.
I was suppose to graduate from military C-school at NAS Oceana. I went to class, there was a report of smoke coming from the pentagon so we got out of class very early. Went to the barracks and proceeded to watch Fox News and CNN for 24 hours straight. I was just 6 months out of boot camp so I'm thinking I'm going to some place to fight a war the next day. Never got sent over though. From that day on I think the military changed a great deal.

I just messed that all up.
Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Does anyone remember the Times issue that focused on the 9/11 attacks? That pic of the guy on one of the towers with the plane behind him had me going nuts

Anyone know where I can find this photo?

Originally Posted by ohdannyboy

Does anyone remember the Times issue that focused on the 9/11 attacks? That pic of the guy on one of the towers with the plane behind him had me going nuts

Anyone know where I can find this photo?

I was suppose to graduate from military C-school at NAS Oceana. I went to class, there was a report of smoke coming from the pentagon so we got out of class very early. Went to the barracks and proceeded to watch Fox News and CNN for 24 hours straight. I was just 6 months out of boot camp so I'm thinking I'm going to some place to fight a war the next day. Never got sent over though. From that day on I think the military changed a great deal.

I just messed that all up.
watched the first tower get hit from the window of my social studies classroom. skipped classes the rest of the day to run home and see if there was any word from my sister who was working down the block from there at the time. The whole walk home I could watch the towers burning from the distance. Watched the news all day, waiting for a phone call form my sister that did not come until about 830pm. Since there was basically no cell phone reception after it happened, and she had to walk all the way home from the city.
watched the first tower get hit from the window of my social studies classroom. skipped classes the rest of the day to run home and see if there was any word from my sister who was working down the block from there at the time. The whole walk home I could watch the towers burning from the distance. Watched the news all day, waiting for a phone call form my sister that did not come until about 830pm. Since there was basically no cell phone reception after it happened, and she had to walk all the way home from the city.
i was in grade 7. some girl came on the yellow bus in the morning saying, "OMG, DID YOU GUYS HEAR ABOUT THE PLANE CRASH?!?!?"

didnt know what the hell she was talking about until i arrived at school that day. we just sat in first block english listening to the radio and watching the tv. it was crazy cause i was still fairly young but still kinda shaken up
i was in grade 7. some girl came on the yellow bus in the morning saying, "OMG, DID YOU GUYS HEAR ABOUT THE PLANE CRASH?!?!?"

didnt know what the hell she was talking about until i arrived at school that day. we just sat in first block english listening to the radio and watching the tv. it was crazy cause i was still fairly young but still kinda shaken up
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